Chapter 181 173.Hades

People, all of them, crowded together, clinging to the observation window on the inside of the star ring.

Most of the people were wearing uniforms issued by the factory. Although most of them were not dirty, they were wrinkled and stained with engine oil, making them look new.

Some people were dressed more cleanly, with the insignias of imperial officials sewn on the cloth. These were obviously servant-type clothes.

There are men and women, old and young, all of them are looking forward to it, staring at the planet on the other side of the window, the faint green reflected on their pale faces.

All the factories on the Star Ring have temporarily stopped working, and there is no one on the streets in the Star Ring city.

Almost all the Barbarus people came to the observation area of ​​​​the star ring. They left their jobs in the factories and their jobs serving imperial officials, bringing their wives and children, just to wait for that historic moment——

The day Barbarus eliminated the poisonous gas.

Everyone is waiting.

Tall Barbarus-born Death Guards were scattered among the crowd. They were specially sent by Legion Commander Mortarion to maintain order, but in fact, the quiet crowd did not require any management.

Mortarion's original intention was not to let these Barbarus' Death Guards manage the crowd. The tall primarch was already aware of the small commotion about Barbarus in the legion.

After all, they are also Barbarians.

The Death Guards seem to be standing guard, but in fact they are also observing their own planet.

Everyone is watching, everyone is waiting.

People stand in the star ring, looking down, looking at this beautiful green planet, which is their home.

Hades stood on the wasteland, looking up, looking at the fog that lingered all year round, which was the cage that imprisoned the Barbarus people.

The tall black tower stands still on the vast land.

This moment has finally come, the pointer moves towards the scale beyond destiny, the stage built by meditation will eventually collapse, and the actor who has been played with for a long time goes to the wilds of the stage to start his own story.

In a small room within the main tower, Hades was staring at a simple screen, with lights flashing above the screen.

Every flash of the red light represents the readiness of a black tower. Thanks to Ms. Blackfa and the Silent Sisters led by her, these Silent Sisters will be responsible for checking the status of the secondary tower.

In the distance, the Sisters of Silence stood silently and solemnly in the guard tower next to the black tower, checking the status of the black tower for the last time according to Hades' instructions.

Soon all the red lights were on.

The radio wave from Graai came, and all kinds of machinery controlled by the Mechanicus were also ready, ensuring that the next giant machinery would be deployed as soon as the anti-psionic domain ended.

The sages of Graai brought their skitarii and servitors, and the shuttle secrets were densely covered in the highest atmosphere of Barbarus. The giant machines were hung in the air by the shuttle fleet, shaking slightly.

This is the minimum distance that just can't be touched by the anti-psychic energy field.

All the sensors were turned on, and the sages were unwilling to miss every detail that followed.

Okay, everything is ready.

Hades sighed softly. He concentrated his attention, raised the obituary, and inserted the blade into a gap in the ground. The huge blade fit perfectly with the black ground.

This is where the Black Tower's circuit breaks.

The signal to start charging the main tower is sent.

Above the star ring, Mortarion stared at Barbarus. The Primarch felt a rare sense of nervousness. The poisonous gas slowly drifted down from his armor and piled up into a mist-shrouded hill at Mortarion's feet.

Vox beside him also said nothing, staring closely at Barbarus.

Hades took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and carefully began to manipulate his black domain.

The black domain slowly flowed down along the obituary, quickly filled the gap, and then began to flow in the direction of the loop.

Faint small green lightning began to appear around Hades. These small green lights surged irregularly, as if the space was beginning to collapse.

Except for the bright green, all colors are fading, losing their color, becoming hollow

Above the wasteland, a faint green flash penetrated the fog, looming, the sky trembled, and the animals panicked.

The wild beasts scattered and fled in the wilderness. The eagles flew into the distance in panic. The pus eagle at the end of the group flew slower and slower.

It fell straight to the earth.

In an instant, billions of dark green lightning surged violently into the vastness, the lightning flints penetrated the mist of thousands of years, and the thunderbolts as harsh as the screams of the dead tore through the space, and the whole world was overturned by it!

The world is trembling, trembling, and trembling. The space begins to blur, and the vision becomes chaotic. In the thick fog, violent lightning rolls like waves, and the fog is torn to pieces, dismantled, and swallowed.

Crazy screams and low mutterings came from the corner of the subspace, but at this moment and here, the laws of physics have regained their supreme authority. Disorder and chaos are the debris abandoned by the gods of physics, and solid laws will be laid. The cornerstone here is that everything will run under the path of order and rules.

Rushing, converging, churning, washing away everything in the world, and also rushing into his mind.

Hades watched all this.

His face was expressionless, neither sad nor happy.

All living things die.


Everything is silent, everything is stagnant, everything fades.

The violence just now seemed to be just a glimpse, and the souls watching the miracle blinked in disbelief, but nothing was left except the slightly rolling mist.

Then, it starts to fade.

The color fades into the distance like waves crashing on the shore.

All souls will disappear and remain silent at the bottom of the sea, which is far more lonely than death.

The creatures here are destined to have a chaotic background, and fanatical emotions may be the cornerstone of these souls in the first place.

Fate here did not welcome him.

Pluto stood on the shore, looking at the corpses at the bottom of the water. Bird bones and animal corpses were everywhere. On the other side of time, this place would be covered with human remains.

The skull looked at him blankly.

"Why are you here?"

it asked, its eyes flashing a scarlet red light, like blood.

Hades blinked, and the red light of the indicator light came on.

This represents the end of the first phase.

Hades pulled out the obituary stiffly and looked at everything around him in disbelief, a strong sense of unreality squeezing him.

Heavy, he felt tired.

In the darkness, there was nothing but the flash of the indicator light.

Hades tried to leave. He opened the door of this small room with force, and there was a bang, and thick moisture hit his face.

It's raining.

Hades took off his helmet, and big raindrops hit his face, flowing down his cheeks and brushing against the scars that ran through his entire face.

Hades took a deep breath, and the fresh water vapor instantly filled his nasal cavity.

This reminded him of the smell of the rain that had just fallen in the community.

The heavy rain started to wash everything away.

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