Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 241 233 Fighting, being prayed for, stop shouting!

Chapter 241 233. Fight, be prayed for, stop shouting!

The cramped cab was stuffy and the rubber protective clothing was soaked in sweat and gave off a nauseating smell.

The sound of the crawler tracks moving forward echoed in the long and narrow corridor, making strange clicking noises from time to time. Which alien skeleton had the Hades run over?

[Keep moving forward, there are four enemy elite units in front. 】

[Firing direction 100, high concentration loading. 】

The commander's voice echoed along the metal pipe. She silently felt the texture of the trigger, searching for prey in the main gun sight.

They are moving forward on the alien ship. This giant ship is being captured by the Death Guard. Green and thick venom is spreading in its capillaries. The giant is about to usher in its end.

As a temporary mobile team, they consisted of a Cerberus and seven Death Guards.

Screams and gunshots rang out in the distance. Countless groups like them were fighting in other branches. Similar scenes happened all the time.

She heard the sound of the death guards reloading next to the Hades, and heard the clang of the scythe scraping against the wall. In the protective suit that was like a high-temperature purgatory, hearing was her only extension.

She heard it—the gasping sounds of the hateful alien race.

【emission! 】

Thick and lush green instantly filled the entire corridor area. The narrow terrain made the poisonous mist attack of the Cerberus instantly double the effect, and screams and bone-gnawing hissing sounds sounded together.

At the moment when the poisonous mist spread, the Death Guards next to the Hades rushed into the poisonous mist instantly. The first mover advantage of the terrain would provide them with valuable opportunities to attack.

The poisonous mist will corrode the Randan's armor and flesh, and will also temporarily blind them, but this time is very short, only three seconds.

Sparks lit up in the fog, and the Randan shouted something angrily, but they were answered only by silence. The Death Guard never roared.

She silently recited the names of the Lord of Death and the King of the Underworld in her heart, nervously waiting for the commander's next instruction. Previous combat experience told the Hades that they should not get too close to the Randan people.

Load, aim, fire, fire, fire!

The green poisonous mist rolled here, forming a substantial barrier wall.

A sudden roar broke out, a scream that seemed to penetrate everything, she was hoarse and crying, and her mind suddenly went blank——

Wish. Ming.

The monster burst out of the fog, its remaining limbs splashing with blood, and it struggled wildly to try to climb onto the Hades, throwing up pieces of mucus and tissue.

The car body jolted violently, and it squeaked, but the dogs in the car paused as if sleepwalking, and no one responded.

A sickle stretched out from the fog and cut directly into the monster's flesh and blood. Ran Dan, who was struggling before death, screamed desperately and climbed forward, but was still dragged into the fog like a dying fish.

The blood left a desperate trail on the ground.

The screaming continued.

+Attack! attack! ! ! Shooting direction 700! ! ! +

The offensive loader slowly cools the transport pipe, the conductor is still silent, she trembles, no no.

+Attack! emission! ! emission! ! ! +

The roar of the engine and the driver came together, "Wake up! Wake up!!" The Cerberus suddenly retreated, and the driver wanted to put the vehicle into the blind spot for shooting.

The loader remained silent, staring straight at her, her finger on the trigger as firm and unmoved as dead wood.

No. No. She still couldn't control her body. The loader leaned over and held her hand that was holding the trigger——

"In the name of Death and Hades, wake up!"


She shuddered.

A nauseating feeling suddenly came up, starting from the cramping stomach, and the suppressed pain and sensation spread along the esophagus. She shook off the hand of the filling hand and pushed him away.

There was a dull impact, and she decisively pulled out the gun, holding down the loading hand with one hand, and hitting the loading hand on the head with the handle of the gun with the other hand.

"In the name of Hades!!! Wake up!!!"

Words have magic power, and she felt the title changing its tone in her throat, like a shout coming from a distant sea of ​​fog, hazy and distorted.

[People's thoughts determine the direction of their currents. Currents can merge into seas, giving them strength, and strong currents can also change the direction of nearby currents. 】

[This is the law of the Supreme Heaven. 】

[But what if the water flow chooses to jump into the empty void? 】

[Hades blinked, a weak feeling fleeting, and he quickly forgot this trivial matter. 】

Her thinking became powerless, but she was no longer confused. If you want to gain consciousness, you have to lose your strength. She gritted her teeth, blood flowed from her mouth, and desperately called for Hades.

During her almost masochistic attack, the loader passed out. She decisively tied him with a rope and stuffed him into the gaps in the pipes.

She shouted the truth she had just discovered, banging the pipe with a wrench,

She didn't know why Death couldn't respond to their calls. Maybe it was because the Lord was in charge of the Space Marines and couldn't give power to mortals?

But no matter what, since Hades responded to her, she would become his disciple.

"It's Hades! He can save us from psychic attacks!"

"Ah, you woke up! Otherwise it would be troublesome. I really can't imagine that the main gunner was also controlled."

"Can we still fight?" came the weak voice of the old man, the commander.

"Okay! RD passed out, but I can fill and cool the transport tube on his behalf! Wait, it's Hades! Do you know what I'm talking about?!"

"Stop making noise! ​​How do you think we woke up?!" the driver yelled angrily,

"Oh, I didn't think about them. I believe in the truth of the empire. Madam, sir, it's time to continue fighting."

The commander interrupted them in time, and the two of them recovered from the ecstasy and trembling of having just escaped from mind control. The engine started again, and they moved forward along the corridor again.

The battle was over, and a Death Guard fell here forever, with brutal scars on his helmet and life flowing out of it.

The captain recovered his equipment and left a beacon signaling the team to move on.

A pharmacist will come to recover the gene seeds later.

Move forward, keep moving forward, they need to open up landing opportunities for the [Subsequent Plan].

Even though she would never know what the [follow-up plan] would be, she could just follow the orders. The adults commanded by the Death Guard would make their own decisions.

Next, they encountered several more Ran Dan teams and lost the life of a Death Guard, but they still moved forward under the captain's decision.

They walked along the long and narrow corridor for a long time, so long that she felt as if she had almost walked from one end of the ship to the other.

Finally, the captain stretched out his hand to signal them to stop, and his hoarse voice sounded on the general channel,

[We found it and are retreating now. 】

[Note, turn all interference channels to maximum, start retreating now - the sooner the better. 】

The Hades at the end of the team began to reverse quickly, and the driver skillfully made the hound run backwards.

Other Death Guards also began to retreat, and some more dangerous entities lurked in the darkness.

There is an explosion!

The corridor behind the Cerberus was blown open, and the ceiling collapsed, directly pressing on the rear end of the car. The Cerberus almost jumped up.

There was a heartbreaking squeaking sound, and she could feel the front of the car even tilting up.

The alarm sounded, and the huge explosion impacted the poison box. The pressure inside was rapidly decreasing, and poisonous mist hissed out of the box.

Damn it! She shivered and huddled in the cockpit, using all her emergency repair skills, but the sirens were still ringing.

The secondary weapons hanging on the side of the Cerberus had long been out of ammunition, she thought desperately.

Heavy footsteps sounded, and countless alien figures emerged from the fog. They were obviously more powerful than those they had experienced before.

Behind the alien army was a figure that could fill an entire corridor.

An evil growl sounded in his ears, and his eardrums were about to be torn.

She kept reciting Pluto silently. No, they should teach her some prayers. Apart from a feeble plea for help, she could not say anything else to Pluto in her heart.

Pluto, if it were you, what would you want us to say? Your followers need your guidance.

But she felt nothing but weakness and exhaustion. She desperately looked out through the eyepiece to observe the battle situation——

The Death Guard tried to attack, but she could see that their attacks were visibly dulled, they were nothing more than children's toys before the biggest monster, being thrown roughly against the wall.

Lord Randan seemed very anxious. He simply cleared away the Death Guards and threw them against the wall. Then he turned away again, leaving only two Randan warriors to finish the attack.

Some Space Marines were killed instantly, while others struggled to attack, slowing down the Randan warriors' advance - but death was only a matter of time.

"We need to do something!"

She rummaged randomly through the exit ammunition box and finally found two melta bombs that were powerful enough.

Through experience, she believed that the two melta bombs were enough to kill the two monsters.

She suddenly turned her head and cautiously called the driver and commander twice - there was no response.

The violent explosion just now made them all faint.

Now she is the only one left.

No. No, death is not scary, the important thing is to give it meaning.

If she believes in death and Hades, she should not be afraid of death!

She shook her head randomly, shaking off the mist from her goggles, and then she ordered herself to stare at the battlefield. Now only the captain was left facing off against the two aliens.

His armor was badly damaged, and the wounds were exposed to the poisonous mist, giving them a sickly sheen.

The captain could hardly hold on any longer. The two soldiers seemed to be teasing him, but they refused to kill him.

Trembling, she turned on the channel and spoke as clearly and quickly as possible.

[Sir, I have two melta bombs here, the dosage is sufficient. 】

[I'm going to your side now, Hell Dog, can you get close to Ran Dan for two seconds? 】

Two seconds is the minimum time for a Melta Bomb to detonate.

[Yes, sir, I can. 】

[Okay, give me a bomb when the time comes. 】

Her voice was inadvertently tinged with sobs, but she still held the two bombs firmly, crawled through the pipes in the Cerberus, carefully opened the hatch, and left the Cerberus with the help of darkness.

Because she was too short and inconspicuous, the two Randan people did not notice her. She carefully crouched among the blasted ceiling fragments and waited.

According to the technical sergeant who often stayed with them, the average survival time of a Cerberus soldier on the battlefield after leaving the Cerberus tank was forty-six minutes.

It seemed that she was going to lower the average duration. She dipped her fingers into the venom flowing on the ground and wrote [Hades] on the melta bomb.

【I'm coming over. 】

[Okay, sir. 】

[In the name of Hades. 】

She read softly.

The Death Guard struggled to cope with Ran Dan's tricks, as if he couldn't resist. He began to retreat, and the two fools followed him without any worries.

Just when the captain stepped next to the remains of the Cerberus——

"For Hades!"

The huge shout was deafening and filled the entire space.

She rushed out, throwing one bomb to the captain and holding the other to her chest. She jumped over and nailed her arm to the monster with her dagger.

She could feel the hot temperature of the bomb blooming on her chest——

At the critical moment, a huge spark exploded from the other end of the corridor, and the entire ship trembled, which was enough to make any creature's eyesight turn black and solemn.

Electronically controlled radio waves came together, and the melta bomb's indicator light flashed and then went out.

Two shots, and the lives of two Ran Dan disappeared.

Her consciousness was on the verge of collapse. She struggled to push away the body that was pressing on her. The wounds on her arms quickly fester in the poisonous mist. At the other end of the dark corridor, a miracle had come.

In the smoke, only a dim silhouette was revealed, but she knew what it was.

Pluto stood there, with a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood from foreign races at his feet.

The gun in his hand was pointed here, and the charged light had just faded.

The scarlet red light of the left eye penetrated the darkness and fog and stared at them, His followers.

God hears the believer’s response.

She fainted.

Hades stood there in silence, and the voice of the Cerberus just now seemed to still fill the corridor.

The courage to sacrifice is worthy of commendation.

But wait, he never taught them to shout these weird things, did he? ? ?

To be honest, it's a bit embarrassing, although I am moved by it.

But Hades, who was rushed out by others shouting his name, seemed to know why Mortarion did not let the Death Guard shout a war cry.

This kind of thing, combined with Alpha's previous words, if Mortarion didn't believe him, it could easily be treated as a usurpation of power, right?

Couldn't she be Afa?

Even if the oil man prayed for it, Hades knew that it was probably because of the fragments of the Star God, but why did the Cerberus also start?

Apart from teaching them how to drive and fight, Hades didn't remember doing anything else?

Hades's mind was full of questions, but the war was urgent, so he had to let the pharmacists come over first, and then rushed to the next battlefield.

To deal with Lord Randan, these highly psychic creatures, ordinary Death Guards are still too weak.

Hmm...I've been looking for a rhythm. The previous rhythm was indeed slow. I apologized and reflected, and the next time it may speed up, of course it may be faster or a little more. If you have a bad impression, I'm very sorry. If you have any suggestions, please mention them here directly.

Next - [Made In Heaven]!!!

I have a lot of homework to make up today, no second update.

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