Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 376 366 Tzeentch always has a plan

Chapter 376 366. Tzeentch always has a plan

On the Emperor's Dream, in a hidden corner that no one can find...

A burst of explosive——

The sound of opening a lunch box sounded, and Hades, who looked bored, silently picked up the spoon and prepared to eat.

In order to support the Emperor, he had not eaten or drunk for nine days and nine nights. Although this was not a problem at all, Hades still deeply regretted in his heart that he had wasted the opportunity to get nine days of free food.

He had to eat it back.

On the other hand, Malcador had also been hungry for nine days and nine nights. With the old man's physique, Hades thought about it and was afraid that Malcador would blackmail him in front of him in the end.

Hades quickly finished today's meal. He held the spoon in his mouth, held his chin and stared at the opposite side of him-this was why he was here.

The iron bars were engraved with layers of runes, and the black stone chains were wrapped around the iron bars, resonating slightly with Hades's black domain. Outside the room, there were countless soulless people standing in line.

His hair was flying, and the originally tall decorative horns on his armor were roughly broken, revealing a broken cross-section. Magnus was originally the strongest and tallest of the three Primarchs, and only Vulcan could compete with him.

But now, in just nine days and nine nights, plus three days of imprisonment on the Emperor's Dream, Magnus has long been emaciated. He is dying like a dried fish, and looks as thin as Mortarion.

Well, maybe Magnus is just a skin, but he won't be as thin as Mortarion.

Hades stared at Magnus boredly. He is now a kind of jailer. He is not afraid of Magnus seeing his casual posture - a piece of white cloth is simply tied on Magnus' eyes, and the position of the original single eye is dripping with dried blood.

And Magnus obviously never touched psychic power again after being taught a lesson by the Emperor, so Hades is not afraid of Magnus using psychic power to detect him.

Next, the Emperor will take the Death Guard and Space Wolves to Prospero to confirm the extent of Tzeentch's corruption, and Hades and Magnus will also go together on the Emperor's Dream - but Hades will be Magnus's watcher, not Prospero's burner, and he needs to make sure Magnus doesn't suddenly play tricks. Although the Emperor verbally promised Hades that Malcador would take shifts with him, it was obvious that Malcador was going to let Hades work the full shift. The old man looked at Hades vaguely and said, "...You can try to communicate with him." Hades blinked innocently and spread his hands. "I don't usually talk to the dead." Malcador slammed the scepter on the ground, but the scepter landed on Hades's helmet boots. Hades dodged hurriedly, not knowing what he had said wrong again. Malcador gritted his teeth and said, "Magnus is still useful, which is why my Lord kept him." Hades swallowed his saliva. "You are going to stuff him into the Ma-I mean the Golden Throne, as a large power bank?" Malcador frowned. Why did Hades always feel that the old man was favoring Magnus? Was it because they both had the last name Ma and were both psychics? Malcador seemed to know that once Hades was silent, he was definitely thinking something bad. The old man spoke directly, interrupting Hades's free and divergent thinking.

"You think too simply, Hades."

Malcador whispered,

"We are different from you - I mean psychics are different from you, Hades, you only analyze problems based on logic and reality."

Hades blinked,

"Uh... So psychics don't use their brains to analyze problems?"

Malcador went up and hit Hades with a stick, and Hades shut up completely. So the Regent could finally continue his topic and explain psychic power to this top psychic Muggle in the galaxy,

"My Lord, like me and other excellent psychics, we do not only look at the logic in reality. There is a subspace in this world, and psychics can judge the future by observing its ripples - and this is usually far more accurate than the reasoning in reality." Hades looked at Malcador indifferently. In his eyes, this was like fortune-telling by palmistry, but since it really worked, Hades decided not to provoke Malcador. "So what is the result of your reasoning?" Hades said, "I remember... Magnus didn't leave his soul with..." Hades' voice gradually became smaller and his words were unclear. "Yes,"

Malcador said calmly,

"He made a deal with the evil behind the curtain - paying a part of his soul."

Hades was silent, he looked at Malcador and said,

"That shouldn't be--"

He drew a line on his neck with his hand,

Malcador frowned,

"But it also means that he still has a large part of his soul that he can control."

"Can't it be separated?"

Hades spoke, as if asking a stupid question, Malcador suddenly raised his voice, he was like a parrot that finally couldn't help but explode,

"Do you think psychic power is such a simple existence?! He made a contract with the Change One, and my Lord can only guarantee that he won't suddenly explode."

So the incident returned to his origin, Hades blinked and spoke,

"Can't we kill him?"

Hades felt that the old man was about to twitch with anger, and he quickly added,

"I just want to know why you took such a big risk to keep him. What makes you insist on keeping a bomb that you don't know when it will explode?"

Malcador opened his mouth, he wanted to say something, but he finally became tired again,

He said feebly,

"My lord is betting."


Hades said that Malcador had to explain this frustrating reality to him,

"Magnus's fate is not fixed. Even if he has been tied to a ship, the river still has many branches, and he still has other possibilities. Among the branches that have won the victory of mankind, Magnus cannot Missing—at least in our Lord’s prophecies, the figure of the red sinner is never absent.”

Hades took a breath,

"I understand,"

He said,

"In other words, that guy didn't completely fix Magnus's fate. This was intentional. It wanted the Emperor to play... uh, a game with him? Or maybe it used Magnus to make a wheel. Pistol, then put a few bullets in it, and let the emperor take turns shooting with it, right?"

Macado nodded,

"It's a crude metaphor, but at least you understand a little bit."

Hades spoke suddenly,

"I mean, can I use the Black Domain to intercept this section of the river?"

Malcador shook his head,

"This is the main road to the destiny of the entire human race. Maybe you can do it in the future... But now..."

Malcador looked at Hades;

"You might as well capture a few more unlucky Forge Worlds and pray for you."

Hades opened his hand. He thought that Jin and Kirkland were scary enough.

"Aren't you afraid that it will stumble you? It is in charge of part of Magnus's soul, and it is the one who did this."

Malcador was silent for a long time, and then the old man spoke slowly and tiredly,

"This also means that Magnus still dominates most of his soul, and he can still struggle."

"And... its power still cannot change the general trend that has begun to flow. My Lord is also observing the direction of the river. He will not do this if he is not sure of victory."

Malcador sighed,

"Hades, you can rest assured... our Lord will never believe him. Even if he complies with the prophecy, he will take coercive measures to imprison Magnus. He will not be free. You don't have to worry so much."

Macado paused.

"The Lord of Mankind has made his decision and he will proceed with this gamble."

The old man looked at Hades sadly,

"If you are really worried about this, Hades, just watch Magnus for me and warn him more. You may be able to make him not struggle so much when we take coercive measures."

"Time is running out... You are only allowed to guard Magnus while he clears Prospero."

Hades opened his mouth and saw, this is the top pua. In the end, he took over Malcador's work, and Malcador also asked him to seize the opportunity to work.

Seeing that Malcador was about to leave, Hades quickly spoke,

"...Last question, how is the Emperor?"

Malcador's leaving figure paused for a moment,

"Oops, but he's used to it."

No more, great!

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