Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 365 The Beginning of the 355 Council of Nicaea

Chapter 365 355. The Beginning of the Council of Nicaea

【Above the orbit of Nicaea】

"Get ready, Angron,"

Hades took a deep breath,

"It's time for us to land in Nicaea."


【Nikea Landing Point】

The Death Guard's Stormbird landing ship landed in a cloud of gloomy ashes. The Lord of Death hid himself under a hood and poisonous gas. His deep eyes quickly scanned the land. As he thought, he saw the exaggeration. A useless grand structure built on top of a volcano.

Nicaea is a still active planet with very frequent geological activities. The magnetic field of this planet is fragmented, which means that most instruments that use geomagnetism cannot operate normally, and it also means that the spiritual energy field here will not Very stable.

Mortarion noted this silently as he strode towards the amphitheater built by the Emperor, his silent sons and the Magos of Kirkland following behind him.


【Main Hall of Nicaea Theater】

Mortarion was the first to arrive. He stood under the light stage, thoughtful. In front of the stage, thousands of seats were divided into two sides, extending layer by layer up to the darkness. Among them, bureaucrats, lords, navy generals, mechanical mages, and mortals were crowded and chattering.

This trial is not only the story of the original body and the legions, mortals also have their own power. In the more secret and higher rooms, the leader of the Astrology Chamber, the foundry general of Mars, the leader of the navy... the powerful ones. Already arrived.

They were even allowed to keep their identities hidden.

But these mortals, without exception, remained deathly silent when the Lord of Death entered the scene, and Mortarion was satisfied with this.

And at the back of the stage, darkness surged up to the highest point, where there was sparkling light. The Lord of Mankind was sitting quietly and majestically on his golden throne. It was so bright that Mortarion narrowed his eyes and stared at him, faintly. Tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

A breath of poisonous gas was emitted from under the mask of the Lord of Death. Mortarion took a step forward and bowed slightly towards his father. This was considered as completing his courtesy. Malcador beside the Emperor nodded at him. head, so Mortarion led his descendants without hesitation to the Death Guard's position and sat down.

The seats surrounding the front of the stage were completely empty and divided into several sections. Each area had the logo of the legion. The Death Guard was assigned to the right side of the stage in the middle of the stage.

Mortarion looked around, and his gaze particularly stopped at the area directly in front of the stage. There were no signs there, but surrounding the main seat, a Sister of Silence and a Mechanical Sage were standing.

They are all acquaintances, Black Law and Gold.

As if aware of the Lord of Death's gaze, Jin's huge body twisted around. He looked at Mortarion, or perhaps at Kirkland beside Mortarion, with a smile on his face.

"Good day, my lord:)"

Mortarion heard the sound of Kirkland shorting out, but it didn't matter, it could only mean one thing, Hades was here.

This made him feel happy, the joy of winning. Hades's presence could only mean one thing, that is, it was absolutely impossible for him to lose.

Mortarion raised his hand to signal Kirkland to calm down. He looked at the seat and frowned slightly. The seat was too big and looked like it was for a Primarch.

Mortarion spurned the Emperor and Malcador in his heart for a second, but then the second Primarch came, the door was kicked open, and a hearty laugh broke in.

Wolf King Leman Russ shouted roughly,

【Okay, little ones! 】

He carelessly led his wolf pups through the door set up at the end of the theater, behind the mortal seats, and walked down the middle path where the seats were separated.

The mortals were startled, with waves of exclamations, cheers of welcome, and applause mixed in. The silence just caused by Mortarion's entrance was instantly broken, and the crowd became chaotic and noisy.

Leman Russ strutted to the front of the stage. The Wolf King instantly became serious. He breathed steadily and inserted the sword into the ground. With a bang, Leman Russ knelt down, and his wolf pups also knelt down. down.

[My highest regards to you, All-Father. 】

He stopped talking and snored, and Mortarion looked away from him with disdain.

The emperor tilted his head slightly, Malcador smashed the scepter, Bang Bang's voice sounded, Leman Russ stood up, he bared his teeth and smiled.

Wolf King? Just a dog wagging its tail at the Emperor, Mortarion muttered inwardly, but he stood up anyway, because the Wolf King was walking towards him.

[Okay, my brother! 】

Ruth sniffed roughly as he spoke. His teeth were gnashing all the time, as if threatening,

[I still like you in the communication channel, you stink too much. 】

Mortarion didn't blink. He stared at Russ calmly, stretched out a hand,

【Each other. 】

Russ laughed. He grabbed Mortarion's hand and shook it up and down with enough force to break the Space Marine's bones.

[I didn’t expect you to be quite civilized. 】

The Wolf King laughed, then he stopped, sniffed sharply, and howled like a wolf,

【woman! 】

Mortarion was startled, but in a flash he realized what the Wolf King was talking about. A group of Sisters of Silence came towards them, led by an unusually tall Custodes, and Jin followed the group.

The Wolf King reached behind him and picked up a mortal like a chicken. He yelled at the poor mortal in a rough voice,

[Hawser, just follow them later. The wild bears will follow you. Don't worry, go with them and tell them everything you know. If they want to check your back door, you have to stick your butt up. 】

"grown ups."

Waldo, the leader of the Forbidden Army, spoke calmly, trying to stop the Wolf King from joking.

The Wolf King turned his eyes and stared at the Imperial Army.

[Sparkling little guy, no one taught you not to interrupt the original body when he is talking? You want me to rip your mouth off right now and stuff it into my brother's gas tube? 】

Before Valdor could speak, Mortarion spoke,

【I reject. 】

Russ looked at Mortarion in surprise, but he laughed again. He put the trembling mortal down and patted Hawser, who felt like he was about to be knocked down.

[Go, poet! 】

Hawser stood there hesitantly. The Wolf King whistled, and a wild wolf emerged from the team and followed Hawser like a wolf. Mortarion thought that it was probably the wild wolf the Wolf King mentioned. Bear.

Mortarion raised his hand, and his Captain Vox walked out silently, potion bottles and full ammunition making jingling sounds as he walked.

Kirkland also walked out, and Mortarion didn't even need to look at him to know that the Great Sage had probably activated some kind of forced calm mechanism again.

Waldo, the leader of the Custodes who escaped from the Wolf King, looked at Mortarion in confusion. Just now, the Wolf King was patting the Custodes' shoulder armor, and Mortarion clearly saw obvious dents on it.

[Great Sage Kirkland, a sage accompanying the Death Guard, mainly studies psionic and anti-psionic powers, and may provide help for the next proof. 】

Mortarion said calmly, his eyes moving to Jin, who was already the size of three Kirklands.

[Perhaps your sages can vouch for the Death Guard. 】

Jin lifted his red robe and saluted Mortarion. His display screen still showed a standard smiley face, but when the sage looked at the Forbidden Army, many garbled spots of light flashed across it instantly.

So Valdor turned around and nodded to Mortarion,

[We will take him there. 】

Mortarion blew out a breath of poisonous gas from under his mask, as if in tacit approval. He looked coldly at the Wolf King who was stretching, listening to the retreating sounds of the Sisters of Silence, the Custodes and Hawser's team.

Mortarion sat back in his seat, no need to waste time with the Wolf King. The Wolf King yawned, and Mortarion was sure that the smell wafting from his mouth was worse than his poisonous gas.

As if he knew not to bring trouble to himself, the Wolf King led his wolves back to their seats noisily, propped up his cheeks boredly, and loudly called the servitor to come over and serve wine.

The moment the Wolf King returned to his seat and his last wolf cub sat down, another legion came, and the faint scent of incense instantly filled the entire space. People became quiet, and then - began to stand up .

Fulgrim walked down the steps slowly and gracefully, his purple-and-gold-armored Phoenix Guard following behind his father. In the darkness, the light on their hair or armor softly resembled starlight.

The crowd began to applaud, and Mortarion heard the Wolf King's disgruntled grunts.

Fulgan walked to the front of the stage, and neatly and generously tucked his silver hair behind his ears, as if lifting the hem of his skirt. Then he put a hand on his chest, knelt down on one knee in an exaggerated manner, and his silver hair fell down and hung down. Next to the bridge of his handsome nose.

[Your proud son, I extend my highest respect to you! 】

"My lord is pleased with your presence."

Malcador spoke,

Fulgrim stood up smoothly and smiled happily at the Emperor, a perfect smile. If possible, Mortarion thought, Fulgrim would thrust his lipsticked face in front of the Emperor, as if to show a The perfect vase shows his own face like that.

After completing the etiquette for the emperor, Fulgrim turned around and showed his perfect smile to the mortals. He bowed slightly and said loudly,

[I am glad that we can gather here together to discuss the affairs of the empire. 】

Fake trick, Mortarion realized it without hesitation, this damn guy was canvassing votes, even before the meeting started, damn it, the Emperor had no control over this guy, don't let him rape those with that face of his Mortal thinking?

Fortunately, Ruth barked, and the wolf king excitedly spilled the wine in his hand on his fur, and patted the armrest of the seat.

【Fugen! Your perfume is smelling to me! My heirs' noses are going to be broken - stay away from us, or sit next to the stinky guy! 】

Mortarion and Fulgrim frowned almost simultaneously, but this also successfully interrupted Fulgrim's desire to express himself. Phoenix led his heirs back to their seats step by step.

Then there's Clarks, looking silent and normal. Mortarion didn't know him. He had no sense of presence. In fact, he seemed transparent throughout the entire meeting.

But because he looked very similar to Konrad Curze, Mortarion took the initiative to raise his wariness and disgust towards him to the highest level.

Then came the White Scar Think Tank sent by Khan, who entered the scene together with the joint think tanks of other legions, but the Great Khan himself did not come.

Rogal Dorn, Mortarion suspected that he came here because the Emperor was here. This big guy with dry white hair had just been appointed as the Controller of Terra. He would be the one closest to the Emperor among them. Body, never leaving her, what a terrible treatment.

I heard Perturabo was furious - he deserved it.

Mortarion was silent. Some of his brothers had already started chatting. He was ignored again. This was a good thing. This time, even Fulgrim did not dare to come and disturb him again.

Before the meeting officially began, the Archangel was the second to last person present.

Everyone held their breath, or they forgot to breathe, they forgot to stand up, they forgot to cheer, and their chatting mouths were opened stupidly.

People's eyes followed the archangel flying in the darkness, and each of his wings shone with sparkling light, overflowing with brilliance.

The angel landed lightly, with his feet on the ground. He looked at his father, and a tear stain was painted on the angel's face.

The huge spread wings slowly folded in, and his descendants who were left behind just arrived at the side of the angel. The angel knelt down devoutly and lowered his head.

The light from the stage made his curly, smooth blond hair shine.

【Good day, my father. 】

"My lord is pleased to have you here. You seem to be in good condition."

The angel lowered his head slightly as acquiescence, then he stood up, turned around and smiled at the mortals, spread his wings, and flapped them as if stretching,

Mortarion remained silent. He knew the difference between angels and Fulgrim. One was a noisy flightless chicken, and the other was a flying bird-man.

None of them were good things, and Mortarion began to feel that the Wolf King had become more amiable.

Fortunately, the angel did not continue to rape Mortarion's eyes with those big mutant wings, because the last legion arrived——

Mortarion stared hard at that damn, scarlet figure.

He narrowed his eyes, like a hunter examining the throat of his prey, like an executioner gesturing at the sinner's neck.

Imperial Prime Minister, Malcador's voice sounded after the Scarlet King stood up,

"Now, the meeting begins."

Why didn't Hades come? Mortarion looked at the empty seat in shock, but Malcador's words still echoed in his ears.

"If you want to speak, then swear to declare that every statement you make is true. Lies on the stage will be severely punished. We spurn liars and villains who distort the truth. Only the truth will weigh on the scale of justice. of gold.”

No, even if Hades wasn't there, Mortarion would do what he was going to do, he would be the first to raise the flag against the wizard.

Mortarion did wait for his friends, but he also had his own path.

Mortarion stood up first, and walked towards the center stage under the gaze of everyone.

[In the name of facing death, I take this oath. 】

4.1k words, yay! ! !

Wait, everyone, tomorrow is a double monthly vote. I mean tomorrow, September 28th. Looking at our updates in the past few days, please vote for me. Please vote for me - remember to vote again tomorrow! ! bobo(●З`●)

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