Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 308 299 Hades sneezes wildly

Chapter 308 299. Hades sneezes wildly

Mortarion finally did not randomly select two Death Guard recruits and then let them pray.

This is a kind of... a thought that will make you feel very stupid.

Mortarion even began to worry whether his attempt just now would really let Hades notice something.

If Hades really knew, he would definitely laugh... Mortarion stopped his thoughts in time.

The Lord of Death began to sort out the information he got from Ugo and Kirkland.

Kirkland always insisted that Hades was the god who saved mankind from the warp, and devout prayers would allow believers to receive Hades' protection and stay away from the pollution of the warp.

And Ugo detailed what the commander asked them to observe at that time. In the ocean of the warp, human flames would move to the black domain with their thoughts (Ugo's face was not very good when he talked about the black domain, and he seemed to have made a great determination), and then these flashing flames would be swallowed by the black domain.

Mortarion pondered, this is like actively approaching the Black Domain in the realm of the Warp.

If this can eliminate the influence of the Warp on humans, it is also a method.

It is necessary to guide people in thought... This is more troublesome...

But... Mortarion considered, why didn't Hades encourage Kirkland and others? If the benefits of something are greater than the losses, then Hades will definitely choose to do it.

Hades can't stand the pious attitude of others? No... Mortarion has never seen anyone who can ignore the gazes of others more than Hades.

That is... something else?

Some disadvantages of prayer that Mortarion doesn't know.

Under the hood, the Lord of Death frowned deeply, what could this be?

At the same time, these losses cannot be too expensive, otherwise Hades will not be able to spare Kirkland's life.

Except for Malcador, Hades has never told anyone that his Black Domain has been restricted by the Emperor's psychic power, and Mortarion is not a Primarch who uses psychic vision, so he cannot accurately perceive the changes in the Black Domain.

Finally, Mortarion could only confirm that it was [prayer] or [religion] that would cause Hades to not want to see, but the loss could still be borne for now. As for what the loss would be...

Will it damage Hades? Or will it have an impact on the subspace and the field of psionics?

Mortarion didn't know.

But the Lord of Death had already determined what he was going to do.

Mortarion first warned Kirkland seriously. Even though the faith of this crazy sage gave him great courage, under Mortarion's deliberate intimidation, the sage still trembled and swore to follow the oath of not preaching -

In the name of Hades.

After that, Mortarion met with Margo, a former member of the Cerberus, alone. This was a quiet and tough mortal who understood the Primarch's meaning better than Kirkland.

Margo's answer to Mortarion was similar to Kirkland's. The only difference was that this mortal who first discovered [For Hades] believed that Hades had his own difficulties, and as a believer, he should remain silent according to Hades' will.

Mortarion thought for a moment and decided to let Margo go to Ruse to take back the ship that Hades had ordered from Ruse... instead of letting Kirkland go.

Because Margo herself was not familiar with the Mechanicum, Mortarion pointed out another technical sergeant, Pasteur, to accompany Margo.

Mortarion had some impression of the dull-looking technical sergeant. Hades seemed to have mentioned him and gave him a good evaluation.

Pasteur was also nominated by Hades and Enrique on the list of candidates for the next successor of the Foundry Hall. If this heir is really qualified to succeed the Foundry Hall, then he must be able to handle the relationship with the Forge World and successfully take Hades' ship back to the Death Guard.

So the Lord of Death assured that the two would set sail as representatives, and brought a team of Death Guards as security.

Mortarion naturally ignored Kirkland's indicator light, which seemed to be flashing very fiercely, and asked the sage to go back to continue producing anti-psychic weapons, and strengthened the patrol of the gravekeepers around the sage.

...And the last thing to do is...

A steady breathing sound came from under the gas mask. Mortarion was thinking. He was thinking, if the Death Guard really reached the last step...The Lord of Death made his decision...

Mortarion called Vorx and Garro and ordered to seal or change all traces of the Death Guard commander on the Endurance.

Hades' office, lounge, and single casting room were all blocked, and no one was allowed to enter except under Mortarion's order.

Then there were various manuals written by Hades. The gravekeeper system created by Hades himself was easy to do. Mortarion personally deleted the strange quotes left by Hades in various manuals.

Mortarion rearranged these quotes in another booklet, but did not sign them.

In the video recording of Hades in the duel cage, Mortarion hid the scene of Hades grinning at the crowd and kept some blurred scenes.

Mortarion calmly watched the Death Guard become puzzled by his actions, but the Lord of Death did not hide Hades's achievements. On the contrary, there was always an introduction to the commander's achievements in the memorial room of the Endurance, and the Lord of Death did not forbid the Death Guard from mentioning the commander in their lectures.

For a period of time, rumors even circulated within the Death Guard that there was a hidden reason for the commander's departure, but both Gallo and Vox maintained the necessary silence on this.

Mortarion did not respond to this. He only added the glory of the Legion to the education of the planets governed by the Death Guard. The commander, as the most important figure who influenced the style of the Death Guard, was naturally included in the historical glory of the Legion. , as the pioneer of anti-psionic energy.

They only need to write objectively and impartially what the commander has done, without describing the image of Hades.

When a new batch of Death Guard recruits arrive on the Death Guard, they experience a responsible, perfect, yet distant commander.

A powerful and distant figure who profoundly influenced the Legion.

In the bone-white and dark green office, Mortarion silently looked back at the various strange remarks about Hades' writing.

He felt a little frustrated, but perhaps that was necessary.

For these new blood who are about to join the Legion, Mortarion thought silently, if the opportunity allows, (it is best never to have this opportunity) they will certainly be able to shout "For Hades" with responsibility and piety. In this case.

I just don’t know if those veterans who tell Hades’ cold jokes can have such pure and subjective thoughts about Hades.

Mortarion couldn't do it anyway.

As for what if Hades comes back and sees all this and starts to scold Mortarion and demand that everything be reversed...

Mortarion changed Hades' personal lounge into a public exhibition room, and spread his various quotes, along with the damn Macragge blanket, on the bed in Hades' lounge.

By the way, we can't cover up that crack...

...Mortarion has begun to look forward to Hades' return, and then scolds him and asks him to change the future.

No more, great!

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