Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 231 223 Hello, alien, your natural disaster is coming (3)

Chapter 231 223. Hello, alien, your natural disaster is coming (3)

The green mist settled on her ankles. She raised her feet and watched the gas hanging on her shoes, then dripping reluctantly.

These are weapons concocted by Lord Mortarion himself. These weapons will not corrode the Death Guard's equipment, but will cause their enemies to perish in suffocating pain.

As a member of the Cerberus hunting team, this was her first time to experience a real battlefield, with explosions, impacts, sticky blood, and alien roars. Her mind was confused, but as the gunner of a Cerberus tank, she The movement of her hands never stopped, sweat dripped down against the gas mask, and her eyes were itchy. She could only shake her head hard, desperately opened her eyes, then put the barrel against the alien's throat, fired, fired !

Thick liquid splashed from the barrel, making a hissing sound. Through the narrow scope, she saw the images of those tall beasts rotting under the shells, with flesh and blood dripping down, and the death that followed beside the Hades. The guards harvested its head without hesitation. This is hell, they created hell.

She mechanically repeated the movements taught by the technical masters on the training ground. When the order to "rest" was given, she still rested her head on the scope like a quail, nervously waiting for the order.

[Come out and get some air, you guys, good job. 】

The technical sergeant on the outside of the Cerberus took a wrench and knocked on their vehicle. A dull thumping sound echoed along the pipes and metal. After confirming that the war was over and they could leave the vehicle, the crew members all got out. Because of the small space for movement in the car, she discovered that her legs could not stop shaking, her muscles were stiff, and her protective suit was full of sweat.

[25, yes, you helped kill at least 25 aliens, and your poison box consumed the most. 】

The technical sergeant lifted them down like chickens, and then began to inspect the vehicle. To her relief, except for the commander, the somewhat nervous uncle, the others were as embarrassed as she was. They were crowded together, Leaning against the Cerberus, listening to the roar of the Tech Sergeant's electric drill.

Through the thick protective clothing, the breeze of the unfamiliar planet touched them. She looked up and saw some cold white dots falling in the sky. She had never seen this before, and there had never been anything like this in her hometown.

She looked into the distance, and saw the enemy's corpses lying quietly on the ground rotting. Sporadic gunshots sounded from deep in the fog from time to time, and the reassuring footsteps of the Death Guard sounded faintly. She looked at it as if she had just woken up from a dream. They did it all together, they did it, "Praise the Lord of Death." She murmured, unable to stop stroking her fellow Hades behind her.

The solid touch, this huge guy made her feel at ease, and a full sense of honor floated down her chest. She suddenly remembered the scattered words from the previous training, and spoke again with a guilty conscience, "Praise the Lord of Death, praise the underworld." King of."

Death gives them salvation, and Pluto gives them strength. Without Death and Pluto, as a former slave of Galaspa, she would not be standing here anyway. Maybe she will die on the battlefield of the alien planet, but she will fight with the army. The process of death has made her die without regrets, life and death have been given value, they are no longer corpses in the Garaspa sewage river.

Names and beliefs themselves have magic power. When she silently recited the name of Hades, she looked towards the deepest part of the battlefield intentionally or unintentionally. A feeling of disgust surged up like an electric shock, and then quickly dissipated. She seemed to see Reaching the tall figure in the mist, she blinked in confusion, but everything disappeared again.

The wandering knight drove quietly through the mist. In the most intense place on the battlefield, where the soil was moistened with blood like farmland in early spring, Hades silently inspected the corpses.

No, no.

In the end, Hades shook his head and signaled the two ghost knights to leave the place. The unrelated Death Guards and Hades were on the edge of the battlefield and could not spy on their actions.

[No traces of psychic corrosion were found. 】

There was a brief silence on the other end of the channel,

[Hades, return to the ship now. Following this route, the others have been transferred away. 】

[Mortarion, during your battle with the enemy ships, were there any traces of psychic energy? 】

[No, in fact, this race has almost no understanding and control of spiritual energy. They will only use the Mandeville Point for the most basic navigation. 】

The two fell into silence at the same time, and finally Hades spoke hesitantly,

[If it’s not an alien race, we’ll have to look for the answer from the humans in this galaxy. 】

Mortarion hissed like a sigh,

[This is why I hate people who use psychic powers so much. 】

The original body raised his head and looked at the giant map above the command room. The Rust galaxy was on full display, and a dazzling fleet battle was underway.

But the good news is that because the enemy underestimated the speed and scale of the Empire's support, the Death Guard has successfully captured the two outermost planets of the galaxy and also successfully gained control of Mandeville Point.

Except for the garrison troops previously deployed outside the galaxy, they did not encounter fierce resistance from the enemy. The main force of Meimanik was still attacking Rust's main star, instead of immediately turning around and facing the Death Guard.

The enemy wants to bite Rust and then turn around to fight back. If they turn back now, they will face the fate of being attacked by the Death Guard and the Mechanicus. With a Forge Prime Star at their back, the Mechanicus can quickly restore their strength. combat power, they will be even more difficult to deal with.

Therefore, the aliens chose to capture the Forging Main Star first. The powerful productivity of the Forging Main Star would also give them a boost in their counterattack.

The closer you get to Rust Prime, the harder it is to break through the fleet defenses on the opposite side.

Mortarion calculated that if Rust Prime fell, the war situation would deteriorate further.

Although the original body is indifferent to these Mechanicus Magi who believe in gods at will, they really need a fleet now, a fleet that can reinforce the main star of Rust. The Cult Mechanicus on Rust is crumbling, and it is indeed possible to hold on until now. is a miracle.

Mortarion thought as the door to the command room behind him was opened, and Hades walked in quickly, his armor stained with tiny crystals of poisonous gas.

Hades took off his helmet and looked at the screen intently. After a moment, he spoke.

"We need support for Rust Prime."

"One fleet is enough. As long as the main star is not lost, the Death Guard fleet can slowly tear apart their defenses from the outside."

Mortarion raised his hand, interrupting Hades' words. Hades looked at him in confusion,

"In your opinion, who leads this fleet?"


Hades answered without hesitation, "This fleet needs capable people, and among this group of people, I know the most about the Mechanicus."

Mortarion was silent for a moment,

"This is on the premise that we have not encountered that small boat."

Hades was stuck. He lowered his head and thought for a while in annoyance. Indeed, the subspace surveillance was still there, but Rust could not be lost. Hades did not think that Gallo and Vox were qualified to fight together with the Mechanicus. Mission, any tactical mistakes caused by a lack of understanding between the two sides are fatal. Those oil guys may even deliberately sell the Death Guard for the sake of victory. This is not uncommon.

"There are now three Wraith Knights, two hundred and thirty-two untouchables, and fifty-seven think tanks on the Endurance. The command is given to you. This is enough for you, Mortarion."

Even in the most extreme case, if those untouchables are gathered together and then killed, the anti-spiritual energy field erupted by the untouchables before death is enough to bear on any subspace creature, and they will be expelled immediately. space.

Hades established a team of untouchables, firstly to cooperate with his operations, and secondly to allow the legion to have a standing force. They cannot always rely on him. Even though Hades's ability is now at the level of a supermodel, in the Great Rebellion It hasn't started yet, but the untouchables of the Death Guard can be considered to be at the T1 level.

As long as the Endurance does not actively jump into the warp, suddenly become ill and enter the warp turbulence, and kill all the astropaths on the ship while running around, this team of untouchables is enough to deal with the warp creatures in the physical world.

By the way, the example just mentioned is the tragic experience of how the Death Guard went into the ground to ambush and were corrupted in the original book.

As for why it's so fucked up, don't ask, it's just that Karastifon's skill in deceiving Mortarion is superb, but now Mortarion will not make such a weak-minded mistake. The original body is deeply aware of the dangers of subspace. Mortarion resisted even sailing into the warp, let alone letting his fleet roam the warp.

We still have to believe in the barriers of the physical world. In addition to designing in advance, places with altars, such as Endurance, will not be easily corroded by subspace.

Oh, except for the time when Hades tried to commit suicide, ahem, it was an accident.

Moreover, Hades can feel that the physical barriers outside Rust's galaxy are not weak. On the contrary, the physical barriers here can be said to be healthy, but deep in this galaxy. Rust's main star Hades It's hard to say. Generally speaking, the higher the intensity of death, the more depressed people's spirits are, and the more likely subspace is to distort the real world.

Mortarion glanced at Hades, and then he began to arrange the fleet,

"Your judgment is that nothing will happen to the Endurance?"

Hades hesitated and said, "It's hard to say, but the subspace connection here is not close."

Mortarion paused for a moment,

"Then go ahead, Hades."

Then Mortarion slowly whispered again,

"Sometimes I really wonder whether you are a member of the Mechanicus or a member of the Death Guard. Maybe it was a wrong decision to approve you to go to Mars."

Hades spoke in horror, "I am from the Death Guard. You believe me, Mortarion. You see, I don't pay much attention to the Mechanicus."

But what Hades had in his mind was the image of being surrounded by the mechanical sages of the Mint-forged satellite.

Mortarion had a look of disgust on his face like "You're a liar" and immediately issued an expulsion order.

"The Fourth Knight is ready. They are all soldiers of the Seventh Company. Hades, you can take over. After three Terra hours, we will cover your entry."

"If you need the strength of Zero Company, take them with you."

Hades waved his hand, "You need them more than me, Mortarion, let them ensure the stability of the main fleet."


Mortarion did not shirk, "Commander Hades, I order you to lead the 7th Company to support the Rust Prime. All powers of the 7th Company, the 4th Knight and its attached ships are open to you. Act as appropriate." , take them.”

Hades had already started to leave quickly towards the door. He raised his scythe and gave a simple salute, which was regarded as a response to Mortarion.

".Be sure to come back alive."

Thank you for your concern...I'm fine! I'm just a little busy at the end of the term, and coupled with the writer's fragile and unhealthy schedule, I may have to update it every two weeks in the near future, but if the literary thoughts come flooding in, I will try my best to write more! _(:з ∠)_

There will definitely be more updates during the summer vacation, definitely, definitely, definitely, I'm counting, I owe four more updates.

Thanks for subscribing and happy reading ('ω')

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