Chapter 285 277. Transaction

Mortarion remains necessary and excessively vigilant about the Ultramarines, or indeed any legion.

Especially after Mortarion had a friendly and moderate virtual fight with Guilliman, Mortarion strictly prohibited those ultramarines from running over to try to harass the Death Guard, and worked overtime squatting in the apothecary room ——

Therefore, in recent days, Gallo told Hades that Mortarion's poison gas bombs were ready for the Ultramarines, and Hades needed to have the Foundry Hall produce a small sample for preservation.

This was good, but Hades, who was having a friendly conversation with Ultramarine Gage, almost lost his temper.

One second, he was immersed in the friendly atmosphere with the Ultramarines, and the next second, the private channel was urging him to start making bombs.

In fact, not only the Ultramarines, but also the legions that had cooperated with the Death Guard were not spared.

So far, Mortarion has launched Iron Warrior Happy Bullets, Luna Wolf Happy Bullets and Ultramarines Happy Bullets.

Mortarion has also been trying to extract targeted genes from some of the skin flakes and hair left after Hades beat the Thousand Sons at the banquet, but due to too little content, the original plan failed.

Mortarion's comment on this was that it was still too gentle. Remember to see blood next time.

Hades. Hades did not comment on this.

Although the foundry hall of the Death Guard was working overtime to produce Ultramarines happy bombs, thanks to the high efficiency of the Ultramarines, the battle report about Absdu was approved very quickly, and soon the two legions could set sail again.

What really drags on time is not the files that can be quickly turned into one by just filling them in according to the format.

The Ultramarines, headed by Guilliman, and the Death Guard, headed by Mortarion and Hades, signed some [undisclosed] agreements between the two armies.

As a witness to this agreement, Gallo said that he did not understand how Hades persuaded Mortarion to pinch his nose and sign the terms with the Ultramarines, and the final result was-

Even if the two Primarchs seem to have a slight personal conflict, at least both Primarchs can see that the other side still has a logic that can be negotiated, as well as a common goal (? What did Hades say?), and common interests (a little, not too much).

At least with Guilliman's efforts, Mortarion believed that his Macragge brother could at least understand the dangers of warp space and wizards, and Guilliman was also willing to try to target wizards.

The Death Guard may be able to give the Ultramarines some individual anti-psionic weapons - but only if the Ultramarines keep their origins secret and not display them in front of other Legions.

And the types of these weapons are limited to those used by the Death Guard on Absdu, namely two types of grenades and flame incinerators.

After Hades' consideration, the agreement with the Ultramarines only stipulated two weapons, black bullets and incinerators. For people who don't often fight psionic species, the use of white bullets still has some advantages. Certain risks.

These two weapons are enough. As long as there is no large-scale encounter with psionic species, just throw a black bomb at the place where psionic species gather, and then rush directly to fight normally. Those psionic species will be weakened in the subspace. The local area automatically loses its combat effectiveness.

After the battle is over, use the flames to purify everything and block possible sources of spiritual corruption as much as possible.

The quantity of this batch of weapons is also very small, not enough to support large-scale and long-term operations.

Both parties who signed the agreement knew that these were just small fights. Guilliman had a tradition of imitating and learning from other legions, so he would not say anything.

At the same time, part of the reason why Guilliman is so enthusiastic about this agreement is also based on the mentality of buying horse bones for a thousand dollars.

On the other side, what Hades really values ​​​​is that behind this agreement, the terms written by both parties are similar to [courteous words]——

[If two legions are attacked by psionic species in the nearby star field, if one side requests support, the other side must arrive and provide support; if necessary, both parties can negotiate on their own on the production and distribution of anti-psionic weapons. 】

It may seem like this is at a disadvantage to the Death Guard who have a large number of anti-psionic weapons, but in fact, the Ultramarines have far greater productivity and assembly line construction capabilities than the Death Guard.

As long as Guilliman is willing to convert the five hundred worlds of Macragge into [Explosion Mode].

Guilliman may be confused about this condition, but it doesn't matter. When the day comes, the Lord of Macragge will quickly realize what is going on.

But if the Ultramarines fall, it will make them wary of the Death Guard.

Hades thought again and again, and decided to trust Mortarion's special Space Marine Happy Bomb, and also decided to trust his own judgment about Guilliman.

During his contact with Guilliman, Hades revealed that the Lord of Macragge had a happy family, his mother was still alive, his character was sound, and he was not extreme.

It was his dreaming cough, no.

The most important thing is that Guilliman is currently quite vigilant about the warp, and at the same time does not have that damn excessive curiosity.

Furthermore, the Ultramarines have not yet seen the full strength of the Death Guard's anti-psychic powers. On the Endurance, the Wraith Knight is standing quietly, with countless ammunition lying peacefully.

Hades thought about it. He would prescribe medicine according to different situations. With their non-extremist attitude and their dull sense of spiritual energy, the Ultramarines could obviously be entrusted with a little trust by the Death Guard.

Hades would not admit that this contained his filter for the Ultramarines. These were all reliable conclusions he had come to after personal inspection over the past few days.

But in Hades's heart, there is a voice that keeps whispering. He is actually betting that this is the canon line that he is familiar with. Even if some details are not correct now, the various legions and the original body are still canon history. As described in.

No way, no one really travels through time, they are still in a second-generation fan world.

Besides, if the four gods really fly bricks vigorously, then just a little information difference will not make a big splash. The real winner must be strength and tactics.

On the other side, because they had similar information and positions, after realizing what Hades really valued, Mortarion's attitude towards these terms became quite vague.

Mortarion looked at Guilliman again and again. This time the Lord of Death was more attentive. Mortarion began to quickly read through the relevant information about the Ultramarines.

Gradually, he seemed to understand what Hades meant.

If the opponent does not know the anti-psionic properties of the Death Guard, then they will continue to conceal it; and if the Death Guard exposes its anti-psionic troops due to the war, and the opponent also witnesses the anomalies in the subspace, then the Death Guard will remind the opponent The dangers of subspace, and leaving some counter-wizard means to the opponent.

I see.

In fact, when facing Horus, Mortarion also tried his best to leave a warning signal for his brother.

It was a pity that the Death Guard did not develop a black bomb at that time. Mortarion silently thought that maybe it would be a good choice to give each brother a black bomb. At least they could have a certain ability to defend against subspace.

Unfortunately, the main material for black bombs is the untouchables, and the untouchables are still too rare. Mortarion glanced at Hades unconsciously while listening to the conversation between Hades and Guilliman.

I'm stuck. It's really gone today. I've been updating for at least three days in a row..._(:з」∠)_

Next, open the next legion. Just write a few over-the-top cards and you’re good to go... spoiler alert, it’s Night Lords... but the work I drew on Curze’s character is The Chronicles of the Primarch, and that one’s timeline is relatively late.

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