Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 196 188 No one can refuse Horus

Chapter 196 188. No one can refuse Horus

A transfer order from Terra informed Horus that he would lead his legion to fight with the 14th Legion Death Guard.

Horus did not care much about the world that was about to be conquered. This planet colonized by humans had issued a surrender application to the Empire a while ago, but since the spacecraft sent to this planet by the Empire had lost contact, he chose to let the legion come.

According to the last information sent by the Imperial spacecraft, this planet seemed to be disturbed by some kind of psychic alien, and the reason given by the Empire for sending troops was that the Death Guard had the existence of a situation that could be "targeted".

The summons directly from Malcador made the wording of this part very vague. Horus could not judge from these few short lines what kind of situation the Death Guard could "target".

But just as Horus thought before, he didn't care about these. The soldiers of the two legions were enough to easily flatten everything. Compared with this planet, Horus obviously cared more about this brother who had just joined the Empire.

Generally, the returning Primarch brothers would be led by Horus to integrate into the Empire. Regarding Mortarion, Horus learned that he was originally going to be the one to lead him, but for some reason, Regent Malcador intervened in the friendship between the brothers and took away the power that originally belonged to him.

This was not a good start. The cunning mortal psyker should not be involved in their affairs.

Horus should be the one to welcome their brothers into the Empire. As the first Primarch to be found, he hoped that he would welcome his brothers.

From the words of other brothers before, Horus had already pieced together his broken image for this new brother.

Coming from a sparsely populated death planet, he was not good at speaking, did not care about his appearance, valued his offspring, and had a different passion for death.

The shepherd wolf god, who was experienced in diplomacy, certainly knew how to welcome such a brother, so he stood here, standing in the position where his brother could see the first sight after the shuttle door opened, and the light came over perfectly, plating a layer of gold on Horus' armor.

"Brother, welcome!" Horus stepped forward to welcome Mortarion, while looking at his brother. Mortarion looked tall and haggard, his bone-white and moss-green armor was dull, and the only outline of the copper-gold armor became blurred under the shroud of poisonous gas. His only decoration was the incense burners that were emitting poisonous gas, and the poisonous gas in the incense burners, together with the respirator, covered his brother's face. He should appear at the funeral, Horus thought inappropriately. Perhaps the poisonous gas floating around Mortarion made other brothers have a bad impression of him, but Horus ignored those unpleasant episodes. He walked over and gave Mortarion a welcome hug naturally, and then shook Mortarion's hand in a friendly manner. Horus happily ignored Mortarion's stiffness when Horus hugged him. Perhaps for this brother who was not very social, the distance just now was too close, which made Mortarion stiff like a dead wood. "I've been looking forward to meeting you for a long time, brother." Horus said warmly, while pulling Mortarion's right hand that he wanted to withdraw subconsciously, "Let me introduce myself, Horus Lupercal, the wolf shepherd of the 16th Legion Shadow Moon Wolves." His tall brother paused, and then said in a voice that was almost whispered, "Mortarion, Lord of Barbarus, Pale King of the 14th Legion Death Guard." Horus patted Mortarion's shoulder armor in a friendly manner, "I heard about the two battles you led the Death Guard to fight. From my own perspective, I am very happy to let the Silver Moon Wolves cooperate with the Death Guard. The next battle will be a pleasant cooperation." Mortarion nodded slowly. He just hesitated whether to speak, and Horus continued. "We can get to know each other better while we wait for the advance team to return. I'm glad that Malcador didn't come to disturb us this time."

Even through the poisonous fog, Horus could sense Mortarion's doubts, but to be honest, the poisonous fog on this brother made even Horus, the Primarch, feel a little overwhelmed.

".What do you mean?"

"Originally, the Empire asked me to welcome you, but Malcador intervened in the process. None of our brothers were led by Malcador, which made me a little curious."

Then Horus smiled slyly, as if asking his brother's little secret,

"How does it feel to be led by Malcador, brother?"

Mortarion chewed on the days when he was under the control of the psyker, and slowly spoke,

".It was terrible."

Hearing Mortarion's words, Horus laughed and patted Mortarion hard,

"I'm glad we have a common topic about this."

While speaking, Horus pulled Mortarion off the shuttle, and Mortarion's death shrouds followed their Primarch closely.

Horus glanced inadvertently and saw the Space Marine who was obviously a circle larger than the other death shrouds.

"Is this your guard? What are they called, brother?"

"Death Shroud."

"A good name, it seems we have the same interest in the topic of death."

"Then I guess this should be Hades?"

Mortarion blinked in surprise, waking up from the rhythm of being led by Horus just now. He looked at Horus,

"Haha, my brother, this heir of yours is quite famous. Whether it is among the technical sergeants of Mars or among the brothers who have come into contact with you."

For the legions he wanted to cooperate with, Horus would certainly not only collect information about Mortarion. In many pieces of information, the death guard named Hades appeared extremely frequently.

And Hades, who was mentioned by Horus, has been down. Just now, Horus's fluent combination of words and body language made Hades stunned. Coupled with Horus' perfect amiable smile, After a set of operations, not to mention Mortarion, even Hades who was watching was confused.

Horus, who was enhanced by the light of the original body, was simply glowing outside. For the first time, Hades knew that the smile had its own dizzy special effect, coupled with Horus's eyes that looked quite sincere.

Horus was already like this, and Hades could no longer imagine seeing the angel Sanguinius.

Compared to the Faenus, Vulkan and Perturabo that Hades had seen before, the current Horus was simply awesome in appearance and treatment.

It is also the existence of primarchs such as Horus and Wolf Shepherd that makes the people of the empire have great respect and awe for the leaders of these legions.

Hades was still impressed by Horus' conversational skills, and then he was horrified to discover that the topic suddenly turned to him now? !

Since Mortarion and Hades didn't have much contact with other legions, they didn't know much about it. In fact, in addition to the original body, each legion also had one or two extremely outstanding soldiers. These people were also friends of the original body. Good object.

"Of course, I also have excellent warriors here."

Horus was chatting about home affairs while leading the Death Guard through the welcoming corridor composed of Luna Wolves.


Horus turned around and called a tall black-armored warrior over, and Abaddon trotted out like a arrogant gray wolf, his braid swaying like a sleek wolf tail.

"My First Captain, Ezekiel Abaddon, I thought you two might have something in common."

Horus looked at Hades kindly. This was the first time Hades faced the charming smile of a normally handsome original body. Hades felt like he had been filled with flash bombs. His thinking was obvious. Stalled for a moment——

It's not impossible to be a Luna Wolf.

Abaddon, who came over, also gave Hades a friendly smile. In the Luna Wolves, warriors whose faces are similar to those of the original body are called the Sons of Horus. Abaddon and Horus have similar faces and similar faces. The smile made Hades successfully trance for a millisecond.

Due to the height difference, from Hades's perspective, what was facing him was Abaddon's dangling braid.

Hades was forced into trance again for a millisecond.

Since Hades's social ability is slow-burning and late-strike, Hades said he couldn't resist the Luna Wolf's fast-attack style.

So Horus dragged Mortarion, and Abaddon dragged Hades. The unarticulate Death Guard was dealt a heavy blow by the Luna Wolves with full diplomacy points, and was successfully defeated today.

Trivia: Before Horus became the Warmaster, the only person who clearly opposed Horus in the original work was Crow King Krax, and it was after Horus asked him to send a wave of Crow Guards.

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