Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 400 114 Angeltai cannot catch up with Hades

Chapter 400 1.14 Angelte cannot catch up with Hades

[My descendants, the words of false gods are vulnerable. The blasphemer pretends to be noble and decides our survival without authorization. Now, attack and drag those despised by the gods into hell. 】

Heavy footsteps sounded on the deck of the Word Bearers. Angeltai ran wildly towards the area where the carrier-based aircraft was parked. The sudden situation made his brain chaotic, but he knew what he should do. Luojia The scepter was shining dimly in his hand.

Lorgar was not aboard the Word Bearers' ship, the Glorious Queen, the Law of Faith. Angeltai knew this, but he was certain that the Lord of the Underworld did not know this.

Angeltai swallowed nervously. He remembered the faint feeling of oppression from behind. He could at least do something...

He frantically debugged the communication channel on his helmet, but the electronic warfare at the beginning of the naval battle made him only make crackling noises. The voice of the Lord of the Underworld and the voice of the original body seemed to be coming from the far other side, with distortion. hallucination.

"34-7, come here! Come here!"

Angertai shouted, and he waved angrily to the ship at the edge of the deck. He could hear the frightened and confused breathing of the mortal pilot inside,

"Open the hatch and let me get in!"

Angeltai gave the order without hesitation. He jumped on roughly and directly ordered the pilot to set sail. Fragmented beams of light had already lit up in the distance, and someone in the original body began to attack.

After a brief breather, the macro cannon's light lit up.

Angertey hammered the bulkhead angrily. His thirty-fourth company did not launch an attack. In fact, the battleship was sailing away from the center of the battlefield. This was what they had achieved under Angertey's persuasion. The biggest concession.

"To those black ships! Turn on the surrender signal!"

Angeltai roared, feeling the slight trembling of the Roar's hull, the roar of its engines, and the scene on the deck retreating rapidly.

Angeltai tried to open his communication again. He regretted that he had never made friends with the technical sergeants of the Word Bearers. This was the consequence of not making friends with the heretics.

They began to rise into the sky. Angeltai saw the chaotic array of the Word Bearers. The Word Bearers gritted their teeth. He saw the ships frozen in place - he did not know whether they were really destroyed in the initial signal battle. Locked, or just unwilling to make a choice, choice means a price.

Some ships began to try to attack the black ships that were cutting a hole in the Word Bearers array at full speed. However, with the rest of the ships in chaos and lacking overall command, their attack effects were not ideal, and they even had other intentions. The speaker's ship stands in the way of their attack.

The torpedoes screamed and foolishly moved through the void, but due to calculating the trajectory and avoiding friendly ships, they could only barely reach their destination after the rapid darkness passed by - there was no target to attack, and those torpedoes relied on Using inertia and remaining fuel to continue moving forward, Angeltai watched in disbelief as the ships on the opposite side of the array became confused in order to dodge these missed torpedoes.

For a moment, Angeltai felt great sadness, when did the Word Bearers he was proud of become like this, but on the other hand, Angeltai sighed that their stupidity did not lead to a more painful price.

He didn't know which emotion made him sadder.

The Fury was gliding and bumping, and Angeltai could feel the embarrassment of the unlucky pilot he had chosen. Long-distance communications were cut off, and short-distance communications were unable to promptly notify the ships blocking the way in front of their channel.

Angeltai gritted his teeth and roared,

"Go aboard the Law of Faith!"

He stared at the speeding black ships. Even though they were far away, those skinny behemoths were moving quickly in his sight.

"...Don't resist, don't..."

That voice still echoed intermittently in Angeltay's helmet, which made Angeltay even more anxious.

But there was nothing he could do but pray.

Angeltai took a deep breath. The Fury he was carrying was shuttled towards the Law of Faith from the side of the Word Bearers. After Angeltai ordered the pilot to change the target, the pilot was obviously relieved. At least this meant There is no need to actively expose yourself to the range of "enemy forces".

Angeltay tried one last time to open his communication channel. He desperately tried to contact the ships, but failed again. The electronic attack from the opposite side cut off the communication between ships.

So Angeltai closed his eyes, put Luojia's staff on his forehead, and began to pray.

In the chaos of the Word Bearers fleet, no one noticed that a small Fury was heading towards the Law of Faith.


The battleship jolted violently.

Angeltai opened his eyes and saw that the battleship was gliding. He knocked on the bulkhead and signaled to open the hatch.

Dazzling light shot in from the crack in the door, and the cold air squeezed through his power armor. Angeltai jumped off the Fury, which was still flying at low altitude on the deck, trying to land without hesitation. He landed suddenly, like It was a cannonball, and Angelte staggered.

He landed on the dark deck of the Law of Faith. Angertai heard the piercing sirens roaring, and the random mortal crew members squeezed past him, desperately trying to squeeze into a safe corner.

He looked up and saw his battle brothers standing on the deck, roaring at the mortals to return to their duties.

No... In the Word Bearers Legion, most of the mortals also believed in religion. The religious change of the original body was too short and urgent. Even most of the warriors of the Legion were not convinced, let alone the ignored mortals. Woolen cloth?

But Angeltai had no time to sigh. He took a step forward, stretched out his legs, and shouted at the nearest Word Bearer, whom he saw was from the First Company.


next moment--

boom! ! !

A deafening loud noise was heard, and the ripple-like brilliant light on the deck was fleeting. It was the corpse dropped by the void shield that had been lifted. Angeltai could clearly feel the Law of Faith suddenly tilting sideways. After thinking for a while, he grasped the punishment black spear behind his back with his right hand and ran towards the direction of the loud noise.

The crowds of people running towards him passed by him, and the huge air waves mixed with the metal cargo on the deck rushed towards him like a tsunami. As Angelte ran, the air waves pushed him heavily, Metal fragments made holes in the armor, but Angeltai's footsteps still did not slow down.

He saw other warriors running forward - no - Angelt thought, no, they had different goals from his.

He yelled for them to leave, but the air wave washed away everything, and the communication disrupted by the ion storm was even unusable. The only thing left was the huge rustling sound and the roar of the alarm blown by the wind.

A huge wind passed by, and Angeltai rushed into the wall of gunpowder smoke. The Law of Faith caught fire, and the smell of burning metal drifted over. In a trance, Angeltai thought that he was in the ruins of the perfect city. Hazhong runs.

A bright green figure lit up in the eyepiece, and Angeltai heard the sound of bolter fire. He saw sparks in the smoke, and the battle brother lying at his feet seemed to be asleep.

Angeltai's heart suddenly tugged.

He ran towards the deepest darkness. It wasn't just gun smoke, there was something else there. Angeltai knew what was on the other side.

There are more and more Word Bearers lying down at his feet. There are traces of blood, bullets and plasma flowing out from the outermost sides, but the further in, the traces of these battles become scarcer——

——Even as more and more bodies of the Word Bearers fell.

Angeltay began to pant. Perhaps he was too tired from running from one side of the entire deck to the other. He felt that his steps suddenly softened, and there was a numbness in his right hand, and darkness enveloped him. He, the smoke and dust became thicker and thicker, almost becoming a physical barrier.

Angeltai gasped, and the scepter in his other hand became darker.

No - no - Angeltay thought, he was about to die, and the dim scepter was the only thing that broke his will.

Angeltai suddenly took off his helmet, and the thick smoke penetrated directly into his respiratory tract. He opened his mouth and roared,

"——Silence, Lord of the Underworld! Please listen to the prayers of believers!!!"

His hoarse shouts disappeared directly into the darkness, seeming to be silent.

The thick smoke immediately blackened his mouth. Angeltai suppressed the feeling of coughing and continued to shout,

"In the name of the Primarch Lorgar - I ask you to redeem the Word Bearers Legion! My father was betrayed by Perturabo and parasitized by a demon! I beg you, the executioner under the God-Emperor, to give them the punishment they deserve!! !”

After finally finishing these words, Angeltai retched violently. He coughed up a mouthful of thick black saliva and tried to continue speaking.

"——My fighting brothers, in the name of Luojia, cease fire! Cease fire!!!"

As if nothing happened, Angeltai ran desperately in the boundless darkness, and even the Word Bearers lying under his feet disappeared. He ran mechanically, but every step became heavier and weaker.

Finally, Angeltai couldn't hold on anymore, and with a bang, he hit the deck. He gasped and coughed, and his sense of lethargy became stronger and stronger——

He saw the faintly moving green fluorescence in the distance.

Angeltay seized this last chance and shouted at the blurry figure,

"Lord of Hades!!! Please listen to my Lord Luojia's plea!!!"

In an instant, the shining light suddenly penetrated his eyes. Angeltai felt all this in surprise. Because the light suddenly penetrated, rational tears secreted from the corners of his eyes. Power suddenly began to emerge, and he could hardly Looking ahead with confidence, he met the eyes of the black-armored figure.

A stabbing sound mixed with radio waves sounded from the emergency communication port of Angeltai's breastplate.

"Who are you?"

A cold voice sounded, but the next moment, footsteps sounded from behind Angeltai. Angeltai saw the Lord of Hades raising his gaze on him, and he raised his gun——


A Word Bearer holding a gun fell beside Angeltai, groaning in pain. Angeltai's pupils suddenly dilated, and he stared at the struggling body of his companion——

After a brief thought, Angeltai decisively raised the black stone spear in his hand and gave it to his moaning companion. He instantly became as quiet as a corpse, but at least he was still alive.

Angeltai squatted on the deck. He pulled out the bolter from his waist and threw it on the deck. He held the scepter of the original body Lorgar in one hand and the spear in the other. Then he stood up slowly, Stare at that being.

Angeltai inserted the two long weapons into the deck, and the one behind his back. He raised his hands,

"Lord of Hades! My father Luojia is not here, he is above Cadia! He is under house arrest by Perturabo!"

Angeltai yelled, and it was obvious that his actions and words had won him the trust and patience of the Lord of the Underworld - after all, the most critical thing in a gang war is time. He could feel the judgmental eyes burning through him, And he paused for a moment on the black stone spear with confusion and interest.

"Bring your weapons and come here."

A calm voice sounded, and then the Lord of Hades continued to move forward without hesitation, following the forcibly cut wall gap and entering the interior of the Law of Faith.

At this time, the Soulless Team behind the Lord of the Underworld appeared in Angeltai's sight. Angeltai, who did not know the characteristics of the Soulless People, would not know that he had just relied on his willpower to break through even the Soulless People. Everyone will notice the point of discomfort.

He gritted his teeth and grasped the weapon at his side. Even if it meant sacrifice, even if he was labeled a traitor by the Word Bearers, he would follow.


Angeltay couldn't catch up with the opponent.

He gritted his teeth and tried to keep up with the heavy and urgent footsteps in the distance, but he could only listen to the sound gradually fade away. The speed of the Lord of Hades was fast enough, and he couldn't keep up -

Those soulless people equipped with black armor also ran beside Angeltai. Angeltai spurned himself for being able to keep up with mortals, but he was still struggling with the feeling of powerlessness.

The darkness in front gradually faded away, and the red-helmeted warriors who were swallowed up by the darkness and then abandoned were lying on their sides on the wall. Angeltai hoped that they were still alive. He vaguely heard their breathing. Sometimes, As they ran, the Word Bearers who occasionally struggled would be shot back by the Soulless, but the good news was that they didn't seem to be aiming straight at the head.

As if he was familiar with every path on the Law of Faith, the Lord of the Underworld headed towards the command room with skill, avoiding all ambush points and trap points, as well as the checkpoints that might get him stuck.

Angeltai heard a muffled thunderous explosion in the distance. It was the Word Bearers blowing up the corridor to block the invaders from moving forward.

But in the end it was all in vain, as if he had anticipated their behavior, as if he had gone through all possible mechanical creations in advance, Pluto's footsteps would always turn around at the next moment.

Finally, when Angeltai broke into the command room panting, he saw Hades who was already using a gun to force the captain to turn to the Law of Faith. The remaining crew members were trembling and working in front of the command desk, and several people were limp. Lying on the ground, Angeltey recognized that it was the pilot of the Law of Faith.

I hope they are still alive, Angeltai said silently in his heart again, at least the liquid flowing under them is not blood.

The man who was pointing the gun at the captain slowly turned his head, and a scarlet light flashed. Angeltai saw a being with a hideous scar running through the left side of his face. His cold mechanical face was expressionless, and on the other side, white hair hung down. , on a pale and calm face, dark eyes like black holes were staring at him.

The Lord of Hades was staring at him, even looking interested in him.

"Say, you have five minutes and seven seconds."

Angeltai took a deep breath.

Together, 4k, great! Didi, beep, beep, beep!

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