Chapter 329 318. Illusion?

Mortarion declared Faenus Manus to be his fourth most hated Primarch, the first being Konrad Curze and the second being Perturabo.

By the way, the current number three is Magnus.

Mortarion hates all inexplicable people and things, but his brothers will do inexplicable things on inexplicable occasions.

And his brothers will use strange reasons to justify their actions, reason, intuition, prophecy, psychic powers...or just go crazy.

For example, now, Vulkan insists that they go into that weird tunnel, even though the foundry department has guaranteed that there are no structural traps in this tunnel.

Bad news, hate comes from Mortarion.

Even worse news comes from the Iron Hands.

After receiving the signal from the Feinus armor, Vulkan immediately contacted the Iron Hands Legion. At first, these iron-hard Space Marines hesitated in the face of Vulkan's inquiry, but after Vulkan At his insistence, the Iron Hands told Vulkan that they had no idea where the Primarch had gone.

In order to quickly defeat the Eldar in the desert, Faenus chose to raid, but when the Iron Hands attacked a dry canyon in the desert, the Mist and the Eldar attacked them at the same time.

As for what happened in this canyon, the Iron Hands maintained absolute silence. Even if Vulkan repeatedly asked them sternly what happened, the soldiers only told them that the legion had suffered heavy losses, and in the soldiers When they panicked and accepted the challenge, the original body of the Legion disappeared in layers of fog.

Mortarion's face was expressionless. For the first time, the Lord of Death realized that in addition to Konrad Curze, there would be other and various sufferings in cooperation with the brothers.

He vaguely remembered that in Malcador, from the mouths of other primarchs, their evaluation of Feinus seemed to be efficient and rational.

Mortarion thinks that their definitions of "efficiency" and "rationality" don't seem to be the same.

...No...Mortarion realized that the reference for their evaluation of this might be Konrad Curze.

He began to miss Hades, or Horus, or even Guilliman.

[Vulkan, you just chose to believe the Iron Hands’ “uh”, “sorry”, and “we can’t say”? 】

However, Vulkan looked at Mortarion with a determined look on his face, and Mortarion saw the inexplicable flames igniting in the eyes of the Fire Dragon Lord.

The flames seemed familiar, reminding Mortarion of the look in Guilliman's eyes when he discussed plans and policies.

Mortarion decided to withdraw his comment that Vulkan was easy to deal with.

【my brother,】

This giant, who was taller and stronger than Mortarion, slowly spoke in a gentle tone that made Mortarion's skin crawl.

[We should believe our brother, Mortarion. I believe our brother's descendants have unspeakable secrets about this matter. You see, except for the process of that battle, they told us everything they knew. From their In their voices, I could hear their anxiety about the disappearance of the original body. 】

Mortarion sneered, although he didn't know whether he was simply laughing at Vulkan's stupidity, or whether he was laughing at why he always had to endure unnecessary suffering.

The Lord of Death sneered,

[Then you choose to believe it. 】

Vulkan keenly heard what Mortarion was saying. He didn't understand why this brother who had cooperated so well just now suddenly expressed such an attitude that frightened him.

Mortarion's last words were... He didn't believe it.

Why didn't he trust the legions of his brothers? Although Mortarion and Faenus did have some bad feelings, they were both Legions of the Empire and should not have such thoughts.

If Vulkan had known about the friction between Mortarion and Konrad Curze, he might have been more understanding of Mortarion.

But unfortunately the news was blocked.

As Vulkan continued his useless words, Mortarion carefully looked at the obelisk and the door beneath it, the rune-engraved rocks.

Mortarion suddenly opened his eyes wide. Even though the Lord of Death could not understand the language of the Eldar, he could see from the familiar arrangement of those runes... This is... This is...

Mortarion stared closely at the blasphemous runes. Vulkan's words were already blurry in his ears. The Fire Dragon Lord seemed to be talking nonsense about intuition. After realizing that something was wrong with Mortarion, Vulkan began calling for his brother.

[Mortarion? Mortarion! 】

This is a teleporter!

Under the gas mask, Mortarion took a deep breath. The Eldar device had not been destroyed yet. This was just its shell, some crude defense devices, and its real structure was underground.

Teleportation can occur at any time. Mortarion is not sure how far this device can teleport, nor how it teleports - but based on the scale of this building, he is sure that the distance will not be very small.

This means that they are likely to be teleported away suddenly if they are near a building, and it seems too late to retreat now.

[I will go underground with you. We need to act immediately, Vulkan. 】

Mortarion's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Vulkan. The Lord of the Fire Dragon was startled, but the Lord of Death only gave a few words to Vulkan hastily, without fully explaining the reason for his sudden change in attitude.

Just like Vulkan chose to believe in the Iron Hand, Vulkan believed in Mortarion. Although he still had a lot of doubts, he was very happy that Mortarion could go together to find Fainus.

Maybe the dream he just told Mortarion had an effect. Vulkan thought that before this battle, he had a strange dream. In the dream, a strange man smiled and joked with him, letting him choose. Go with your gut.

And the stranger calls him "the kid who needs some guidance."

Or, Vulkan suddenly thought, maybe Mortarion also had a similar dream?


This tunnel was long, narrow and deep. They got into the snake's mouth without hesitation, and something was making a vague sound in the distance.

An eerie sense of familiarity gradually came to Mortarion. He held the scythe in his hand and confirmed that the damn Forge Death Guard was following him, and their anti-psionic weapons were ready to fire at any time. status.

The walls were carved with twisted patterns, and at the same time some sparkling fragments were inlaid on the walls. The place became increasingly weird and hazy, as if they had stepped into a dream.

Mortarion felt that his patience and sanity were being worn away bit by bit.

The concentration of psychic energy here seems a bit high.

Mortarion glanced at Vulkan. The Fire Dragon Lord seemed to have something wrong with his expression. He looked at the patterns on the wall with an angry expression.

Mortarion tentatively called Vulkan, and the Lord of the Fire Dragon turned back blankly, as if asking the Lord of Death why he suddenly called him.

After confirming that the health value displayed on Vulkan's armor was not abnormal, Mortarion changed the topic ominously.

But Mortarion quietly slowed his pace and walked behind Vulkan, keeping an eye on his brother.

When a small flickering dot appeared in the distance, the first room appeared on the side of the tunnel, and shouts and screams came from inside. Vulkan, who was walking in front, only glanced outside and let out a roar, He led his firewood guards and rushed in.

The moment the last fire fighter rushed in, the psychic barrier lit up at the door, isolating the two original bodies!

Mortarion immediately threw a black bomb at the door, but it was useless. The concentration of psychic energy here was too high.

The Lord of Death strode forward angrily. Through the fluctuating spiritual energy, he saw a group of disheveled savages, shouting and screaming around a dying Eldar witch. People dressed as priests were torturing the Eldar witch. .

Vulkan rushed over, and the original body waved away those people angrily, and rushed straight towards the Eldar witch - the witch was not dressed like the Eldar on this planet that Mortarion had seen. She only wore The clothing in stock seemed darker and more profane.

【Vulkan! 】

Mortarion shouted the name of the Fire Dragon Lord loudly, but Vulkan seemed to have forgotten Mortarion, and he tried to approach the witch with some collapse.

Does Vulkan know that Eldar? Mortarion remembered his chat with Malcador. Vulkan came from Nocturne, and that planet was often plundered by the Dark Eldar. It was Vulkan who ended the history of the Nocturnes being plundered as slaves by the Eldar. .

...Mortarion seems to know.

Mortarion cursed in his mind expressionlessly. He knew that this was an illusion supported by psychic energy - and Vulkan was trapped in it.

Those damn Eldar.

Because the tunnel was too narrow for the knights to enter (and it was impossible for Mortarion to release the Wraith Knights in front of Vulkan), Mortarion only brought the Death Guard, and some soulless souls disguised as Hades. orr and foundry department missiles.

He was starting to miss Hades.

After a brief prejudgment, Mortarion believed that Vulkan could hold on and that he would not die for at least an hour. The Lord of Death would leave limited ammunition to deal with the next situation.

Mortarion once again confirmed that the guys from the Foundry were following him.

Still no Eldar came out to try to attack him.

He and the Death Guards continued to move forward, and a thin mist emerged. After a short journey, a second room appeared on the side of the tunnel, and the roar of Faenus came from inside.

This time he already had a mental expectation. Mortarion looked inside through the psychically distorted space. He saw Fenus Manus collapsing and fighting with a monster with a humanoid upper body and a snake-like lower body.

Mortarion didn't know why Faenus looked so broken. It might have something to do with some of his memories.

Compared to Volgan, Fenus' situation seems to be much more dangerous.

But it looked like he was about to win. Mortarion thought for a moment. He thought that at least Faenus would not die - an illusion powerful enough to kill the primarch was extremely rare, not to mention that it was currently delaying two Primarch.

If this is an illusion, Mortarion only needs to destroy the spiritual energy supply source of this device. Don't try to entangle with the illusion, it is meaningless.

In the initial detection, the Foundry Department has confirmed that this tunnel does not have large side structures, so the source of psychic energy can only be deeper in the tunnel. The Lord of Death imagined what he might see next, those things that were used as batteries Burning the witches, it made him feel a little better.

So he continued walking deeper, and the fog became thicker and thicker.

The third room appears in the fog.

The Lord of Death walked calmly along the tunnel. He turned his head to see the illusion in the room.

Mortarion wondered what his vision was.

Hades on the verge of death? Or the corrupted Death Guard? Or is it the dying look of Calastyphon?

He has experienced all this, but Mortarion wants to see what else can scare him and make him lose his mind.

But after seeing the things in the room clearly, Mortarion staggered back, his face pale.

He saw himself.

No, not the corrupted version of himself that he once imagined.

The illusion couldn't even completely simulate him, and his vague and weird form was fragmented.

He saw...he saw...

No, no, no, no, this is fake, this is impossible... He doesn't accept it...

He doesn't accept it! Mortarion will not accept this!

Mortarion began to retreat, and then he turned back sharply, only to find that the tunnel had reached the end now. On the other side of the room was a hall, with arcs of psychic energy jumping and the arches drooping.

Mortarion knew where that sense of familiarity came from... He had seen something similar to it before. Deep under the palace of Terra, Mortarion had once broken into the Emperor's secret.

He didn't know much at the time, and Macado persuaded him away with vague words and news from his friends.

The studying alien technology?

No, no, no, no, Mortarion can understand this. There are similar secrets within the Death Guard itself, but what is on this planet...?

Mortarion subconsciously touched the black bullet at his waist and called the foundry department——

Then realized he was now alone.

Mortarion felt his steady breathing. He remained alert and without hesitation crushed a black bullet, letting the powder sprinkle on his body, and then he began to retreat.

At least he saw the basic appearance of this teleportation device. Mortarion is now sure that they will not be suddenly teleported away, and this device will obviously not be destroyed by a few black bullets. Mortarion doubts that even if the Wraith Knight comes, It's hard to destroy it.

But it is also this device that provides energy to the illusion.

And just when Mortarion was thinking about the next step, under the arch, the fluctuations of psychic energy rippled, and some reflections appeared at the feet of the original body. Mortarion couldn't tell...whether those reflections came from the past, He didn't know where the real owners of these reflections were now or in the future.

In the hall made of alien bones, two Eldar with pointed ears and slender fingers were talking.

Mortarion wondered why he could hear the voices of the two Eldar.

But now he really has no way to shut up these two elves.

The more pointed opening of the ear,

"Steel needs his own choice, and it's difficult for us to choose for him. The blacksmith has already been chosen, and he loves him more than we imagined, which means it's even harder for us to interfere." that Faenus? And the blacksmith...Vulkan?

Another Eldar with slightly buck teeth interrupted him,

"Where are the guardians? The fast-flowing river has changed its course many times."

Mortarion's breathing became heavy, and he felt offended.

"Hard to say."

Pointed ears open,

"If he accepts it, in the distant future, he will be deeply entangled with the fate of alien races - not just us."

Buck Teeth asked,

"Can't you tell whether it's good or bad?"


The apparition disappeared.

In the original work, Ibsen's planet is actually so weird that it feels like a dream. This planet is attacked by three legions of the Death Guard, the Salamanders, and the Iron Hands. Both the Salamanders and the Iron Hands are related to this battle. short stories.

Among them, "Feat of Iron" by Iron Hands, I couldn't find a domestic translation, so I ate a few mouthfuls of raw meat. Among them, the prophecy of the Eldar, Vulkan's hope to enter the tunnel, in addition to what Mortarion saw in the tunnel, and The plot instructions given by the Emperor to Vulkan are all scenes that appeared in the original work, but they were completely changed by me. I can only say that they are just a shell.

None today!

I am almost exhausted from the military training recently. I coded in a hurry after the military training. My condition is not very good. Please forgive me.

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