Chapter 270 261. A little person

In the largest building in Barbarus, sunlight penetrated through the windows, making the large carpet bright and plush.

Its ruler has returned and is staring at this new building with a thoughtful eye. Fortunately, it does not have the carvings that the Lord of Death hates. The simple walls are like the bulkheads of the Endurance.

The largest main hall was opened for the first time, and Mortarion personally ordered that he would greet guests who came from afar here.

The news that the Death Guard had returned to Barbarus had long been known to everyone. They were like stones thrown into boiling oil, which naturally caused the hearts of the people here to splash and boil.

And the Lord of Death is the center of this grand stage. Even if he himself does not want to admit it, the crown of the Primarch has been worn, and no one can be spared.

Even though most of the policies that interest people did not come from him.

Mortarion stared thoughtfully out the window at Barbarus.

On the main road of Sipingba University, there is an endless stream of people. People are noisy and smiling walking on the street. The sun makes the road bright and dazzling, but people seem to have got used to it.

There are even shops and bars on both sides of the street. Mortarion lowered his eyes. Once upon a time, Barbarus was still an era of barter and rationing, but after the arrival of peace and technology, human civilization here was developing rapidly.

He chewed it all slowly, recalling the crowds that had just arrived, people thanking him for bringing liberation, bringing prosperity, and bringing everything they have now.

What Mortarion was unsure of was whether they were more grateful for liberation or prosperity.

But when he looked at these people who had not been devastated by poisonous gas and who had not been crushed by suffering, he thought that the latter was more likely.

If it's the latter, they're thanking the wrong person.

Mortarion turned back and glanced at Hades who was sitting at the long table reviewing documents, then turned his head again and continued to stare at the crowd.

Mortarion thought, he wondered if all this was good or bad. One side of the Death Lord was telling him that people had become weak, but in another part of his heart, he realized that everything was now It was the dream that our comrades longed for.

Even though He only promised them death and liberation.

The Lord of Death thought about it, and finally did not come up with his answer, but he was not willing to let it all be destroyed, and he did not come up with any other better answer than this, so let's leave it like this.

However, the next time Barbarus recruits new soldiers, he needs to be more careful and screen out the cowards and the hedonists.

People have told Mortarion their choices and answers, they have accepted Mortarion, they have chosen Mortarion, then Mortarion will naturally fulfill his promise.

Mortarion thought slowly that the feeling of being surrounded by people cheering wasn't all that disgusting to him anyway.

But being kind to the Barbarus people does not mean that he will be kind to other people. Barbarus has accepted too many other people, and Mortarion still needs to check them one by one.

When night falls, he will meet in person with representatives from other worlds.

After staying by the window for a while, with nothing else on his mind, Mortarion let his thoughts wander casually, and finally decided to see what others were doing.

The Lord of Death strode up to Hades and squinted at the documents he was approving.

Seeing Mortarion coming over to join in the fun, Hades ignored him and continued to read the report handed over by Gallo.

In the human settlement on Planet 5, Jialuo successfully led the tombkeepers to issue a verdict. The tall warriors walked into the downtown area and pulled out the criminals like little chickens.

In front of veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles, the firearms and ammunition prepared by those gangsters are simply oversized toys.

Hades looked at the photos sent by Gallo. Gallo's explanation was that because the opponent tried to resist, he had to use a more violent method.

Blood and internal organs were scattered all over the floor. The head was like a dead fish with its mouth wide open. The eyeballs were emitting a strange light. Bone residue was splashed on the muzzle of the bolter, and chunks of flesh and blood slowly slid down from the power armor.

Hades swallowed.

After confirming the execution of each person, Garro read aloud the crimes of these people and the death guard's judgment in the circle of tomb guards.

Hmm. It was quite a warning to the monkeys, but Hades felt that his neck was also chilly.

It's better to pay more attention to the mental health of veterans. Fortunately, Gallo didn't use skulls to pose or kill, although the picture was indeed very impactful.

The most darkly humorous thing is that, probably because Hades told Gallo to focus on the role of education, Gallo finally thanked other law-abiding citizens and encouraged them to not cause trouble to the Death Guard.

Hades looked ferocious. He didn't know how to evaluate it, so he had to give Gallo's report a "pass".

Mortarion looked at it with great interest, and seemed to have a higher opinion of Gallo.

Don't reach a consensus in such a strange place! Hades was shouting silently.

Fortunately, Vox came not long after and told the Lord of Death that everything was ready and he could meet the visitors at any time.

The tall middle-aged man took a deep breath, straightened his clothes again, and stamped his feet unconsciously. After feeling the pressure of the leather shoes on his heels, he felt slightly relieved.

He is a representative from the small world of death. Their star field is both remote and barren. I don’t know which unfortunate human exploration ship of our ancestors crashed into this inhospitable place and struggled there. Roots were planted on it.

Around their world, there were other worlds, all of which were in a state of poverty, but after careful comparison, he found that his place was still the poorest.

They did not have the ability to sail out of the galaxy. When an exploration ship from the Empire arrived at their place, they surrendered directly, begging their grandparents and hoping that this "Empire" could improve their environment and provide the locals with some technology.

But it was a pity that a few robots in red robes got off the exploration ship. After some measurements, they announced that they had no resources there and it was a "dead world". The exploration ship dropped a tithe for them. After receiving the notice, he left directly.

The locals looked at the tax list in stunned silence. According to those people, because they had few resources, their planet still had the lowest tax bracket, and they only needed to pay people.

Faced with this situation, if you say you don't want to curse, it will definitely be a lie.

Fortunately, those people in the empire still had the last bit of conscience and gave them a communication device that could contact distant star fields. With no other way, they sent people to stay there every day to listen to the communications of other ships and learn by the way. High Gothic.

Then they learned of Barbarus.

For a long time, the channel has been buzzing with news about it. Barbarus, Barbarus, this word that is not High Gothic, has been mentioned repeatedly by different people, different tones, and different radio waves.

From a few words, they learned that Barbarus is the home planet of the Death Guard and is now welcoming representatives from all worlds. The Death Guard hopes to unite this star field and establish a relatively stable environment.

Locals, you look at me and I look at you. It seems that their indifferent place, defined by the empire as an "independent world", is the last thing they can do.

If no one helps them, the natural environment of the death world will make them extinct.

So they discussed with the surrounding death worlds, pooled some resources, and began to use the communication equipment left by the empire to bomb nearby star fields, and finally called in a merchant fleet.

So he stood here.

At any rate, he had a reputation all over the world. After being confirmed on the list, he was allowed to arrive in Barbarus after working on a merchant ship to save a ticket to return home.

To be honest, his fellow travelers were all nobles from wealthy worlds, and most of them had their own ships. It was impossible for him not to feel timid among this group of people.

The real master of Barbarus has not arrived yet, and time is passing by while waiting. His companions are either talking to the robot in red robes (he now knows that he is a sage), or they are searching for capable people and strangers in human settlements. Or talk business with visitors from other worlds.

he? He originally planned to go work. He inquired and found out that there were many jobs here that required labor. After all, he was a person living in the world of death. If nothing else, he still had strength.

But he was stopped by Lord Fowler.

Lord Fowler was a fat man with a smile on his face. Before the Death Guard arrived, he and the silent Space Marines were responsible for connecting with them.

I heard that Master Fowler was personally selected by the management of the Death Guard. He is a very capable person and often changes the topic when representatives from several hives discuss Martian.

He originally planned to ask Mr. Fowler to apply for a temporary residence permit for Planet 5 so that he could work, but Fowler looked at him with a smile for a while and asked him why he went to Planet 5.

To make money, he answered truthfully. The boat ticket was already enough. He was interested in the rock water extraction technology sold by a mechanical sage. They needed this there.

He licked his lips, they were so dry there.

"How do you make money?"

"work to earn a living."

As if he heard some funny joke, Fowler opened his eyes wide and laughed, the flesh on his face trembling.

"You made me laugh so hard, young man, you come from the world of death, right? Let me give you a few words."

Fowler lowered his voice.

"Have you seen those female representatives of the hive city? Of course, male representatives are also fine. Just go chat with them and make them happy. The spots on your hands will be exposed, which is enough for you to buy a boat. You go to work, that's it. You can never save enough money.”

"Come on, come on, come closer. I'll tell you how to do it. I know them well. I like idiots like you the most. If it weren't for Fowler, I would be able to do it myself."

That day, his outlook on life was reshaped.

But the good news is that he settled a business deal with the sage, and by the way, he dressed himself in a decent outfit.

After that, he severed those ties. He had done all he could to his world, so he might as well go work, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Although he has little money, he already has what he needs most in the world, and he can take his time with the rest.

But before he could leave, the Death Guard returned, and the Lord of Death asked to meet with representatives from each world.

He hesitated whether to run quickly. With the way he was and the way his planet was, the Lord of Death wouldn't scold such low-class people like them, would he?

And I heard that the Death Guard is very strict, and the Lord of Death only favors the true brave.

He thought about what he had done when he arrived at Barbarus and decided it was best to run.

But Lord Fowler came to him again, whispering breathlessly to him.

"Listen carefully, if the Legion Commander is here, just say that you are from the world of death. Tell the truth. Don't tell lies. But pay attention. There is usually a Commander who is following the Legion Commander nearby, waiting for the Legion Commander to leave. "Yes, if the commander asks you, tell me your experience on Barbarus, but don't mention it in front of the legion commander."

He opened his eyes wide,

"Wait, why are you helping me, Lord Fowler."

Fowler waved his sweat-wiping handkerchief at him and said casually,

"You guys who come from a small place have this kind of brain. I know there is a world behind you, so if you don't learn more, you are just thinking about labor."

"This is not a rags-to-riches story. Let me tell you, the Lord of the Death Guard is far more powerful than anyone you've ever met. That's a powerful existence with one hand!"

"That one word from a big shot can decide the fate of a planet."

"As long as you meet their preferences and provide them with value, they can change you and your world!"

Fowler gave him a pointed look and left.

An inexperienced guy, Fowler thought, that man, he represents Barbarus's latest circle of death world. If the legion commander doesn't like him, who else can he like?

It's a pity that this guy didn't even ask about the legion commander's preferences, and he didn't know how to use his identity. Tsk tsk tsk, people from the world of death are the axis.

To be disrespectful, the Death Guard is also quite cool, but fortunately Lord Hades is not that kind of person.

He enters the hall.

Representatives from all the planets we saw in the past gathered here, but there was no loud boasting and boasting. Everyone was whispering in a wavering restlessness, exchanging as much information as they could.

Two tall death guards stood at the door of the inner room connected to the hall. From time to time, people would come out of there, and others would be called in. They called people by the name of the planet.

Some people walked out of the door almost exhausted, while others walked out trembling violently and could hardly utter a complete sentence.

The remaining survivors looked at them tremblingly, imagining what they would face next. Some even wanted to leave directly, but were politely stopped by Fowler on the other side of the hall door.

People stared at the door leading to the inner room, as if blood was seeping out from the door.

He quietly took a glass of wine and sat in a remote corner, anxiously waiting for the upcoming trial.


It was finally his turn. He took another deep breath, stepped through the door, and passed by the sobbing leavers.

"Hello, don't be nervous. You are the representative from Unistrai, right?"

Unexpectedly, there was a long corridor at the other end of the door. A warrior who was taller than the other Death Guards was looking at him with a smile. Half of this man's head was made of ferocious metal and scars.

"Yes, yes sir."

He answered hurriedly, and then walked along the corridor with the adults.

"I see you are from the world of death, and then you also represent the three human worlds around you, is that right?"

He nodded frantically, fearing that if it was too late, what Lord Fowler said to him would have been forgotten.

"I am the commander of the Death Guard, Hades, relax, relax, friends, you are all a little too nervous."

The footsteps of the two people echoed slowly on the corridor,

"Can you tell me, what do you hope to do when you come to Barbarus on behalf of these four worlds?"

This question stopped him.

For a long time, coming to Barbarus was just a general concept. His people sent him on the ship and didn't say anything about what they wanted him to do. It was as if when he arrived at Barbarus, the idea came up by itself.

In fact, when he arrived at Barbarus and saw the equipment of the sages, the idea did come to him, but after that

"I have not thought of it, my lord."

Hades raised his eyebrows. This was the first representative of the death world they had met. Why don't they just give him a king bomb at the beginning?

Mortarion's mood had been exhausted by the conversation with the representatives of the hive city, so Hades called in a representative of the death world to ease the atmosphere.

"Then when you came to Barbarus, what did you do?"

".Save up money, buy the boat ticket, and the technology to extract water from rocks."

That's interesting, Hades thought.

"Water is extracted from rocks. Is your world a planet full of rocks?"

"Yes, sir, we are there."

Hades slowly coaxed the nervous representative to speak. Compared with those representatives from the hive city, this man's words were obviously more straightforward and undisguised.

Of course, no matter how well those hive city representatives polished their language, they would have to reveal everything in front of Mortarion.

Then, they were frightened and were led out by Hades, who took the opportunity to talk and guide their thoughts.

Despicable Barbarus.jpg

Today is just a bottom-up, and then we will classify and negotiate with these representatives based on today's intelligence.

While thinking about the conversations of the previous representatives, Hades calmly induced the man to speak. This representative of Yunistri was probably classified as a recruitment negotiator by the Death Guard.

Compared to the despicable Hades, he stumbled around answering the adults' questions and told the commander about their situation in detail.

It was difficult for them to survive there, and he wanted to speak more to make the adults aware of their difficulties, so that they might be kindhearted and give some support to his planet.

But he couldn't help but boast about the wisdom and tenacity of the people there. In that kind of shit place, they survived and made some achievements of their own, even though in the eyes of these people, it was just a pile of mud. A fortress.

He talked and talked, and even he felt a little drifting. He seemed to be homesick, but Master Hades suddenly stopped and stared at him with bright eyes.

In front of them was another door.

"You are about to face the Legion Commander. Relax, he will be satisfied with you."

Hades smiled warmly at him and opened the door for him.

Behind the Gate is a turning point in his life and destiny, and also a turning point in the destiny of his hometown.

The Lord of Death stared at him with interest.

Lord Fowler was right, but Lord Fowler was also wrong.

His past, the past of his home planet, and their courage to persist in living are the greatest confidence that makes them what they are today.

Yes, code.

This chapter is 5k!

Damn it, I hurriedly finished farming, uhhhhhhhhh, why do I write more and more.

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