Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 201 193 Before the Drouen War

Chapter 201 193. Before the Drouen War

High above the planet's orbit, the bones of the Death Guard float silently in the void, and the fluorescence from the planet's surface creates a halo on the metal shell of the fleet.

In the drop pod specially designed for the knights, Hades took a deep breath and waited for the signal from the Moon Wolf main fleet.

After consultation, the two original bodies chose to attack simultaneously from the towns further away from both sides of the main city. Among them, the towns on the back of the city where there were many enemy psychic devices would be attacked by a small group of Death Guards led by Hades. On the other side, a mixed force led by the two original bodies will conduct a frontal attack.

Hades still remembered what Mortarion said to him after watching Horus go away,

"I did it on purpose."

The primarch suddenly spoke.

"Horus is interested in me, so let him set his sights here."

Horus had asked for the Luna Wolves to support the army led by Hades, but Mortarion absent-mindedly said that they could attack from the front. If Hades and the others failed, let them retreat.

From a strategic point of view, the team attacking from the back of the city is indeed of little significance to the overall victory of the battle, because at the border between the town and the main city, there is a large grassland that looks flat but is actually swampy. Even if this area is captured, , and cannot provide an opportunity for the entry of large-scale armored forces from behind.

But considering that those psychic devices may be increasing the enemy's power, leaving them behind doesn't seem to be a wise choice.

So in fact, the mission of Hades's army is to uproot these psychic devices distributed on the grassland. As for breaking into the city and joining the main force?

Anyone who has participated in the strategic analysis knows that this may be the tacit statement of the two Primarchs.

But Hades knew that Mortarion really believed that Hades and the others could attack the city. The reason why the original body acted like that was because he didn't want Horus to be curious.

In some ways, Mortarion is actually making good use of his label as a "freak" by the outside world. This can save him a lot of trouble, or prevent others from thinking in certain aspects.

Of course, Horus didn't think too much, or maybe he thought too much. The Wolf Shepherd thoughtfully told Mortarion to have confidence in his children, and by the way, he also praised Hades, saying that he thought Hades and the others could do it. Attack the city or something.

Mortarion paused for another moment,

"But I need to take the Undertaker to fight together. The opponent is a psychic unit."

Hades paused in surprise,

"You don't really like psykers?"

Mortarion blinked slowly,

"Yeah, I don't like it and I don't trust them."

"But except for you, the Untouchables of the Death Guard cannot appear directly before Horus."

"Think tanks are found in most legions, and Horus will not doubt them."

"And although I don't trust psykers, I trust that my descendants will not give up every power they can use."

That's what he said, but when Mortarion led the 0th Company Ugo and others away, he still showed an expression of disgust with his nose pinched.

Hey hey! Why don't you put on a timid expression? Hades watched Ugo become depressed with his own eyes? !

Half a standard Terran hour ago, the fleet led by Moon Wolf had already begun an orbital attack on the target landing site. The light spears and macro cannons ignited the void. At the edge of the vision, the beams lighting up the sky were trembling slightly and roaring. Hitting the psychic shield above the planet, countless gorgeous flowers bloomed in the atmosphere.

The bombardment continued, a silent attack that would continue for some time until the Moonwolves peeled away the anti-aircraft sugarcoat surrounding the Druun.

Like a gentle tap, a crack appeared in the egg's shell.

[Mission Alpha 03 is executed. 】

Horus's voice sounded instantly on the channel, and Hades could feel the ship he was on tremble violently, and the Death Guard fleet also began bombing the target location.

When the Death Guards began their first wave of bombings, Moon Wolves, who had successfully torn apart the defenses on the opposite side, had already begun to deploy their air power. Thunderhawk fighter jets roared and dived from the highest level of the planet's atmosphere to the ground. Under the cover of Moon Wolves' previous bombing Next, the Thunderhawks determined the layout of the target points for the last time and accurately bombed the part suspected of heavy firepower on the opposite side.

Then there are the overwhelming airborne pods, they bring judgment, they bring death.


The warning light sounded, drawing Hades's attention back. He took a deep breath and moved his eyes from the picture on the helmet back to reality.

The Death Guards have also successfully broken through the enemy's defenses, and now it's their turn to take the stage.

The hatch opened and the lower part of the airborne cabin was exposed. Everyone in the airborne cabin felt a sudden sinking feeling.

[Sir, I'm a little nervous. 】

A voice sounded on the channel. Hades sighed and knocked the big guy fixed beside him. The knight's black stone shell made a dull sound.

[Relax, all you have to do is follow my orders, Nicks. 】

Time is tight. Currently, Hades can only produce three knights with his bare hands. And because the driver above needs training, there is actually only one wandering knight that can be dispatched this time.

There is no way around this. For these untouchable people who were thrown into the Death Guard by Malcador, it would be a bit difficult for them to learn to control the knights in a short period of time.

But the good news is that because the "machine soul" of the Wandering Soul Knight, that is, the operating system is Ribo with a strong subjective consciousness, they still managed to train a candidate who can drive the Wandering Soul. This person is now next to Hades, with a The man with red hair and freckles is the most qualified among them.

【What are you afraid of? ! We are knights now! dash forward! Fire! I'll assist you with your shooting! Even if you shake like a sieve, I can still make you crush those aliens! 】

Ribo's angry voice roared from the channel, and Hades felt that his eardrums were traumatized.


Nicks responded slightly.

[Everyone listens to me. If I don’t tell you to rush, you are not allowed to rush. 】

Hades' serious voice sounded, instantly making the noisy two people stop.

【clear. 】*2

Hades sighed inwardly, why did he feel so unreliable?

Fortunately, he led more than that, but Hades needed to stay away from the main force he led when releasing the black domain.

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