Chapter 214 206. I praise you too

The end of the war on Druun went very quickly, because everyone on it was dead.

This kind of psychic alien is more like some kind of insect swarm consciousness. After the main body dies, all other affiliated aliens also die, and the puppet crowd it controls also dies directly, eliminating the need for the process of being cleaned up and exterminated by the legion.

Because this is a planet with a high estimated production value, the Mechanicum's ship arrived almost as soon as the victory news came out. After briefly greeting the Luna Wolves and Death Guard, These hungry sages couldn't wait to start more detailed searches and valuations with their skitarii.

In fact, the connection with the Mechanicum. After Horus learned that this was just a small forging world nearby, he decisively dispatched these matters to Abaddon. The Mourners were not only responsible for combat, but also the diplomatic affairs of Moon Wolf. Its responsible.

The Death Guard routinely dispatched Hades.

So Abaddon watched in amazement as Hades chatted happily with the sages. During the whole meeting, Abaddon, as the representative of Moon Wolf, hardly spoke.

The sages naturally maintain a very high opinion of the high-ranking forging masters in the legion, but there is another possibility that Hades's cold joke about binary Mars was deeply recognized by the sages.

After the sages slowly left, dragging their scarlet robes with satisfaction, Abaddon blinked and stared at Hades in a daze, who was about to get some snacks.

At first, Abaddon thought that Hades was a technical sergeant who relied on his close friendship with the original body and learned some skills by the way. But later, when he saw Hades's achievements, he thought that Hades was a warrior. A warrior with extraordinary strength, he also serves as the foundry department of the Death Guard. After all, Hades’s time studying on Mars was too short——

But now, he feels that Hades's technical attainments are not just in name. This casting master obviously has a very high degree of mastery of the layer upon layer of trivial technologies of the Mechanicum.

Abaddon gasped, and Hades could also be responsible for the legion's diplomacy. Abaddon originally thought that the mourners were comprehensive enough, but now Hades is even involved in the Mechanicum.

What a monster this is!

"Huh? What are you looking at me for?"

Hades, who was chewing snacks, looked at Abaddon. The moon wolf seemed to have become a little dull since the meeting? But Hades was negotiating with the sages, so he didn't pay much attention to Abaddon.

The current plan of the Mechanicus to transform this planet is an agricultural planet, because the soil conditions of this planet are extremely good, and the population is zero. It was originally supposed to be used as a garden planet, but due to the parasitic aliens that appeared on it, So this possibility was rejected.

Hades was wondering if he could get the Death Guard to come down to this planet, no one? No one is good at transporting people from the giant hive world of Garaspa.

However, this means that this planet may be transformed into a more comprehensive agricultural planet. The Mechanicus originally did not agree with this proposal, but they were persuaded by Hades.

Of course, this has to be discussed with the Moon Wolves, but Hades felt that the Moon Wolves wouldn't care about this. During the conversation with Horus, the Wolf Shepherd was obviously not interested in this planet. He was more concerned about the Death Guard. Talion and Hades.

And when Hades was negotiating with the Adeptus Mechanicus, he saw that Abaddon didn't raise much objection.

Hades subconsciously ignored the fact that the conversation he had just had with the Mechanical Sages was a radio communication, and Abaddon could not hear it.

When Hades asked him, Abaddon blinked as if he had just woken up.

"Hades" Abaddon glanced at Hades hesitantly, "Do you have such a good relationship with the Adeptus Mechanicus?"

"I'm a master forger, so naturally we have a close relationship."

"and you."

Abaddon was speechless for a moment. Conversation was obviously his strong point, but when he saw Hades eating carelessly at this moment, he didn't know what to say. Is this a strong man?

What Abaddon can be sure of is that if Hades is the Luna Wolf, then he will undoubtedly be the first person under the original body, and the Luna Wolf will redefine a level of strength with him as the first level. Even though Abaddon was confident in his abilities, he was unwilling to realize at this moment that there might indeed be a gap in strength between the two.

This is not only about combat power, but also the ability to manage the legion in an all-round way and socialize.

"What's wrong?"

Hades finally finished eating. He patted Abaddon next to him. Among other things, Hades was trying hard not to let his eyes move to Abaddon's braid. What he didn't understand was that, okay Why does a handsome guy have such a hairstyle?

But he can't tell Abaddon to change his hairstyle now, brother, this is so ugly, otherwise Abaddon will probably have to fight him to the death on the spot.

It's like he can't tell Horus now that you might betray the empire, or that you should not form any guild of Laoshizi warriors in the future, and then remember to shoot Erebas with two bullets.

There are some truths that cannot be said from this position, and others do not know that they are truths. The prerequisite for him to tell the truth to Mortarion is that his elder brother trusts him.

But he can try

Hades crossed his arms and reminisced about the taste of the snack just now. He accidentally ate it too fast and did not taste it.


Hades suddenly said something out of nowhere,

"I think you are quite good at diplomacy. Are you responsible for the diplomacy of the Luna Wolves?"

Abaddon was stunned. What was Hades talking about?

"I am responsible for a small part of the trivial diplomatic affairs. Sejanus is more responsible for the diplomatic affairs after the official battle."

"Sejanus didn't come today."

"He's still good at more formal situations, and I'm the one in charge of that."

Abaddon was a little angry. Hades was teasing him?

But he didn't expect Hades' eyes to flash and look at him sincerely,

"Maybe you should try more diplomacy, Ezekiel. As a Death Guard, I am very happy to communicate with you, but Sejanus lacks a little sense."

Sejanus, the rationalist among the Luna Wolves, is the one who can really hold Horus back. He was killed in a surprise attack during a diplomatic meeting with other human countries.

Sejanus is still too upright. If he is a ruthless man like Abaddon, who has perfect reading skills and has been under the four gods for thousands of years without going crazy in the original book, he will most likely be able to see through the ambush on the other side.

Hades looked at Abaddon with a smile on his face, not feeling anything wrong with his suggestion at all.

"The sages just told me that your proposal was also very concise. They said that they hope that we will be responsible for the next report."

Abaddon was taken aback, and the sudden affirmation from Hades made him a little confused. "To be honest, I don't think I made a lot of contributions in the meeting just now."

"That's because you're not familiar with the facial expressions of those sages. Look, the left indicator light lights up twice to indicate satisfaction."

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