Chapter 258 249. Farce (4.5K)

Many years later, facing Mortarion and Curze who looked unhappy but embarrassed and injured, Horus would think of that distant afternoon when he opened the door to the banquet and saw a chaotic scene.

At that time, Mortarion also had the same expression.

It was a slightly hot afternoon, and the news of the loss of a loved one fell heavily on his heart. They lost a brother forever after he did something unforgivable.

The Emperor did not forgive his sons, even though he had always been tolerant and acquiesced in many of the Legion's personal affairs.

But this time, he finally released the wolf and lion.

Horus tried to talk to the two executioners, but the Lion King refused him with his usual harsh language, while the Wolf King was frustrated that he did not want to be stained with blood.

But no matter what, when Horus went to find them, most of the truth had been eliminated, and even the executioner could not remember the truth behind the fog.

Horus had forgotten what had happened, but eventually he was charged with bringing the news to his altered brothers.

The fact has faded, leaving only the sting in the heart, the song of mourning has not yet been played, and Guilliman and Dorn, trusted and chosen by the Emperor, still need to undertake other tasks.

What makes Horus sad is that the angel Sanguinius will not feel any positive emotions about this fact. The genetic flaw of the Ninth Legion is the angel's heart knot. The erasure of a legion will only aggravate the saint's... The panic in Gilles' heart.

Horus walked slowly on the carpet. The Wolf Shepherd was keenly aware of the laxity of the mortal honor guard, but at this moment Horus was not in the mood to dwell on this.

Mortals are no more than ants before the story of the Primarch.

Horus was thinking about how to speak. He was already grieving enough, and the Wolf Shepherd no longer wanted his brothers to suffer any more grief.

Guilliman and Dorn have a certain psychological understanding of this matter, and the angel Sanguinius knows everything Horus knew before. Mortarion and Magnus are ignorant, and they do not need to get involved in this matter. among things.

Horus invited Mortarion and Magnus. On the one hand, Mortarion did participate in the Battle of Randan, and Magnus might be able to express some opinions on the matter of [psionic memory erasure].

The flip side is. Well, it's Horus's selfishness, and Horus knows he needs to invite the Ignorant, otherwise the conversation between Dorn, Guilliman, and Sanguinius will turn into a disaster-

They all know part of the missing legion.

If there are ignorant people present, the other three will not speak easily. Maybe this will make them feel better and turn their attention to the new brother.

Mortarion Horus thought he would attract everyone's attention, that the Angels and Guilliman would try to help him, and that he might have a good conversation with Magnus on the subject of psykers.

When he arrived, the door of the banquet hall was closed in front of him, and some vague noises came from behind the heavy solid wood door.

It seemed like they had a good chat.

This fact made Horus's heavy heart slightly relieved. He was not in a hurry to go in. The Wolf Shepherd took a deep breath and forced out a perfect and sunny smile.

At least in front of Mortarion and Magnus, he needed to maintain the image that nothing happened.

He was looking forward to the party on the other side of the door, at least it wouldn't be as heavy as it actually was.

Horus strode open the door.

"Hello, everyone--"

Horus's voice stopped abruptly.

The angel Sanguinius was half kneeling on the ground. The archangel was pressing down Mortarion hard, but Mortarion was still struggling. On the other side, Dorn stood beside Magnus with his arms folded. The scarlet giant originally The long and fluffy hair was lying softly on his face, and he stood silently.

Seeing Horus coming, the angel looked up and gave him an apologetic smile.

Horus slowly typed a question mark.


Horus sat silently on the chair. On the dining table next to him, the dishes had been removed, leaving only the crumpled white cloth, just like Horus's heart.

He might have come here to do something, but he looked at Guilliman who was evacuating the crowd, at the angel whose wings were slightly lowered, and at Dorne who was sitting alone and silent.

Horus suddenly had an absurd feeling that he shouldn't be here.

Maybe he shouldn't have invited Mortarion, or Magnus, or both of them.

Even Horus, who often gave impromptu speeches, felt that his words were feeble in the face of this abstract fact.

The entire hall exuded an unspeakable dullness, and for some reason, it seemed that all the Primarchs felt a sense of apology towards Horus.

This also included Magnus, who was checking his son's injuries, and Mortarion, who was sitting on the other side with a cold face. His son was checking his injuries - the angel used a little force.

According to the angel's account, Mortarion took advantage of Guilliman's entanglement with mortals in the communication channel and seized the opportunity to break away from Guilliman and Dorn - this guy had endurance beyond everyone's expectations.

Holding a certain [outrageous rage], Mortarion tried to fight Magnus.

Then he was pinned down by the angel. The good news is that after seeing the Lord of Death coming towards him, Magnus successfully stopped provoking Mortarion.

Finally, it was Horus' suggestion to let Mortarion's two death shrouds persuade him. This was a good suggestion. The Lord of Death finally calmed down and vowed not to attack Magnus now.

"That's almost it."

Finally, Guilliman, who had been whispering instructions, broke the silence.

"Most people will receive level two amnesia surgery, while those honor guard personnel on the periphery will only need level three surgery."

"The Ultramarines will take them to complete the operation. I have just explained the whole story to the planetary governor of this planet."

Archangel Sanguinius showed a relieved smile, and the archangel looked at Guilliman,

"Thank you for still being here, Guilliman. If it weren't for you, I think this farce would have spread further."

"Actually, this banquet may still spread as a secret message, but I don't think anyone will believe such a secret message with exaggerated contents."

Guilliman smiled bitterly, his eyes wandering between the far ends of the hall, where Magnus and Mortarion sat respectively.

Finally, Guilliman turned his attention to Horus.

Obviously, only Horus could put an end to this, not the angels, Guilliman's qualifications were not enough, and Dorn did not have the personal charisma to convince the crowd.

In fact, Dorn had just scolded Mortarion and Magnus for their behavior. He was obviously puzzled by the two people's behavior of taking action whenever they disagreed.

Horus could understand Magnus to a certain extent. Magnus would not tolerate others insulting psykers in front of him. After all, that was his proudest identity.

But Mortarion Horus didn't understand why he chose to publicly insult Magnus even though he knew that Magnus was a psyker.

Horus was aware of Mortarion's dislike for the Think Tank. As early as the Druun, Mortarion had shown a twisted and hidden dislike for the Death Guard's Think Tank.

After listening to the angel's words, Horus suddenly had a terrible thought.

That is, could Mortarion be trying to persuade Magnus?

The idea was so horrifying that Horus spontaneously refused to think deeply about it. If this was true, then it meant that Mortarion was in trouble with people.

Maybe Dorn would have something in common with him.

However, remaining in a stalemate was not an option. After the bell tower rang the ninth bell in the night, Horus finally organized a decent meeting.

Originally, Horus had directly planned to let Mortarion and Magnus leave. Although the estrangement was certainly sad, Horus had no obligation to broker the relationship between every legion.

Sometimes, Horus was happy to see some frictions and conflicts between the legions.

But the angel looked at him and said thoughtfully,

"I'd like to hear their respective debates on psionics, Luperkar."

"Perhaps Magnus's arguments are already familiar to us, but this new brother, Mortarion, I am curious about his views."

The angel silently looked away and stared at the position of the Death Guard. Compared to the chattering Thousand Sons, the Death Guard was particularly silent.

Dorn, Guilliman, Horus didn't realize it, but the angels did.

It is inconvenient for the Archangel to point it out directly, so using Magnus may be a good plan.

Maybe he shouldn't be so persistent, but no one with etheric vision will ignore or underestimate that existence.

He at least needed to confirm whether the Death Guard was conducting some kind of forbidden experiment. Although Magnus was impulsive, the words he shouted still made the angel care.

Thanks to the efforts of Horus, at both ends of a long table, Mortarion with a cold face and Magnus with a look of anger and disgust were sitting.

"I don't want you to apologize for your slanderous words, but I won't talk to you anymore."

"Let my commander Hades answer your questions for me and refute your absurdity."

Mortarion said calmly that he would never come to the so-called banquet again. This would be a disaster for both Mortarion and others.

[What about your slander against psykers? ! Your prejudiced words! 】

Magnus roared angrily, and as any Primarch present could attest, Mortarion had initiated the altercation.

Mortarion looked at him quietly, with overwhelming anger in his eyes, but the Lord of Death did not speak again——

It was another contempt, another irony, Magnus realized angrily.

So he turned back.

+ Ahriman, represent my will to argue with that barbarian. +

+Fear not, my son, if it attempts to attack you, I will stop it. +

Ahriman swallowed and looked at the being opposite.

There are hundreds, thousands of indescribable senses and emotions in the etheric ocean, but what pains Ahriman is that the existence on the opposite side is torturing his senses in all directions.

It seems that the only way to avoid it is to turn off the vague etheric perception, but this is not realistic for a Thousand Sons like Ahriman.

But he couldn't refuse the Scarlet King Magnus.

+Okay, my lord. +

Ahriman had no choice, choice was the only one that had been observed.

At least for now, it seems that most of the Primarchs present agree with Magnus's position, especially the angel Sanguinius. Ahriman does not believe that after causing such a commotion, the angel with psychic talents did not notice anything. .

As long as a psyker sees the nature of that creature, he will choose to stand in the position of the Thousand Sons.

Ahriman took a deep breath and stepped forward.

At least he believed that he could defend himself against these inarticulate fellows, and studying at Prospero required the necessary skill of speech.

Then he saw Hades smiling at him across from him.

It was the same smile as before, that kind of half-smiling feeling that made Ahriman's hair stand on end.

He even read a slight apology from that smile. What was he apologizing for——

A straight punch.

After that smile, Ahriman faced a straight punch.

One strike, a pure straight punch without any technique.

The opponent's left eye, hidden under the hood, flashed a terrifying afterimage of red light, and the smile on the corner of Hades's mouth had not even completely subsided.

Then he broke off.

Ahriman wasn't sure whether it was the fist that stunned his body, or the blasphemous power of it that broke his spirit—or both.

This was rare. For the first time, Ahriman fell into a deep sleep in the true sense. He no longer actively perceived the etheric field, and he completely cut off his contact with the outside world.

When he woke up again, what he saw was his moaning companion - Ahriman bet that after knocking him unconscious, the monster weakened appropriately.

and the indescribable expressions of the Imperial Fists and Blood Angels who were watching around them.

this is not right.

Ahriman thought angrily that they did not see the projection of Hades in the vast ocean. In their opinion, this was just the Thousand Sons being put down directly to the ground.

This was wrong. They fought in the vast ocean, but no one realized that they only saw the scene of Thousand Sons falling in embarrassment.

The shame and anger climbed up, which made Ahriman feel the decisive courage. The Thousand Sons needed to win back the victory.

He thought about all this. Angels would understand psionics, and if Ahriman had described the orderly and orderly side of psionics, the Lord of Macragge would agree with him.

And Lord Horus must be someone who will help whichever party shows weakness. He will not try to interfere with either party with his own opinions.

The only trouble was Donne, but Ahriman believed that Donne would not be able to garner much support for his own views.

Suddenly, Ahriman realized that they had a winning chance. By defeating the Death Guard and making the adults realize what Hades really was, they could then contact the Emperor and expose Mortarion's crimes.

Opposite Ahriman, Hades raised his eyebrows. His opponent seemed to be deep in thought.

Compared to the Thousand Sons who only wanted to win, Hades didn't care about winning or losing.

If he wanted to win the argument, he could have said it all like a dump, and then laughed and watched all the primarchs in the hall fall into hallucinations, and finally succeeded in becoming demons.

The language itself is meaningless. When faced with objects that comply with Hades' hands-on treaty, Hades would only choose to solve the problem physically.

Although this is not in line with 3k's simple moral values, it is in line with 30k's.

Seeing Ahriman still thinking, Hades realized that the other side really wanted to convince all the original bodies and punish him or something.

Hades saw the efforts from the other side.

As for Hades’ efforts

The door of the hall was suddenly opened, and a forbidden soldier and a Sister of Silence walked in with their heads held high, the red temples on their helmets raised high, showing their image that cannot be ignored.

Hades noticed that, except for Magnus and Ahriman, the faces of the remaining original bodies were not very good-

It's the Imperial Guard!

Ahriman realized, were they here to capture Hades? After all, Hades bears traces of the Emperor's seal.

This is really a good thing. The other party has failed, and the Imperial Army will reveal their crimes.

Hades crossed his arms and tilted his head helplessly.

Editing is not as fun as shaking people, although the other party seems to have misunderstood.

But Charon and the others came very quickly, thanks to this fact, but Hades suspected that they had actually been dormant near the Death Guard fleet.

Charon saluted the Primarchs, then walked straight to Hades——


Magnus's eyes widened.

Yes, code

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