Chapter 184 176. Broken friendship

Outside the dim medical room, the lights in the corridor are always so weak.

Pharmacist Leo came out of the medical room and silently threw a bag of compressed nutrient solution to Hades sitting on the bench. Hades took it skillfully and started drinking it.

Leo walked over and used the medical gun to give Hades a shot to measure. Hades was accustomed to this and continued to hold the empty nutrition bag in his mouth in a daze.

Leo frowned, malnourished, this was the word he saw most frequently in Hades' physical examination report.

Pharmacist Leo endured his displeasure and threw all the nutrient solutions he was carrying to Hades. Leo gave Hades a look and left again.

Generally speaking, Leo would chat with Hades for a few words, but now that Hades was driving the Black Domain, the pharmacist could not bear to walk away immediately, which was already the greatest kindness.

Separated by a wall was Karastifon's ward. Hades was relatively reluctant to go in and reminisce with Karas. In his opinion, the reason why he didn't shoot Karas in the head in the end was purely because of Mortarion's obstruction.

Hades, who knew the final plot, even though Karas had a good time with him, he would rather kill him by mistake than let him go.

Not to mention what Karastifon had done in the Legion.

He should have tried pretending the gun went off, Hades thought feebly.

Even though Karas is currently as weak as a corpse, Hades has not relaxed his vigilance. Hades seems to be sitting outside the house sipping the nutrient solution, but his black domain has actually penetrated into the house, and the diluted black domain has , faintly threatening the two people in the room.

Hades did not touch the soul of Karas. He expanded the black domain just enough to touch Karas immediately. Pluto held a sickle that was about to fall, and the smooth sickle blade was pressed against the neck of the guilty man.

After the explosion of 106 and the explosion of the black tower on Barbarus, Hades clearly realized that his black domain has become purer and can be expanded further. Now if Hades is willing , his black domain should be able to cover half of the Endurance.

However, his black domain is still spherical with him as the center, and the direction and shape cannot be adjusted.

Hades held the bag of nutrient solution in his mouth and his eyes were empty. He didn't know what he was thinking, or maybe he was just tired.

In the room, the two people were silent, and the faint black area was like a shadow in the corner, dull and depressing.

On the way here, the original body thought a lot. From the beginning of the story to the current situation, Mortarion pondered and remained silent.

The trio at the beginning has broken up, and Hades is still unwilling to communicate with Karas, even though it was Karas who sent the initial ill will.

But given the physiques of the two, Mortarion decided to ignore this. At first, Hades was indeed rejected by many people.

Karas stared blankly at the ceiling. If the pharmacist Leo had not repeatedly assured Mortarion that Karas's brain activity was normal, Mortarion would never have believed that this was a look that a living person could have.

Especially Karas. In Mortarion's memory, Karas was often known to the Death Guard for his cunning eyes.

Mortarion stared at Karastifon. In a certain corner of his mind, he was still willing to believe in Karas and still avoided the fact that Karas had betrayed him. Is this an inertia of their former friendship? And he was just subconsciously accustomed to embarking on this path

Compared with the decisive Hades, Mortarion faced the first betrayal in his life.

Time passed for a long time, and when Mortarion felt impatience from the black field at his feet, Mortarion, who didn't know how to face betraying his old friend, finally spoke,


These are Mortarion's first words, why betrayal, why fall, why.

Karas turned his head, looked at Mortarion, and spoke hoarsely,

"Because of weakness."

Karas learned a truth long ago, if you are not gregarious enough, then make yourself stronger.

Aliens who are not gregarious enough will be hunted by the population because they are aliens, they are freaks.

But when they are strong enough, all their unsociability will become outstanding and stand out from the crowd.

The cruel facts have always been so confirmed.

Just like the original, a skeleton-like giant, a child who is disgusting to see, and a psyker who is a hybrid of alien and human.

They were all misfits enough, which was how they got together in the first place, Karas thought, the Freak Club.

But in the end, he was abandoned or forgotten.

Compared to Mortarion, who had everything going smoothly, and compared to Hades, who could turn a blind eye to everything, the weak Carastiphon went crazy under the unbearable eyes of others.

He should have died that day, on the climb, instead of surviving.

It was Mortarion's damn hesitation that saved him. Karas knew that Mortarion was far more tolerant than others thought, compared to the cold and heartless God of Death.

Of course, the premise is that the things Mortarion cares about are not things marked as "hostile".

Karas stared at Mortarion. It was time for Mortarion to realize something. They were no longer in Barbarus, but in a universe hundreds of times crueler and colder than Barbarus.

Karas realized that he could no longer feel the "power" he once had. Not only that, he felt that his soul was misaligned with his body, and he became weaker than before.

There was no point in living, Karas thought, his birth was a mistake, and no matter how hard he struggled, it would still be like this in the end.

Karas murmured, almost in a whisper,

"I betrayed you, kill me."

The original body stood up excitedly and walked to Karas' side, but he didn't know what to say.

"You can't do this."

Karas didn't know who he was talking to.

Because there was a sound on the other side of the wall, the sound of a pistol being charged, and Karas could imagine Hades aiming the gun.

How kind, Hades, you can obviously kill me directly with your black domain, but what are you doing now?

"Start, Mortarion."

Hades's voice sounded. Mortarion just walked directly to Karas's bed and blocked the bullet. He was not sure whether the gun from Trazin could judge Mortarion as a shield.

Mortarion remained motionless;

"I want to kill him, he wants to die, what are you hoping for?"

Is this really just the inertia of an old friendship? Is he really just unwilling to change? It is clear that the differences between Hades and Karas have opened up, but what is Mortarion doing? Did he witness everything?

"no no."

Mortarion took a deep breath. The non-toxic air made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Hades, come in, we need to talk."

"This is an order, put down your gun."

For a moment, Mortarion felt the Darkness exploding across the room, but he blinked and realized it was just a disturbing thought in his mind.

There is one more update, waiting for me to code.

There have been a lot of dead calls recently, Red Bean Paste Smith Marseille.

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