Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 220 212 There are too many people who don’t like to talk

Chapter 220 212. There are already too many people who don’t like to talk.

There are many people who risk their lives to climb.

People who have lived in darkness for generations see the light for the first time. Some shrink from the indifference and cruelty of the light and huddle at the bottom of the pit. Others are willing to gamble their useless lives in exchange for a boat that promises death. ticket.

Perhaps for these Galaspans, the distinction between becoming a Space Marine and becoming a mortal auxiliary is not so clear. The Space Marine seems to be a higher position? But for these Galaspans who have been struggling on the assembly line, the mortal auxiliary army is also tempting enough.

It was a ticket to the sky and the universe. They would enter the world behind the dim clouds and mist of Galaspa.

Disabled young men, silent middle-aged men, and robust middle-aged women, the news that the Death Guard simultaneously selected mortal auxiliary troops sprouted like mushrooms after the rain, giving these people another hope.

Fathers and sons, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, on the way to the end, small groups of family units began to appear. Boys of the right age entered the Space Marines, while his family members were willing to join the Mortal Auxiliary Army.

There was a stream of people, struggling to get to the finish line.

At the end, the [Dead Soul] sat high, judging their every move.

It was that adult who changed the selection system. His tall figure was obviously different from ordinary adults, and the complicated patterns on his shoulder armor further highlighted his extraordinary status.

People looked at him with fear and admiration, but they were too frightened by the gossip to kneel down and say thank you. He just stood there silently, neither sad nor happy. From time to time, mechanical monsters in red robes came to him to kowtow, but they were beaten by that The dark scythe pointed somewhere else.

Garaspa's recruitment went particularly well.

Hades looked at the data coming from everywhere and thought silently. It can be said that since he clarified the rule of "recruiting mortal auxiliary troops at the same time", the pass rate of those who come to select space warriors has increased. .

Perhaps it was because people no longer went alone, Hades didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

However, he was certain that the addition of this group of Galaspans would not only dilute the blurred boundaries between Terra and Barbarus, but also strengthen the connection between the Death Guard and the Mortal Auxiliary Army.

Mortal auxiliaries who pass this test can take up their posts directly, but if they want to become a space warrior, they need another test.

Hades patiently waited for the next trial. During this period, these passers received initial training on the death guard's ideas and combat. Those who were destined not to become space warriors used their tenacity to help them. Earned the respect of the Death Guard.

After all, they passed the examination that can select Space Marines.

Hades is not responsible for the training of these people. Mortarion led Gallo and Vox to personally take charge of this content. Mortarion is particularly concerned about training soldiers, although Mortarion has already begun to appear before. There were ominous signs that the Space Marines were even more precious, but thanks to the appearance of Ms. Sinise, Mortarion was now calmly training the mortal auxiliaries of the Death Guard.

Although Mortarion's so-called training method is directly based on the method he used to train the Barbarus Death Guard.

It was rare enough for a Primarch to personally train the Mortal Auxiliaries. Normally a Primarch would give an impromptu speech to the Mortal Auxiliaries, which would be enough to go down in the history of the Imperium and promote those inspiring positive images.

But since both sides of the training had no idea about this, Mortarion didn't care about it, and the Garaspans had no idea about it at all, so the two sides got along with each other in a vague and tacit understanding.

Hades didn't care how Mortarion taught the Death Guard seedlings, but he only had one training for the mortal auxiliary army, and that was——

"Mortarion, you can't teach them all to be mute!"

Hades was gesticulating exaggeratedly, while Mortarion remained ignorant of Hades's imagination as usual, while the original body was slowly mixing the potion.

"Some of them will take on administrative functions, and we need some...different talents."

Who knows what the characteristics of the seeds of the Death Guard are. Although the gene seeds of the Death Guard are very stable, the yield is large, and there are no negative mutations, but those who become the Death Guard will without exception become pale and slightly thin. At the same time, they are not Talkative.

Of course, not everyone is like this. Hades plans to recruit generals from among the dwarves and find administrative talents within the Death Guard. Although they may not be as good as the Ultramarines per capita politicians, but with the help of mortal administrators, they can at least manage the Death Guard. Just so little.

We have to go back and learn from the Ultramarines. The main reason is that the two legions have not officially met yet. It seems too abrupt to send people now, at least after Mortarion and Guilliman have met each other.

Hades thought silently.

Ignoring Hades, Mortarion watched with satisfaction as the potion in his hand began to become clearer. In order to strengthen their rule, the Knights of Garaspa compulsively used drug management on the Garaspans. Now the Knights After the fall of their rule, the Garaspans all suffered from mild or severe withdrawal reactions. In response, the Death Guard had maintained a minimum distribution of placebos.

But if it were to enter his legion, Mortarion would not allow this to happen.

This potion can make their already abnormal feedback nerves rot and then grow new ones. After all, Space Marines also use potions in battle, and the Legion still has some research on this.

The process would of course be painful, and Mortarion had no intention of handing out analgesics, which could relieve physical pain but hinder nerve regeneration.


Mortarion spoke slowly, "I never said to silence them. They did it spontaneously."

Brother, who is so big like you and dares to speak in front of you? ? ?

"Go and do your business. I understand. I'll just show you someone who can talk in a month."

Mortarion put away the potion and made a gesture to drive away small animals, "Go, go, the first batch of Graai's ships have arrived. It's time for you to receive them."

Hades left unwillingly, and the words he shouted before leaving echoed in the corridor for a long time.

"Mortarion, if you dare to teach them to be mute, the Death Guard's future paperwork will be tripled!!!"

Mortarion did not comment on this. Although he admired silent warriors, he boasted that he had never intentionally induced them. There are still some people in the Death Guard who are always barking. Wasn't that the one just now?

Yes, code.

I wish you good luck in the college entrance examination.

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