Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 289 280 Mortarion and Curze could have been friends

Chapter 289 280. Mortarion and Curze could have become friends

Death Guard, no, Night Lords, no, Death Guard and Night Lords? No no no.

Horus, who had just had a quarrel with Curze, felt tired. His brother still remained absolutely pessimistic about everything in the Great Crusade and did not believe in the legitimacy of any of its existence.

Horus didn't think he could convince Curze, something even Fulgrim had failed to do.

So he chose a rougher way, because sometimes his brother only understands and accepts power.

During the conversation between the two, Mortarion became an interested bystander. The Lord of Death seemed to have picked him out, which was also an attitude that made Horus feel a little unhappy.

He thought of Mortarion at the banquet, and also of Mortarion when he met Moon Wolf for the first time.

But the value of the Death Guard is still in front of him. This is a large army and is good at frontal advancement.

Perhaps Horus could try to befriend others in the Death Guard command, establish his authority with those people, and establish a good relationship with the Moon Wolf - rather than with a brother who was not normal.

As for Konrad Curze, Horus learned that compared to the Death Guard, which has a more flat management system, the Night Lords are much more complicated internally. They seem to have not yet formed a strong and effective management.

But no matter how many thoughts were in Horus's mind, today's conversation ended hastily. No one was convinced, and Horus made a firm decision on his plan.

After all, Konrad Coze's qualifications are not enough. This is a real problem. When the original bodies gather together, the sooner they return, the more brilliant their legion's record will be, and the more leadership they can gain——

This was an unspoken rule among brothers, and it generally served Horus well.

The Shepherd God rubbed his brow. He looked a little tired, but the two people in the room who may have realized this remained silent.

"You two, please go back first. Regarding this civilization, we still need a more careful plan."

Horus issued an eviction order. Normally, he would send the two of them off personally, but today he did not do so.

These words obviously made all three of them sigh in relief. Curze stood up quickly in relief, but Mortarion still acted like a slow dead man.

But as Mortarion said his final farewell to Horus, Horus decided to leave them all alone in his heart.

So Mortarion and Curze followed the Luna Wolves' servitors and left, leaving Horus in a splendid little room.

They decided to go find the diplomatic warriors they brought here first, and then leave. Due to the design of the Spirit of Vengeance, another large reception room was at the end of the corridor.

The servitor advanced down the corridor without saying a word, and the two primarchs silently followed it. Curze was walking close to the wall, as if he would disappear in the next second, while Mortarion was walking confidently. The middle of the corridor.

The hands of the clock on the wall were slightly twisted.

This time is already too long for a Primarch. Unsurprisingly, Mortarion achieved first place in the mini-game of "Whoever speaks first will lose".

Curze's soft and hoarse voice sounded, and the High Gothic of the Night King still had a big accent. In Mortarion, Konrad Curze saw some possibility, so he spoke abnormally Yes,

At least, Mortarion behaved differently from Fulgrim, Dorn, Horus, Guilliman, and Magnus.

[My brother, how do you think this human civilization should be judged? 】

This is a greeting.

Mortarion still strides forward. If Horus and Curze are thrown away, the Lord of Death will choose to use aerial troops to control the air superiority near the main city, and then directly start the attack.

Although the human civilization here is strong, in the complex urban environment, troops like Space Marines with good mobility and high individual combat effectiveness are obviously better. The enemy's heavy armored troops cannot be fully deployed——

But the prerequisite is that the Death Guard must occupy air superiority.

They can launch a surprise attack, like Galaspa, to control the main city on the opposite side and the dignitaries there before the enemy's main force can react, forcing the enemy to surrender.

Of course, there is a question mark as to how these cities will be burned to the ground in a war (especially with the help of the Death Guard's characteristic weapons), and whether this will harm civilians.

Horus's plan is not completely unfeasible, but Mortarion still feels that it is less likely. He needs to completely crush the opponent instead of gently telling them that the Empire is coming.

But under the hood, Mortarion's amber eyes silently glanced at Curze. In the previous quarrel with Horus, he had fully understood his brother's fighting style.

To be honest, the Lord of Death looks down on this side tactic of [sneak attack]. They should make the opponent fully aware of the power of the legion, that unstoppable force that simultaneously crushes the opponent's main force - instead of this seemingly silly thing. A clever tactic.

But it does work, just like Horus' plan.

For Mortarion, this was an irrelevant question, because the decision-making power was not with him, and he naturally lost interest in further evaluation of these tactics.

It's better to go to the pharmacy or just let him go to the battlefield.

Mortarion rolled his eyes silently in his mind. He still hoped to encounter a few battles that he could lead.

Although he thought so in his heart, Mortarion still gave a different answer, because apart from things he couldn't decide on tactics, he realized that Curze's attitude towards dealing with things-may have a lot in common with him. topic.

Mortarion spoke, his words slurred.

[They need to be completely crushed, not given time to buffer. 】

Curze's laughter sounded again. He seemed to be in a happy mood, and the quarrel with Horus just now did not leave many traces.

Mortarion didn't know how Curze did this.

[Can you talk about the virus you just talked about? 】

This was an obvious gesture of goodwill, opening up some possibility between the two of them.

So far, so good. Mortarion maintained the necessary vigilance and began to count the cute and charming little ones in his apothecary.

Curze listened with interest, occasionally commenting on new uses for these little creatures, and Mortarion realized that his brother was far more creative than ordinary people when it came to torture and abuse.

The Lord of Death had no reaction to this. He believed that death was the most horrific punishment, and there was no need to be skinned before death. These were too delicate and inefficient.

Mortarion had a hard time imagining the Death Guard skinning other people, it seemed a bit inconsistent.

But given Curze's enthusiasm for his potions, Mortarion decided to put those feelings aside.

"If you need it," Mortarion said, "I have three different potions here, each with its own interpretation of fear, and I think you'll like them. 】

They will enhance people's perception of fear, while making their limbs weak and their heartbeat quickened, which is ineffective against all Death Guards, including Hades.

Some gadgets, the Death Guard will not release these things on the battlefield anyway. They have potions that can melt bones and make blood boil, so there is no need for these things to exist.

Curze's voice became obviously more cheerful, and his previous speculation was confirmed. There was a brother who could "tolerate" and even "understand" what he did.

Although Mortarion is not as perfect and elegant as Fulgrim.

[Thank you, my brother, fear is the medicine that cures the plague of disorder]

Curze murmured.

Suddenly, Mortarion heard a soft click beside him. He blinked in confusion and looked at Curze with his peripheral vision.

Kurtz is still the same, just more embarrassed?

No. No, no, every time Curze tries to step out, those nightmares will catch up with him. That is the future, that is an established fact——

Curze looked at Mortarion sadly. The Plague Lord was looking at him with contempt. Mortarion in front of him became blurry, and the huge, soft and wet moth wings trembled slightly on Mortarion's back.

Mortarion grew bloated and more fertile as a thick, moist mist of slime enveloped him.

That was the end of Mortarion. He betrayed, he fell, he fell into the abyss, never to be recovered.

Curze's breathing began to quicken.

The future is doomed to be dull, and human beings will spend tens of thousands of years in chaos fighting each other. Their father is a liar, and he promised lies that deceived an entire civilization.

Some uneasy black noises surrounded Mortarion, and tinnitus roared beside him. Curze ignored them. Compared with the maddening screams, these black spots were just glimpses in a dream.

Mortarion was hesitant to ask Curze if he was okay, but he knew that would be an insult too, at least to him.

He wasn't sure Curze thought the same.

But Curze struggled to speak, his pale face becoming painful,

[Mortarion, do you want to know your future? 】

Mortarion instantly raised his scythe, and the heavy scythe was carefully placed between the two, creating a gap.

[What are you talking about, Conrad? 】

Curze was obviously frightened by Mortarion's outburst. He shook his head in pain and scratched his untidy hair with his hands, blood seeping from between his fingers.

The dark spots that made him uneasy were getting denser and denser, like an old TV set that was gradually breaking down, making him dizzy and screaming with tinnitus.

[Do you believe in the Great Crusade? 】

Curze spoke in pain,

【I do not believe. ] Mortarion spoke cautiously, [The future is pale and painful, but...what happened to you, my brother? 】

Mortarion carefully selected from the various words, and the Death Lord realized that Curze obviously knew something.

Did he also see it?

【my future? I've heard that one of us has prophetic powers. Is this yours, Conrad? 】

But when Mortarion admitted the painful future, Curze sighed deeply. It was like the wail of a beast, but also like a helpless admission.

"I'm sorry," Curze said softly, and the monster from Nostramo sighed loudly, spreading his huge, sharp hands, "We can't change anything." 】

The weird feeling was like lightning splitting through the wasteland in the middle of the night, hitting Mortarion straight.

Mortarion withdrew his scythe, and Nirvana made a soft sound on the floor of the Vengeful Spirit. Mortarion looked at Conrad Curze, Barbarus's hoarseness also colored his voice.

[No,] Mortarion said very carefully, [at least I will never admit it. 】

But Curze didn't hear what Mortarion said, tinnitus, huge tinnitus, darkness, no, not the black of the night, but a more brutal darkness that Curze couldn't describe.

Curze tried to open his eyes wide. Now Mortarion's whole body was covered by those black and noisy noises, shouting something noisily.

The Lord of Night is trying to find some trace of possible existence in these black spots that do not even appear in the deepest nightmares.

He saw, he saw.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no -

Conrad Coates turned his head sharply——


No, no, no, no, his destiny is not cut off here!

Mortarion stood stunned for a moment, and Curze disappeared in an instant——

An uneasy feeling suddenly gripped Mortarion's heart, and his blood began to boil.

Without hesitation, Mortarion immediately ran towards the large conference room at the end of the corridor.

The next moment, the familiar feeling of soul being suspended in space made his vision go dark.

There is a code, sorry for the late posting, it’s in Cavan.

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