Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 313: Interlude: A Conversation with the Midnight Lord

【Night Number】

A rustling sound came from the icy darkness, and frost climbed up the metal wall.

Sevatar stood calmly on the side of the hatch, breathing calmly and listening to the slight whine coming from his power armor's circulatory system.

A low, rapid chant came from the night in the room, accompanied by the sound of quills scratching parchment, the sound of dripping water, the sound of metal clashing, the sound of labored breathing - and then everything suddenly became quiet again.

Sevatar closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes again, the huge and hunched primarch appeared in front of him.

"Good day, Lord of the Night."

Sevita saluted calmly. Conrad Coze's pale face was covered by his messy hair, and only his dark eyes were exposed in the gaps between the tangled black hair.

[Sai, are you okay? 】

Curze hissed. Due to being injured by Mortarion's poisonous gas, Sevatar had some problems with his respiratory system, and breathing became more difficult for him.

Savita paused.

"I'm fine, my lord, thank you for your concern. We are about to arrive at Nostramo, please be ready."

Conrad was silent. The huge monster bent down and placed his two claws on Sevatar's pauldrons. He looked at Sevatar.

[I... saw the depravity up there, and this place will eventually degenerate - not just here, everything, everything, they are angry, extremely angry. 】

Savitar maintained his breathing rate, imagining himself like a machine standing silently.

"My lord, I personally believe that we need to consider our current affairs. This is the last time the Legion is allowed to obtain supplies; at the same time, we need to satisfy...the Death Guard's orders, otherwise we will have no future."

Sevatar finally finished his sentence, and he waited, waiting for punishment, or something, to be knocked away, or worse, to be given the red glove.

But in a certain corner of his mind, he really expected that the original body would not do this.

To his surprise, Konrad Coates did not punish him. He just looked at Sevita quietly and melancholy, as if asking or crying.

Then Conrad Coates shook his head and nodded again.

[Sai, do you want to know how you died? 】

Sevita felt that her mouth was dry;

"My lord, we said we would never discuss this subject again. I never wanted to know the day of my own death."


Sevatar stared at Konrad Curze;

"My Lord, the Legion needs you now."

Conrad made a silencing gesture, and to Sevatar's surprise, a strange, mischievous smile appeared on the corner of the Lord of Night's mouth.

[Sai, actually I don’t know where you were eventually buried. 】

A low chuckle sounded from deep in the original body's throat. It was like the howl of a strange bird in the middle of the night. It was empty, and then quickly melted into the night, making it difficult to distinguish.

Savita was sure that he saw Konrad Kurtz's pupils violently, abnormally twitching and rolling just for a moment, but the next moment Konrad Kurtz looked at him calmly.

There was melancholy in his eyes, like the polar night that remained unchanged all year round.

[Sai, in the end everything is doomed to collapse and slide into tragedy. This is just a dream of an arrogant person. We are all abandoned...]

【But I don’t care anymore. 】

【I do not care anymore. 】

Sevatar tensed his muscles, and he silently watched Konrad Kurtz's soliloquy, like two souls trapped in a body, they were tearing at each other, and one was loudly speaking of sorrow and sorrow. Dark, the other whimpering and biting.

Finally, Konrad Kurtz looked at Sevatar,

[The future is meaningless. 】

he whispered,

[They...are always changing, but they will always be like that. There will be no place for us in the future. 】

Sevatar calmed his breathing.

"What do you want us to do, my lord?"

Sevatar's words made Konrad Kozja pause for a moment, but the Lord of the Night continued,

[Do what you want, Sai. 】

Curze's hand pressing on Sevatar's shoulder armor twitched, and the original body fell into painful memories.

[I...don't care anymore, I saw too many possibilities that day, and they all lead to destruction, those tragedies, those laughing voices...]

[But in the end you are still alive, Sai. You have billions of futures, but you only have one present. 】

Sevatar pursed his lips. He tried to smile stupidly, but failed.

"Yes, my lord, I am here."

[Do what you want, Sai. 】

Conrad Coates spoke these words with an eerie softness,

[You are a noble sinner, Sai. If there is still light among the fallen Night Lords, it can only be you, and it must be you. Only you can maintain your last self in hell. 】

Conrad stared intently at Savitar.

[If anyone in Legion or Nostramo opposes you, tell me. 】

After the last word fell, they fell into silence.


Sevatar felt his throat tighten, and the Lord of Night easily said... unimaginable words.

Sevatar thought of Hades's suggestive glance at him, and he thought of the wavering feeling in his heart... This can't... the original body can't be like this, and he can't be like this either...

"My Lord, the Legion needs you."

Sevatar spoke dryly, but Konrad Curze tilted his head and looked at him sadly,

[I'm being watched, it can't be me. 】

"My Lord, I don't understand what you mean."

Konrad Kurtz shook his head again, more like shaking his own head, and his eyeballs began to twitch unsteadily again, but he still explained to Sevita,

[A fish cannot realize that it has been living in the water unless it is cruelly fished out and struggled in the dry air——]

[They have been watching me since before I became conscious, before I was born, before any tragedy happened. 】

Konrad Curze's mental state began to become unstable again. Savita could smell the smell of psychic energy. Konrad quickly retracted his hand, and then fled back into the night-like darkness as if escaping.

[Sai, do what you want, don’t let the last light of the Legion go out. 】

Curze's whisper came from the darkness, and he seemed to be roaring.

Savita swallowed. Although he still couldn't understand Conrad's words, he still tried. He asked loudly,

"Father, how can I keep you from being watched?"

In the darkness, Konrad Curze let out a wail of pain and despair, and Sevatar imagined Curze scratching his own flesh.

【late! too late! We saw clearly too late! And how could that madman help us? ! 】

Yes, code.

There are two interludes today, otherwise I will forget the main line after writing it down.

It can be considered as involving the main line.

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