Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 167 159. Figure Wang Rui comments on the Emperor

Hades followed Trazin leisurely, walking in the long corridor, preparing to pick up some weapons from the figure king's simple weapons arsenal.

In the chat just now, one of them became familiar with the other, and they chatted one after another.

"I asked, is there anyone else like me besides me?"

"If you mean outsiders, then you are not a special case, but if you mean someone with a Star God flavor, then you are indeed the only one."

Hades thought for a while,

"Then tell me, do I have a chance to meet other outsiders?"

A human from the same world as myself? By the way, it might be from a different era.


"Generally, outsiders are extremely rare in number. Their appearance in history can be counted in single digits."

"And as soon as outsiders arrive in this world, they will be uprooted by the existence of the subspace and the leaders of other races."

"The existence of the subspace generally excludes you."

"And you are truly an outlier."

Hades shrugged;

"We don't know why the emperor fell in love with me."

"Not many creatures can deduce what your Emperor thinks and does."

Trazin said casually. Suddenly, the figure king was stunned for a moment, and then spoke with a gossipy tone,

"I have a conjecture about your emperor. Do you want to hear it?"

This might even make Hades switch sides.

Hades blinked,

"I won't suddenly die after hearing this. Isn't this some kind of taboo knowledge?"

"Oh, it's just a guess. If you contact the Emperor later, you might be able to help me verify my guess."

Hades slowly looked away, could he say he didn't want to hear it?

In his previous life as Hammer, the Emperor's origin, image, and positioning ranged from Mara, the god of vengeance summoned by ancient shamans, to the Son of God who awakened after the first murder of mankind; from the ruthless lord of mankind, to science and engineering A socially fearful, autistic old father. As the biggest mixture of Jack Sue and Mary Sue in human history, the image of the Emperor has never had a standard positioning.

For the Emperor, only one thing was certain.

That is, he will try his best and burn everything to ensure the continuation of the "human" race.

Ultrahumanists, if they can't be loyal to the race they were born with, what else can they use to gain a foothold in this chaotic universe?

If Hades were an Eldar, he would be berating the Emperor, the greatest terrorist in the galaxy.

But he is a human being. When this big brother is cruel to others, he is even more cruel to himself. It is true that Hades has nothing to say about this.

He didn't want to think about conspiracy theories. With the emperor's configuration, if he wanted to become the most luxurious king of mankind, he would have done so long ago.

But he didn't.

The current Emperor is just launching big WAAAAAAAGH into the galaxy in order to regain the territory of humanity!

The boss has created twenty-one good boys to lead us to WAAAAGH!


Ahem, it’s a conspiracy, no, no.

So Hades' view of the Emperor is, brother, you are right, just be gentle when you try to trick me, or at least say something.

Trazin's cheerful voice sounded,

"Think about it, Hades, the Eldar have Eldar gods, so why don't humans have similar racial gods?"

Ah, the Emperor God said, it's an old theory. Hades was not going to refute this. He planned to let Trazyn finish talking on his own.

A man looks like a god and can do things like a god. If he says he is not a god, then is he really a god?

Hades's answer to this is,

Obtuse angle.

Is he a god? What does Hades have to do with me? !

Anyway, looking at his son, Hades felt that the son of a god couldn't do such a thing.

Seeing that Hades acquiesced to it, Trazin continued,

"So let's first assume that the Emperor is the racial god of humanity."

"Then the second question comes, which aspect of humanity does your emperor represent?"

Hades was stunned,

"Isn't that the concept of human beings?"

"No no no."

Trazin continued,

"The concept of human beings who want to achieve huge power in subspace cannot arouse a lot of emotions."

"In other words, the concept is too complex and not pure enough."

“You can think of the powerful gods you know, and they are all made up of concepts that stir up emotions.”

Hades thought for a while and said hesitantly,

"Then revenge?"

The Emperor holds the power of revenge, and he kills. The argument of tit for tat, eye for eye, is also the mainstream.

Trazin nodded,

"I did think about this possibility."

"But maybe we can think a little more divergently."

"The rise of your emperor, active on the stage of human history, was in the age of strife."

"What were you humans doing during that period?"


Hades suddenly realized something, and he looked at Trazin——

"Yes, war, chaos, death."

"What I prefer is that maybe your emperor has obtained the authority called war that humans represent."

Hades blinked. Although this was inappropriate, Brother Huang was brave and fierce, and Brother Fear was brave and brave!

Before Hades could finish his wandering, Trazin spoke again,

"Then that would explain why he launched the Great Crusade."

Damn it? !

Hades instantly realized something,

"I don't know. I don't know anything. What are you talking about? I don't understand what you mean."

"Don't explain, don't explain! I don't understand!"

The body reacted before the brain, and Hades instantly covered his ears, fearing that he would hear some violent remarks from Trazin.

"I'm warning you. The emperor gave it to me on the left side of my brain. Don't say anything you shouldn't. My brain's automatic recognition has exploded."

Trazin, who was leading the way in front of him, stopped and turned back to wave his hand disdainfully at Hades.

"Go, go, it doesn't have that function, I checked."

"Have you checked yet?!"

"Then you wouldn't press this function for me, would you!?"

"Am I that kind of evil existence?"

Trazin held up the crutches he had been leaning on and pointed at Hades.

Seeing Trazin stop, Hades put down his hands,

"You're not afraid to tell me this. I'm going to see the emperor later. What if he crushes me to death with his psychic powers?"

"No, no."

"The thoughts of people like you will not create waves in the subspace. Your emperor will most likely not care about it."

"You go talk to other people about this, don't talk to me!"

Hades resisted three consecutive attacks.

Trazin stared at Hades helplessly,

"Normally, no one can talk to me about this kind of thing. Think about which of my compatriots cares about this kind of thing."

"This is not the reason why you want to harm me!"

"I won't listen, I won't listen!"

"Two weapons."

Hades's screams stopped momentarily.

"Just take it?"

"Take whatever you want."

"You continue."

Trazin felt that if it were still a Necrontyr, the flesh on its face would probably be cramped.

Ahem, it coughed twice and continued to speak,

"So, the war brought about by the Great Crusade is essentially strengthening your Emperor's power."

"Although your emperor claims to be recovering lost territory, war is his purpose."

No. The Great Crusade is to obtain resources for the Webway Project. But if this idea is really followed.

"Does he want to become a god?"

"Not a racial god with human nature, but a real god."



Hades muttered.

As someone who knew the subsequent plot, he knew that the Emperor absolutely did not want to become a god. On the contrary, he firmly denied becoming a god.

"Even according to your hypothesis, it is possible that he wants to gain power to fight against the four gods of subspace."

"But the Emperor is human."

But if we follow Trazin's hypothesis,

In the later stages of the Great Crusade, the Emperor, who had accumulated enough power through the war, hurriedly returned to Terra to accelerate the Webway plan. On the one hand, he had enough resources, and on the other hand, the accumulation of war had brought him closer to the day of ascension to the gods. edge.

The Webway Project requires the Emperor to have enough power to avoid the interference of the warp, but enough power itself also distorts the Emperor.

He was running out of time, he was on the verge of ascension, he had to speed up, speed up, hastily set up a Warmaster and then return to Terra.

In this case, the purpose of the Great Crusade itself has changed.

Hades felt like his hair was standing on end.

Maybe next time, if he could really see the Emperor, he could ask?

Hmm. Does he really dare to ask? For this kind of thing, it’s better to go to Machado.

Forget it, Hades, this is a trap set by an evil alien for you. Forget about it and just let it go!

Hades blinked and focused his energy and brain on arguing with Trazin.

"The Emperor is not a god, he is a man."

Trazin clicked her tongue,

"Why do you see it?"

"His sons, at least the ones I've seen so far, I don't think they can be called gods or demigods."

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