Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 340 329 Prelude to the bloody battle

Chapter 340 329. Prelude to the bloody battle

While the World Eaters were speeding toward their target planet, Hades began selecting specific World Eaters, training them to work with the Soulless Ones, and teaching these warriors the necessary knowledge of the Warp.

In particular, they were warned not to let inexplicable impulses and anger control their minds, as this would give psionic enemies an opportunity to take advantage of them.

In addition, through his authority, Hades also tried to mobilize all available resources in the star field. The star field of the Maelstrom is extremely weird, and there are pirates, chaos, elves, lost civilizations... Accidents can happen at any time.

Unfortunately, due to the instability in the sector, only the forge world of Sarem, previously saved by the World Eaters, responded to the call of the Lord of the Silent Order, and the Magos declared their loyalty to Angron and the World Eaters to the death. , and promised to immediately send troops to support the World Eaters.

But Sarem had been scarred in the war two years ago, and Hades didn't expect that this world with all its basic buildings to be damaged would be able to produce many troops.

Hades, who often dealt with the Mechanicus, knew that there was a high probability that the army of the Salem Forge World would not be able to "arrive on time" on the battlefield, and the sages would give ample reasons for being late after the war.

In other words, there is no army to support them.

Hades took a deep breath, war always does this.

But if it is really the fault of subspace chaos, Hades will tell these subspace insects what a beating from the physical world is -

The premise is that Khorne will not bury anything underground like Tzeentch.


The engines were turned to maximum, and the World Eaters' first ship rushed into the gravitational field of the target planet, then the second, and the third...

Countless ships welded with rough armor and turrets quickly lined up on this waste planet. Detection teams were released one after another. The World Eaters plundered the planet's information with unimaginable efficiency. The weapons on the battle ax The chain was already humming.

However, except for the leader of the Silent Order, everyone's expressions were shocked after seeing the picture transmitted back by the sensor.

That's... blood?

This planet has been wandering in the void for so long that it has forgotten the warmth of the star. The liquid condensed into ice and frost during the long cold winter, but the abnormal reddish-brown frost proved that its main component was blood.

Unstable spiritual energy danced on it, and the subspace and the physical world were obviously confused here. Countless scarlet monsters were fighting on the blood field, and the skulls were piled up into pyramid-shaped bone piles.

At the limit that the sensor can detect, billowing blood mist rises, and the earth becomes fishy and muddy. A rift that looks like it was split by a giant ax runs through the earth, and the boiling hot magma roars in it, swallowing up any creature that unfortunately falls into the abyss. .

On the edge of the rift valley, a dim, crimson pyramid-shaped building was crumbling. It was covered in scars and the remains of some buildings were scattered around it. However, due to the smearing of plasma, people could not see their original appearance at all.

Angron's armor signal was inside that building. The signal screamed miserably, as if it would fall into the abyss the next moment.

Hades took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

Due to the existence of layers of blood mist and blood clouds, the World Eaters cannot land directly in the area near Angron. The only area suitable for them to make an emergency landing is the cold bloodfield in the distance, but the storms that blow from time to time also make the ground and Air contact became difficult.

In other words, they need to cross a three-foot frozen plain and cross a river of blood before they can enter the area shrouded in blood mist.

During this time, they would face attacks from Khorne's daemons and shaky communications with the fleet above.

Hades was deep in thought, Kahn looked at him questioningly, and the Lord of the Silent Order only said three short words,

"You can fight."


At the beginning of arriving on this planet, a very high fighting spirit emerged within the World Eaters.

After seeing the entire planet clearly and seeing those crazy and brutal monsters, the warriors lingered for a moment - but in an instant they realized the possible cowardice in their hearts, so they became angrier and more motivated. So high.

They didn't even question whether the monsters were too off.

Facing this group of people, advising them to stay rational during the battle is obviously an irrational move.

So Hades only brought out the management of the World Eaters and warned them that they must calm down. When facing other warriors, Hades only had one warning:

The World Eaters entered the airdrop cabin one after another, and Hades' admonitions sounded on the radio and channels,

"Warriors, listen up! Always remember that you are fighting for the Empire, for the Emperor, and for your Primarch! Remember that your anger and fighting spirit are for the Emperor! Don't get lost in anger. Yourselves, you fight for the glory of mankind!”

Kahn's voice immediately sounded in the communication,

"Battle brothers! For the Emperor! For the Emperor!"


The torpedoes and light spears roared and blasted straight towards the earth indiscriminately. They had no precise target, because each shot was enough to kill thousands of monsters in the blood field. The earth shook violently, and huge craters were blasted, ugly. The crater was clearly visible, and then it was covered up by a new round of artillery fire.

When the first wave of World Eaters' airdrop pods roared tore through the sky, the average terrain of this bloodfield had dropped by 0.5 meters. Kahn was the first to rush out of the pod, and the bones and flesh that were blown to pieces reached his knees. .

The heat brought by the artillery fire began to dissipate quickly in the wind, and the frost visibly climbed up the muddy blood field. The ferocious claws holding the sword stretched out from the bloody mud. The monsters were coming.

"For the Emperor!"

Karn roared and rushed towards the monster that was still struggling to crawl out of the mire. The newly formed frost could not sustain the anger of a warrior, so he fought with the enemy in the blood swamp that reached his knees, and his chain ax slashed straight at those monsters. Scarlet monsters that tore them to pieces at the first syllable that came from their mouths.

Thirteen minutes later, the first group of advance World Eaters successfully killed the monsters crawling up near the airdrop point, but as far as the eye could see, more figures crawled out of the twisted space.

Hades's voice sounded intermittently from the channel,

[This is Hades, call Kahn, manual... correction, E0 area; repeat... position correction... please reply after receiving it. 】

Kahn turned on the channel and shouted loudly. The power armor was not so useful in the severe cold. He spurned the guys from the foundry department in the ice and snow for a moment.

[Kahn received it! The location is correct! Area E0! Area E0! 】

One minute and forty seconds later, the second batch of steaming airdrop pods crashed in front of them, and the first team of soulless men arrived on the battlefield. Kahn took a deep breath, feeling that some kind of restlessness deep in his heart began to calm down.

The Soulless are clearly more familiar with these monsters than the World Eaters, even if the concentration of the Warp here seems to be quite uncomfortable for them.

The Soulless Ones were not shocked at all by the existence of these monsters. In groups of three, they carefully assisted the World Eaters in cleaning up the red monsters.

At the same time, the complete monster figure appeared staggeringly in the distance of the blood plain. Blood was sacrificed to the blood god, and the cry of the skull sacrificer blew into Kahn's ears along with the biting wind.

Kahn looked at it from a distance, and the huge bloody monster spread its wings.

No more for today, pen refills, happy weekend

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