Chapter 321 310. He is God

The scorching wind brought bursts of ashes, and the last gunboat roared through the layers of smoke and landed in the midst of great sadness and confusion.

The cabin door opened, and Luojia stood in the shadow. He seemed so hasty and at a loss. He stood there, standing in the ashes of the perfect city, standing among his equally confused descendants.

He... He looked slowly, and he saw the Word Bearers who were still searching in vain among the ruins and ashes for any trace of the remaining books. He saw the priests kneeling down, praying among the ashes, and the indestructible hearts of the people appeared. A rupture broke out.

Gradually, a voice sounded.


they shouted,

"Aurelion, my father."

Lorgar Aurelion, they called his name. On this blazing wasteland, his name spread far down the wind. They stood up and looked at him blankly, looking at their father.

Why, they're asking? Why it came out like this?

Zisi's confusion and pain surrounded him, and Luojia felt that something in his body was broken and became incomplete - why? He also wanted to ask, why? !

They did nothing wrong, so why reprimand them so suddenly? Why humiliate them with the Perfect City? Until now, apart from the Ultramarines' communication, Luojia has not received any other explanation.

Could it be the Ultramarines...? Luo Jia's reason was boiling. He didn't want to think about another possibility, which was an abyss that his mind could not accept. Luo Jia would rather accept another possibility - rather than... rather than...

But he couldn't... couldn't... at least not now, Luojia looked at the Word Bearers, and he tried to force out a smile. As a representative, the original body cannot reveal weakness. They are the spiritual support of the offspring - they are perfect. of.

In a sense, always staying calm, always staying sane, this is the weight that the Primarchs have to bear. If they can't keep it, then they need to at least act like it.

Angeltai stood among the ruins, looking at his primarch.

Lorgar walked out of the gunship. He looked so calm, but his calmness also revealed anger and sadness. Erebus and Kor Phaeron followed the original.

Angertai's teacher, Chief Priest Erebus, was smiling gently and tiredly at the Word Bearers. He still seemed to have difficulty accepting the bad news of the Perfect City. Unlike the other warriors, the Chief Priest of the Word Bearers The priest was soft-spoken in most situations, but the power of his words was hard to ignore - which is why Erebus won the respect of most of the Word Bearers, and why the Primarch held him in such high esteem.

Angeltay still had the necessary respect for his teacher.

On the other side of the original body is the first company commander Kor Phaeron. Except for the original body himself, the Word Bearers generally do not like this "internal promotion" company commander. Kor Phaeron is wearing a silver-gray uniform. , the shiny Terminator Armor, a guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death. The thickness of his armor is comparable to that of a tank. Any warrior who puts on such armor will have a dazzling performance - rather than wasting this good equipment. Such a person who didn't even have full Space Marine surgery.

Angeltay didn't want to comment on this person, but just as he was looking at the two people next to the original body, the original body spoke.

[We will remember this moment forever, my children. 】

Luojia lowered his eyes, his golden eyes turning gray under the ashes of the Perfect City.

[Something incomprehensible has happened, but I swear to you, if the Empire, if the Ultramarines cannot explain this time - then we will make them pay. 】

Price, this word echoed in Angeltai's mind, and he felt the touch of ashes brushing his face. So what will our price be? He thought, Orrian, my father, what will be the price for us to accept this?

He stiffly obeyed the orders of the original body, and the team of Word Bearers scattered in the ruins began to gather. Even though they were shocked, confused, and puzzled by the scene in front of them, they were still Word Bearers and the most elite in the empire. warriors, and soon, an army of 100,000 Word Bearers gathered in this area.

As First Captain and Chief Chaplain, Kor Phaeron and Erebus had the right to remain outside the ranks, standing to the left and right behind the Primarch.

The last Word Bearer returned to the team. This was like a signal, but it was not for them. There was some uneasy restlessness in the air. Angeltai hoped that it would be the roar of the airship, but unfortunately , he guessed wrong.

The sun was about to set. On the other side of the ashes and embers, the orange sky was burning hot. Some kind of golden light that was difficult to see directly enveloped the land. No, that was not the light of a star. It was far more brilliant than a star.

He is coming.

Angeltai saw an expression of disbelief on Luojia's face. It was the sound of some kind of... mask breaking. Aurelion, you are also looking forward to Guilliman, Malcador... or someone else. Officials of some empire? Except for Him - Him descending here, descending on this huge ruins, that is a complete confirmation...

...confirms that they were wrong.

Luojia's cheekbones were tense, and he turned around slowly. The light was so dazzling that even the original body had to squint his eyes. Luojia stared directly at the sun, directly at... the one who walked out of the radiance. exist.

【Father. 】

Luo Jia trembled and said this word, this word that represented everything.

The God-Emperor looked at him. It was Him whom Luojia had never seen before. He was no longer wearing the thick and glorious golden armor. His long dark brown hair was hanging down. He was wearing a rough and simple linen robe, with olive leaves tied around it. Above the laurel crown made of thorns, there was a cold look in the eyes——

There's nothing there.

"Kneel down."

He said.

This is not a request, this is not an order, this is an existence that is far stronger and more primitive than requests and orders. Angeltai's brain went blank for a moment, his muscles tensed, and his power armor creaked, and finally , he knelt down, among the ashes. When he knelt down completely and obeyed completely, an indescribable peace and comfort emerged in the mind of the Word Bearer.

Now, one hundred thousand Word Bearers and one hundred thousand warriors, all kneeling in the ruins of the Perfect City.

Luojia looked back at his heir in disbelief, his pupils trembling, then he turned back, his voice almost inaudible,

【……Father? 】

His father was looking at him with no emotion in his eyes.

"Kneel down."

He repeated it, and the word squeezed Luojia tightly. He felt like he could hardly breathe, his brain trembled, and his back bent to an unimaginable arc - finally, he knelt down.

"Lorgar Aurelion,"

The voice came from above them,

"I'm disappointed in you, I'm disappointed in your Legion."

Luo Jia felt a buzz in his head, and his blood seemed to have stagnated. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't understand why - why? !

He wanted to look up at his father, but his attempt failed, a huge disappointment choked him, and he couldn't lift his head.

"You think I'm a god."

The God Emperor said calmly.

A twitching smile appeared at the corner of Luojia's mouth. Could it be that just because of this, just because you were still refuting that you were not a god, you destroyed the Perfect City? You want us to kneel down? The truth belongs to us, you can't—

"Then why are you and your Legion unable to fulfill my hopes for you, Aurelion?"

Luo Jia's pupils suddenly narrowed. He...what...could it wasn't...why...

Did He acquiesce?

Luo Jia's mind went blank again.

In great shock, Luojia slowly raised his head. He saw the God Emperor standing there. The setting sun was his halo, and incredible golden light enveloped him, cold, but -

But it gave him a familiar feeling of warmth?

Luojia opened his mouth dumbly. The god was asking his believer, how should should he answer.

[We...we spread your truth to the world without slacking off. The Legion conquered one world after another. Father, why did you...]

God, why are you so mean and cruel?

The last words disappeared between Luojia's murmuring lips, and he looked straight at the God Emperor with great confusion and despair.

The God-Emperor raised a hand, and his eyes were dazzling blazing gold. He seemed to be letting Luojia look at the ruins of this perfect city, the embers after the faith was burned.

"Lorgar Aurelion, do you think you followed my words?"

Is not it? Luojia trembled.

"Your progress is the slowest among all legions, Luojia. The pace of the Great Crusade cannot be slowed down."

Luo Jia felt that her vocal cords were bleeding.

[The world behind the Word Bearers is never in ruins! The worlds we conquer can be put into production immediately - and they are absolutely loyal to you! Loyal to the Empire! 】

"Loyal to me?"

The God Emperor said these words slowly, and the huge feeling of suffocation and pressure once again strangled Luojia. An indescribable uneasiness and fear enveloped him. He suddenly remembered the abnormality during prayer a few days ago.

"Look at me, my child."

Luojia stared at his god tremblingly. The sun behind the god was burning like an explosion, dyeing the entire sky into brilliant gold. His face was shrouded in shadow, and only his eyes were the same dazzling red gold.

"My child, Luojia, answer me with your sincerity, are you loyal to me?"

【I am loyal to you! I am your most loyal believer! God Emperor! my father! Why do you——】

Luojia roared, but he saw a golden teardrop slowly sliding down the corner of the god's eye. The god lowered his eyes, which contained too much sadness and sigh.

"Then you can see for yourself."

Luojia's expression flickered. Everything around him was distorting and changing. In a daze, he saw people smashing into the sculpture of the God Emperor. He wanted to roar to stop it, but the next moment, the pus gushing out of the sculpture made his words blocked. In the throat.

This-this-why? !

He saw the perfect city bustling with people, he saw the filth hidden in the alleys, he saw the cultists in human skin dancing wildly and spraying blood on the pile of holy candles, he saw... he saw...

Luojia trembled slowly, he bent his upper body, almost fainting - in those pictures, he saw a corner of the Word Bearer's gray armor.

He was about to drown in this huge self-blame and despair.

"This is what you offer me, Lorgar Aurelion."

The calm voice of the God Emperor sounded,

After a period of desperate silence, Luojia's hoarse voice sounded,

[God Emperor, my Lord, please...please give me another chance. I will cut off the carrion myself. Please give me, the Word Bearer, and your heirs a chance to atone for their father... …]

The God Emperor shook his head gently,

"I can't trust you."

Luo Jia felt as if he was dead - he knelt stiffly, as if his breathing had stopped.

"But I am willing to give you and your legion a chance to atone for your sins. You are smart, Luojia, and you have led you and your legion on the right path, even though you have done too many mistakes on this road."

Luojia suddenly raised his head. He looked at the God Emperor in disbelief. His eyes were bloodshot. The scorching sun was about to set. Behind them, the night began to take over the authority of the day.

"Yes, Lorgar Aurelion, there are gods in this world."

Heavy footsteps sounded from the distance behind the legion, with a slight, crisp metal knocking sound.

Luojia was shocked by the sudden arrival of the outsider, who could no longer bear too much. He wanted to turn back, but the pressure of the God Emperor strangled him and everyone in the legion.

"I don't want to deceive you anymore, Lorgar Aurelion, I don't want to see you go astray anymore."

The God Emperor said lightly, the golden tears were shining, and he closed his eyes, unwilling to look at him again.

"I am a god, Lorgar Aurelion, I am a god, but you will never understand what admitting that will do to me."

The God Emperor sighed slightly. Saying these words seemed to cost him too much and he became tired.

"You need to do what is right again, my son, and now, bow your head and feel your sin, Aurelion, you need to repent."

Feel my sin? What do you feel? Luojia opened his mouth to ask again, but the God-Emperor closed his eyes. He was so disappointed in him and he didn't want to look at his heir anymore.

Luojia still had endless questions, endless remorse and self-blame in his heart, but now there was no use for anything. Helplessly, he followed the instructions of the gods and lowered his head piously.

Neither spoke again, and now all was quiet—

Except for that footstep, He was getting closer.

In Luo Jia's sight, everything began to become dim.

As night falls, the dark and cold water of the Styx slowly rises up. It taps the gray and dull boots of the Word Bearers, and people become weaker and more awake.

Luojia held his breath. He wanted to look up and ask what was going on now, but he suddenly found that he could not move - the gods did not want him to move anymore.

Footsteps entered the sea of ​​a hundred thousand kneeling Word Bearers, and the darkness swallowed them silently.

People want to look up and take a look at who this is? What is he doing? But just as their Primarch felt, they could not look up, they were not allowed to peer.

Angelt held his breath. He felt that the voice was getting closer and closer. He was right behind him. The darkness almost completely enveloped him. Angelt struggled to maintain his sanity under the wash of the sea of ​​darkness. , he saw a pair of black-armored feet walking past him, accompanied by faint green teardrops.

Then...what is that?

Hades walked silently among the kneeling Legion of Word Bearers. He held two large black stone spears in his hands - or long spikes, with carefully carved three-headed hounds on the top. In Dis's hands, they are mercilessly overlooking all living things.

Finally, he stopped at the front of the queue, behind Kor Phaeron.

Kor Phaeron was wearing heavy Terminator armor. He was kneeling, his well-maintained armor gleaming.

Hades listened to the accelerated breathing of the three people nearby.

He raised the spear in his right hand.



The sharp sound of metal penetrating sounded, followed by the dull sound of piercing flesh and blood, and then the sound of flesh and metal being pierced, but Kor Phalun's scream covered it all——


He struggled to hold his hands back, trying to pull out the spear that had been nailed to the ground. The spear accurately penetrated the back of his neck, pierced his lungs, penetrated his thighs, and stabbed firmly. above the ground.

He couldn't look up, couldn't turn back, the spear had shattered his spinal cord, he couldn't do that - he could even feel the poison coating the spear, amplifying his senses and preventing the blood from coagulating.

The executioner hadn't left yet. This cruel monster was holding the spear, and an indescribable feeling of fear and powerlessness slowly descended down the spear.


Kor Phaeron gasped and screamed loudly, but he hadn't even finished the Space Marine's surgery. Blood foam spurted from his mouth, and he could only make broken gasps like a rag doll.

Luojia lowered his head. He listened to the screams of Kor Phalun on his right. No - no - he realized something. It was his adoptive father - no -

Scarlet sweat flowed down his head.

On the other side, Erebus felt a roar in his ears, no no no no no no no, Kor Phaeron has been discovered! Then he has probably been exposed for a long time - he wants to run, he wants to run! But how does he run? ! As if aware of his thoughts, the psychic flash around Erebus became stronger.

Fuck you! Erebus called out the names of the gods in his heart. He dedicated himself to them. He promised to dedicate Lorgar, the Word Bearer, to them. They could not abandon him! He is necessary! The empire's shattered fate bears his name, Erebus, instead of ending here, no—!

The footsteps began to move and passed behind Luo Jia. Luo Jia would never admit that he breathed a sigh of relief at that moment.

Erebus listened desperately as the monster walked toward him. He began to murmur nonsense about the will of the four gods. He violently broke away and hit the pseudo-emperor's psychic energy. Finally, Erebus suddenly raised his head. He raised his head, and the violent struggle caused his head to jerk back——

He saw a monster in the dark looking directly at him directly above him, with cold and dull eyes——

In an instant, Hades raised his spear and stabbed hard!

He heard the crisp sound of his skull breaking, then the sound of metal, and the sound of his spine shattering all the way.

Finally, the three-headed hellhound stood firmly at the top, blood flowing from the lower end of the spear.


Erebus started screaming, he started yelling, he started roaring, he tried to pull out the spear that penetrated his face and avoided the fatal brain tissue with his hands, but all of this was doomed to be in vain.

The monster looked at him expressionlessly, holding the spear steadily. In despair, Erebus saw a darkness that made him want to escape and howl as it climbed along the monster's hand and towards the spear. Slowly hanging down, like the drooping organs of Erebus.


Erebus let out a shrill scream that pierced the sky, and the scream, accompanied by Kor Phalun's dying cry and gasping, kept ringing in Luojia's ears.

Luo Jia lowered his head tightly. He knelt and felt like he was going crazy.

The sun is about to disappear, and the last ray of light will fall into the earth.

The God Emperor opened his mouth,


The next moment, the God Emperor disappeared, and with him disappeared the spiritual pressure that had previously made them kneel down - but none of the 100,000 people dared to stand up, they kept their heads lowered, Feeling beads of sweat slowly streak across his face.

A soft, cold darkness enveloped them, as if to say that He is not cruel, He only punishes sinners.

That's... what's that? That's not the Custodes...and it can't be the Primarch...what is it?

The screams of the sinners continued, but the screams accentuated the terrible silence of the being.

Hades stared at Erebas indifferently. Kor Phaeron was almost dying, breathing heavily like a dead man, but Erebas was obviously more energetic. He shouted to the believers of the Four Gods. After realizing that none of this would work, he began to spit on Hades, cursed Hades, and tried to anger Hades.

Hades just thought he was ridiculous.

He calmly watched Erebus's struggle. The chief priest tried to pull out the spear, but this only made him more embarrassed. His eyeballs almost burst out, and minced meat spurted out from his seven orifices along with blood.

Hades silently walked behind Luojia. He stood still, took out the broken sword from his waist, used it as a scepter, put both hands on the sword, and said nothing.

He listened to the sudden rapid breathing of Luojia, the hoarse sound of Kor Phaeron, the yelling of Erebus, and the trembling sounds of the hearts of a hundred thousand Word Bearers behind him.

Darkness enveloped him, it was dark time.

Luojia was trembling, he was going crazy, he was dumbfounded as he listened to his most trusted chief priest yell out the filthy words of the cult, he listened to his adoptive father's dying cry, Kor Phalon seemed to be calling his name - No, don't call him.

Everything was silent except for the Sinners, and the ruins of the Perfect City stared at them silently, as if weeping silently.

When the moon of this planet rose to the middle of the sky, Kor Phalun's increasingly smaller whooshing sound finally stopped, and a slight sound of armor scraping against the sand was heard - the sound of muscles automatically twitching.

Erebus began to insult Lorgar and the Word Bearers. He cursed every one of them. Erebus called Lorgar a weak lamb and called the Word Bearers a bunch of people who had lost the Book of Words. A fool who knows nothing.

The executioner remained silent, while Luojia and the Word Bearers did not dare to move.

When the moon crossed three-quarters of the sky, there was no sound at all in Kor Phaeron, and even the sound of dripping water had disappeared. Erebas began to repent. He shouted that he was just deceived by the evil god, but now he He has awakened from the pain of punishment, give him a chance, give him a chance to atone, even if he is made into a machine servant!

Erebus shouted loudly, and he deliberately shouted in the direction of the executioner. His voice was so sincere and affectionate. For a while, he whimpered like a wounded animal in the desert.

Luojia felt that he was almost shaken by Erebas's confession, but behind him——

The executioner remained motionless.

An hour later, Erebus started yelling again, but his voice was obviously much softer.

When the moon disappeared and the night grew brighter behind them, Erebus's voice stopped. Finally, he let out two loud hoarse screams, and then dropped the hand he had been holding on the spear.

The sinners died in the darkness, they did not survive the night.

There was a slight sound of metal collision, and Luo Jia felt that the executioner behind him, the silent one, took action.

Lorgar's mind was in a mess. What was he thinking about in that long night when Kor Phaeron was howling in the face of death, Erebus was cursing, and the executioner was standing behind him?

Hades raised the broken sword and swung it down. He saw Lorgar's limbs suddenly tensed, but he did not stand up to resist in the end--


The sound of the broken sword hitting the armor was clearly audible.

Hades paused, then retracted the sword again, turned around, and prepared to leave.

[You... who are you? ]

Lorgar's weak voice sounded behind him.

Hades glanced back at the giant who was still kneeling. He said nothing, nothing, and he left directly.

The footsteps left along the way they came, and a bright fish belly white appeared on the horizon.

It was dawn.

I don't have a partner. If I had one, I would type this word on Valentine's Day. I won't say anything more and kill two scumbags to relieve my anger.

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