Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 351 340 Angron opens his eyes

Chapter 351 340. Angron opens his eyes

The flames of war are gradually extinguished, and the embers are gone. No matter how cruel the fighting in the past is, it is just like the chirping of cicadas in summer. It is nothing more than a thing of the past.

Dark, quiet, and dry.

Angron's will slowly rose.

He smelled the smell of rust and the pungent fragrance of alcohol. His eyes were hazy and the halo of light was floating in a trance.

Vaguely, he recalled the scene he had seen earlier in the depths of his memory.

What did he see?

Rarely, Angron began to recall his memories calmly, and the Lord of the Red Sands did not even realize his rare state.

He thought first of blood, of gladiatorial arenas, of rage and cries.

Then came the dazzling golden light, which was hotter and more painful than the most powerful plasma beam.

Angron felt like he was falling in the endless light. The ocean of light was not peaceful. He heard the hoarse prayers, the low sobbing pleas, the casual disdain, the orders, the requests, the questions, the Be certain.

Those mouths open and close together to outline an image.

Angron squinted his eyes. He watched thousands of people opening and closing their mouths. The mouth shape was...

Emperor, emperor?

Angron suddenly opened his eyes, and the dim ceiling was staring at him.

He felt the pain of exhaustion, as if his body no longer belonged to him. His muscles were trembling slightly nervously, and his heart was beating violently, but it felt like not much blood was being pumped out at all. He didn't even control it in the first place. his body.

Angron sensed something was wrong.

Since he was unable to move immediately, Angron's eyes cautiously turned to examine the world. He heard slight breathing mixed with snoring, heard gentle footsteps in the distance, and heard the small ticking of instruments.

These sounds made him feel at ease inexplicably, but no, that was not the case——

nail? !

The Lord of the Red Sand's breath stagnated for a moment, and Angron felt the top of his head in disbelief. He could feel these blasphemous artifacts crawling on his head, but they were obviously lifeless.

Butcher's Nail...stopped?

Angron shuddered, huge joy struck him, and he thought belatedly... So what he was feeling now was...

Is it... peaceful?

Angron had never experienced such an emotion before, but at this moment, the Son of the Mountain was firmly convinced of the fact that a huge, indescribable peace and tranquility was surrounding him.

It turns out that this feeling of breathing quietly is peace.

Angron remembered that he seemed to have been on the battlefield before, and it might not be suitable to lie here doing nothing now, but he was really, really attached to this feeling. Angron suspected that he was already dead, or This was his hallucination, but no matter what, the giant cherished this hard-won peace now.

Angron allowed himself a moment of indulgence.

He stared at the ceiling contentedly, and then he slowly and carefully closed his eyes. He felt the peace at this moment, which should be the birthright of all people.

Angron lay here, breathing evenly and gently.

He felt good.

Gradually, Angron felt another unfamiliar feeling coming up. At this moment, Nusria's God of War was cautious and even cowardly in sensing this emotion - he was afraid that all this was an illusion.

His will touched the feeling, and Angron's instinct told him that this emotion was called [sleep].

Even though his muscles were still spasming slightly, even though his body was running high from extreme anemia, even though he hadn't eaten anything seriously in several years and was extremely malnourished.

But Angron still chose to lie down in the cradle of sleepiness with contentment. It was like a huge dry nest covered with the down of Nusria beasts. There was no blood, no heads, and no harsh and irritating sounds of the gladiatorial arena. Shouting, he lay down, alone, and allowed his consciousness to fade away.

The darkness remains.

Angron opened his eyes calmly, taking a full second to mentally celebrate that he still felt calm.

There was still a slight sound of breathing in his ears.

Angron tried calmly to get up, but he failed. Normally this would have made Angron uncontrollably angry, but now Angron was surprised to find that he was not angry about this.

So Angron tried another way. He turned his head to the other side. He succeeded. Angron saw the source of the breathing sound.

Hades was slumped unconsciously on a chair next to his bed. The blood on his armor had dried. His head hung on the top of the chair back with his nose pointing up. Angron saw faint mucus bubbles following Hades. Si's breathing rose and fell together.

This scene made Angron want to laugh. If he had the strength, Angron would definitely laugh and pat Hades on the shoulder, but now his nose was sore and he coughed out a mouthful of blood.

In his shaking vision, Angron first saw the bubble on Hades' nose burst, and Hades jumped up like a flying star. He rushed to Angron's side sleepily to check the situation, and then realized that there was no problem. Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Hades didn't even realize that Angron had woken up. He mechanically wiped away the blood for Angron, and at the same time, he fell back on the chair, and it seemed that his eyes were closed again immediately.

【Hades? 】

Angron called out tentatively, and he saw Hades suddenly opening his eyes, standing firm, and then Hades shook his head wildly.

"Angron?! Are you awake?"

Even though he was surprised, Hades still lowered his voice, and Angron was relieved for a moment. He felt that his head didn't want to hear the high-pitched voice.

Angron smiled weakly, proving he was awake.

[What is going on now, Hades? Have you stuffed those alien metal heads into the ground? 】

Angron could not imagine that his voice was so weak.

Seeing that he was awake, Hades instantly became energetic. Hades waved his fist in the air and grinned.

"Thank you to the Emperor, the Adeptus Mechanicus, and the World Eaters, they were all kicked back into the trash by these scumbags."

Angron wanted to laugh, but he only made a coughing sound from his lungs. Hades quickly stopped him with a wave of his hand.

For a moment, Angron was sure that he saw Hades glance seriously and thoughtfully in the direction of the door, but after turning around, Hades returned to his rather relaxed and sunny smile.

"At least now we can take a break,"

Hades shrugged indifferently,

"Don't worry about that for now, Angron, you need to rest. The longer the rest, the better. Why don't you take a nap?"

Angron shook his head, he had already fallen asleep, it felt so good.

【I'm not sleepy now. 】

He said, making Hades blink in surprise,

"You're not sleepy - your physical condition is stable now. Logically speaking, you should -"

As Hades spoke, he checked the instruments next to Angron's bed again and helped Angron sit up.

"I see!"

Hades said,

"You must be hungry, Angron. You haven't eaten anything serious in at least three years. I'll ask them to send you some right away."

"It's time to let the World Eaters know you're awake."

Angron opened his mouth. In his heart, he somewhat hoped to be quiet for a while. If the World Eaters came in, it would mean that he would endure even more violent emotions.

But as if he knew what he was thinking, Hades said to himself,

"Angron, I won't let Kahn and the others come in now. I'm afraid they will be too excited and it will not be conducive to your recovery."

Hades snapped his fingers, and after a while, the door opened and a servitor walked in pushing a dining cart.

Hades sniffed,

"Didn't expect the World Eaters to prepare these? But it suits you, Angron."

Angron watched as Hades opened the plate covering the food with ease, and then he saw the trembling cream, the strawberries with honey-like luster on their tips, and the fragrance of fermented and roasted grains.

Angron was confused. Dessert was never an option in the Lord of the Red Sands' recipes.

But Hades, who was extremely excited, answered his confusion,

"Perhaps they think that meat is not suitable for sick people, and butter, bread, fruits and other things can also quickly replenish energy. Which one do you want to eat? Angron, can I get it for you? Do you mind if I eat some?"

Angron spoke. He felt hungry. Under the calmness, his hunger became clearer.

[Whatever you want, just give me the biggest piece. 】

Hades smiled cunningly, first handed Angron a glass of water, and then reluctantly helped him get the dessert.

Angron devoured it hungrily, and the bread in his mouth was dense and thick, sliding down his throat easily. They were sweet, very sweet, but they were not as disgusting to him as the sweetness of blood.

Hades also ate very quickly. Angron originally thought that this guy who looked like a human being could not beat him when he was gobbling up food, but later the original body discovered that he was wrong. It was like competing to see who had more heads chopped off. Likewise, they started fighting over the pastries.

Hades performed for him the act of eating a bunch of grapes in three seconds, and Angron would have applauded had he not been wrestling with a pie stuffed with chopped nuts.

The final winner was Angron. The son of the mountain used his brains and instructed Hades to help him get food farther away, which successfully slowed down Hades.

They devoured the first table first, then Hades ordered the servitor to push two more tables in, and they followed the same pattern for the second table. Then, while tearing apart the enemies at the third table, they began to chat casually.

However, Angron, who didn't have any radio wave sensors installed on his body, probably wouldn't know that Hades had been using binary radio waves to command the army since he woke up. He only knew that Hades was eating and talking to him out of boredom.

During the period when Angron had just gained peace, they carefully avoided some things, because both of them knew that Angron would have plenty of time to deal with these things in the years to come.

The initial topic was wild. They started talking about why strawberries are sour than blueberries. Angron tried to answer this with his poor knowledge of chemistry, while Hades thought that red was jealous of being played by blue, so it was sour. of.

Angron couldn't understand what Hades was talking about, but there was no problem, because he was also talking nonsense, his mind was half asleep, and sometimes Angron found that what he said was different from what he thought.

Hades's explanation for this was that Angron had to let his brain adapt to the current state.

After Angron's brain gradually woke up, the subsequent topics began to inevitably become more serious. Angron asked Hades about his Butcher's Nail, and Hades's reply was quite simple,

Hades put down a piece of chocolate chip cookie in his hand and said seriously that if he wiped the cream from his mouth, he might be more convincing,

"The nails have completely stopped, they don't go in any deeper."

Hades said seriously,

"Originally... you couldn't survive this depth, but maybe... your father, the Emperor, protected you for a while."

Angron spoke, his voice hoarse,

【What did he do to me? 】

Hades waved his hand,

"Don't ask me, I'm a psychic Muggle. You have to ask him personally about this."

Angron didn't ask what Muggle meant. He understood Hades's words through Hades's tone. He opened his mouth, and the question was stuck in his throat. Angron suddenly remembered that his throat seemed to have stuck in more than just cakes before. thing.

[What should we do with these nails next? 】

Hades looked at Angron,

"A large part of your brain and spinal cord has been replaced by nails, so it cannot be pulled out directly. If you pull it out directly..."

Hades shook his head,

"Then the rest of your brain tissue will be sloshing around in your skull like beaten egg yolk."

[So I have to carry them with me all the time? 】

Angron's words were stained with a loss that he couldn't even detect.

"Not necessarily. You should trust the physique of your original body, Angron."

Hades said hesitantly,

"I would prefer to remove the nail slowly - maybe move it a millimeter and then let us see if your brain tissue can grow back to fill the gap."

But Hades quickly added the next few sentences,

"Now that the nails are useless, maybe you can try psychic methods, but I can't answer that...or..."

Hades blinked,

"I do know someone who is good at life sciences. He may have done research on brain growth."

Hades said as he tapped the left half of his metal head with his fingers.

"It's a pity that I've already installed this big iron block, but it's not bad - wait, Angron, how about I try -"

【No. 】

Angron cleanly rejected Hades, which meant that he lost the possibility of seeing what message Hades was sending over the airwaves now.

3.8k. No more today, yay!

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