Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Hiding his face and crying, not knowing what to say

I couldn't sleep late at night, so I chatted briefly. I originally wanted to put it at the end of the paper, but I couldn't hold it in anymore.


First of all, in terms of plot, I can assure you that the Great Rebellion will begin soon, and there will be nothing to worry about. There will be Ullanor behind the Perfect City, and then there will be no more Warmaster Ceremony and Nikaea.

(I prefer to start the rebellion in October, because I have plenty of time during the holidays, which gives me time to think about it. I am usually too tired.)

This wave of protagonists went to get Angron because they wanted him to skip Ullanor, because this battle was essentially the Emperor building momentum for Horus, and it would not be good for the protagonists to steal the limelight.

() I can’t really write the protagonist as the war commander, otherwise the original body will jump directly on the spot.

So, Horus, I believe you will be a good war master, right?

Promise me, Horus, that you will become Warmaster for the sake of the Emperor. (Extends fist.)

According to the strength of the emperor's deceitful son, Horus couldn't run away. If he was exhausted, he would give him something to resist corrosion in advance.

Then there is the Great Rebellion. This is what I think at the moment (according to the bullshit outline I have made up so far), and I will give everyone a thorough explanation so that you can be mentally prepared.

First of all, I don’t really want the original loyalists to fall. Although the Angels and Guilliman are actually quite dangerous in this book, I feel that they should be able to survive.

Secondly, there may be a forced and evil part that everyone likes to see (?), a feature of the original work, but it may not be Horus. (I promise it’s not Mortarion and Angron. Can you accept that?)

And then, I personally think that there is a high probability that none of what happened in the original Great Rebellion will be repeated in this book.

Or it may appear as a strange sense of dislocation.

Because really, you've already finished the spoilers. No matter what, you can't stupidly watch the Legion go to Isstvan 5 again, and you can't just throw the pony aside and ignore it. This is too forceful.

And the goal of Chaos here has actually changed, so it's not the same.

I had to reconstruct the Great Rebellion myself, so to speak.


At this level of difficulty, I can jump off the building and remake it.

This is why I continued to go crazy before, and not so much recently (although it’s also because I have to go to class.)

Let’s put it this way, I just can’t finish the Horus Heresy series.

(kneel down)

Maybe some people will scold you, you fucking fan writer, why are you talking nonsense without reading the original work?

(Mask of Pain)

I can't finish watching it. Damn it, there are too many, too complicated, and too messy.

Moreover, the actual information density of some works is relatively low, that is, after reading it, you will find that they only tell the story of the protagonist, and there is relatively little background on the entire Horus Heresy.

Just trying to figure out which legion did what during which period of the Great Rebellion was enough to keep me busy for several days.

It may be different from other fandoms, but Warhammer is famous for having a lot of information, and it's mixed, and they feed off each other.

(Thinking of my fellow fans who are writing about Warhammer, my expression becomes ferocious again.)

(If you could do it over again, don’t touch the war hammer.)

You said that for other fandoms, you just stick to the original lines and write, but Warhammer is really different——

Because in Warhammer, you can’t find a relatively clear main line of the original work. There are a lot of things happening in several places at the same time.

And to be honest, this book of mine,

Except for the original line where Barbarus saw Lao Mo at the beginning, and later when he beat his father and rubbed the original line, as well as Galaspar, Ibsen's line is the original line.

The other plots are all original by me (I started playing the ferocious Mask of Pain again). I found a battle that was mentioned in the original book and started writing it.

Well it doesn't work very well, I know that. (Toshita is seated and starts to cry)

I know very well that war is my weakness, so I just write mindless jokes and twisted relationships between lunatics.

But the great rebellion will be made up of war after war.

I knew I would have to face war sooner or later, and I couldn't run away from it because this was Warhammer.

So I have been thinking about how to write about war. I have read and borrowed a lot of books (I would like to thank the hammer writers of the same type for giving me a lot of inspiration, especially Yue Lao's In the Name of Ashes and many original works), and in the old On the Mortar planet, a preliminary test was conducted with the Angron chapter.

The response has been pretty good.

Just I wish I could keep it up! (Weeping, squirming and crying, feeling despair at the thought of the gloomy future)

For me, the Great Rebellion would be a real challenge.

What I can be sure of is that there will be a big battle and there will be multiple lines at the same time (I plan to finish writing one line and then cut another line, so that the look will not be too messy)

But due to my limited personal ability, I will greatly simplify the Great Rebellion, and will definitely ignore countless details of the original work. (I can’t finish it, damn!)

At the same time, it is completely magically modified, truly completely magically modified, completely deviating from the original route.

To be honest, I am just a bad code writer, a writer of Internet articles, a fan writer, and a writer of novice novels. If I could really write the feeling and pattern of the original work, I would not be like this now. Damn it, understand, I’m not just standing here typing, I’m going to be so awesome that I explode.

I will fly up to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun, instead of crawling like a dog here in the darkness.

So I beg you all to be tolerant! (Crying again, I will never touch a war hammer again!)

At present, I have thought about three lines of the Great Rebellion, two of which are large and one is relatively short. Of course, this refers to the main line that I will write in detail. The other hidden lines and the stories of other legions will be briefly mentioned.

I don’t know how many words I can write about the Great Rebellion. I’m not sure about this thing. Let me tell you the truth——

In fact, when I first started this book, I planned to start the rebellion with 700,000 words and have a finale with 10,000 words.

Now there is a big rebellion, where are you?

where are you? ! ? ! The Great Rebellion that I had so much in mind? ? do not go! Don't go! ! ! (Crying and running and chasing in the rainy night, come back, my proudest rebel, I can’t live without you, rebel——)

Oh, by the way, I opened the champagne! I had thought about it before, but I planned to endure it until the end of the paper. (Okay, I couldn't help it)

In fact, some people suggested that I suppress the Great Rebellion and fish out the Primarchs one by one. Wouldn't it be better?

That's good, but I feel like I won't be able to finish it. This will become a real daily novel, not a Warhammer novel.

Actually I'm all crazy now! Totally crazy! ! Totally crazy! ! ! Crazy tornado! ! ! Tornado destroys parking lot! ! ! It all comes from wanting to give this book a good ending and hoping it won't collapse.

Although sometimes there are very exciting ideas, but in order to reach the finale smoothly instead of a short-term explosion, I gave up for the time being.

I already have an idea about 40k, I’m just waiting for my keyboard to start moving on its own!

Well, actually what I mean is that this is my first time writing an article, so I don’t know the word count and the update date, so I’m not sure how many words I should write about The Great Rebellion.

In fact, you see, for several of my previous plots, if someone else could expand it to tens of thousands of words, I would just finish them within 10,000 words.

This just doesn’t know how to water! ! (Smashing the ground with grief and anger, smashing the ground with unbearable pain, why is this happening!!!)

For example, playing against Coze, such as Perfect City, this pretentiousness is simply unacceptable.

But if I don’t know how to do it, I don’t know how to do it, and I don’t plan to learn it, so I’ll just mess around like this. Don’t dislike it. (Look away, pick the boogers on the right side, roll them into a ball, and accurately flick them into the eyes of the Nurgling. The Nurgling starts to cry. He kicks the crying Nurgling aside to cool him down, and continues to pick the boogers on the left side. )

Regarding the outline of the Great Rebellion, I have torn it up and changed it, changed it and torn it up, and overturned it over and over again more than a dozen times. I really don’t have the energy to make any major changes, so everyone can just watch it and enjoy it.

Having said that, there must be some logical flaws or setting flaws that I didn’t take into account. I couldn’t get over it. The original work had too many bugs and it was really hard to get around.

And don’t overemphasize symmetry.

Let me just say one thing, based on the description of the Emperor in the original book and the things he did after his death, as long as he chatted with the original body for a few more words, the MD Rebellion would not be started.

So far, the reasons for Perturabo and Mortarion's rebellion have been outrageous.

And I can’t help but think how good Makado’s parenting skills are, but you can see that the Alpha he raises is not doing so well either.

You saw him babbling so much, but you didn't see the old man from the Mortal Council realize what a stupid decision this was for the legion politically.

Macado, shameless old thief, take a punch from me, ugh!

There are many things that you really can't study in detail. If you study them carefully for a long time, logic and logic will start to fight with each other. In the original book, the logic in one book is harmonious and harmonious, but in multiple books, they start to fight with each other.

Well...that's pretty much it! Then at the end of the chapter, I was sold out every day.

I am still a student now, and I have a full class every day. In order to code, I code after class every day, sometimes without eating dinner (because I will feel sleepy after eating, and I want to sleep instead of coding. After coding, It’s usually very late and the cafeteria is closed, but if I have instant noodles, I won’t be able to sleep at night.)

He doesn't have an easy time writing code. If I write something mindless, (such as today's article about going crazy), I will write very quickly, but if it involves a big plot, I can't let down my guard.

And sometimes, being coded well and not being exciting are two different things.

I'm just a little FW. So far, I haven't learned how to foreshadow the fun, add emotion or anything like that, and the chapters are also very stiff. I just relied on a flash of inspiration to write it out of my head.

But that also meant I sent it without inspiration.

Just... you know, inspiration comes with a CD, so I have to give it time to cool down. I don't have the brains to explode gold coins when I'm almost dying from my homework.

Mavericks who sell inspiration send their brains after the shelf life has expired.

(Like! Pop the champagne!)

Sometimes I really want to code and have an outline, but I feel that the writing is not exciting, so I keep revising it, and then the speed slows down.

Really, my update frequency would have exploded a long time ago if I had changed other articles. Fortunately, Warhammer is currently a blue ocean, so I am still alive. (Croking, wiping tears, my heart warmed again by the war hammer)

So I don’t ask for any votes. It would be great if everyone can subscribe. I am also very grateful to everyone who has followed me and the big daddy who has given rewards. If I have the ability, I will definitely make up for the missed updates.

Today’s article is a celebration of reaching one million words. When I first wrote the article, I really didn’t expect that I would be able to write one million words. It’s not too bad.

Maybe this is the wish that my loving father Nurgle had for me.


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