Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 246 237 Rumors, the first gathering of believers

Chapter 246 237. Rumors, the first gathering of believers

After the Dark Angels' fleet arrived in this star field, in order to avoid suspicion and because the war had entered its final stages, the Cerberus troops were transferred to the Prime Star of Just to assist the Mechanicus in resuming production here.

Although the Cerberus were the most inconspicuous mortal auxiliary troops and only played supporting roles on the battlefield, they were still allowed to learn about the overall direction of the war.

This war is almost over.

The Galaspars, who participated in the first war in their lives, seemed to be relieved instantly. Although the tasks assigned to the Cerberus were still completed on time or even ahead of schedule, people still tried to start having fun in their lives.

Compared to the previous simple duel cages, the Cerberus were obviously interested in those stories that had no beginning or end and became more and more magical as they were passed on. Having experienced two wars, they had many stories to review and share.

Among a series of rumors that sound unreliable, there is one rumor that particularly attracts the curiosity of these mortals - [Pluto] In the spare time after the construction work, people with dusty faces hold nutritious porridge and gather together to chat and rest. When the atmosphere reaches a climax, there will always be someone who suddenly lowers his voice and says mysteriously, "Have you heard of that, [Pluto]?" If he is lucky, the people who work with him don't know about this, then he can exaggerate this rumor with a look of arrogance. If he is unlucky and someone else knows this rumor, then he will have to rush to share this information with his companions. "It is said. I mean, it is said that there is a special existence among the adults of the Death Guard."

"That one, that one, we have all seen, the commander who taught us to drive tanks at that time."

He raised his hand and waved it with a hint of meaning,

"Let me make it clear first, I believe in the truth of the Empire, every Cerberus believes in the truth of the Empire, this is just a rumor, a rumor."

"Oh, come on, tell me, don't pretend."


The man coughed again in a mysterious way, lowering his voice to the lowest,

"Actually. That adult is a god!"


The crowd made contemptuous sounds, not believing what the man said at all,

Is it a god? This is too much, although those Space Marines are really called angels by some ignorant people, but the Cerberus who have been educated by the Death Guard know that Space Marines are also human beings.

"You might as well say that the legion commander is a god, so I will believe you a little bit. You can't even make up a story." Seeing that everyone refuted him, the man was not in a hurry. He continued to speak slowly and pinched his throat, "I have evidence. Now I can verify the truth for you." "Listen carefully, as long as you have no distractions in your heart and have awe, and then silently recite [Praise Hades] in your heart, there will be a real response!" "Let me make it clear first, you must use your mind and heart to think, and you must think of that adult." After the man finished speaking, he crossed his arms with a proud face and waited for the crowd to try. You should know that he was also shocked when he verified it at that time, the kind of powerlessness and depression that seemed to penetrate into his bones. Compared with the confident man, his companions were skeptical. The crowd raised questions of "Is it true or false", but anyway, there was nothing to do now, and many people began to try to pray to Hades with curiosity and doubt. Idleness is always the first source of motivation for humans to try stupid rumors. In less than a minute, some people started to scream. They opened their eyes in fear and excitement, looked around in confusion, and became confused again after confirming that the surroundings were safe.

"See, it's true."

The man said proudly that this rumor could be verified immediately, which is why it can spread the farthest and is the easiest to be shared.

"Wait. But if he is really a god, why do I feel disgust? Shouldn't it be something that makes me happier and healthier?"

"No. That adult is actually..."

"You don't know that."

The man continued to keep the secret,

"I have seen someone who believes in him, a woman in the 037th Regiment. She said that this feeling of powerlessness can drive away the psychic control of aliens."

"And she said that the adult's name [Hades] has a corresponding position in the ancient High Gothic language."

"[Pluto] controls the power of the underworld and death, so if we live people go to worship him, it will certainly feel like death!"

Then, seeing everyone staring at him with curiosity, the man couldn't help but talk nonsense again, pouring out all the things he made up and heard from other places.

Because it can be verified in real time, the rumor of [Pluto] has become more and more popular among the Hades, although most people just listen to it as gossip and throw it into the corners after hearing it.

But the huge number of Hellhounds is here. Some of the Hellhounds who fought with Randan and accidentally escaped from Randan’s mind control did not treat this rumor in this way.

Some of them began to gather together spontaneously to discuss their experiences and share their guesses and hypotheses - until a sage noticed these Hellhounds.

The rest camp of the 037th Regiment.

The coarse cloth tents built in the wasteland of the mining area were dim as night, and the overly dry air diluted the smell of sweat inside.

Now is the time for free activities. Most people go outside to blow water or train independently. No one wants to stay in this tent that is full of sweat smell.

It was good, it provided her with a rare moment of quiet as she sat on her trestle bed, sorting out the news she now knew.

All the conjectures she has constructed so far are based on a solid iron law, that is -

When you call that adult in the name of [Pluto], you will receive a reaction in your mind.

Apart from that, this was the only knowledge she had. She tried to borrow some books from the Death Guard's archives open to the Cerberus, but the poor High Gothic language made it difficult for her.

What is certain is that there are [Pluto] and [God of Death] in the Death Guard, plus various death cultures that have long been popular in the legion, making her think that her conjecture is not so unexpected.

She thought about it and tried to dig out more evidence from her memory. During the tank practice of Cerberus,

That adult had appeared before, but in her memory, only the figure of that adult who was obviously taller than the others remained, and everything else became blurry.

On the ground next to the tent door, the beam of light swayed.

"Hello, do you have at least 3.5 standard Terra hours available now?"

A flash of scarlet flashed directly into her sight, and she almost stabbed the dagger in surprise.

In fact, she did the same, but the sage easily pressed down her arm with his mechanical arm and held it tight at the same time.

"Just briefly introduce yourself, the Martian Sage of the Death Guard, Kirkland."

She blinked in surprise. Generally speaking, the sages of the Mechanicus would never be polite to a mortal, but the sages of Kirkland did show superhuman courtesy and patience.

So she said cautiously,

"Region 037, Mago of Galaspa."

"Okay, nice to meet you, Margot. Without further ado, I need your guess about Hades."


Sage Kirkland's question directly made Margo's mind a little confused. She was not sure whether the sage was joking or whether she heard it wrong.

"Sir? This is just my own conjecture, and the Empire is not"


Sage rejected her cleanly, the chain on his shoulders turning, and Kirkland pressed his face against it, as if wanting to keep Margot staring into his metal eyes.

The metal eyes looked like dead objects, but they glowed with a strange red light in the depths.

Margot felt that the hairs on the back of her neck were about to stand up, but the sage held her arm firmly to prevent her from moving back.

"I've seen demons."

The sage's electronic sound without any ups and downs of emotions sounded,

"If demons exist in this world, then angels and gods will naturally exist."

"That lord, he knows the existence of demons, he is familiar with them, and he kills them."

Margot tilted her face uncomfortably, almost breaking her waist in order to stay away from the sage.

"But my lord, a brave man can also kill a demon."

Sage Kirkland suddenly released the mechanical arm imprisoning Mago.

"No, I made a mistake."

"The correct narrative is that He destroyed them in an instant, He knew the operating laws of the silent machinery, He modified it, He used it, He knew the rules, He was the rules."

"He is a god. After my close observation, I confirmed my guess that he meets my narrow definition of a god."

"Whether it's the power to resist demons, or the wisdom behind the surface."

"After He chose me as the first observer, I recognized this fact and repented of my foolish behavior."

"So I began to delve more deeply into His path."

Sage Kirkland's eyes were shining with a strange red light, as if to make Margot stare at his face, his neck was twisted into a strange arc,

"Now, tell me, mortal, why did you also discover [Pluto]?"

The oppression on the Sage's body almost formed a physical wall, and Margo felt like she could hardly breathe, but she felt a little angry at the Sage's behavior.

Margot squeezed out a few words from her pursed lips,

“Because I prayed to Him and He answered me.”

The feeling of oppression disappeared instantly, and she only felt the faint smell of engine oil.

"Only in this way?"

The sage stood there blankly,

"For me, that's enough."

She said coldly, and at the same time withdrew her hand, a deep mark had been cut on her arm.

Kirkland Sage wonders, why are the prayers of sages never answered?

Are they not religious enough? Kirkland needs more details.

The sage soon spoke again,

"Margo, tell me what you prayed for."

"[For Hades], that's it."


"No, but you must be pious."

The sage fell silent, and Margo knew that Kirkland had begun to pray——

The sage suddenly became excited, as if the gate had tripped.

"That's it! That's it! This feeling! It's Him!"

He rushed forward and took Margot's hand, shaking it up and down. "You have found the way to Him."

Why were the previous prayers of the Mechanicus ineffective? Kirkland seemed to realize something. The subject of their prayers was not [Pluto], but [God of All Machines], or [Ohm Messiah].

That is to say, behind the surface of ecstasy, Sage Kirkland ponders the possibility of this fact.

It’s better not to reveal this news to other sages yet.

Half an hour later, Kirkland and Margot were sitting on her bed, and Kirkland began to show her his collection of Hades videos, Hades quotes, and why Hades was a god.

When dealing with the Dark Angel, Hades always felt strange, and some small feelings kept disturbing him, like catkins sliding across his skin in the dark, and disappearing lightly into the air.

This feeling is very strange, and I can't concentrate on thinking about it. Once I calm down, these small feelings disappear.

Only when you are unconscious can you faintly notice that something is wrong.

What the hell is going on.?

Hades thought about it, but since he couldn't find a reasonable explanation, he had no choice but to give up. He checked the place where he usually stayed, and asked the lamplighter to come over to see if it was psychic, but in the end he found nothing.

Hades could only think to himself that he would not be cursed and stabbed, right?

But after careful observation for a period of time, Hades found that apart from making him feel uncomfortable, there were no other ominous recruitments at present, so Hades put the matter on hold for the time being.

Although sometimes he is approving documents, he suddenly feels someone calling him, and when he looks up, there is no one in the room. This feeling

Hades would really be scared if he wasn't a tough guy who could knock out seven female ghost heads with one punch.

This mindless thing continued for a while until a document was handed to Hades' desk.

Hades looked at the latest information reported by the tomb keeper and raised his eyebrows. This was the tomb keeper's report on the ideological guidance of Hades. It was marked with a big seal, which meant that it should be approved directly by Hades.

He turned to the first page in silence,

"The overall mental state of the Hades who joined the production mission has recovered well. The troops spontaneously began to engage in entertainment, which alleviated the post-war anxiety of some personnel to a certain extent. However, some rumors began to spread in the name of entertainment."

"In this regard, the tombkeeper has suppressed the rumors and replaced the entertainment method with a reward-based duel cage."

Hmm. It's done pretty well. It's better to block than to clear up. But rumors and such are just chatting. When the legion is stable and supplies are sufficient, we can just talk.

Hades thought silently, picked up the cup to drink water, and continued reading——

".The most widely circulated statement is [Pluto]."

Hades choked out a mouthful of water, wait, what, what?

He frowned and hurriedly turned to the next page, and the words "god", "response", "prayer" and other blasphemies popped up in front of his eyes.

All in all, I was very panicked.

The good news is that this is just a rumor and not many people take it seriously.

But some of the contents inside made Hades very concerned.

Countless thoughts and speculations flashed through Hades's mind. As the owner of the Black Domain, he really didn't know the feedback from the Black Domain to other people.

Is it really so outrageous that prayers can still be answered? Then why had Hades not seen the sages mention [response] to the previous prayers in the Mechanicus?

Hades continued to flip through the report. On the last page of the report, there was an arrest warrant. Among the targets were those who needed permission. The tombkeeper applied for Hades' approval.

Hades blinked and signed his name on the paper without hesitation.

The most stressful exams are over and normal updates have resumed :)

Make up for the summer vacation you owe

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