Chapter 161 153. Hit another one

The crescent scythe cuts through the void, dim green light illuminates death, and the Necron fleet moves on their home turf.

The data was densely tapping on Perturabo's blood vessels and nerves. The Iron Warriors' fleet spread out and changed like a swarm of insects. Every flicker of light points was an attack. Countless light points lit up the deep sky.

According to previous data, Perturabo left enough margin for this attack, pouring a huge amount of ammunition from the Iron Warriors main fleet. The artillery fire and lasers would be successfully ignited within the tolerable and predictable losses. These dark and sluggish undead spirits.

The Necrons' naval battle is a violent solution based on a large amount of calculations and extremely high technological strength.

And the Perturabo they faced was also the king in charge of calculations and data.

Even though the weapons equipped on the Iron Warriors' ordinary ships are far less advanced than those of the Necron, the advantage is the sheer number of Iron Warriors ships.

For every ten additional cruisers, Perturabo could complicate the ship formation by an order of magnitude.

Without the mud and variables on the surface of ordinary planets, a naval battle in the open universe will be a pure calculation contest.

Massive amounts of data poured into Perturabo's mind. In a rare effort to go all out, Perturabo briefly put down the command on the ground of 106 and other senses, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to this war.

There was no flesh and blood splattering, no roaring, only the flash of light and steel could leave faint traces in the indifferent universe.

There is only reason and data, only coldness and hardness.

Thousands of years of accumulation have caused these two races to fight here. The blood and tears of hundreds of millions of people are only enough to pay for a small explosion.

There is only war in the universe.

The corners of Perturabo's mouth curled up inadvertently. The fact of fighting with the violent data and the cold images projected back by the sensors made his brain heat up.

But he would soon realize something was wrong.


Nass raised his head and looked at the sky above the fleet it led. The alien main ship group was changing in a dazzling formation, and every gap was submerged by light spears.

Nass was convinced that if it was still the Necrontyr, it might have been stabbed by the opponent's huge amount of light at this moment, or it might have screamed and melted in front of the huge amount of radiation.

But it isn't anymore, it has no body anymore.

The huge amount of radiation only makes its metal body feel a little warm.

Perhaps it should be afraid, because the outermost defensive Jackal-class assault ship of the ship group it leads is peeling off layer by layer like the Necrontyr's once festered skin.

But it doesn't matter.

Nass can be resurrected. Even if the fleet it leads is completely defeated, they will open their eyes again in the shallow tomb of Winmars. And there are many ships like this, so just open them again.

Nas's goal was to find information about the Star God fragment, but other than that, the king didn't care.

It doesn't care either.

The target ships on the opposite side are trying to escape. They need speed, even more extreme speed. Nass hopes to shorten the naval battle as much as possible. As a consul, the fact that he is far away from the king he protects makes it uneasy.

In order to ensure speed, only the necessary Jackal-class raiders left the fleet at Nass's signal to attract firepower. The remaining main fleet was still clinging to the Fourth Knight.



Mortarion looked at the bird servant in silence. Above it, a group of light green friendly ships were spread out in a mess, entangled and compressed in a dizzying manner.

But no matter how much Perturabo manipulated his ships, the red enemy army still tore a hole straight, and their target——

It was the Fourth Knight where Mortarion was.

Mortarion looked at the enemy ship in silence. On it, some red fragments fell off from time to time and turned gray. Mortarion knew that those were raiding ships that were sacrificed to ensure the speed of the main fleet.


Mortarion seemed to be back on the battlefield of Garaspar, exactly like that moment.

But the Death Guard's position has long since changed.

The only thing that puzzled Mortarion was the purpose of these aliens.

Why did they pursue the fleet he led, even after they stopped supporting the ground.

Maybe this is the alien, they can't think about each other from a human perspective.

Mortarion lowered his eyes absently.

The sound of electricity kept ringing in the communication channel with Perturabo, but Perturabo never said a word.

On the Avian side, the Iron Warriors were going crazy trying to slow down the Necron ships.

No matter what, the opponent's target this time was the Death Guard ship led by Mortarion, and it seemed that Perturabo's plan failed.

It's worth celebrating that the ship Mortarion is currently on is the Fourth Knight.

The engine and overall structure of this ship were changed to adapt to the battle of Galaspa.

Mortarion began to give orders, the engines were warmed up, all shields were activated, and the formation was concentrated.

He was very good at struggling in desperate situations, and the Death Guard did this every time.

The Necron ships are approaching soon——

The crackling sound of electricity finally stopped, and to Mortarion's disgust, Perturabo's voice sounded,

"Maximize your engines and let other ships attack the other side. The Iron Warriors can defend them."

Perturabo was going crazy, and the calculations made him tremble, but he really couldn't understand the behavior of the Necron on the opposite side. Even though the opponent's tactics completely followed the optimal solution calculation, the opponent's goal setting was like a madman. ? !

They have no interest in attrition or attacking Iron Warriors ships, they just pursue the Death Guard with all their strength.

He even deliberately let the Iron Warriors reveal their flaws, so that the opponent could cause considerable losses to them with only minimal cost and pause.

But those sickle-shaped ships didn't do that! It seems that their only goal is to catch up with the Death Guard ships, and they don't even care whether they can win the naval battle.

According to the current trajectory of the Necron, all cold calculations will point to that result, the most cruel result, the most unacceptable to Perturabo.

Although Perturabo wanted Mortarion to die, he did not want Mortarion to die under the jurisdiction of his Iron Warriors!

He would be a great disgrace to the other Primarchs, and what would the Emperor think of him, Father? What did the other Primarchs say when they spoke of him?

This dirty brother will become an indelible stain on him!

Listening to Perturabo's words opposite him, Mortarion shook his scythe of Nirvana, and the incense burner on his body made a slight sound as he moved.

Although Mortarion cannot hear the emotions in other people's words on a daily basis, his perception of despair and fear is superior to anyone else.

Perturabo was desperate, he was scared.

Mortarion pursed his lips. He was happy to see this.

Mortarion spoke, his voice hoarse.

"My brother, let the redneck teach you a lesson."

Mortarion then shut down the communication channel and began to command his troops.


The Necron fleet was closing in on the Death Guard, and the small assault ships at the forefront began to separate, revealing their main ship.

Mortarion blinked, concentrating.

Sure enough, the Necron began to slow down slightly.

This was a precursor to a gang war, and Mortarion made the right bet.

The Death Guard's lances and torpedoes began to fire, but without any surprise, they were easily torn apart by the Necron's main ship.

Necrons rampaged through the Death Guard fleet.

[Fourth Knight, turn the ship around. 】

A trickle of poisonous gas slowly floated into the air from the incense burner on Mortarion's body.

The fourth knight, who was originally galloping forward, began to turn back. This sudden braking immediately shortened the distance between the two ships.

Seeing that the Necron ship was about to collide directly with the fragile side string of the Fourth Knight——

It's now.

[Reverse thrust, left engine full. 】

Death spoke his command.

The Fourth Knight exploded at extreme speed in an instant, and the huge acceleration even caused the main beam of the Fourth Knight, which had been reinforced three times, to tremble!

That's enough acceleration to pull the spines out of a mortal sailor! In Mortarion's sight, the skin of those mortals stretched out, and then tore directly, and blood spattered straight back.

And inside them, most of their internal organs were probably shattered into pulp.

But Mortarion had no time to think about anything else. The primarch calculated the angle.

[The right wing engine is full. 】

Before Mortarion finished speaking, a huge collision sound erupted along the hull of the Fourth Knight!

It worked.

Under Mortarion's command, the Fourth Knight completed the turn in an instant and successfully broke away from its original position. The hull crashed straight into the side of the Necron ship.

The bow of the Fourth Knight, which had been specially reinforced and smashed into the main hive of Garaspa, also successfully opened a hole for the Necron's main ship after sacrificing itself.

But the front end of the Fourth Knight was in shambles at the moment. Countless alarms sounded, and the air in the front and middle sections was being frantically pulled away from the Fourth Knight. Some unfortunate mortal crew members were swept up by these turbulences and thrown into the icy cold. between universes.

Mortarion did not pause. After realizing that the Fourth Knight had collided with the opposite side, he immediately began to move towards the front of the hull, and the Death Guard company had already moved towards the position he designated.

Gray cloaks rustled, and Mortarion knew they could begin the fight.

He is still better at these than empty fleet battles.


Perturabo looked at the Death Guard fleet in disbelief.

There, both parties, who were originally speeding at high speed, stopped.

Between the fighting cruisers and the Jackal-class raiders, the two largest ships on both sides collided, and the Fourth Knight was firmly inserted into the internal hook of the half-moon-shaped Necron ship.

Unexpectedly, the fourth knight was directly cut into pieces by the Necron.

Perturabo realized that Mortarion had modified the Fourth Knight enough so that the ship could survive a huge impact to the front without falling apart.

They survived.

Perhaps Perturabo wanted to be stunned for a moment or something, and rationally told him that this matter was unrealistic, but he still coldly commanded the Iron Warriors' ships to surround the stagnant two sides and tear them apart bit by bit with firepower. The assault ship on the opposite side.

In the center of the fierce battle between many ships, a unique gang-hopping battle also began on the main ship.

Led by Mortarion, the Death Guard's scythes easily swung at these aliens who also held scythes.

Compared to the Death Guard, these Necrons have significantly weaker melee combat capabilities.

As long as they are careful of the Gauss lasers on the opposite side, the Death Guard can easily gain an advantage.

Mortarion's sickle easily tore a metal skeleton apart, and then he raised his gun and fired, and each bullet would take away the "life" of an alien.

In Mortarion's eyes, the soldiers on the opposite side were just a bunch of metal skeletons and Gauss weapons. Maybe their shapes were different, but they were basically the same.

Metal skeletons, more metal skeletons silently crawled out, like corpses without souls, and then were given death by the Death Guard.

Under the leadership of Mortarion, the Death Guard advanced the front line step by step, and soon they stood on a flat ground on the Necron ship.

A larger skeleton came out, holding an axe in one hand and a coffin-shaped shield in the other.

Mortarion didn't care about these. In his eyes, this Necron was no different from others.

He raised his hand and shot directly. The bullets of the Dark Lantern rubbed the shield on the opposite side and splashed on its legs, forming a black char.

Nas looked at the alien on the opposite side, which was obviously taller. It knew that it couldn't beat the opposite side.

But it doesn't have to win. If it really wants the other party's life, it could have torn them apart with its fleet just now.

What frustrated Nas was that the information about the Star God fragment disappeared. Even with close-range reconnaissance, the fragment was indeed not here.

Perhaps it could ask, even if it seemed stupid enough, but at least it could prove to the king that it had tried.

"Lowly flesh and blood creature."

Nas spoke.

"I ask you on behalf of the king's will,"

Seeing the metal rack opposite speak, Mortarion was surprised for a moment, and then--

He started to sprint directly.

Mortarion was not interested in the words of the alien, he had heard enough before.

In a flash, Mortarion was close to Nas, and the heavy sickle of the Primarch broke through the air and tore open Nas's shield, and Nas had to dodge back to avoid the attack.

Mortarion's attack made Nas feel irritated, and it felt even more stupid.

Why try to communicate with these lowly races?

But Nas's thread began to comfort it again. At least Nas came here, and the king was still safe and did not have to be insulted by flesh and blood creatures——


Above the ground, a signal that made Nas despair came, which made it stagnate for a short moment——

It needs to go back, back to the king? !

Mortarion seized this opportunity and cut off the alien directly.

The resurrection protocol was running, and Nas, who had a high-level authority, had his mind transmitted back to the underworld structure on the surface of Wenmas.

The Necron ships that lost their main commander were gradually defeated under the control of Perturabo. The ships without targets began to attack autonomously, and the Iron Warriors paid a heavy price for this again.

Mortarion continued to lead the Death Guard to clear the Necrons on the main ship. These soldiers would not be their opponents in close combat. Compared with the Iron Warriors who were fighting at sea, the Death Guard's attack was unusually smooth.

Mortarion was expecting to meet another alien leader, but it seems that the one he just killed is the only leader.

If the Necrons' infantry melee is this strong, maybe Hades's pressure is not as great as he imagined.

Mortarion thought.

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Maybe I will update again today, maybe I won't

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