Chapter 174 166. Being rubbed

Graie's cooperation application came quite quickly. Hades originally thought that these oil guys would be stuck for a month, but he didn't expect that two weeks later, a large fleet from Graie had arrived.

Graiae is not a small forging world. It not only has an independent Morning Star Titan Legion, but also has a... On the brown planet, there is also the miraculous "Crown of Graai" piled up by countless industrial machines. This is the most complex and gorgeous main foundry. It can even fly away from Graai's main star.

Like giant crowns that could be torn off the planet and flown away, the sages and skitarii of Graai roared with a doctrine that advocated violence.

This is also the first large-scale forge world that the Death Guard may be prepared to cooperate with. Therefore, as soon as the war in 106 ended, the Death Guard's Legion Commander Mortarion returned to his main ship Endurance to prepare for the next step. Negotiate business——

The specific performance is to pick up the document written by Hades and take a look.

The hymn plays!

Countless servitors decorated with gorgeous lace kneeled respectfully on both sides of the red carpet. Red cloth hung from the servo skeleton floating in the air, gold threads were tied to the satin, and incense floated among the silk baskets.


Mortarion stood in the center at the end of the red carpet, with Hades and Gallo standing on either side behind him. His original face stared blankly at the red carpet that seemed to be shining with golden light, as if he was evaluating himself. Have you misjudged the importance this Forge World attaches to the Death Guard?

Hades was glad that he was wearing a helmet, otherwise everyone would have seen him sweating like crazy.

Didn’t he say not to make a big show of it and not to publicize it? What's going on. !

This reception etiquette, if nothing else, is at least not a simple cooperative reception, but mixed with religious reception. No, it is directly based on religious reception!

Mortarion and other decision-makers at the first site do not understand the teachings of the Mechanicum, so in their eyes, these etiquette may be a little strange, but they are also understood to be local characteristics.

Because of their insufficient level, the technical sergeants of the foundry department standing a little further away were stunned at this moment.

What are you doing? Are the Mechanicus in this world crazy? Do they think the Death Guard has religious status?

While it would be a good thing for the Death Guard to be taken seriously, these Techmarines couldn't figure out why.

Some whispers were spread in the technical sergeant's exclusive private channel, but it was obvious that no one understood what was going on, and was even more confused.

【The holy hour has arrived! 】

Binary radio waves spread layer by layer, and the Mechanicus team that was originally as still as steel finally began to move. A sea of ​​red robes and cables rushed towards them, and the unique fragrance of engine oil incense swayed layer by layer.

Among the layers of red robes, Hades saw sharply that the Forger he had contacted before was also in a remote position at the front of the team, but according to the layout of the queue, he most likely had no say in this team.

The great sage at the front walked over, his already bent waist and back almost hanging to the ground. His figure swayed, as if he was about to kneel down, but stopped forcibly.

"Greetings, Lord of the Death Guard."

The Great Sage stared at Mortarion with the huge single eye in the middle of his head and said, but the luster inside the countless small eyes surrounding the big single eye was not right.

Hades, who has studied optical transmission, knows that through those small light spots, all the small compound eyes of the great sage are looking at Hades!

"We look forward to meeting you."

Those small compound eyes that looked like spider eyes were looking at Hades reluctantly, and Hades felt that goosebumps were almost rising on his skin.

Behind the great sage, in the group of red-robed men with their heads lowered, there were also countless eyes quietly licking Hades, some crazy, some with doubts.

Just when Hades thought he was about to be killed by these oil guys with their eyes, Mortarion successfully saved him,

"The Death Guard are also looking forward to cooperating with Graai."

Mortarion's hoarse voice sounded.

Perhaps because he really felt that the other party's etiquette was too strict, Mortarion also said one more sentence for the first time,

"We are also looking forward to meeting you."

The great sage's face flashed, and he couldn't wait to turn around to lead the way.

"Then please come to our ship to discuss further details."

The huge queue began to return, petals synthesized in the biological laboratory spit out from the mouth of the servo skeleton, and the servitors began to whisper dizzying hymns.

Hades expressionlessly swept the pile of petals that were falling towards him off his shoulder armor, but after taking a few steps, another pile of petals piled up on his shoulder armor.

The corners of Hades' eyes twitched, "Hey!" you! Hades had already seen several sages secretly fighting for the petals swept off Hades!

Don’t take everything!

Hades could no longer imagine what he would face next.

【it's him? 】

[It’s him, that adult! 】

【It doesn’t look like it.】

[What do you know, that’s called low-key! 】

In the side room of the conference hall, a dozen mechanical sages who were obviously not so well-dressed were arguing fiercely.

There are only a dozen people, and they have been divided into Hades, who is unswervingly a God Party, Hades may be a God Party, there are gods, but Hades is not a God Party, and there is no God, so Hades is not a God Party, whoever he is It’s not that as long as God is strong enough, I will recognize the party and enjoy the party.

The fun party members also opened a game to suppress Hades' identity, and the ratio is currently even.

Two weeks ago, a compressed and intermittently compressed video spread like a virus, spreading throughout Graier's entire information network. The source of this video was unknown, the quality was rough, and the process was short. It suddenly exploded. Lai, for a time, the figure surrounded by green lightning in the picture became a topic of conversation in people's spare time.

The headline news that the price of No. 3 engine oil has increased again, which has always dominated Graier's gossip, was forced to give way to this video.

Some people say that this is to bring those who are unwilling to cooperate with the Legion into submission. Some people say that it is okay. The top management does not care about this. Some people say that this is a miracle and has nothing to do with dirty interests.

But no matter what, what all motor oil guys can admit is that they feel a faint sense of "divinity" from this video.

Knowledge passes by and is fleeting.

Some people even integrated these different versions of videos and spliced ​​them into an invincible enhanced version for sale. Such videos were particularly popular among low-level casters.

But unlike the general public who have different opinions, Graier's senior executives have already followed the code path and copied it to publisher 021.

Faced with the fierce words of Caster 021, the attitude of Graier's senior management was not consistent.

However, most of them are willing to cooperate with the Death Guard. Even if Hades is not mentioned, becoming the first cooperation partner of a large army brings wealth on the balance of interests.

And as far as the inspection on No. 106 is concerned, the Graeae sages also recognized the Death Guard's fighting beliefs and methods. The Death Guards who did not flinch on the battlefield were in line with Graeae's creed passed down from ancient times.

The reason why the Graai Foundry World was still struggling before was mainly due to the relatively low administrative efficiency and the thought of "wait a little longer, maybe there will be a better cooperative legion" in the whole world.

And that video directly ignited the fervent hearts of some fanatical believers. Led by these people, the fleet to meet the Death Guard was formed at an alarming speed. Administratively, it was green light and lightning. The mechanical sages moved with unparalleled speed. Rushing towards the Death Guard at a fast speed.

With their enthusiasm, they also succeeded in scaring Hades.

You guys, don't come over here!

Hades screamed loudly in his heart while dodging the 13th mechanical sage who tried to "accidentally" hit him.

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