Chapter 369 359. Evidence

[Outside the Thousand Sons Lounge at Nicea Theater]

Hades arrived at the moment when his psychic powers were at their most chaotic.

He hoped he came just in time, or maybe he was actually late, because Hades could feel the sudden cessation of psychic energy.

Hades didn't know whether the sudden stop was a simple retreat or the calm before the storm - but it seemed that Magnus was not in good condition. In the sight of the black domain, Magnus's soul seemed to be falling. It's about to explode in an instant.

If Magnus really breaks out, Hades will have to compress the Black Realm into a closer range, close enough to fight Magnus in close combat. The projection of the psychic prototype in the subspace is comparable to that of other primitives. The body is larger and brighter.

But the Emperor is here anyway, so even if Magnus suddenly becomes violent, Hades believes that the Emperor can teach Magnus what true fatherly love is.

A Thousand Sons warrior walked out of the lounge. He ignored Hades and the Soulless Man who were standing outside the door of the Thousand Sons lounge with their arms folded. He walked straight to the Forbidden Army and signaled that the Imperial Guard Magnus was ready. The meeting was re-conducted.

Hades stared at the Thousand Sons, thinking deeply,

Magnus's psychic instability cannot be regarded as the main evidence to kill him. This prophetic type of psychic disorder is a common trait of some prophetic psykers, such as Sanguinius and Konrad Curze So will it.

Hades stood. He used the extremely diluted black domain to confirm for the last time that Magnus's condition had stabilized. Hades sighed, picked up the obituary, and signaled the Sisters of Silence to call it a day.

Magnus's state is too unstable... He needs to be punished, even if he cannot be exterminated, he still needs to be supervised.

However, due to the special nature of the Thousand Sons Legion in terms of psychic abilities, some legions that are tolerant of think tanks, as well as most of the empire's psykers - including the Star Language Court, the Navigator family and other people who are very important to the empire, they all Looking at this legion, if the Emperor punishes Magnus for no reason, then the cooperation between the Empire and the psykers will probably not go very smoothly in the future.

No matter how much they hate and resist psykers, psykers are still an important part of the Empire. They can even be called the only bridge for humans to use the subspace.

So Hades had to at least provide the Emperor with an honest reason to punish Magnus.

The first thing Hades thought of was the alien visitor Howser, the Imperial Guard Amon whose body was taken away by the demon Tzeentch. Does the Emperor know about this? Or maybe he only knows roughly and cannot clearly understand where every drop of rain falls.

Moreover, the current direction of the story has been disturbed and messed up. Will Tzeentch really come back?

The Death Guard also allowed the meeting to continue. Hades had to frown and follow the Sisters of Silence and the Sages to the main hall. He had to attend, but Hades also ordered the guards to go and take a look at Hauser. , he is also trying to contact the communication there.

The answer he received was that the Wolf King and Fulgrim were there, although the Sisters of Silence had been urgently transferred.

But when Hades arrived in the main hall, he saw the Wolf King and Fulgrim who had returned to their seats. The two originals, like him, needed to come back to continue participating in the meeting.

Hades frowned. The Emperor and Malcador were on a high platform where everyone was watching, and it was inconvenient to contact them, so he immediately sent another team of soulless people to the secret room where Hawser was.

But it was a small fight at best. Even if the Custodes were really possessed, the final result would be nothing more than the Emperor's punishment of Magnus - something Hades could not have wished for.

Everyone sat down, and Pluto sat silently on the main seat of the Lord of the Silent Order, holding the blade of the old enemy in both hands. In the hazy darkness, the scarlet light stared at Magnus, who was slowly walking on the stage.

Magnus asked for a speech.

Hades thought, how should he checkmate him?

Perhaps...he didn't even need the Death Guard and Space Wolves to provide evidence. The real rope that could hang Magnus was in the hands of the Scarlet King himself.

The veiled eyes fell on Hades, visiting, curious, and vigilant... Hades strengthened his dark domain in silence, and the darkness drove away unexpected visitors.


[Nikea Theatre, upper level secret room in the main hall]

Vox blinked. He turned sideways and watched the Forbidden Army Amon silently walk up to the two sages.

"Quiet, everyone, you need to maintain etiquette before waiting for witnesses."

Jin's screen smiled,

"Sorry, I'm just kidding."

Then he spat out Kirkland, and Vox seemed to hear a bah sound. Although he looked embarrassed, Kirkland was still alive and kicking, and then the two sages began to fight - no, they began to use electronic warfare to attack each other more mainly.

The two sages only saw damned heretics at this moment, as if they were indifferent to everything in the outside world.

Vox was not a technical sergeant. He didn't understand anything. He heard Bjorn sigh in disappointment, and then watched the Forbidden Army Amon lead Hawser off the examination bed. The Forbidden Army seemed to want to make Hawser relax. The poor mortal was so nervous.

"Can I talk to you alone?"

The Custodian said to Hawser, Vox silently retreated, and he placed himself in the third corner away from the two fighting sages and the Custodian. Bjorn said rudely and went out directly.

Forbidden Army Amon stopped, he seemed to be waiting for Vox to leave.

Vox was silent for a moment, and finally, he decided to obey the Forbidden Army's words. He silently walked out of his corner, opened the door, and saw Bjorn squatting on the ground and rubbing his feet.

Vox stared at the wolf, and the wolf stared at him with bared teeth. Finally, Vox also squatted down silently.

Forbidden Army Amon turned his attention to the two sages. They seemed to have removed each other's sensory systems and were fighting under the second firewall. The winner would lock the opposite action system.

The Custodian shook his head slightly and turned his attention to Hawser.

"Hello," he said, "What's your name?"

Hawser scratched his head and muttered,

"My lord, my name is Casper Hauser."

He heard the demonic whispers of the Custodes,

"Names have their own magic power. My first name is Amon..."

It was strangely smooth across the armor of the Forbidden Army.

【Vox! Enemy attack! ! Forbidden Army——】

Vox stood up suddenly, and Kirkland and King's alarm suddenly sounded in the private channel.


【Main Hall of Nicaea Theater】

[I swear by countless great men who have devoted their lives to illuminating the darkness, everything I say is true, and there is no trace of deception. 】

Magnus raised his arms, and the golden light of the stage fell on his strong arms, and his red skin was shining.

He thought of the arms he raised in the prophecy. He stood at the turning point of fate and declared to the world that he was a true great man who had contributed to saving human civilization.

The darkness before him was nothing more than a momentary prejudice, and Magnus thought that the Emperor would understand him, that the prophecy had informed his victory.

Even though his consciousness trembled for a moment when he touched the thought of Hades, the cold and nauseating feeling in the lounge just now didn't seem to dissipate.

Magnus took a deep breath, pretending to be calm, and spoke in a strong voice,

【Humanity needs progress. 】

He said that the Scarlet King walked slowly, showing his pure heart to people.

He told people about the beauty of the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. He told them the story of how the first man who walked out of the cave and saw the light was killed by his ignorant companions. Psychic power is not a sin, it is a treasure house full of gold coins. People just have to find ways to reasonably open it.

The subspace is neutral, and all people need to do is discover the goodness and beauty in it!

Magnus was in high spirits. He felt the support and encouragement from the subspace, like applause.

[Acquiring knowledge will inevitably involve hard work, but it will bring us fruitful fruits. We cannot be afraid of ignorance and stand still - human beings need to move forward, explore, and move towards a broader stage! 】

Applause, overwhelming applause greeted him. Magnus knew that his speech was far more exciting than the Lord of Death's. He raised his head and showed a bright smile.

However - Magnus caught a glimpse of the figure standing up slowly from the corner of his eye, and his soul shrank for a moment.

The darkness was staring at him.

In everyone's surprised eyes, the darkness slowly dissipated, and Hades was exposed to the light.

Half is a handsome general, and half is a ferocious mechanical creature. The man is staring at Magnus calmly.

So young? Fulgrim muttered quietly.

However, most people remained absolutely silent, staring at the two people at the center of the incident.

\u0026quot;I have objections,\u0026quot;

Hades said.

"You are allowed to question, Lord of the Silent Order, Hades."

Malcador's voice fell from the high platform without any ripples.

Hades stared at Magnus;

"You just said that there is goodwill towards humans in the subspace. This is a treasure trove that welcomes humans."

Hades stared hard at Magnus, who swallowed involuntarily.

Hades shook his head slightly,

"Good intentions do not exist in the Warp."

"The Silent Order has been fighting for many years, fighting against countless psychic species, or even more blasphemous beings, but I have never seen a benevolent being."

[I can testify. 】

The unexpected person suddenly spoke, and Angron stood up. People looked at the original body who rarely showed up in amazement. The intrusion of the World Eater just now was enough to shock the world.

[I can also testify. 】

The next voice sounded immediately after him, and the Lord of Death stood up.

【Take me one! 】

The Wolf King bared his teeth, roared, and stood up from his chair,

In the audience, Fulgrim covered his mouth in surprise, while Dorn frowned. The angel remained silent, as if waiting for something, but his expression was not pretty.

The Emperor's face was expressionless.

Hades did not expect this, but it did not interrupt him. He did not turn to look at his allies. He was still staring at Magnus. He knew what he should say.

Hades smiled, and Magnus seemed to see a smile similar to Malcador's. This was definitely not a good thing. He wanted to take a step back, but he held back.

"Legion Commander of the Thousand Sons, I have already produced my evidence. If you don't believe it, we can hand over our evidence to the Lord of Humanity."

Hades said,

"Then you need to present your evidence that good intentions exist in the Warp - otherwise, you are guilty of deception, Magnus."

Magnus twitched vaguely, and the psychic energy that had filled him seemed to fade quickly.

Posted a little late...sorry.

It's from yesterday.

Asking for monthly ticket

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