Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 342 331 Killing someone with a borrowed knife

Chapter 342 331. Killing with a borrowed knife

【Tyra Time 00:25:08】

The blizzard took a breather, and Hades seized a moment of opportunity and began to report the time for the fleet parked in orbit.

The arrival of Hades and his party just now was a forced landing in the face of blizzards, which made their landing point slightly inaccurate. Hades originally aimed at Skarbrand's head to launch the airdrop pod.

One minute after Hades arrived in Kahn's area, the team that followed Hades and made an emergency landing could barely keep up with Pluto.

More and more meteors fell from the sky, and the hatch crashed to the ground with the sound of gas rushing in. Knights from the Order of Silence joined the battle.

Some Stormbirds tentatively began to hover over the team. The violent snowstorm was destined to make it difficult for these pilots to survive, but their presence was still necessary. They needed to provide ground troops with better vision and necessary firepower. support.

Although long-range fire support was not very effective against Khorne's forces.

Kahn was leaning against a pile of skulls. He was half-supported, breathing loudly from his helmet, and the frozen blood and frost crunched on his breastplate. His arms may have been broken.

Karn felt the anger in his head disappear. He directed the World Eaters to descend in formation as much as possible, and told his brothers as much as possible about the characteristics of the enemy he had discovered earlier.

The sound of treading on the snow sounded, and the leader of the Silent Order walked up to him,

"Sorry, I'm late."

Kahn shook his head wildly. Damn it, he wished he could take off his helmet to breathe, but it was too cold outside. Without his helmet, he would soon freeze here.

"Sir, this is always the case for advance teams. They suffer heavy losses. Your support is already the fastest I have ever seen."

Before landing heavy weapons or primarchs, the Legion usually sends out small teams to explore the path to ensure that there are no specific ambushes in the area.

Kahn staggered away from the pile of skulls supporting him, and the power armor began to inject him with potion.

"I just hope we are not too late, sir. If the situation is correct, please let the army continue to move forward. Time is precious."

Hades turned his head and glanced at the main army that was still gathering.

"Can you continue, Kahn?"

Kahn coughed and laughed,

"Sir, even if I die, I will die on this land. No World Eater will retreat on the road to find his father."

Hades glanced at him briefly, and Kahn felt as if he had been seen through. For a moment, Kahn even began to fear that Hades would force him to go back - it was not like he had never seen such an official who "thought he was kind". Pass.

But Hades spoke,

"Okay, Karn, but the army will not stop for you next, even if you are now the main leader of the legion."

Kahn nodded cheerfully,

"If necessary, my lord, I will give command of the World Eaters to Centurion Mago. The veteran knows how to command the World Eaters. If he dies too... I will give command to you."

Hades smiled, he walked forward, ready to move forward,

"If I die too, who will give your command to you, Kahn?"

Kahn was stunned, and he quickly caught up with Hades.

How could such a being die?

Kahn smiled rudely,

"...At that time, there will be no such thing as command authority, sir."

Hades nodded, and his expression became serious again. A half-kneeling knight errant was parked in front of the Lord of the Silent Order.

Hades stepped onto his car skillfully, the sound of engine jets sounded, the huge mecha slowly stood up, blood slipped from the dark armor, Hades looked towards the thick blood mist in the distance.

Skarbrand has appeared, is Angron really still intact?

"Then let's go."


【Tyra Time 03:18:29】

Kahn took off his helmet readily, half-dried vomit and blood dripping from his neck. He breathed in the moist and warm air, and felt the needle-like pain on his frozen and blue chest. warmth.

After three hours of rapid march, the army arrived at the area shrouded in blood mist. Affected by the magma in the rift valley, the temperature here began to rise.

The aerial troops that had previously provided high-altitude vision for the army were completely useless. Hades ordered them to retreat and hover over the ice source to ensure the connection between the ground and the planet's orbit.

The strong smell of blood stimulated his nostrils, and Kahn retched again. The Silent Sister beside him cast a concerned look at him, and he waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

The forced march just now was simply... so crazy.

In front of the advancing army, the blizzard almost formed a physical barrier, and countless monsters appeared from it, with incredible madness.

There seemed to be an invisible wall covered with chain saws behind each monster. Kahn watched helplessly as the back heel of a scarlet monster that took a step back disappeared in the next moment, leaving only a hideous wound, and the man who suddenly lost his balance The monster fell down and instantly turned into a puddle of flesh.

But most of the monsters have a fighting spirit that will never retreat. Apart from their heads and blood, their brains are obviously unable to think or understand anything else.

The scarlet army came towards them accompanied by a huge storm.

Seeing all this, Kahn felt that his blood had turned cold.

Can they still move forward?

But at the forefront of the army, the black knights are charging forward with an indomitable attitude. They are at the forefront of the opposition to the storm, raising their swords high and tearing apart the storm with themselves, distracting the enemy forces and reducing pressure for the troops behind them.

The Lord of the Silent Order stood silently on the top of the knight, his head lowered, darkness gathered around him, and the screaming scarlet waves obviously became dimmed and wilted as they passed by him.

He is like a flag that stands forever and a tombstone that never speaks.

The enemy troops rushing straight towards them were also torn apart by the knights errant. They were trying to bypass the knights in order to attack the warriors behind them, but their engines roared angrily, and their attempts to bypass would only make them fall behind when they arrived. On the battlefield, it was scattered to pieces.

This greatly shared the pressure on the rear army, but even so, the World Eaters and Soulless Ones were locked in a fierce fight.

During the battle, the insulation system of Kahn's power armor was completely destroyed. His broken bones were misplaced several times. The helmet was filled with half-dried liquid and blood was flowing. This slowed down the Eighth Company Captain several times. He feels like he is about to fall, but he is still moving forward and never retreats!

Finally, he arrived.

At this moment, Kahn was already at the rear of the entire army, and the command had already been handed over to Mago. There were only a few World Eaters around him, and the World Eaters boiling with fighting spirit had already rushed to the front. He was surrounded by The soulless person responsible for the finishing touches.

Kahn raised his head and looked at the front of the team. In the mist, Hades was approaching the deep black and scarlet pyramid. The Lord of the Silent Order was still standing firmly on the knights.

Father, here we come.

Kahn thought to himself, his vision blacking out as he listened to the crunch of bone fragments in his lungs with each breath.

The last second he remembered was of the soulless ones coming to his side, which made him want to vomit even more.


【Tyra Time 03:23:17】

Hades jumped off the knight silently, and Mago, the World Eater, was waiting for him.

Hades did not ask how Kahn was doing. Time was running out and finding Angron was the main business.

But in fact, as the army got closer to the blood mist, Hades felt a strange sense of familiarity.

He seemed to have had this faint feeling somewhere.

Hades took a deep breath and briefly used the detector to detect the entire neat dark red-brown building, but he immediately discovered that the empire's equipment could not find out what this building was.

Okay, now Hades can confirm that there is definitely a mine buried here. It depends on whether the bomb Khorne planted for him is the same bomb planted by Tzeentch.

Having come this far, it is absolutely impossible to turn back.

Hades called the mechs to his side. Large vehicles such as the Knights could not enter the building. Only Space Marines and mortal troops could enter.

The door opened automatically in front of them, so Hades and Mago led the troops into the bloody corridor.

In the darkness, blood covered every corner they could see, making it impossible to tell what their original material was. The rich blood misted people's senses.

Faintly, angry roars came from deep in the corridor, and Hades heard the sudden stagnant breathing of the World Eater Mago beside him.

Looks like they found Angron.

However, just as Hades stepped into the entire pyramid-shaped building, deep underground, silver, red, and green lightning began to slowly light up.

Khorne laughed.

No, 5k today, I’ll save some manuscripts

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