Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 207 199 Liberation of Druun (End)

Chapter 207 199. Liberation of Druun (End)

Viewed from a high altitude, the huge tentacles are firmly rooted in the city, like insects parasitizing on the surface of the planet. In the middle of the sarcoma, a huge eye is twitching nervously, evil and cunning.

Above the tentacles and in the dome, light enveloped the surrounding areas, and the confrontation between the psychic shield and the light spear made the earth tremble.

Are Hades and the others okay?

Garro was standing quietly in front of the command podium. The signal from the second battlefield was eventually cut off. The overly strong psychic field distorted and destroyed the radio waves. The pictures sent back by Hades and Blanca were finally frozen in that full A place where flesh and blood are shown.

Even though Jialuo is a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles, he realizes at this moment that Hades and the others are probably in danger. The veteran's rich experience tells him that unless Hades can really fight the alien leader head-on, otherwise this whole life will be ruined. All the troops will be wiped out.

But if Hades really relied on his special physique to kill the alien leader by himself. No, no, no, killing is still too far away in Gallo's imagination, even if Hades could severely injure the alien leader. Even if the cost is Hades himself being seriously injured.

Jialuo was stunned. They all seemed to have greatly underestimated, no, they had completely underestimated Hades' ability to counter psionic energy!

After all, except for think tanks, few legionnaires have any direct impression of the untouchables, mainly Silent Sisters. Gallo's impression of this only stops at suppressing psychic powers. Now, Hades uses his own performance to Taught Gaara a solid lesson!

The picture of corpses all over the ground was sent back before. And now, if Hades really defeated the alien lord on his own.

Jialuo swallowed, and perhaps he could describe his current mood as heartfelt and physiological fear.

Does the commander of the Mortarion Legion really know that Hades's ability has reached this level?

The main troops on the first battlefield began to march slowly again, but due to the previous ambush, the speed of the troops' march became even slower this time.

Under the hood, Mortarion's expression was uncertain. The channel on Hades' side was cut off, which was not a good sign.

Mortarion knew what Hades was capable of, but the original body didn't know the extent of Hades's black domain.

Hades and Mortarion looked at the location of the main city and held on.

You must hold on.

And in that place where most of the top brass of the Death Guard are concerned -

"MD! Don't fuck my face with meat paste!!!"

Flames spurted out violently from the backpack. With one hand and a white gun in the other, Hades jumped high from the tentacles to avoid the tentacles that hit him heavily. The tentacles as wide as a street fell dullly. Hitting where Hades had just been, the large tentacle composed of countless small tentacles immediately exploded due to force feedback, splashing blood and flesh all over the sky.

The small tentacles were like a school of leaping flying fish on the ocean, flying in the air with crackling sounds. Hades desperately once again pulled off a small tentacle that was reluctant to hold him.

Even if he opens the Black Domain, those dead tentacles will bite him with physiological twitching.

After they reached the end of the huge tentacle, the psychic energy fluctuations became significantly more intense, and the close distance made the tentacle's long-range attacks no longer so intensive.

Realizing that she could not help Hades at all, Blanca decisively chose to separate the team from Hades.

【Let’s find a place to stay! It's not your turn to worry! 】

Blanca's cursing voice came from the channel,

But then Blanca suddenly asked again,

[Are you sure you can beat it? 】

Hades nodded firmly.

[That’s it, we really can’t help you now! 】

There was no time to say anything else. There was no need to talk about the war. In just a few words, both sides were worried about the lives of the other parties. But at this moment, Hades couldn't do anything on his own, so he simply parted ways.

Now for Hades, the most feasible way to save Blanca and the others is to kill the tentacle leaders as early as possible.

Really, the best way to assist teammates is to kill the opposite boss.

So Hades is now racing all the way on a big tentacle, facing the screen full of flesh and blood tentacles. Because the black field is turned on, the tentacle where Hades is located cannot move.

With the addition of the jetpack, Hades swore that he had never run so fast in his life, but with this tentacle covering most of the city, at this speed, Hades wanted to reach the central psychic core. It still takes some time.

As Hades got closer and closer to his core, the giant tentacle that realized what Hades wanted to do obviously began to panic, but it could not effectively attack Hades with its own size——


The panicked giant tentacle began to scream psychically. This is its most powerful skill. The scream accompanied by the surging power of the subspace will shatter anyone's spiritual defenses and expose the fragile soul inside.

The psychic energy was so rich that it was visible to the naked eye, and it hit Hades like a giant wave——

Hades' speed did not slow down at all, and the tentacles were horrified to find that even the psychic impact in the area around Hades had completely disappeared!

No, no no no no no! ! !

It realized that psychic attacks were ineffective against Hades, but even its most powerful spells had no effect at all!

This parasitic alien race that relies heavily on spiritual energy has long since degraded. Apart from trying to use its huge flesh and blood to carry out the most primitive attacks, it is simply unable to organize effective and precise physical attacks.

They have long abandoned their inefficient and backward physical attacks and turned to the embrace of subspace. For the soul creatures throughout the galaxy, the tentacle clan is the real predator, and there is no soul race that is not under their control. Bowing under domination, they preyed on them with ease.

Only higher-level psychic creatures can compete with the tentacles. Those enemies with physical attacks will be defeated by the tentacles' psychic attacks if only their controllers have souls.

But now, for the first time, the tentacles feel the fear of facing natural enemies!

It was like the primitive primitive race that came into contact with psykers for the first time and saw the psykers' spiritual power that was completely out of common sense for the first time. Now, the tentacles also saw that completely incomprehensible power -

It is completely immune to its psychic attacks and has the ability to be arrogant and unreasonable!

no! The expected scene of smashing the enemy to death with a large number of flesh and blood did not appear, and the enemy was still approaching quickly! Head towards its core area where spiritual energy and soul are stored!

——No, no, no, no, no—


Vox said something carelessly, while Gallo stared at the screen.

In the picture returned by the sensor, above the main city, the big tentacle that was firmly rooted seemed to begin to loosen. It seemed like it was pulling itself out of the ground and then moving farther away.

".As if you are avoiding something."

Vox and Gallo looked at each other at the same time. They both realized something at the same time. In the end Vox chose to speak slowly,

"I think it is unlikely that this is a threat posed by the Death Guard fleet. The psychic shield above the dome shows no signs of shaking."

"Then...it can only be..."

Vox swallowed back the second half of the sentence. It was too exaggerated and beyond his understanding.

Jialuo glanced at him, his eyes filled with disbelief.

But in the end, Jialuo spoke with difficulty,

"Be prepared to stop the orbital attack at any time. If the main alien dies, the psychic shield above the dome will be shattered immediately."

"We...we can't accidentally hurt Hades."

Hades is very strong, they all agree that it is strong enough to defeat most of the Death Guard, but...

But this is still outrageous.

Here we are, finally here.

The huge eyeball was already in front of him. Hades jumped up with all his strength. The tentacles under his feet were sticky and slippery, making it difficult to exert force at all. However, Hades still relied on his experience to kick up, and the jets flew flying. Roaring, the backpack that was about to burn out of fuel was now gushing out, providing Hades with lift in the air.

Hades switched to a black gun. The black gun recharged slowly, but it was suitable for now. He aimed at the pupil in the center of the big eye. Strangely enough, Hades actually saw something like fear in the eyes of this inhuman alien. expression.

Above the sky, all the alien tentacles no longer worry about hurting the main body, and are now swinging towards Hades in the middle, like a closed flesh and blood lotus, but with tens of millions of tons of force.

The jet was pushed down, and Hades took the lead in firing. The muzzle of Trazin's pistol lit up with a dazzling flash, and the particle beam flew toward the eyeball with a roar.

The moment the particle beam was about to contact the eyeball, a thin film suddenly covered the eyeball.

I didn’t expect this thing to have eyelids.

Hades thought, but the pistol from Trazin is not a trivial thing. As if aware of the defense on the opposite side, a small crossover layer was generated directly in front of the particle beam, and on the opposite side of the crossover layer——

It’s those defenseless eyes!

+Ssssssssssssssssssss! +

The film suddenly exploded, and high-speed blood spurted out. The originally white eyeballs were now turbid. Hades ignored the blood curtain that had seriously obscured his vision. He gripped the scythe and dived downward——

The psychic core of this alien is located slightly below the eyeballs.

Hades smashed straight in!

+Ahhhhhhhh! +

Hades, who was forcibly moving forward through layers of flesh and blood, felt like he was swimming in an extremely sticky swamp. He struggled to control his direction and fell towards the place where the psychic energy exploded.

it's here! Hades shrunk the black domain to the extreme, and then poured it into the obituary——


At that moment, everyone except Hades saw the light.

The flash of psychic energy that filled the sky seemed to suddenly appear in the field of vision, but the next moment it disappeared without a trace, as if it was just a small illusion in everyone's eyes.

All the tentacles that were falling from the sky began to loosen and disintegrate, hitting heavily where the main eyeball was.

All the mortals controlled by the tentacles fell directly to the ground, and the small tentacles that were still showing their teeth and claws suddenly lost their vitality, leaving only slight physiological twitching.

The psychic passport above the sky suddenly shattered, and the psychic energy without the control of subjective consciousness scattered like broken light.

As if it had been expected, the light spear that hit the main city became faint and then disappeared.

it's dark.

Except for the occasional fire in the main city, everything else was extinguished.

"Is this... the end?"

Horus looked at the main city in disbelief. The original body's astonishing sensitivity had already noticed that the person they wanted to destroy at this moment was dead.

He needs an explanation.

However, what responded to him was Mortarion sprinting towards the main city.

"it's over"

Mortarion murmured to his brother, while staring at the countless distress signals sent by Hades on the channel.

There is one more update, waiting for me to code.

By the way, the old rule is that you need to come up with names for the two guns.


Speaking of which, it seems that there is only one week left for the college entrance examination. I wish all senior high school students in advance to review well this week, keep their hands on the papers, stabilize their mentality, perform well in the college entrance examination, and achieve good results.

May the Emperor bless every human soul willing to fight.

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