Chapter 243 235. Run away! escape!

The loss of control started little by little.

[The sirens in the 3 previous areas were disconnected for 3 milliseconds just now. 】

[I guess it’s a misjudgment. At this time, we still need to check the psychic circuit? 】

The two Randans walked in the long corridor, their footsteps echoing in the dim space, and the dim light reflected on the floor, like lumps of fat, cold and greasy.

[Decisions are made by adults. All we can do is shoulder our responsibilities and not take them lightly.]

There was a small thud to the ground, but its comrades were still unaware of it.

[Okay, okay, do your own thing, do your own thing, you are still a bastard like me——]


As if realizing something, the Randan man walking in front turned around, and his comrade who had just taught him a lesson lay quietly on the ground, motionless.

【well? 】

【PTYUH! Hello! What’s wrong with you? ! 】

【Hello? ! Wake up! Wake up! 】

It hurriedly turned around to check on its companions, and immediately turned on the alert communication, but in the usually lively communication, there was only dead silence at this moment.

Communication is cut off.

It pulled out its knife tremblingly, and while alert, tried to wake up its comrades. But it suddenly realized something again, and Randan used spiritual power to explore its friend——

Nothing at all.

The soul disappeared, leaving only a warm body.

For the first time, the Randan people learned that it was not just guns and gunpowder that could bring fear.

The unknown is the real source of fear.

Randan suddenly realized that the silence here was terrifying. It was half-kneeling in the center of the endless corridor, with the warm corpse of its companion next to it.

The overhead lights silently shed light, and time and space seemed to be stretched. It and the corpse were in the center of the stage, and something was admiring its embarrassment.

The white light was dry and blinding.

The soul shuddered, and the brain tissue tingled and twitched.

At the end of the corridor, something unobservable appeared, and darkness enveloped him.

It mustered up all its courage, pointed its knife at the nameless one, and shouted,

"Hey you--"

"Bang", another subtle sound of hitting the ground.

The corridor fell silent again.

The warning signal at the end of the ship flashed twice and then returned to normal. The lighting system was paralyzed for more than ten seconds, and some soldiers could not be contacted.

An old problem that is common but not worth mentioning is nothing in front of the enemy fleet.

The pendulum was accelerating, the army was approaching, and a helpless sense of death gripped it. The lord checked the ship's trajectory over and over again, struggling to lead people out of the encirclement and suppression circle.

But it was obvious that the commander of the ship on the opposite side was by no means an idle person. What seemed like an unintentional and idle act before actually blocked all their escape routes.

Then we can only let everyone bleed together.

Despair gradually turned into madness, and the light in the lord's eyes became more and more cruel. If the final outcome was destruction, then all existence would fall into hell together.

Ran Dan also has a cruel background. Facing a tyrant, all they can do is be more cruel than him.

Even if they perish, they will make their enemies pay the price.

The lord calmed down his blood circulation system and made up his mind, so he let it say goodbye for the last time and tell the soldiers the truth about the final decision.

Abandoning the senses, it sank into the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. In the dark night, a graceful and gorgeous blue-purple ocean appeared in front of its eyes, with rolling waves and beautiful flames dotted like kelp, swaying on the seabed.

The warmth of the soul and the waves of the Warp soothed it, and reason returned to its mind.

What a beautiful sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. It is the soul that lights up this dark sea, gives it life and vitality, and sings the beautiful chorus of souls.

The flame flickers, those are its people, its warriors, pure and——

etc? !

At the limit of sight, at the edge of the night and the ocean, something was squirming, and a black shadow flashed past.

The lord thought he had seen it wrong at first, but after a sudden glance, the existence seemed to be magnified countless times——

He's staring at it.

Only then did it realize that the fluctuations in the entire ocean were not normal. Compared with the usual disorderly waves, they were obviously flowing towards the same position——

The irregular black creature clung to the bottom of the sea, with some broken golden light nailing its body, almost piercing through it, forcibly restricting the monster's movement.

But the creature seemed to be completely unaware of the pain and squirmed wantonly. Even if it was pulled by the nail, it moved forward in a weird posture without feeling.

It was a stupid and reckless monster, driven only by instinct.

It twisted, expanded and contracted from time to time, swallowing and licking all the creatures on the seabed like a predator. The flames that were touched were extinguished instantly, and the music stopped suddenly, as if it had never appeared.

This ugly creature is destroying the ecology of the seabed, squirming, twisting, and expanding. It is a body that is absolutely impossible to support in subspace. It is an existence that does not comply with the laws.

Then. What is that? ? ! !

Lord Randan swore that it had never seen such a blasphemous and ugly existence, that it could not understand it, that it could not sense it, that this black fleshy creature lived on the seabed like a tumor.

A sphere that is expanding and contracting, with a fleshy body that is beating like breathing, and there are shackles on the body that seem to have broken free of seals.

The soul subconsciously sends out an alarm, just like the natural trembling of animals when facing natural enemies.

Lord Randan realized with a shudder that without those golden spikes, this monster would completely devour everything.

What kind of selfless existence restrained this monster and allowed it to escape?

What makes it even more desperate is that the monster is swimming underwater and moving quickly towards its location!

Wherever the monster passes, its warriors are like flames in a storm, instantly extinguished.

It was complete carnage.

Suddenly, it seemed to realize why the other lord disappeared silently.

It was devoured by that monster!

——Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

You do not want! Don't come here! ! !

The heavy truth hammers its soul.

Huge shock and fear, the soul was twitching, the organs were violently spasming, and the unstable mind instantly pulled it back to the physical universe. It stood swaying, and the floor seemed to be undulating waves.

The lord crashed directly in front of the command podium and adjusted the monitoring system randomly and crazily. The servant beside it tried to help it, but was roughly pushed away by it.

It stared at the screen, no, no, no, no, a clear and definite route seemed to come out, and the monitors all had flashing images for a period or two.

The trembling hand zoomed in and out of the pictures one by one. In the corners of some pictures, it saw a corner of a body lying down.

He was dead, he didn't make any sound, he was already dead.

No, it's not death, their souls were taken away and swallowed into the monster's body, which was a body supported by the souls of the dead!

The lord trembled and searched and prayed.

Finally, in a monitoring history that had stopped working, it saw a huge, crawling creature, which exposed one of its tentacles in the shadows.

The buzzing in the soul is even louder. It can feel the pressure loss before the storm. There is some monster crawling towards here, which is indescribable and incomprehensible.

The lord roughly ordered its servants to disperse, while he staggered and tried to leave. No, it was useless. The psychic energy would only make the creature ecstatic.

It seemed to hear the distant, rustling sound of growth. The monster was heading here, and its target was the lord's soul.

No, no, no, no, no, what would happen if the soul was swallowed by that kind of monster? Is it purgatory-like torture in that endless darkness?

It stumbled out of the command room, ran, left here, as far away as possible. Even if it was killed by alien artillery fire, its soul would not fall into the hands of that existence.

It needs to be far away, as far away as possible, without letting the soul be even touched by that being.

He's coming, he's coming, he feels it, something heaves against the floor, it runs desperately, he finds it, he's behind it.

It screamed with huge revulsion and disgust, and it couldn't even turn back. If it turned back, would it receive a permanent curse after seeing the true face of the monster?

A heavy thud sounded behind it, and every blow hit its hearing hole hard.

escape! escape! It can hear the sound of his tentacles breaking through the wind, and it can hear the screams of souls. After the cunning predator is exposed, its true appearance is completely revealed, and it sees its people extinguished like candles in the wind.

Darkness chased it, and the light disappeared behind it. From a spiritual perspective, it was pitch black behind it, and any light and wisdom no longer existed.

There is no way to resist at all, as long as you get close, it will be devoured.

It is beyond redemption.

It has even begun to look forward to human gang-hopping, letting them hold back this existence, or its soul disappears before it is caught.

Despair gathered in the cabin, squeezing it, the space seemed to be distorted, and everything was swept past. The good news is that the existence seemed unable to catch up with it——

The fork in the road is coming, just run over there, there is the altar, let it sacrifice its soul directly to the supreme heaven, it can't stand it anymore, at least it knows what will happen after the sacrifice.

The light at the fork in the road seemed like a beacon in the darkness. The monster behind seemed to be afraid of this light, and the chasing footsteps began to sound chaotic. It was coming, it was coming.

Overjoyed, it rushed towards the fork regardless of its own safety, the wind whistling around it——

A huge scythe broke out of the light, its blade shining sharply.

The scene seemed to stop there. In the dazzling white light, there were only the beasts fleeing forward and the scythe of death lying in ambush.

The blade carried tremendous power. As it suddenly moved forward, it was caught by the sickle and slammed back into the darkness.


It lay on its back, with dazzling light pouring down from above. The alien's face was completely immersed in the darkness of the hood, and hoarse breaths came out of the mask.

A charging gun was pointed directly at its head, but it didn't fire.

Ha. Haha he is going to be finished!

Let this alien be used as bait to slow down that monster!

The lord tried to get up ferociously, but was knocked to the ground by the sickle handle, and the heavy sickle handle directly shattered its facial bones.

Unhurriedly, a hoarse voice sounded,

"Hades, hurry up."

well? well? ?

"It can really run. I've been chasing it for a long time."

Foreign languages ​​came from the empty corridor.

well? ? ?

The lord who was suppressed by the original body lay on the ground. In the upside-down world, a human who made him tremble came out of the darkness, panting.

"That's no reason for you to chase half the boat."

ah? !

Is that a human? !

Is this kind of existence a human being? !

The lord instantly mobilized his psychic energy and tried to explode, but neither of them looked at it again, and the dark sickle blade hung down.

The alien's head and soul fell to the ground together. Hades scratched his head. He didn't know why this lord didn't even fight, but ran away when he saw him.

In the previous battles, Hades had never encountered someone who ran away directly. He didn't look very strong, either?

"You're boarding the ship so soon, Mortarion?"

"Hades, look at the corpses on half the ship, and look at the Randan people who were scared crazy by the corpses in half the ship. I think you will know why I boarded the ship so quickly."

Mortarion rolled his eyes and called up the ship's surveillance video. The Death Guard's forging master had breached the opposite system. In the video, countless Randans were trembling and huddled, or running away like crazy.

Lord Randan's dying scream infected them. After realizing that more than half of his army had died silently, these soldiers could not bear the absurd truth.

Next time you fight psionic seeds, just throw Hades out, Mortarion thought.

"How did you do it, Hades, to scare the Randans crazy?"

Or is this race just so fragile?

"I didn't do anything, either?"

Hades thought suspiciously, he just sneaked normally, and then the black area ended. Although there were a few places when he was sneaking, he had to climb and walk without any appearance due to the terrain.

Maybe because too many people died? Then failed the morale test?

Hades was also confused. He could understand the dead, but he couldn't understand the crazy.

But no matter what, the ending is good in the end.

Thanks to this unexpected turn of events, Ran Dan, whose main ship fell, was completely reduced to a soul under the Death Guard's scythe. When the Dark Angel's ship arrived in Rust out of breath after traveling thousands of miles, he only saw Death cleaning the battlefield. guard.

The commander of the Death Guard smiled and welcomed them in the communication channel. Faced with the Dark Angels' doubts, he smiled and laughed,

[Ah, we were lucky this time. We ended the battle without much effort. 】

The Dark Angels asked each other a few questions. They who were responsible for chasing this fleet naturally knew the terror of these alien races.

Although the death guard's smile really revealed a sense of ignorance and unexpected good fortune.

Even the brothers with the most skillful interrogation skills could not see the flaws in the Death Guard's words and expressions.

It seems that this is like an ignorant lucky person.

However, even the consumption of the ship's firepower will take a while, not to mention the opponent's unique psychic explosion.

There's something fishy here.

The Dark Angels looked at each other.

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