Chapter 392 1.6 The prologue begins


【If according to your point of view,】

Perturabo's calm voice sounded, his voice as cold as a piece of fine steel.

[Then there are indeed gods in this world, and they chose you long before that liar. 】

He watched the struggle of his original brother, Luo Jia. Luo Jia was half-kneeling on the ground in embarrassment. The sharp dagger was deeply embedded in his back, and dark cracks spread from the wound like a broken sculpture.

Dark blood overflowed from Luojia's mouth, and he struggled to hold on to the scepter. The scepter emitted a faint golden light, and his eyes were full of hatred that wanted to kill Perturabo.

A few more drops of dirty blood splashed down, and black blood dripped onto the loess. Luojia began to struggle. He still tried to stand up, but his pupils had begun to dilate.

Perturabo squatted down slowly. He glanced at the scepter. It didn't matter at all. Under the increase of the black stone obelisk, it was just an ice cube next to the volcano.

He stared into Luojia's violet eyes and said as if talking to himself,

[How funny, you should have been first, bro. 】

No... Luojia thought, no, no, no, no, no, he seemed to understand something, why his father sent the forbidden army to monitor him, why Hades appeared in the Perfect City... The Perfect City was the first... it should have been him .

Luojia vomited a mouthful of blood. He trembled and tried to give Perturabo a stick, but deep in his heart he screamed desperately. Even if he was intact, Luojia was sure that he could not defeat Perturabo. Among many brothers Among them, only Luojia did not call himself a general. He had never been proud of his military power.

Perturabo raised his eyes and glanced at the dagger, specializing in believers. The last Terran church that the emperor personally denied became a sharp blade that stabbed the children of his believers many years later. He was so determined to crush religion at that time. , now Luojia will suffer so much pain.

He could see the huge drops of sweat on Luo Jia's head and the burst of blood under his skin.

Perturabo shook his head slightly.

[You don’t have to go through this kind of suffering, Luojia. 】

He said,

[I don’t want to see this scene either. You still have a chance, Luojia, you can take the initiative to convert to them, so that you don’t have to become an empty shell. 】

Luojia stared at Perturabo with trembling eyes.


His voice was broken in the blood, and Luojia saw a cruel smile on the expressionless Perturabo's lips.

[Look, Luojia. 】

Perturabo said with interest,

[You said you believe in him because he is powerful enough to point you in the direction and protect you - so now that there is an existence that is more in line with your belief conditions, why don't you obey the reality? 】

Luojia felt that his consciousness was dissipating. He struggled to resist the corrosion. The scepter in his hand gave him weak strength. Luojia tried to call the God Emperor in his heart - give him power and let him kill the traitor!

no respond.

Luo Jia coughed up a mouthful of blood again.

[He didn’t respond to you, right? 】

Perturabo's calm voice sounded,

[So I said, he is a liar and cheats. 】

Perturabo's words were in a trance in Luojia's ears, and the solid earth turned into a swamp. Luojia began to sink, and he gradually suffocated in the viscous liquid of blasphemy...

No... God Emperor... why do you abandon your followers?

Luo Jia's heart trembled for a moment, which made him sink faster. No, it couldn't be like this. Luo Jia stabilized his mentality instantly, but then, a strange white light lit up in front of his eyes, and countless things that had not happened, Pictures of what was happening now and what had happened in the past flashed before his eyes, as if matching Perturabo's words of persuasion.

[I will change all the black stone obelisks near the Eye of Terror to increase. 】

Perturabo said that Lorgar began to struggle in the waves of the warp,

[Then the bloated giant will be torn apart. 】

The Lord of Steel said slowly,

[Some lucky legions will be exposed to the turbulence of the subspace, and they will face the shattering of a huge lie - there are creatures in the subspace, and it seems that they like humans very much. 】

[After that... I can't figure out what will happen, my brother. 】

Perturabo smiled and looked at Lorga reflected in his violet eyes.

[But you will know, right? After all, you are supposed to be the beginning of everything. Look at the natives of Cadia. These powerful runes can only be interpreted by you, with purple eyes and the same language. 】


Countless voices scratched Luo Jia's soul,

He is nothing but lies.

At a glance, Luojia saw the huge golden throne, and the instruments made an icy buzz.

The empire will collapse.

On the battlefield, he saw the last black stone obelisk fell, and the whole world began to turn upside down. The giant called the Empire was instantly torn apart, and smoke billowed. In the last lost place, he saw the familiar corpse——


Luojia suddenly stagnated, and the subspace waves around him dimmed for a moment. This gave Luojia the last, precious time to think.

No, He cannot die.

Luojia thought.

There is still some power of faith in his scepter, but this cannot allow him to escape. Perturabo must have made sufficient preparations. Escape means defeating Perturabo.

The Imperium must be informed of this, the Iron Warriors have rebelled, and if they are not stopped, the Imperium will be torn apart by an unprecedented warp storm.

Luo Jia's soul let out a groan before it was broken.

Then... then there is only one choice.

Luojia silently recited the names of God Emperor and Hades in his heart, which allowed him to gain the final control of his body. Huge fatigue and powerlessness came over him. He stared at Perturabo.


Luojia gasped,

[…You don’t understand believers. 】

No...he could only do this. Luojia's soul quickly dimmed, and he huddled in a corner of his body...

In the end, he recalled those two figures tightly, trying to save his soul. This was the last extravagant request of believers from gods.

Luojia, who had exhausted his last bit of strength, showed a mocking smile. Perturabo in front of him hurriedly set up his weapon, and the scepter in Luojia's hand lit up with intense light——


Luojia fell onto the dirty ground, and blood flowed out from under him.

Nothing happens here.

After a brief silence, Perturabo laughed loudly. The original body's laughter penetrated the rolling arc of the obelisk. The people with purple eyes turned their heads and stared at the center of the altar in silence.

The monster Ingersel transformed into slowly walked over. She bowed gracefully and motioned to Perturabo to help him put his brother's body into a position that would make it easier to seize the body.

So the last thing he did was mock Perturabo? Perturabo couldn't help laughing, and he despised his brothers more and more in his heart.



This was an ordinary day. People were crowded noisily in the crowded hive city, and businesses were shouting incessantly.


When the bell rang, the people who reacted first raised their heads and looked around in confusion. As far as they could see, all the bells were swinging.

"what happened?!"

No one was ringing those bells, and no one had been to the old bell tower for a hundred years!


The second bell rang long and long.

People frowned and tried to find the bell ringer, but there was no one. No one took the initiative to touch the big bells.

The crowd became noisy.


The third sound! The crowd was in complete chaos. In Terra, any strange thing would indicate that something big was about to happen!


The cold wind in the Himalayas tugged at the corners of the imperial regent's robe, and Malcador frowned. He stood on the open-air balcony, and the distant bells came along the cold wind.

Malcador moved slightly, and when the fifth bell rang, the old man raised his head and began to search in the sea of ​​stars.

The sound of footsteps came from behind him.

The old man bowed slightly and muttered with his wrinkled mouth,

"My lord, there is a situation."

The emperor raised his head, his eyes burning with golden flames, as if penetrating the infinite sea of ​​stars.

The emperor whispered something in his mouth, as if he was confirming something.

Finally, a word stayed in his mouth,


The Emperor frowned in disbelief. He paused for a moment. The next moment, the Lord of Mankind immediately gave his order.

"Summon Hades to the Eye of Terror immediately!"

cried the Emperor,

"Tell him not to go to the Sixteenth Legion yet! Now, tell all the legions near the Eye of Terror to go to the Eye of Terror immediately! All obey the management of Hades."

This time their primary target is the Eye of Terror! Not the original body!

As long as the Eye of Terror is opened, half of the empire will fall into the subspace turbulence! Countless legions will be trapped in the physical world intertwined with the subspace. Now...the state religion has not spread widely yet. If the people trapped in the turbulence of the subspace see the truth of the subspace...

The Emperor took a deep breath... What's more, such a large-scale psychic power, if used properly...

"Call Ruth over here!"

He said,

The bells stopped ringing when Leman Russ's hurried footsteps appeared at the end of the corridor.

The bells of Terra rang thirteen times, and the Emperor did not mourn for a moment.

Angeltai stared at the original body that followed Perturabo back in the distance, as if something was wrong?

Nothing today, I have to take an exam.

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