Chapter 385 374. Emperor? Neos?

Hades was finally out of prison—no, he finally didn't have to supervise Magnus.

Who will be watching over Magnus next? Leman Russ or Malcador? Hades didn't know, but he was sure that the Emperor would find a suitable overseer for Magnus.

Hades walked lightly. Since the meeting of Nicaea, he had either been supporting the Emperor or looking at Magnus in a daze in the prison. The Emperor was a workaholic, but it did not mean that Hades was too.

Hades followed the route the Emperor told him and moved forward in the Dream. The destination was most likely another secret room for private conversations.

He walked through the dim cell area, the candlelight reflecting on Hades' armor, and then he smelled the smell of rain and gun smoke, which made Hades hesitate, but he continued to move forward.

The deep pale starlight shone through the porthole and shone on the ground. He saw Malcador standing there hunched over waiting for him, and behind the old man, in the darkness was...

Mortarion and Leman Russ.

The Lord of Death's armor was spattered with blood and bullet marks, and the blood seemed to have just condensed, while the Lord of Winter's fur was filled with the stench of psychic energy. From Leman Russ, Hades doubtfully smelled Magnus's breath.


The old man opened his eyes calmly and prepared to lead Hades to the secret room. Hades blinked and stared at the two original bodies, but it seemed that Malcador did not intend to give him time to talk to them.

Mortarion's scythe suddenly lowered, blocking Hades's path.

A hoarse voice sounded,

[You were on this ship this whole time, Hades? 】

Hades nodded,

"I'm guarding psychic prisoners. The war is over?"

Mortarion glanced at Malcador's back behind him, and he spoke in a very long voice.

[Thanks to the psykers, warriors don’t have to fight crazy warp creatures on rainy nights——]

Psykers? Malcador went to war?

Then Hades realized that Mortarion was referring to the Emperor.

The sound of Malcador's scepter hitting the ground was heard together with Leman Russ's grunting.

"Mortarion, you don't have to speak if no one expects you to open your mouth."

The old man's tired voice sounded, and Hades could already imagine Malcador frowning.

Hades coughed a few times,

"Old Ma, I also want to ask about the progress of the Death Guard's construction plan."

Malcador turned his head, his eyes under the hood wanting to give Hades two sticks immediately.

"First of all, I'm not called Lao Ma;"

"Secondly - my master has something important to ask you."

Mortarion sneered, and then he raised his scythe. Before the doom fell, the Lord of Death whispered, as if answering Hades' question.

Hades sighed, grab the infrastructure, grab the infrastructure - his voice disappeared into the darkness that Malcador led him into.

Leman Russ muttered, and his hands subconsciously touched the fur around his waist, where Magnus's one eye was hidden.


Hades stared at the tea in front of him. The familiar scene seemed to be on the Ultramarines ship last time.

"Nothing serious has happened to Prospero, has he?"

Hades asked tentatively,

"Nothing at the moment."

The emperor said calmly, he was staring at the imperial territory map in front of him, thinking deeply.

"The Changing One showed me some insignificant illusions, and He is still trying to play tricks."

"Are you confronting Him?!"

The emperor raised his eyes and stared at Hades,

"No, He escaped."

"It is unwise to waste one's strength in vain. Chaos has its own laws and wars. He will not be so generous when it comes to dealing with the empire."

Hades sighed, it's just that Tzeentch doesn't want to be defeated, right? The other three gods must also deal with the empire.

"What about Magnus? I still don't think this is safe at all."

"Nothing is certain to happen, Hades, and nothing is certain to not happen."

The Emperor said casually, and Hades realized that this man was determined to make a bet. He remembered that the Emperor had turned his knuckles turned out that everything had its symptoms, but Hades didn't understand it at the time.

If there was no one more conscientious than the emperor in this damn cesspit, Hades would have to run away sooner or later with a bucket, and not have anything to do with gamblers. This was Hades's realization.

"There are currently a total of 999 Thousand Sons imprisoned by the empire. Those who are good at using psychic powers will be registered under my name."

Machado on the side added in time.

"Grey Knight."

The old man said while taking a sip of tea, as if he was tired of the endless related work he would face in the future.

"The flesh-and-blood mutation of the Thousand Sons has not been resolved. Now that Prospero is burned and Magnus is imprisoned, these flesh-and-blood mutations of the Thousand Sons may relapse at any time."

Malcador's voice was as usual,

"I will find a way to get some gene seeds from other legions to neutralize them, but the Thousand Sons seeds will still be the main component."

Hades spoke dullly,

"What about flesh and blood mutation?"

Malcador glanced at him,

"It's enough to be able to fight until then. The Empire needs their fighting power. Unstable bombs are far more valuable than stable rocks."

Hades sighed,

"Are you sure these Thousand Sons can fight for the Empire, Malcador? Do you need me-"

"Leave matters involving psykers to psykers, Hades."

Malcador immediately interrupted Hades,

"Psychics who have been eroded by the Black Realm may never be able to emit soul fire of the same brightness as before in this life - Hades, don't leave any psychological shadow on innocent psykers anymore!"

After Malcador finished speaking, he found that Hades was staring directly at him, with his mouth open as if he wanted to say something.

Malcador immediately interrupted Hades's unrealistic and stupid fantasy,

"Except for me, my psychic power was higher than yours at that time."

"That's good."

Hades smiled and started drinking tea at the same time. The cup given to him was still an extra-large one——

The emperor's voice sounded hesitantly,

"Hades, would you like to..."

The very rare question-like sentence structure and hesitant tone made Hades almost spit out the tea in his mouth. He quickly put down the tea and stared at the emperor seriously.

"Would you like to follow the Sixteenth Legion, the Shadow Moon Wolf?"

"Something happened to Horus?"

Hades asked nervously,

So fast?

Then he saw the emperor shake his head. This reaction was obviously beyond Hades' expectations. Hades looked at Malcador, but the old man hid his face in his hood and the steam of the tea.

Malcador remembered what he once asked the Emperor, that this would eventually happen to the Lord of Mankind.


The Emperor said calmly, golden light surging in his eyes.

"This is a request."

"I hope you can stay with the Warmaster and keep him from being invaded by Chaos. When I return to Terra, as long as the Warmaster's commanding power remains and Horus still has reason, then the empire's war situation will change. Still clear.”

The emperor paused.

"I also know that you wish to return to the Death Guard. This will be your choice."

Hades was silent, and then he asked carefully,

"Can't you predict spiritually, Neos, or use logic to calculate where I am most suitable to be deployed?"

The Emperor recalled seeing the empty shell of Horus, and Magnus, whom he cared about most, secretly traded his soul with the Changing Ones.

"You are inherently unpredictable...Hades, the omen for you can only be portrayed through the side of fate that is affected by you."

"But if according to the logic of the physical world, you are suitable to go to the side of Horus, Lupekar needs someone who can prevent him from being disturbed by the subspace."

Hades stared at the Emperor, who... fell silent.

Nios picked up the tea and sipped it calmly.

Hades mused that he could at least ensure that one of the Primarchs following him would not be corrupted... which meant that the Emperor would definitely prioritize placing him next to the Primarch of a higher level - then it would definitely be Horu or Guilliman with his many armies.

But this is a request... this is more like... a request mixed with personal emotions.

Hades smiled bitterly,

"Yuli, I should be with Horus."

"And... I believe that Mortarion and the Death Guard will be the Primarchs who stand firmest."

The emperor seemed to be relieved——


Hades shouted loudly,

"I demand that the Death Guard be replaced with new equipment! You are not allowed to have any objections!"

The emperor smiled and said,

"This is your freedom."

But his smile was soon overwhelmed by fatigue,

"time is limited,"

The emperor said,

"I need to return to Terra in time. The Webway experiment has entered a critical juncture. It will soon close the subspace channel on Terra."

The Emperor stretched out his hand, and a map of the galaxy appeared on the table. Hades could see countless symbols marking the Legion flashing on it.

"Let me tell you the current situation, Hades."

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