Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 412 126 Iron Holy War (Part 2)

Chapter 412 1.26 Iron Holy War (Part 2)

The Eye of Terror screams.

Deafening roars resounded throughout the galaxy, subspace rolled, huge waves surged into the sky, and different oceans of spiritual energy collided, setting off huge waves——

This is your only chance! ! !

The first scream came from the strange maze, the birds in the garden flew away in fright, the blood pool rolled and rolled, and lingering chants resounded in the deep bank palace.

The Eye of Fear suddenly opened wide, and the psychic rift was like a bloodstain from a split eye, climbing out from the depths of the Eye of Fear, with an unknown surge surging.

The overwhelming spiritual energy crashed into the roaring silver-white giant, and the dazzling and strange white waves surged, drowning everything in an instant!

The huge wave suddenly swallowed up Hades who rushed towards Vashtor!

After roaring in anger, Vashtor was lucky enough to see the terrifying figure being swept away.


Vashtor hit the black stone obelisk with a bang, and it slowly slid down. The fire burned dimly, and anger and unwillingness climbed up like bone-eating insects.

He leaned against the black stone obelisk and breathed hoarsely. At this moment, Cadia could almost be said to be submerged in the ocean of subspace.

Vashtor feels all this now. Chaos is generously giving it power and authority. This is not what Vashtor wants - it should not be giving, but cooperation.

But at this moment, it has no choice!

Vashtor doesn’t even know where these powers, which originate from machinery and research, come from!

It stared intently at the rolling waves of psychic energy, which seemed like a nebula from subspace washing directly onto the wasteland of Cadia.

In the long chaotic waves, a faint green arc lit up.

The roars of extreme pain and extreme anger came from the waves caused by the four gods.

Vashtor took a deep breath, and it forcibly stood up. A silver collar was shining on the neck that Hades had just strangled.

Vashtor hated it all.


Vashtor muttered in a low voice, this should have been its back-up, instead of using it now.

In the contract with the four gods, Vashtor owns part of the shares of "Perturabo".

The Four Gods allowed Vashtor to use its contract to restrict the first person to betray.

Vashtor originally... originally looked forward to a grander and more distant future.

But now, there was a rustling neighing in Vashtor's throat, and it almost gritted its teeth and said,

+Perturabo, it's time to pay the penalty. +

However, in the waves, the heavy breathing of the two original bodies collided with the clash of weapons. Vashtor's words seemed to be in vain, and it could not feel any response.

Vashtor's body stiffened suddenly.

how come? ! how come? ? !

Perturabo! What did he do? !

The flames of anger and being fooled ignited from Vashtor's body, as if he was the one who had just realized all this,

It roared angrily at Perturabo, and the Lord of the Forge spread his wings in the waves, and it began to grow huge again-

That disorderly hugeness, with the power of madness and chaos, the power that overdraws the future and the past, with absolute malice, subspace generously paid a deposit for it.

Vashtor roared, its thick steel wings flapping the air, and it rose into the sky. Lightning stained with unknown blood wrapped around it, accompanied by sharp cables twisted and twisted like a python.

Faint calls to prayer came from the billowing mist, but they were not hoarse calls for Pluto.

In the mist, the figure of the Black Mechanicus, surrounded by flesh and blood and ominous spiritual energy, appeared vaguely.

Although it is just a shadow, its appearance already explains too much——

There is a place for Vashtor in the future!

Flames erupted from the furnace of hatred, the craftsman's hammer shone with lingering blood, and something heavy pressed tightly against its slowly rising body.

+Perturabo...traitor! ! ! +

Vash'tor roared, and it stretched out its sharp craftsman's claws, pointing the sharp blades of its fingers straight at Perturabo.

+You have no idea what you did! ! I curse you and you will pay the price! ! ! +

However, in the rolling waves, a sudden green arc of electricity suddenly silenced Vashtor. It raised its warhammer and whispered a spell calling for power. In the distance, the colors of the Word Bearer's armor emerged from the fog. .

In the wasteland of Cadia, the Demon Army and the Word Bearers set foot on the most chaotic front line together.


The dragon let out a cry of pain as he shuttled through the rolling fog. The white fog that could not see the sky above and the ground below obscured the dragon's sight.

Extremely cold metal steam spurted out from Hades's mouth, and lightning surrounded him like a prison beast, beating violently.

The black realm of senses that used to extend was obscured, but green and ruthless lightning replaced his senses, extending greedily outwards.

He saw corpses, saw thousands of soulless corpses.

In the dense fog, the screams of thousands of strange creatures could be heard.

Scarlet red, strange blue, charming purple, decaying green, the demonic army from chaos is standing on the other side of the fog.

Come here... come here... come here and fight him! ! !

Hades thought, he raised his hand, space began to distort, and silver fragments peeled off from his palm——

boom! ! !

The wave was suddenly overturned, and the coward dissipated along with the white mist. During the brief tumbling gap, the dragon's sight caught a glimpse of the figure of the blasphemous thief——

A huge pressure suddenly came from the space, and a suffocating pain came from his neck. Without a trace of hesitation, Vashtor rushed to the right.

For a moment, it saw the silver-white monster that made it feel a bone-chilling cold stare at it, as if looking at the most hated monster in the world.

Flames erupted from the forge of Vashtor, and the scorching hellfire burned again.

Even if it feels that unbearable pressure is standing on this space.

But no more - without the Black Domain, Vashtor will not be immediately suppressed by the Black Domain at this moment!

The corners of Vashtor's mouth split open, as if he was laughing.

There are false gods who compete for each other's authority and deceive all living beings together. One machine god stands on the subspace side, and the other machine god stands on the physical side...

Vashtor knew that it must be staring at that existence with extremely hateful eyes now. Even if it felt fear, even if it felt uneasy, anger and hatred covered it all!

This monster! This fight has wasted countless beliefs, greedy monster!

The waves of warp rolled around Vashtor, and it swung its ax at the enemy without hesitation——

Vashtor watched helplessly as the straight ax shaft twisted in mid-air! ! !

That guy controls the authority of space! ! !

Vashtor screamed in fear.

Lightning suddenly rushed towards its front door, accompanied by a silver-white blade flashing with green. After being suppressed in the black domain, did that guy finally give up its ridiculous little black dagger? !

Vashtor cursed crazily, blaming those hypocritical beings who deceived it, Chaos, Perturabo! None of the guys keep their promises! !

The blue light suddenly lit up and hit the white wind that was stabbing Vashtor in an instant. Vashtor heard the monster's angry roar. The creator laughed, and the python's thick cable hit the monster rushing towards it. .

The angry roar of Long Ji came, and Hades's peripheral vision glanced at the direction of the blue light. He saw four clearly visible figures in the gloomy mist.

Carlos the Fateweaver slowly lowered his scepter, and an eerie and beating blue light wrapped around his scepter.

Now Hades is facing enemies from both sides!

Roaring, a roar that could shatter the stars, silver-white teardrops dripped from Hades's body. These seemingly heavy metal droplets floated slowly——

They drip, rise, float again, rise into the air where no one can see.

Thunder exploded!

At that moment, the green flash reflected a cold and terrifying face that could frighten the devil. The flesh and blood peeled off, and the silver-white liquid droplets smeared on the face like a mask, wearing a crown of ruthless reason.

"...are you all here?"

A gentle voice sounded, but it sounded like an inhuman roar.

All subspace creatures present heard those words clearly. The plague father wanted to wipe away the cold sweat with his stubby hands, but it seemed unable to move and could only stare at that existence——

...Star God Fragments.

No, no... Feeling the spiritual energy field around him being stirred by the black realm all the time, Kugas knew that this was a far more terrifying existence than the fragments of the Star God.

For a brief moment, there was a brief blankness and silence on the entire battlefield where Vashtor was located, as if it was the last calm before the storm.

Hades sighed, and in a trance he seemed to have become the "Chaos", the familiar existence in the "Primary Body" intelligence.

But all the subspace creatures present know that after forcibly suppressing the Black Realm and letting this guy activate the Star God Fragment, it is impossible for this being suspended in the air to still have sanity! !

It is just a silhouette of past habits, a monster covered in Hades' memory, a certain concept mixed with the black realm! ! !

But the voice still said calmly, even with a hint of relaxation,

"They're all here...it's better to have more people, it's better to have more people..."

Almost at the same time as the end of the voice fell,

Above Cadia, the heavy rain began to pour down.

But they are silver tears.

Hades raised his scythe again.

"Let's die together."


[Perturabo! ! ! 】

The Eye of Chaos has stirred up turbulent waves. Perhaps the original body will be the last one standing in this war.

Faenus's blood-sobbing cry dissipated in the heavy mist. The Titans, Knights, and Iron Hands all ceased to exist. There were only corpses at his feet, the corpses of his descendants, and the corpses of Perturabo's descendants. The steel mixed with the corpses, leaving only the two of them.

Rust climbed onto the steel, and an unnatural orange-red scar was clearly visible on Fenus' Terminator Armor, and the armor's lip was bloated like a wound.

Opposite the Lord of Medusa, Perturabo was also scarred, but the Lord of Steel did not act slow at all, and the bright yellow flames in his eyes became more and more intense.

On the opposite side of the vast mist, there seemed to be a roar of boiling fire, and Feinus faintly heard a vicious curse, but it didn't seem to be directed at Feinus.

The maniacal smile on Perturabo's lips grew wider and wider, as if the mask had finally cracked.

[Cough-cough! ! 】

Listening to Vashtor's curse, Perturabo actually laughed,

【No one can be trusted! Poor Vashtor! ! ! 】

[ Ridiculous traitor! ! ! 】

Fainus shouted,

[You have even betrayed the subspace creatures that are allied with you - Perturabo, I look down on you more and more. 】

Faenus's cry was answered by Perturabo's swifter blow,

【You don’t understand anything! Poor Faenus! 】

Perturabo smiled,

[Have you ever been abandoned? ! Have you ever been cheated on? ! They made me who I am now just to make better use of me! ! ! 】

[Deception, lies, sweet words, necessary cooperation, betrayal - I have already tasted all the hypocrisy in this world! 】

[It’s you who don’t understand trust and loyalty! ! 】

Feinus roared, he waved the furnace breaker, and the whistling wind burst out from under his hammer. He had nothing to ask for now. The battlefield had become everything that the Lord of Medusa could not understand, but Feinus Nuth knew that he only needed to kill Perturabo. This was his only request, his only mission.

He just needs to kill Perturabo!

He wants to kill Perturabo, the traitor!

Fainus felt the sting from the wound, the dull pain slowly eroding him like rust, but he was fearless. Hades was with him, and he could feel the black mist trying to protect him. .

He is fearless! Therefore, this scar is just child's play to him!

After realizing that Faenus was not as affected as he thought, Perturabo's expression grew darker.

In the mist, there was a faint ringing of bells, and rust climbed up like a living thing, gathering up the tomb of corpses and steel.

The sound of heavy breathing came from far away and faintly from one side.

Perturabo laughed,

[Fernus, it’s over! 】

Fainus subconsciously glanced at the corner with his peripheral vision, and he saw a bloated green monster that looked like a Space Marine. Fainus even caught a glimpse of that smile——

In front of him, Perturabo struck him with a fatal blow, but Faenus was able to take the blow, he was fearless——

Chi! ! !

Fainus was surprised and slowly turned his head to look at the exact opposite position to the green Space Marine——

He saw Luo Jia who was smiling.

The sharp blade pierced his chest and penetrated his violently beating heart.

The chaotic purple eyes were filled with an unexplained light that Fenus could not detect. Fenus opened his mouth tremblingly. He wanted to say something, but in the end he only spit out a few weak words.

【……traitor. 】

Luo Jia's smile became brighter, and he smiled gently, although the end of the smile was trembling slightly.

The original body of the Word Bearers jerked its hand, and the blade burst out with blood. Faenus was still trying to struggle. The original body tried to raise the hammer to fight again, but Medusa, who was surrounded by the two original bodies, was already at the end of her strength. He Trying to fight again,

But Luo Jia, who was well prepared, hit him hard with his scepter and fell completely——

Perturabo burst into earth-shattering laughter, ignoring Luojia who was standing next to him and smiling. He felt great now.

[Fenus--Fenus! 】

[Working for the false emperor, you are just a joke in the eyes of others! ! 】

Perturabo took a step forward. He seemed to want to get close to Faenus. What did he want to do?

Luojia's eyes flashed, and he looked at Perturabo, and Ingethel's nonsense rang in his ears.

Tick ​​tock.

Luo Jia stood there, like a smiling doll, the first silver raindrop fell on his face and slipped from the corner of his eyes.

It's raining.

Luojia thought, he slowly raised the dagger in his hand and stared at Perturabo, who had his back turned to him. The light of the four gods was shining brightly and burning him.


Luojia lowered his eyes,

【You made them angry, so I'll give it back to you. 】

Heavy rain fell.

Accompanied by slowly flowing blood.

Perturabo looked at Luojia in disbelief. Under the heavy rain, Luojia was shedding silver tears of compassion.

[Betrayal, my brother, you know, that's what it is. 】

Great! ! ! !

Fernus faked the match and left the battlefield early

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