Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 274 266 Shouldn’t Be an Ultramarine

Chapter 274 266. Shouldn’t be an Ultramarine

[My father provided a vision for the Empire and granted it unbreakable strength. This vision, once applied to all social, cultural and military organizations, will surely inspire a cohesion that transcends individual ambitions. 】

[——Guilliman, "On Loyalty", 45.22.xiv]

Hades stared silently at these lines of words, which were properly placed on the paper, lying quietly in the gold-rimmed display book, overlooking him from the wall, overlooking a Death Guard.

Everything here was just like the Ultramarines imagined by Hades. But his mood could not be called that wonderful.

Hades stepped onto the Macragge's Glory with a heavy heart. Mortarion still didn't know what happened. The Lord of Death was unwilling to set foot on the mothership of other legions, but Hades was more reluctant to set foot on the mothership of other legions. It was much more painful before, and——

Mortarion realized that Hades seemed to want to communicate with the Ultramarines. Did he find anything? Is it a crack beneath the Ultramarines' glorious exterior, or is there something more mysterious about the planet, or is it both?

After careful consideration and ensuring that the Ultramarines would not suddenly attack them, the Death Lord was willing to let his commander go to Macragge's Glory to learn more information.

Whether it's information from Absdu or information from the Ultramarines.

Compared to the dim Endurance, everything on the Macragge's Glory is immersed in sparkling light, neat and glorious, with pure blue and white filling every corner, and bright gold dotting them, symbolizing victory.

Under the leadership of Ultramarine Gage, Hades and the Death Guards walked through the hall carved with many figures, walked through the exhibition room displaying Guilliman's works, walked through the sea of ​​blue and white, and finally arrived at the living room .

The living room continues the style of The Glory of Macragge, with large swathes of tapestries hanging down. The glory of the Ultramarines is woven on the sapphire blue. Quotations from Guilliman's books have also been extracted and hung on the pure white walls. on display.

The light shines down, and everything in the living room is immersed in the transparent grandeur.

Robert Guilliman, there he was, sitting there with an almost flawless genial smile.

Hades's eyes moved from Robert's words to Robert Guilliman. Well, he was slightly guilty now. After realizing the planet they were facing, he looked at Guilliman as a matter of course and fell into Markkula. Grid illusion has become a difficult thing.

Everything is fine, but it can’t be this planet—it can’t be this planet! ! !

No, no, no, maybe this planet is not the one Hades remembered. In fact, events have begun to shift, from White Scar's absence in the Battle of Druun to his sudden appearance in the original extinction of Absdu. The Ultramarines here have begun to be different from what Hades knew.

Hades swallowed silently. He could not make a hasty decision. He needed further observation, whether it was Absdu or the Ultramarines.

Not the rh line! Or other weird lines! Hades shouted silently, at least don't be a false god or a villain!

Hades suddenly felt a chill on his neck, quack! Don’t be a fake god sub-line! He doesn’t want to look!

Robert Guilliman did not hear the crazy complaints in Hades's heart. Of course, with zero magic power, he naturally could not hear the voices of others.

He sat there, his well-cut short blond hair shining in the light, the emerald green olive leaves symbolizing the status of the Lord of Macragge, the sapphire blue armor smooth and meticulous, and a golden U-shaped badge emblazoned on the On top of the royal blue, he seemed to be looking at Hades with a smile.

Suppressing the crazy and divergent thoughts in his heart, even though he didn't know why reality turned out this way, Hades still put on a perfect, politician-like smile on his face.

"Good day, Lord Guilliman, I am Hades, the commander of the Death Guard. The Lord of Death has sent me to represent the Fourteenth Legion to negotiate with the Thirteenth Legion."

As soon as Hades finished speaking, Guilliman seemed to be surprised, but his smile became more natural and kind.

"I never thought that my brother would send you to negotiate with the Ultramarines. I remember you. Your behavior at the banquet impressed me deeply."

Guilliman thought of the figure standing among the Thousand Sons. The commander of the Death Guard obviously had extremely strong combat power.

But Guilliman originally thought that this Death Guard would be as weird-tempered as his brother Mortarion, but judging from Hades's performance just now, that doesn't seem to be the case?

Hades felt more like a politician or a capable diplomat to Guilliman, and this trait made Guilliman feel slightly familiar.

Guilliman mused that Mortarion and his Legion had yet to experience a conquest without violence, and the Lord of Macragge wished his brother to experience such a return, without violence. There is no bloodshed, just mutual understanding and compromise between the two civilizations.

The conquest of the empire does not always involve blood and tears. According to the preferences of the original body, quite a few legions will choose civilized peace negotiations at the moment before throwing war spears, and the soldiers will not be killed. Those human civilizations will be well preserved, and Melt into the beat of Empire.

Guilliman from Macragge is obviously more inclined to this approach. Unlike most of his brothers, Guilliman does not get satisfaction or a sense of honor from war. He only gets from the execution of plans and the achievement of goals. feel your joy.

Of course, Guilliman also hopes to share this joy, so that more people can see the content behind this joy, and civilization can be preserved instead of being burned by the fire of war.

The Fourteenth Legion has not experienced this kind of thing. Most of the worlds they are sent to are not human worlds, so they rarely experience or are familiar with this process.

According to Guilliman, the only human world to which the Death Guard was sent was Garaspa. Small rumors proved that unimaginable massacres had occurred there.

Maybe they should feel the joy of being welcomed, not just surrender under the scythe, Guilliman thought, let the Death Guard feel the charm of civilization. They all belong to the great race of mankind. Understanding and tolerance are obviously Better choice.

But so far, the Lord of Death has shown little interest in the achievements of the Ultramarines in Absdu, and Guilliman uneasily felt that perhaps his brother, like most of the Primarchs, had some unique feelings about war. of paranoia.

Guilliman recalled what had happened at the banquet, and the disturbing qualities Mortarion had displayed, but the Death Lord also showed signs of a desire to talk - which meant that things could still turn around.

Although Guilliman had no idea why Mortarion harbored considerable ill will toward psykers, the Lord of Macragge tried to understand this behavior, and Guilliman concluded that Mortarion hated using A wizard who blasphemies sorcery, his brother also holds fast to the truth of the Empire.

To Guilliman's relief, although the rulers of Absdor also used psionic magic, their queen was willing to give up witchcraft, altars, and magic after Guilliman earnestly expounded the truth of the Empire to them. Other things forbidden by Imperial Truth.

Guilliman has rarely encountered civilizations that are so cooperative in surrendering. In his analysis and classification, the more different a human civilization is from the Empire, the greater the resistance to surrender, and the truth of the Empire subverts these. The original logical basis for using psychic civilization——

But they were still willing to submit and swore to act in accordance with the doctrine of Imperial truth.

The surrender plan was successfully completed. Although Guilliman was disappointed for a while because the backup plan was not activated, it was simply a miracle that is difficult to replicate. It took the Ultramarines less than a week to complete the surrender of a human world, and Let them obey the Imperial Truth.

Guilliman was also worried about the undercurrent beneath the surface calm. Perhaps the planet was just pretending to surrender, but after surrendering, Absdu's army did not make any other moves. They stayed there quietly, obeying the instructions of the Ultramarines. command.

Everything is going well, and in nine days, the Ultramarines will represent the Empire and accept the formal allegiance of this civilization in the square of Abstu.

Guilliman of course hoped that the Death Guard would also attend and witness the ceremony.

The Lord of Macragge was calculating carefully in his mind. At the same time, he was also talking to the representative of the Death Guard, Hades. The image of the Death Guard commander was quickly built in the mind of the original body. got up.

Compared to Mortarion, this commander obviously understands and knows some of the rules of the social scene better. He has amazing control over the art of language, is highly logical, and is very measured.

Dialogue with Hades is obviously an experience that makes Guilliman feel gratified and happy. Both parties are familiar enough with the rules of interpersonal relationships, and a certain tacit understanding has arisen between the dialogue. In the advancement and retreat of language, both parties proceed silently. test, and maintain rational restraint.

Guilliman even had a hallucination for a moment. This death guard named Hades. Or maybe not, he suppressed the slightly absurd and malicious conjecture in time.

Opposite Guilliman, compared to Guilliman who praised Hades loudly in his heart, Hades adopted a rather cautious attitude.

The two of them were still in the long greeting session, introducing each other to the customs and customs of the two legions, some and others, there was a lot of information, but it was very little and insignificant.

Hades would like to call it [Hello in Markula style], which is like chatting with the uncles and aunts, and the first sentence is [Have you eaten? 】Same.

Rather than what the Ultramarines ate, Hades was still more concerned about the current situation of Abstu and the Ultramarines.

Although he had been reflexively doing Tai Chi back and forth with Guilliman.

Finally, Guilliman ended his long greetings and began to get down to business.

"The Queen of Abstu warmly welcomed the Ultramarines, who are willing to submit to the Empire and strictly abide by Imperial truth."

Guilliman said quite proudly,

"The rather rare act of being willing to give up much of one's own civilization in favor of adhering to the Empire's dogma is something to be encouraged and promoted."

This civilization has made remarkable concessions, which need encouragement, and the testimony of two legions is obviously appropriate.

Guilliman continued his impassioned speech, and the olive laurel crown above his head shone at different angles in the light as the original body moved.

"Hades, I know my brother's distaste for psykers, but the psykers of this planet are willing to abandon their psionic traditions in favor of Imperial truth. I think he would be more than happy to see this For this kind of behavior, psychics are not completely incorrigible, they also exude the light of human reason."

Guilliman was impassioned, and the gift of a statesman's oratory was now fully present in the Primarch.

The other Ultramarines and Death Guards who were watching had been caught up in the Lord Macragge's speech, and their trust in humans and the good hope that humans could eventually understand each other were inflating in their chests like balloons.

Except for Hades, of course.

The more Guilliman spoke, the more panicked Hades became. The smile on his lips was almost twitching, but he still had to maintain an image of being "motivated by Guilliman's speech".

To be honest, Hades is panicking now.

In fact, in the original work, Abstus also surrendered, and Mortarion, who was criticized for being tyrannical in Garaspa, accepted the surrender of these psykers with a pinched nose, and told them to abide by the truth of the Empire——

As now, the psykers prostrated themselves and pledged the Imperial truth to the Lord of Death.


Because of Barbarus's childhood life, under the influence of his adoptive father Naklay, Mortarion has always been extremely sensitive to psychic witchcraft, coupled with the suspicious character of the original body, so after accepting Abs After the capital surrendered, the Death Guards did not leave immediately.

Instead, Mortarion chose to wander the streets of Absdor himself.

You don’t know if you don’t visit, but you will be surprised when you visit.

In fact, regardless of whether the management of this planet is a psychic, the influence of psychic energy has begun to penetrate every corner of this civilization, and unknown spells are disguised as nursery rhymes when a mother coaxes her baby, crawling trivially on the ground.

After meeting an old woman who was half crazy and showing signs of corruption, Mortarion immediately suffered from ptsd. At this time, the Lord of Death's extremely sensitive ability to psychic energy began to take effect, and he was keenly aware of the previously ordinary Buried in everything is the flickering shadow of psychic energy.

This planet is hopeless. This is no ordinary psychic nation. They are teetering on the edge of corruption.

So, what more is there to say, the Death Guard dropped the first Cyclone Torpedo of Extinction.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that Mortarion has seen through the docile lies on the surface of this civilization. For a think tank, this is not something that can be easily accomplished.

but now.

Hades stared at Guilliman who was still continuing his speech. He had already begun to think about future expeditions and how to deal with the surrendered human civilization.

Hades felt his scalp numb for the first time.

There is no problem with Guilliman. He is very good. He is the best Hades has ever seen. He is sympathetic and compassionate. He tries to avoid war. He has a very high favor and bottom line for human civilization and tries his best to avoid it. Extermination weapons, radiation weapons and phosphating weapons.

For human civilization, peace negotiation is correct, and humans should not kill each other. To a certain extent, Hades fully agrees with Guilliman's point of view.

But the problem is - it can't be on this planet, Guilliman is good, but it can't be good here, it can't be Absdu!

Hades realized absurdly that all the good qualities that Guilliman possessed that he had praised so much before would at this moment become high walls that hindered the Death Guard.

MD, why.

Hades sadly thought that even Perturabo, even Leon Jonson, on Absdu, they would allow or even not care about the Death Guard issuing the Extermination Order.

Why, it’s the nmd extreme warriors.

How should he explain psionic energy to Guilliman, or break through Guilliman's bottom line, which is thicker than the Imperial Fist Fortress, and make Guilliman understand the necessity of war?

Hades felt as if fate was playing a joke on him. He met the right person at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

He should probably be more cautious.

This one has 4.4k words, haha.

Don’t wait after 10:30, just get up early and see if it’s available ()

The reference to Guilliman and the Ultramarines comes from "Lords of Macragge". Interestingly, the author of this book is also the author of Mortarion's "The Pale King". David is responsible for Mortarion. and Guilliman's 30k story.

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