Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 334 323 Three Primarchs, Let's Enjoy the Extinction Order Together

Chapter 334 323. The three original bodies, everyone appreciates the Extermination Order together

Mortarion's calm eyes reflected the wonderful light of the Order of Extermination, and behind him, the flames were burning.

An emerald green planet disappeared, along with the spiritual races living on it for generations, along with the savages who couldn't even speak clearly on it, along with those strange buildings——

Mortarion sincerely hoped that all of this would disappear under the flames of the torpedoes and leave no trace on this world.

He listened calmly to Vulkan's disordered breathing in his ears, and to Feinus's pretendingly calm but heavy-breathing voice. The Fire Dragon Lord was because of his damn kindness, while the Medusa Lord's eyes were... He glanced at Mortarion from time to time.

Mortarion remained motionless, and it was difficult to tell whether Fainus's behavior made the Lord of Death feel a little emotional.

In front of his competitive brothers, the Lord of Medusa obviously lost his composure, but his embarrassment made Mortarion feel a certain familiarity... Did he behave better than Faenus at that time?

But no matter what, he has gone through that unbearable journey, accepted an even bleaker future, and grasped the uncompromising sickle in his hand.

What about Fenus? Even if he didn't see that far.

Mortarion has never cared about his brothers who have brain problems. All he has to do is prepare gifts for their funerals. But this time, similar but different scenes made the Lord of Death unusually interested. .

He didn't mind talking a little more.

Although Mortarion maintained his own different views on Feinus' previous tactical plan.


The three original bodies stood quietly in front of the observation window. The entire planet was like a gurgling magma ball, with bright orange-red bubbles exploding on it. The diameter of the bubble was an entire forest.

Mortarion thought out of boredom that maybe the humans and Eldar above were like ants clinging to the surface of the bubble, spinning and screaming——

But this is unrealistic. Their internal organs will be shattered the moment the missile falls, and then the entire planet's atmosphere will violently burn, the air pressure will drop sharply, and the entire corpse will swell in a short time, with blood and water at the opening. A spurt of organ fragments.

The luckier creatures that are closer to the missile impact point will be directly torn into pieces by the air waves, while those farther away will be turned into a dry black stick in the subsequent high temperature. If you look closely, , maybe you can make out the stupid expression on the end of the stick with a wide mouth and pain and no idea what happened. Their eye sockets are hollow because the lens with high water content has been directly evaporated.

Then these small black sticks will sink into the bright red spicy soup like black peppercorns falling into the soup pot, completely integrated into the planet extinction soup. They are just insignificant small ingredients, and the main ingredients are still large chunks. Blocks of planet crust.

It was cruel, but Mortarion, who had agreed to the order of extermination, could only think of the hooligans and eldar spinning and screaming on the bubbles.

Maybe Vulcan would think of more, the couple hugging each other tightly at the last moment, the mother hugging her child, the helpless tears in the eyes of the old man - this is why he always doesn't use the extermination order, he has a great imagination .

Vulcan choked his breath and took a step back.

[These... unarmed people were killed by us. We need to remember this atrocity. The crime does not lighten our hearts just because it had to happen. 】

Mortarion muttered,

[This is no reason for you to act emotionally, Vulkan. 】

Vulkan stared at Mortarion. Strangely, fire and tears appeared in his eyes at the same time.

[You are wrong, Mortarion. Mercy is the biggest reason for our march. If the reason for war is not human beings - then this will be the biggest mistake. 】

Motali settled down for a moment,

[The time you hesitated was enough to save another planet. The soldiers who died because of your kindness were enough to save countless lives. Even if you want to save them, you hope to save as many as possible, Vol. sweet. 】

Vulgan choked.

[That’s true, my brother, but...]

His voice became quieter,

[I cannot give up. Every life has the right to be saved and survive. 】

Mortarion frowned, and Fainus looked at them. Vulkan was led back to the Empire by Fainus and the Emperor. Only Fainus knew Vulkan's madness.

The Fire Dragon Lord once disregarded his own safety and rushed directly into the enemy's heavy fire just to save an enemy baby - and at that moment, if there was no miracle, Vulkan would almost have died.

But even though Vulkan knew he would die, he abandoned his warriors, abandoned his assigned mission, and rushed out.

There is no point in arguing like this. Rather than listening to the debate between Mortarion and Vulkan, Fainus is more eager to talk to Mortarion again - he obviously knows more.

Then Faenus interrupted,

[Vulkan - The legion needs to be the first to complete the mission assigned to us by the empire. On this basis, you can ask your legion to act according to your preferences, but you must complete the mission of the empire. 】

[This is just a reminder to you, Vulkan. 】

Due to Faenus's interruption, Mortarion stopped talking. He just stood there and looked at Vulkan silently.

Vulkan shook his head gently,

【Thank you for your kindness, I'm still not used to this, my brothers. When there is no more war in the galaxy, I will return to Nocturne to be my blacksmith again. 】

Unexpectedly, Mortarion sneered, and the Lord of Death stretched out his voice,

【Good idea, if there is no more war in the galaxy, then I will return to Barbarus to be a farmer-but I think I will never have any intersection with the composting pool of Barbarus in my life. 】

Mortarion sneered, he seemed to be laughing at Vulcan's naivety, or he really thought he told a very funny joke.

However, Vulcan took Mortarion's words seriously, and the Lord of Fire Dragon spoke carefully,

【...Maybe you can ask the Mechanicus for help? Although I don't like their soulless and sincere forging industry, they do have extraordinary technology, and planetary agriculture is not difficult for them. 】

Fenus heard Mortarion's laughter louder in silence.

【I will, brother. 】

Mortarion's voice was slightly raised,

[Maybe I can talk to Finus about this matter now, and talk about how we should spend our peaceful and war-free future - I don't like the Mechanicus very much. 】

Hearing Mortarion's words, Vulkan, who had just felt sad because of the Extermination Order and his brother's rebuke, forced a smile,

[May the future be peaceful. 】

He said.

I promise to update one chapter every day...

No more!

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"I became a super god after basking in the sun"

I became a super god after basking in the sun.


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