Chapter 209 201.I know!

The Endurance silently drew a trace through the void, and the meteorites in space were struck by this behemoth and scattered dullly.

Horus once again stepped onto this oppressive and low ship. The light in the long and narrow starship was dim, and the moss-green walls and bone-white ground made him feel like he was living in a damp tomb.

Even people who like to chat will eventually be assimilated into silent dead by such a ship if they live on such a ship for a long time, right? Horus couldn't help but sigh like this. Everything on the Death Guard was telling that living life was not welcome here.

The bright white light on the armor disappeared, and the screen showed silent black. No one spoke. The two original bodies silently read the content recorded in Hades' helmet. The video began with Hades and Blanca. difference.

This really shocked Horus.

The banner of the Wolf God has flown on thousands of battlefields. This emperor's favorite has certainly witnessed countless stories of soldiers singing and crying. Under the shadow of the ever-changing war, miracles and mistakes are equally common.

He has seen his Moon Wolves complete impossible tasks again and again, like scraping deep grooves on rocks. Miracles favor the Moon Wolves, writing epics that are impossible in the eyes of other legions. .

So Horus understood miracles and believed that miracles could happen to the warriors of the empire.

But isn't that too much?

Even if it is a miracle, it must follow the most basic logic, right?

If it weren't for the primarch's keen eyesight that ensured that the video had not been processed, Horus would have really suspected that this video was fabricated by Mortarion to deceive him.

This silent video showed a completely impossible miracle. The flesh-and-blood tentacles that filled the entire world roared ferociously. The densely packed eyes between the tentacles angrily stared at the subject who provided the picture. Attacks that were enough to wipe out an entire area dropped from the sky. , bloated flesh and blood crowd the screen, unleashing malice wantonly towards the owner of the helmet.

Even a veteran interstellar veteran would feel unspeakable fear in such a scene, right?

Even if there is no fear, in that sticky flesh and blood, one should still feel nausea and hesitation, right?

But the tentacles in the picture are getting bigger and bigger, and the owner of the helmet is galloping towards the center without hesitation. If it were not silent, Horus could imagine the rustling sound of the wind that comes with the galloping. .

Smooth, this was the first word that Horus could imagine when he saw Hades marching.

It was a smooth movement, and each step seemed to have been rehearsed a thousand times. A storm of flesh and blood suddenly arose, but the swifts shuttled between them did not touch even a drop of water.

Moreover, in Horus's impression, the power armor Hades usually wears is the Hades-type Terminator Armor, right? In order to enhance defense and firepower, the Hades-type Terminator Armor sacrifices a certain degree of flexibility. Even though it is the more flexible type of Terminator Armor, it is still a Terminator Armor!

Among the Moon Wolves led by Horus, Abaddon was famous for his ability to flexibly control the Terminator Armor.

The completely impossible dodge movements and the obvious feeling of being stuck in the air.

Is this really what a Space Marine can do?

Horus glanced at Mortarion after such a terrifying operation. Unlike the ultra-high mobility shown in the video just now, Mortarion and the Death Guard gave him the completely opposite feeling. These warriors seemed to enjoy The war dragged on, then steadily but slowly harvested the increasingly exhausted enemy.

Horus carefully recalled the rare scenes where he saw Hades.

But what made him regretful was that, apart from being taller and stronger, he did not pay careful attention to this warrior.

What kind of existence is the death guard named Hades?

Even if you are untouchable, you cannot reach this level at all, right?

Or is it that it turns out that the Sisters of Silence are not actually the most powerful untouchables?

".So, that's it."

A sighing voice came, and seeing that Horus still seemed to be immersed in the video, Mortarion had no choice but to speak on his own.

"It was indeed Hades who combined with the Death Guard's orbital bombardment to defeat the enemy."

Horus looked at Mortarion slowly, and then nodded seriously. The video had rigorously demonstrated Hades's behavior. Even though Horus found it difficult to believe this intellectually, he really could not refute Mortarion. What happened?

This eliminated his previous conjecture that there might be a targeted army in the Death Guard.

Horus was still thinking about why a Space Marine was enough to reach this level. In his understanding, unless it was...

But now he had to deal with Mortarion's doubtful gaze first. The other person showed him enough sincerity, so naturally the Wolf Shepherd couldn't ignore him.

"A good warrior, good enough."

"I really envy you, my brother, for having such a powerful warrior in your legion. He will be the glory of the legion."

After hearing Horus' words, Mortarion nodded affirmatively,

"I know this too."

"So. He is really untouchable?"

Mortarion blinked in surprise. The facts were already here. Why did Horus ask again?

"As far as I know, Hades is an untouchable."

Horus did not agree with this answer. The Wolf God knew that the untouchable could only resist certain psychic attacks, but this could not explain the fact that Hades was far superior in mobility and strength. The performance of ordinary people.

This is not logical.

The Black Domain cannot be observed with the naked eye, and the video naturally does not convey this subconscious feeling of fear and disgust, so Horus still does not approve of Mortarion's answer.

It can resist certain psychic attacks and has strong physical fitness, a miracle that seems completely impossible.

So, Hades is actually a——


High-level psykers can resist psychic attacks and can also use psychic powers to enhance their physical fitness. Moreover, think tanks who use psychic powers are a group that often create miracles due to subspace fluctuations.

Except for what level of psyker can block this psychic alien, and why Mortarion insisted on describing a psyker as untouchable, everything else formed a logic for Horus. closed loop.

The main reason is that the Primarchs know that psykers who can explode stars with one hand do exist, but such a powerful untouchable person is completely beyond their knowledge.

Thinking of this, Horus glanced at Mortarion thoughtfully. Why would his brother make such a ridiculous disguise?

On the surface, he hates psykers, but he actually promotes a psyker?

Mortarion was completely unaware of Horus's strange logic, and the primarch continued to speak as he expected,

"My brother, I hope you will not tell anyone about this matter, including Hades's physique."

Mortarion said without changing his face. He didn't care at all whether Hades's physique would be exposed, but as long as he brought it up, Horus's thinking would be stuck on Hades instead of thinking about other things. of

"Anyone who is untouchable will be taken away by the black ship. As Hades is my right-hand man in the Death Guard, I sincerely hope that he can stay in the Death Guard."

Mortarion's words made Horus realize.

Conquered by black ships.

So Hades is actually a psyker who may be involved in forbidden knowledge, and Mortarion obviously doesn't want the Empire to know about it.

Horus had also heard that psykers were not very glorious existences on Mortarion's home planet.

This brother who has just entered the empire still doesn't understand the rules of the empire. Although the empire has many restrictions on the research of psionic witchcraft on the surface, in fact many legions are studying psionic powers in private.

Hmm. His brother is still too cautious. Maybe Horus can find a way afterwards to let Magnus enlighten this brother who is a little paranoid about psychic powers.

Hades was a very good psyker and should not be let down by Mortarion's caution.

"My brother, I will keep this matter secret."

Finally, Horus smiled and spoke to Mortarion.

Seeing that Horus was no longer delving into the matter, Mortarion also showed a satisfied smile.

The two people who sold Hades' identity and distorted Hades' identity reached a strange cooperation.

Hades knew nothing about this and was still trying to pretend to be dead in the medical room.

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