Chapter 317 306. Deliberately

In the darkness, Hades walked past the corpses lying on the ground with ease. Those people looked like ordinary residents of the Perfect City. They were wearing robes with prayers embroidered on them, and they seemed to suddenly fall down while running. of.

Next to Hades, Cyrene covered her mouth tightly and tried to keep up with Hades's footsteps. The corpses looked like they were still alive, with fresh skins, but...but the insides had disappeared.

Cyrene carefully stepped over the arm of a corpse. She felt her heart pounding. Was this what the... being next to her did? Is this witchcraft? But is there really witchcraft that would blaspheme so much?

She glanced as faintly as she could at the giant next to her. He looked like some kind of mysterious and ancient being, but... didn't look evil?

No, Cyrene said to himself, you cannot tell good from evil by appearance.

Near them, soulless troops in black armor had been deployed throughout the exhibition hall. They held bolt guns and carefully inspected the exhibits in the exhibition hall.

Only at night do these exhibits collected from alien stars become terrifying under the shroud of darkness. The structure of the hall is very simple, it is just a large platform filled with various exhibits, and in the center of the hall, It is a tall imperial sculpture - a must-have sculpture in every perfect city building.

For some reason, the clock on the wall had stopped long ago. The complex device composed of exposed cables and a small steam engine, Cyrene remembered that it had never stopped working.

The hand above points to 00:07.

"All right,"

She heard the black-armored giant muttering to himself,

"I hate these metaphorical things the most."

The giant walked straight to where he was going with a clear goal. They passed by the nine-handed Buddha statue, with nine inlaid pearls the size of eyeballs glowing with a permeating luster in the darkness; they passed by a red gold sword stand with eight swords. The rust on it looks like dripping blood; passing by the seven bundles of bundled wheat, it seems to be densely crawling with maggots; passing by the hexagonal purple-red gauze tent, strange-shaped columns lie on the soft gauze...

Cyrene looked at them in astonishment. These exhibits were hidden among the massive exhibits and were not usually noticeable. After all, there were even creations of human skin and bones in other exhibits - but as long as you followed a specific route, then Tourists will definitely pass by them.

Finally, Hades stopped in the middle of the hall, next to the sculpture of the emperor. The statue of the God Emperor was looking at them majestically, with empty eyes.

"Stand away."

Hades said softly. He listened to the cautious footsteps of the congratulated lady beside him. Hades took a deep breath, and the next moment, the surging darkness descended.

He raised his sickle——


Hades smashed into the Emperor's statue!

Cyrene covered her mouth and let out a short scream. Her eyes darkened and she couldn't stop praying to the Emperor in her heart.

The hard stone peeled off like a wall, revealing the rotten and dirty core inside. Waves of indescribable stench wafted out, yellow and white pus seeped out, and countless rusty iron chains stretched out from the bottom of the stone. The broken sword inside was locked in layers.

The broken sword was stained with rust, but it still looked extremely sharp. The obsidian sword had coquettish patterns flowing on it.

The sword seemed to have a life of its own, but it was obviously dying now. The moment the broken sword appeared in people's sight, the darkness around Hades instantly deepened.

The moment the stench wafted out, the black-armored soldiers around Cyrene pressed a helmet on her head as quickly as possible. At first Cyrene thought they were going to kill her, but when she realized After they tried to protect her, Cyrene quietly accepted the helmet.

Cyrene's mind was blank and she heard the giant whispering words she didn't understand.

"Is it shipped, or is it SSR?"

"What the hell?"

The giant bent over and circled several times around the broken sword hidden in the sculpture of the God-Emperor, muttering something about a cursed sword and something that was not the right time. He looked extremely confused.

But after confirming that the sword currently posed no threat, the giant straightened up and walked towards her. Darkness fell on her, and she suddenly felt dizzy.

Completely different from just now, a majestic voice sounded,

"You see, lady, this is why the Perfect City must be burned."

He casually looked at the broken sword in the broken sculpture, holding the sickle like an old farmer who had just finished plowing on the field, but his other hand was always on the pistol at his waist.

"There is obviously something wrong with your beliefs. I think the emperor is at least not like this. This... this is the truth. Can you understand?"

Cyrene gasped. She was originally immersed in the scene of the giant directly smashing the sculpture of the God Emperor, but the existence of the broken sword directly shattered her.

Why...why are there such unclean and dirty things in the God-Emperor's sculptures? Cyrene's brain was trembling. She was certain that the God-Emperor she understood and believed in was definitely not this kind of existence. Then...then what did they worship on a daily basis?

To have such a blasphemous presence buried in a sculpture of a god is...this is heresy...their faith is tainted? Or were they simply wrong? What exactly is going on?

Perhaps she was silent for too long. The giant in front of her scratched his head and seemed to be thinking about something. He spoke again,

"I can feel your piety... At least at this point you don't need to question or waver. You may be confused about this - ah, someone comes to you, you go ask him."

"Who's looking for me?"

Cyrene spoke hoarsely, and the giant blinked,

"The one you most want to see...exists."

Then the giant quickly added the next few sentences,

"This is not the place for you to stay. You have seen the truth, and we obviously don't have any religious masters here. I haven't read the Book of Sacred Scriptures or anything like that. If I had read it, I could have a few words with you. You go find out about this." Talk to someone, he’s already here.”

This series of words obviously completely jammed Cyrene's confused and thinking brain. It was completely different from the giant itself and the weirdness emanating from this place. Cyrene felt that he might often hear this tone in the vegetable market.

She slowly erased the conclusion in her mind that this giant was a demon. A demon could not be... so kind and talkative.

She pursed her chapped lips. She had experienced too much in this night.

"What...what is your name, sir?"


As the giant spoke, he directed the soldiers to send her away. He smiled at her in a friendly way and waved goodbye, but she was like an audience member who was rushed out of the theater. Cyrene was in a daze, and she slowly realized The original meaning of that word...


Next, she turned around and saw a middle-aged man standing on the moonlit street. He was wearing a plain linen robe, a wreath of thorns on his head, and his feet were bare.


Hades, who hurriedly sent the congratulated lady away, breathed a sigh of relief. After confirming that the lady was not contaminated, he decisively asked her to find the emperor.

Almost lost, Hades thought, what on earth is going on? We were in the Black Domain just now. The spiritual power here was not very strong, right?

Even now, the sword did not exude a strong psychic aura, and Hades easily suppressed it with the Black Domain.


Hades turned back,

Why is the Rival Sword here? Did Erebus steal it in advance? Isn't this the sword that later stabbed Horus and caused his fall?

Did he successfully draw SSR in advance?

Or... was this intentional by the Four Gods?

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