Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 223 215 can speak, can speak

Chapter 223 215. Can speak, can speak

The fleet of the Scarlet Forge World slowly entered the port, and with the safe arrival of the first batch of guns, the curtain of the second trial was about to begin.

Today is the day when Hades goes to inspect and pick up those mortal auxiliary troops. They will continue to receive training, whether it is related to the use of vehicles or training in administrative positions.

Hades sincerely hoped that Mortarion's training would not turn these people into mutes, but Mortarion just dealt with it indifferently, with an extremely confident attitude of doing whatever he wants and not having to worry about it.

Hades was so angry that if he couldn't beat him physically, he would have beaten Mortarion up and down.

But before going to meet the mortal auxiliary army, Hades knew that he had to meet one more person——

A short, bald, middle-aged man shivered in the queue of mechanical sages. A section of the scarlet sage's secondary limb was tightly strangling the man's arm, as if the man was about to run away in the next second.

"Master Hades, we have brought the person you asked for."

The sage bowed deeply, and the man beside him also bowed awkwardly. His fat body was trying hard to bend down, which was quite funny.

Hades smiled,

"Excuse me, Sage. Now I want to talk to Fowler alone for a while."

The sage's face flashed red, but he still reluctantly left after bowing again.

"Oh thank you sir, thank you sir, those people are so scary."

Fowler deftly took out an oily handkerchief from his trouser pocket and wiped his sweat, nodding as he wiped it.

"The thinking of the mechanical sages is indeed different from that of ordinary people. Thank you for your hard work, Fowler."

Hades nodded and called Fowler this time to further train those who were about to enter the administrative system. Fowler was once an administrator of the hive city. Although he seemed very unreliable, there was currently no one better than him. A more suitable candidate.

In fact, this greasy middle-aged man with a belly full of poop is quite reliable. Currently, all the schools on the star ring are operating normally. According to the supervision and investigation of the tombkeeper, no unreasonable things have happened. It can be seen that he is blessed. Le is also interested.

Even though the war was busy and he was overwhelmed with requests from the Forge World, Hades would still check the reports on the ring regularly to ensure that nothing went wrong on the Death Guard's home planet of Barbarus.

The administrative staff currently supporting the Barbarus Ring are still the ones directly deployed by the Emperor at that time. They focus on ignoring small matters but not major ones. On Barbarus, a planet that does not cause much trouble, they can manage it well. .

The administration that is mainly run by the Death Guard is the education, medical and supervision systems. In this regard, one was established by the bunch of crooked melons and cracked dates led by Hades, and the other was established by Mortarion, who led the original Death Guard. It was established by medical staff, and the supervision system was directly dispatched by the tombkeepers.

Facts have proved that the medical staff who followed Mortarion to conquer Barbarus were quite reliable. After receiving the education from the oil guy, the medical system was running well and there was no staff gap.

As for education, it is better than what Hades originally thought. At least there are more people who are literate and good at arithmetic. Although after training in school, the physical fitness of these students has obviously improved much faster than their IQ.

Seeing Hades deep in thought, Fowler took out his handkerchief and wiped his sweat again.

"Sir, what are you going to do when you call the villain here this time?"


Hades said while thinking deeply, and then he stood up, "Let's take you to see your group of students. You want them to learn the most basic administrative skills."

Seeing Hades getting up, Fowler quickly followed.

"Sir, I don't have the ability."

"Then you recommend a more suitable one."

Fowler shut up. He realized that this adult seemed to be worried, but he didn't know that Hades was only worried about the quality of Mortarion's teaching.

Fowler swore that he didn't want to bring such students. Emperor, he originally thought that his previous life was miserable enough. He was hit by students running around in the corridor and almost broke his bones, and then he was tried by those brats. To test his resistance to poison, Fowler originally thought that his suffering was over, but now he knows that the suffering is endless.

The Legion Commander's speech continued. In the training hall, Hades and Fowler later stood in an inconspicuous corner. Fowler looked at the "students" who stood solemnly with murderous faces and fell into doubt. stages of life.

How can any administrative staff have a murderous look on their face and look like they are ready to die? !

Fowler clearly felt the low pressure emanating from Hades, but he still quietly hid behind Hades. The murderous aura was too solemn, and Fowler couldn't adapt to this atmosphere.

Hades looked at the crowd. He was a good, qualified warrior, serious, and looked down upon death.

But no matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like an executive.

Middle- and low-level administrators only need to keep track of forms, while high-level administrators must have keen eyesight and political insight, as well as the shrewdness and slickness unique to administrators.

This is why Hades called Fowler over, he is the best person Hades can find to have this.

But looking at these serious people who seemed to be unable to make a sound with three sticks, Hades was heartbroken, Mortarion, thank you so much.

Ignoring the two people exuding negative energy in the corner, Mortarion's speech on the high platform continued. After this, except for those who were selected again and passed the Space Marine surgery, others will no longer be directly managed by Mortarion.

The dim armor reflected the faint arc light, and Mortarion did not light the incense burner, which made the body of the Lord of Death more clear and huge. Opposite Mortarion, stood silently the Galathpar.

".I am very happy to have trained you. It reminds me of my time in Barbarus. The training was difficult, but people still supported each other and looked forward to the future."

In the previous training, the tenacity of these people surprised Mortarion. The high-pressure environment in the past has shaped the unexpected endurance of the Garaspans. They have extremely high resistance to harsh environments. Sex and insensitivity, people crawling out of hell don't care about the dirty world.

"You, people of Garaspa, have proven to me your tenacity, and therefore I declare that the gates of the Death Guard are open to you."

"The Death Guard accepts your contribution to its death."

Mortarion was silent. He turned sideways and let the servitor holding two glasses of wine come forward. The gloomy wine exuded a pungent stench. Hades in the shadows frowned unconsciously. It was Mortarion again. An made his own poisonous wine, and it was obvious that the cup given to mortals was diluted.

Hades suspected that Mortarion wanted to drink himself, but Mortarion seemed to glance at him.

[Wait and see. 】

Mortarion's words suddenly sounded in the private channel. Hades was confused and decided to see what Mortarion was going to do.

"Now, one of you can share the wine with me."

"I, Mortarion, Lord of Death, the Pale King, make a pact against death with the Garaspans,"

"This is highly poisonous wine. The person who drinks it is likely to die, but if he dies, it means the failure of the contract."

Mortarion turned sideways and waited patiently for the hero. There was a commotion in the crowd. Mortarion saw that Sinise hesitated, but a tall man in his prime stood up before her and quickly ran up the high platform.

He has short brown hair, a scar splitting from the side of his mouth, and blue eyes like a wolf.

Mortarion raised his eyebrows.

"I take it you are not here to participate in Space Marine selection."

"Yes, sir, I am here to participate in the selection of the auxiliary army."

The man said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone,

"Your name, or number."

Mortarion picked up two glasses of wine and handed the smaller one to the man.

"They all call me Wood."

"Very well, Carpenter, now let us make our vows."

Mortarion took off the gas mask first, raised his glass, and drank it all in one gulp. The poisonous wine burned along the original body's esophagus. The toxins combined with the high concentration of the wine made Mortarion feel slightly dizzy. .

"Please," Mortarion hissed.

Wood took a deep breath, raised his glass as if he were dead, and swallowed the bitter wine. There were drops of sweat on his skin, and his blood was buzzing. The venom was screaming in his body, and he felt that his five internal organs were burning.

Everyone could tell that something was wrong with Wood. The originally silent crowd became nervous, which greatly weakened the serious atmosphere. Hades could hear the collective accelerated heartbeat of the crowd. Some people were trying to move forward to see Wood. situation, and Mortarion acquiesced in their actions.

This group of people here are the best of the best among Garaspar. Under the deliberate guidance of Mortarion, they have a sense of honor and urgency in representing Garaspar.

If he falls, these adults will definitely be dissatisfied with Galaspa, right?

Finally, Wood suddenly put down his wine glass, breathing rapidly, and stood slightly unsteadily on the stage. Having been paralyzed by the poisonous wine, he held up the empty wine glass and showed it to everyone——

He did it!

The crowd burst into loud cheers, applause, and whistles. People hugged each other in celebration, and the depressing atmosphere just now was swept away.

"Thank you, sir."

"It's a respect you, the Galaspians, have earned yourselves."

Mortarion patted Wood and motioned to the people in the audience to pick him up. The original body watched with interest as those people ran over to welcome their hero. Mortarion, who had drunk the poisoned wine, was particularly tolerant.

Wood staggered and was pushed around by the crowd, and then was lifted up and walked around by people. Some little girls were trying to give Wood bullet casings with their names engraved on them.

[As promised, they can all talk. 】

Mortarion's voice sounded in the private channel, quite showy.

[Listen to their cheers and applause, Hades, you can’t say they can’t speak. 】

【how did you do that? 】

Mortarion listened to the surprise in Hades's words with satisfaction. He won this game.

【That’s it. 】

[These people who have been in a high-pressure environment will adapt on their own. 】

After Galaspar, Mortarion re-examined the social environment on the Barbarus Ring. The Primarch was surprised to find that the Barbarians here were not as serious and silent as those in the Legion.

[I added something similar to a duel cage in their free time, and at the same time used some supplies captured from the upper lair of Garaspa as prizes. 】

[They grew up naturally. 】

Hades opened his mouth,

[I didn’t expect it, I really didn’t expect it. 】

[There are many things you haven’t thought of. 】

Mortarion's mocking voice sounded,

[Now that they are qualified with me, go and choose your people who can talk. 】

Mortarion put on his breathing mask unhurriedly, and the original body in a good mood raised his scythe and struck the ground a few times. The dull echo instantly entered everyone's ears, and the crowd fell silent.

"You have one hour of free time, and then someone else will be in charge of you."

"Your next instructor and selector—"

"Commander Hades, come here!"

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The college entrance examination is over! Congratulations! I wish every student can achieve satisfactory results and have fun during the holidays.

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