Chapter 302 293. A simple vacation

When the rickety ship finally appeared over Terra, both Hades and Malcador breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though both of them have a lot of things in common about this shitty world, these sporadic friendships are not worth the effort Malcador used to hold Hades's black domain with his spiritual power to allow the ship to sail smoothly through subspace. Feeling of vomiting.

Now Malcador felt like vomiting when he saw Hades, and for the first time, the patient and cunning psyker showed a slight imbalance in his mentality.

Strong control over psychic energy means sharper senses. Facing Hades and facing this damn black realm, only loyalty to the emperor and a sense of responsibility to the empire can make this dedicated psyker No throwing this damn Hades out while sailing through the warp.

And Hades was not much better. Compared to the Emperor's psychic suppression, Malcador's psychic powers were more... simple and crude. This may still be because Malcador's psychic skills were not sophisticated enough.

During the voyage in the subspace, Hades felt that Malcador was using his spiritual power to force him into a large vat filled with vomit. These lumps of vomit were still spraying mushy saliva at Hades. , making an inexplicable scream in his ears.

Hades began to subconsciously struggle with the black domain, and his remaining reason controlled him not to struggle too violently, otherwise he would be spit out by the subspace. At the same time, his reason also controlled him not to give Malcador a slap in the face. fist--

He could see that Malcador was also controlling his remaining sanity, and did not use his scepter to give Hades a sap on the head.

Until the last leg of the voyage, the exhausted Malcador and Hades, who was about to ascend to heaven, felt the world's unparalleled malice towards them.

The encounter between the psyker and the untouchable was destined to be a tragedy, and both men were acutely aware of this.

Hades leaned exhaustedly on the floor-to-ceiling porthole. He looked out and saw the bustling ships surrounding the fluorescent throne world, completing their work day after day.

There is no sea on Terra. It is a dirty brown planet. Hades realized this as early as the first time he went to Mars.

This is fundamentally different from the earth in his memory.

This did not make Hades feel any tremors in his soul. He just looked at the seemingly barren and crowded planet, feeling as if he had finally reached his destination.

He hates the Warp.

Malcador walked slowly to Hades' side. There was obvious disgust on the old man's face, and so did Hades - they kept a certain distance from each other in tacit agreement.

But even so, the old man was still introducing Terra to Hades. Hades didn't know whether this was out of Malcador's due diligence or out of the host's courtesy to his guests.

"Isn't this very different from your hometown?"

The old man said slowly,

Hades blinked. He didn't know whether Malcador was referring to Earth or Barbarus, but both were obviously very different from the Terra in front of him.

He nodded.

"Terra, the home of human civilization, was not originally so ugly."

Malcador sighed and spoke. He seemed to be lamenting the appearance of Terra, but Hades always felt that he was also mourning the current human civilization.

Malcador stared at this brown planet. Under the Emperor's call, they unified it and launched a great expedition here that could change the history of human civilization.

Malcador spent many years on Terra, and he devoted much to it.

Perhaps in the eyes of other humans, arriving at the Throne World, Terra, is an exciting thing that makes people tremble. They will sing about the sacredness and beauty of Terra, the heavy epics carried on every inch of soil, and the history of mankind. The miracle——

But only he and the Emperor knew that Terra had lost its beauty.

It became dirty and ugly, the blue ocean disappeared and replaced by a barren, scorched earth.

And now... Malcador thought about the outsider Hades, how would he feel about Terra? Praise its holiness?

No, if Hades had experienced the good old days, if their world was not as hopeless as the current world, then he would never praise it and these pits of suffering.

...will he feel sad? Aware of the hardships of human civilization, aware that he is about to climb a never-ending road destined to sacrifice?

Malcador thought of the desolate hinterland of Bahar on Terra, a huge slum. Even on Terra, the most sacred throne world of mankind, there was never a shortage of soul suffering.

"Terra's oceans were stolen by a female tyrant, and since then, Terra has lost the last of its oceans."

Malcador introduced Hades calmly, and he keenly saw Hades' lips moving.

"If you have any opinions, feel free to discuss them, Hades. For my own personal reasons, I am curious about your opinions on Terra."

Hades' eyes moved hesitantly to Malcador, as if to say, are you sure?

Malcador answered Hades with determined silence.

Hades moved his eyes back to Terra. He looked at Terra and commented,

"I feel……"

Malcador waited. Hades was the person chosen by the Emperor, and he successfully fulfilled their expectations of him. He was not as hopeless as Malcador initially thought, on the contrary... something amazing The wisdom lurks beneath Hades's exterior.

Malcador looked forward to Hades's answer, which would help the old man better interpret Hades, analyze him, and better deal with him in the way Hades liked.

"...Not as good as Macragge."

After a very short silence, Malcador realized what the damn guy Hades was talking about, and then he let his instinctive actions go - rather than letting these actions pass through his brain first.

Machado couldn't bear the old and new grudges anymore.

Malcador turned his scepter into a stick, used psychic energy to increase his strength and agility, and then hit Hades on the calf with a sap.


Hades howled exaggeratedly, hugged his calf, and then looked at Malcador resentfully,

"You can talk about anything you agreed to! Old man, you don't have martial ethics!"

Malcador took a deep breath, and then took another deep breath. His disgust towards Hades successfully turned into anger.

"I remember... you've never been to Macragge at all, right?"

Hades immediately said seriously,

"Guilliman gave me a tapestry woven with a scene from Macragge. Of course I have seen it before."

...For the first time, Malcador felt disgusted with Guilliman.


"Thanks" to Hades's exquisite "humorous jokes", Malcador no longer talks about any humanistic insights in front of Hades.

They descended to the ground in a shuttle, and Hades showed some disdain for Malcador's excessive luxury. This was an aristocratic-style shuttle, the interior decorated with scarlet velvet carpets and inlaid with sparkling Diamonds and Pearls.

Malcador ignored Hades's rebuke. The Ultramarines' ceremonial spaceship was much more luxurious than this.

After that, the palmer silently took Hades to visit some of the places where pilgrims like to go, as well as some of the more substantial buildings that the old man had carefully selected for outsiders.

He was supposed to say something. Cunning politicians will use the art of language. Malcador can easily stir up the emotions in people's hearts - most of them will be sad loyalty, or heavy mourning, in order to better make people complete their mission.

With weak emotions accumulated, no matter how cowardly a person is, he will choose to die heroically.

Regarding Hades, Malcador thought the same way at the beginning. He used language and human beings, history and civilization to hold the outsider in his arms, so that he could still work hard after leaving the Death Guard... The emperor chose to believe directly. Hades, in Malcador's eyes, still lacks logic——

But Hades profoundly made Malcador realize that some people really don't need logic.

Such as the Emperor, and Hades.

Malcador's logic and sanity had been shattered by Macragge. He suddenly realized that in the eyes of Hades, outsiders had seen through the mind of the Seal Holder, and he ended Malcador's plot with a ridiculous joke. try.

But is it really just Hades who doesn't realize all this?

Malcador didn't know that he was now thinking about Macraglan.

He took Hades to visit the Winter Corridor, the Crystal Observatory, the Discipline Hall... countless scenic spots, large and small.

Then Malcador calmly took Hades to a restaurant prepared for the nobles in the palace. Under the instructions of the Master, the restaurant did not receive other people today, and the chefs had already prepared it.

Malcador looked at Hades with a numb face and a surprised expression.

This suggestion was made to the old man by Jin on Mars.

He vaguely thought of Mortarion, the primarch who always acted indifferently, who would grab the pistol at his waist the moment he heard the words of psykers, or when Malcador appeared in front of him. when.

...we have the same smell.

Malcador stared expressionlessly at Hades, who was looking at the restaurant decorations, and made his conclusion.

The restaurant in the palace is naturally more magnificent than ordinary people imagine. Everywhere as far as the eye can see is glittering with gold. The precious wood that has been extinct for thousands of years exudes a faint charming aroma, but it is just what you step on when you enter. steps.

Any wall with exquisitely carved figures is dotted with countless diamonds, pearls, amber agate, and fist-sized rubies inlaid in the pupils of the beasts, which are then beheaded to the ground by warriors holding silver halberds.

Everything here, even the faint incense in the air, smells expensive.

Malcador watched as Hades turned his head suddenly and stared at him expectantly.

"Um...Makado, it won't be the kind I imagined, with only one bite per dish, right?"


Malcador said calmly, and the old man raised a hand casually to signal the servants to take action.

Although the Seal Holder himself is unwilling to admit it, he has indeed grasped Hades's human weakness——

The aroma of meat being carefully roasted came, mixed with the layered smell of expensive spices. Hades had already heard the slight sizzling sound, which was the wonderful smell of meat when it was just taken off the stove.

Malcador held the wine glass brought by the servitor in one hand. In the wine glass, the rich scarlet wine exuded an intoxicating fragrance.

The palmer took a sip. The torture of the black domain made him unwilling to taste the wine. No matter how strong the wine was, it could only wash away the nauseating taste on his taste buds.

But apparently there are always people who can keep their appetite amidst the mutual distaste between psychic energy and the dark realm.

The carnival staples piled with layers of meat were put on the dining table by multiple servitors. The tight meat fibers exuded an oily sheen, and the clear gravy hung on the hill-like steaks, reflecting the swaying light in the restaurant. Dried green spice leaves lie quietly beside the white dinner plate, emitting a complex and layered aroma.

Malcador took another sip of wine, the rich taste making him want to vomit.

The Patron Master accepted Jin's suggestion. He directly asked the servitor to serve all the dishes without any etiquette. People from Barbarus did not pay attention to these.

…More like Ruth.

Malcador put away his unwarranted associations and continued to admire Hades's actions.

Hades, the dead soul of Barbarus, the commander of the Death Guard, the Devourer of Souls, the Lord of the Order of Silence... Hades is obviously unaware of his many names and the way the outside world views him.

With each dish, Hades's eyes lit up a little brighter, which was a rather pure joy.

Milky white soup with giant fish, pickled seafood with a special flavor that can be broken by blowing, pudding drenched with syrup, risotto filled with ingredients...

Hades took a breath. He stared at the fish soup that was still steaming and the fish's eyes were shining strangely, thinking about which one to eat first.

"Makado, are we just going to eat these?"

Hades spoke hesitantly,

"These are all yours,"

Makhado took a long sip of wine.

"Due to table restrictions, the dishes are still not served. You can check the menu and replace what you don't want to eat."

He watched with satisfaction as Hades paused for a moment, and a subtle confidence returned after being played by Macragge.

Hades seemed to want to scold Malcador for his extravagance, but apparently, facing a table full of food, the Lord of the Silent Order flexibly adjusted his bottom line.

"Then I won't be polite."

Hades said something quickly, and then Malcador watched the food disappear at an alarming speed. The disappearance speed was so fast that Malcador even wondered whether the black realm could also swallow food, because haha Dis's movements were not very large and he still maintained normal table manners.

Machado thought for a while, and the old man finally decided to ask directly instead of beating around the bush, otherwise he might be fooled as a price for vague language.

The old man spoke,

"What was your original motivation, Hades? And what do you want?"

Pluto, who was obviously immersed in food, no longer used his damn sense of humor, and Hades, who was in a good mood, gave him the answer,

"What should I do? If I insist on saying that I suddenly saw a child falling into the water on the roadside, then my first reaction must be to save him. I can't help it."

"You can't think about loyalty and honor..."

Hades raised his hand and signaled the servitor to play the next game. Unlike these damn extravagant nobles, Hades swore never to waste!

"When you're on Barbarus, you realize...this thing is so far away."

Malcador showed a thoughtful expression.

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