Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 414 128 Hades plainly beats four

Chapter 414 1.28 Hades plainly beats four

Hades just wants to kill now.

Apart from that, he couldn't think much.

He doesn't need to think too much either.

Kill everything that moves and the war is over.

Let death overshadow it all.


Above Cadia, Kalos the Fateweaver screamed, and the Great Demon of Tzeentch waved his staff. The fog of the entire planet stirred with its swing, and the billowing psychic lightning crackled and fell violently into the earth. silver raindrops.

"what happened?!"

Carlos screamed. The spikes tied around his waist were flashing with blue light. Its two heads looked into the distance. The figure lingering in the air was showing strange distortions in the space around him.

"Isn't he supposed to be like this?! How much has he swallowed?!"

"I had thought he would be like this! Jie Jie Jie!!"

Carlos looked at the Forsaken God. He... He looked completely different from what Carlos had seen before. That appearance was enough to make Tzeentch call him "weird"! ! !

In mid-air, an existence named "Hades", no, "Pluto" or "Void Dragon Fragment" is staring at Vashtor. No matter who it is, no matter who it is, there is no way to compare the existence at this moment. This existence is connected to the previous Hades.

Hades was silent, feeling the power he had gained - or rather, the power he had released, the power that was imprisoned by his weak body.

Even if the cost is withering.

For a brief moment, Hades began to wonder just how much the Emperor had sealed away.

At this moment, liquid gold is his blood, and electric waves are his thoughts. The silver-white sickle blade reflects a flash of light that can distort space, and the electric arc rises violently, galloping across the earth.

It was like the coldest and shining silver mask in the world covered his face. The only gap was a scarlet left eye, and the mask was pale, without sadness or joy.

A dark full moon rose from behind his head, a gauze-like deep black cloak fluttered behind the silver-white armor, and liquid gold climbed up the sickle pole, coating it with a layer of frost-like edge.

Above Cartier, the burden of maintaining the entire physical world is squeezing Hades.

Hades lowered his eyes, and he saw the existences that were still clearly visible in the silvery rainstorm. The maze was weaving a new destiny, the blood pool was burning with the fire of war, a corner of the garden was still growing, and the graceful dance figures in the palace were singing dance music. .

The Supreme Heaven was pouring power into this war zone continuously. The demon army entered from countless torn cracks on the battlefield. They piled up bloatedly on the plain and stepped over the corpses of people on the land.

Hades stared at them calmly——

Carlos shouted, and the demon suddenly raised his scepter, and the mist surged up. The next moment, a thunder struck down, filled with great anger, but it finally dissipated in the mist.

Seeing that the arc didn't work, the being slowly raised the scythe. Carlos could feel the maniacal gaze sweeping over it as he decided which one to hit first!

Is he even still choosing? !

Even the great demons of Tzeentch felt a strange sense of being despised at this moment, but the four great demons surrounding Hades were indeed scattered in their respective positions of honor.

And until the last moment, it is impossible for them to come forward together.

Carlos, Skarbrand, Shalashi, Kugas, the four people favored by the gods themselves are entangled.

As if stimulated by Tzeentch's psychic energy, Vash'tor beside Carlos let out a roar of steam. In order to avoid the heavy rain, the Lord of the Hearth temporarily resided in the Demonic Domain of Tzeentch. At this moment, Vash'tor The silver light on Thor's neck seems to be getting brighter and brighter——

The measuring gaze struck again like a thorn, but with all kinds of hatred and anger, this time Hades directly chose his target,

Carlos gave a short cry of annoyance, and it began to regret letting the Lord of the Hearth stay. Under the gaze of Chaos, although the chief demon of Tzeentch was not afraid of the attack from the Forsaken God, it should not have been the first one!

However, following the posture of the God Abandoner, the next moment, a scarlet figure rushed forward——

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull throne!!!"

Skarbrand roared with the glory of the Blood God, and a loud crash was heard, and its wings that were originally bound by layers of iron chains suddenly broke away.

The hot demon blood sprayed on the earth, and the blood droplets connected with the liquid gold hissed. At this moment, the Blood God lowered his glory, and the flames of war and gunpowder smoke instantly began to press in the direction of the God Abandoned.

Skarbrand felt the raging anger. It felt the sound of wind blowing across its wings. The devil's sheep's hooves kicked hard on the ground, and the whole big golem soared into the air like a cannonball and raised its battle ax towards the Forsaken God!

"Fight with me!!!"

Skarbrand knew that this time, it would definitely fight this little human guy! It won't leave again!

Carlos laughed evilly, and the Fateweaver instantly seized this opportunity. Thunderbolts lit up in its scepter. While the Forsaken God's eyes were still on the Demon Realm of Tzeentch, a blue lightning with a fatal light suddenly appeared. Stab the god forsaken.

Stab! ! !

The extremely long and curved sickle blade blocked the lightning, but the next moment, the bloodthirsty demon's body collided with the God's Abandoned One. With a huge impact, it and the God's Abandoned One rushed upward into the sky, and the battle ax struck heavily. Slash forward.

Skarbrand is ecstatically welcoming the bloody battle that is about to take place. It is looking forward to a real fight, and then twisting off the enemy's head under the gaze of the Blood God!

However, in an instant, the refreshing touch on the battle ax did not come to it. Skarbrand glared at the cold mask of the Forsaken God and glanced at its right hand——

? !

The part that was originally the arm exploded with fine blood mist, but in the middle of the blood mist was an empty spherical hole!

There is nothing in there!

At this moment, the blood demon from Khorne saw what space distortion is.

Skarbrand, who only had war in his mind, had a rare moment of blank thought, but he did not hesitate to stretch out his left arm holding the battle ax again.

Being blocked by Skarbrand who was moving at high speed, the Forsaken God who was rushing towards the sky was looking down at the bloodthirsty maniac. There was no sadness or joy on his silver mask. The Forsaken God turned his head slightly. The next moment , a burst of blood mist burst out from Skarbrand's left side.

Silvery blood flowed out from under the mask of the Forsaken God, which added a little compassion to his expression. This expression made the blood demon furious, and the opponent did not respect this battle with it.

But at the same time, it began to tremble, and the dark space revealed the extreme anger of the abandoned god.

Skarbrand felt his eyes suddenly turn black, but the next moment, the gushing power of the Blood God filled it with strength again. The strong blood-colored muscles twisted and grew, and Skarbrand's arms grew again. .

The Blood God roared and instructed his slaves. Skarbrand instantly waved his wings, a huge sonic boom exploded, and the figure kicked to the ground by Skarbrand was falling rapidly.

Skarbrand stayed in the air and was about to dive down, but the boiling blood made it suddenly take a step forward——

boom! ! !


A huge blood mist bloomed in the air. After a brief moment of confusion, Skarbrand realized that he was falling towards the earth. Its wings that could just take off disappeared along with most of the demon's back!

Only a few breaths passed from the time Skarbrand rushed towards it until it landed without its wings.

Carlos's horrified pupils reflected the falling figure of the Blood Demon. Fateweaver saw it clearly. If Khorne hadn't taken action, Skarbrand would have turned into blood mist——

Disintegrated into nothing within the physical domain of the Star God!

Carlos didn't know whether he should laugh at Skarbrand. His lack of thinking ability made this blood demon have no idea what he was facing!

And this is why they are standing here, they need to... at least suppress the physical domain of the God-Forsaken to the extent that it does not affect the final ceremony.

Just when Karas was chanting the curse again, a sighing sound came from the lush garden. Kugas waved its short and short arms, panting and pouring the soup in the crucible onto the body of the Forsaken God. direction.

"Don't be stunned! Come and help!"

Kugas shouted, but the next moment, in the smoke rising from the place where the Forsaken God fell, a hand slowly raised——

The Plague Father screamed, and it suddenly picked up the crucible and rushed backwards. The intestines dragged behind it left it forever after a space distortion, but at least it saved itself and its loving father's crucible.

The soup poured out by Kugas swarmed towards the God-forsaken like a living snake with a roar. It was a soup for the God-forsaken. Only the loving father truly knew what they were facing!

Thus the Father found in the original Barbarus a tide strong enough to harm the God-Forsaken.

The decaying green water surged towards the figure standing up slowly in the gunpowder smoke. The silver teardrops that came into contact with each drop of the soup turned into black and yellow burnt colors amidst the roaring sound. It was getting closer and closer, and Kugas felt that he was screened. Hold your breath.

At the same time, Skarbrand, whose flesh and blood had grown again, roared into the smoke.

Skarbrand, hold him back!

Kugas couldn't help shouting in his heart. After drinking the medicine from his loving father, it believed that this medicine would reveal its true strength. It stared nervously at the other end, and the medicine trembled among the fat as it breathed -

An arc of electricity so subtle that it was almost imperceptible lit up next to the Plague Father.

The soup that the Nurgling exploded appeared together with the tip of the sickle that suddenly emerged from the space.

The blade broke through the wind, and the sword body that Kugas used to resist stagnated in the air along with its body that was chopped off in half.

The Forsaken God stepped out of the dark rift and appeared in mid-air, half a height above the plague father. He raised his other hand high. As time slowed down, Kugas, who was slowly falling backwards, Through the gap between God's Abandoned One's fingers, he caught a glimpse of the electric dragon that was screaming downwards in the sky.

The green light from above hit the face of the Forsaken God, reflecting the terrifying expressionless mask.

After briefly regretting why it was not Father Rain who came at this moment, Kugas poured out the decoction in his arms at the Forsaken God with all his strength, knowing that his loving father would definitely let it hit.

The sound of the decoction hissing and corroding metal sounded.

If Shalasi's whip hadn't appeared from behind the God-forsaken in time, grabbed his outstretched hand and pulled it back violently, Kugas might never have seen the next flower blooming season in the garden.

The champion of Slaanesh's fighter possessed absolute explosive power for a brief moment. The heavy God's Forsaken staggered back suddenly, but then the God's Forsaken was pulled forward, and the sound of the long whip cracking was heard.

The Forsaken God turned to deal with Sharasi, but at the last moment of turning around, the scythe suddenly hooked forward, and the shining green star metal hit the corner of the crucible. Kugas heard the subtle crack that broke its heart. The sound sounded.

The space twisted again, but unlike the previous times, no blood and flesh fell. The Hunting Queen Xia Laxi dodged every attack nimbly. In her eyes, the Forsaken of God was just a slow-moving creature.

"Let's play! Dear!" Xia Laxi shouted excitedly. The Dark Prince was looking at her darling. They should have met this star of the physical world long ago!

Xia Laxi felt the space bursting around her enthusiastically. When she thought that these twisted circular spaces were enough to erase her forever, the Hunting Queen felt a madness brought by extreme fear. She felt every space that outlined her figure, and the subtle sound of the wind would tell her where to attack next.

It danced with the Forsaken of God like a fast double dance, even though its other half was cold and boring, and there was no temperature on the cold mask. Xia Laxi thought that there should be some blood on it, preferably Mortarion's, but unfortunately Nurgle would not allow it.

The spear stabbed at the Forsaken, but the rising silver metal made most of the attacks unable to pierce the opponent's armor. The arc of electricity lit up violently, and the Forsaken's scythe was wrapped with a burning pain in his eyes.

Xia Laxi laughed loudly, waiting for his ridiculous attack, and even deliberately shortened the distance between them-they all knew that the sickle was not suitable for short-range attacks.

At the same time, it stabbed the dagger at the Forsaken.

Sure enough, the Forsaken, who had lost most of his sanity and only had instinct left, tried to retreat and distance himself. After moving away from a less than satisfactory position, the sickle slashed at Xia Laxi!

"Hahahaha! You-"

The words of the Hunting Queen stopped abruptly, and a cold giant hand was tightly grasping its throat. The sickle that was drawn stayed in mid-air. The real attack of the Forsaken was the hand that stretched forward directly!

Xia Laxi was lifted up, his feet off the ground. He struggled and tried hard to open the solid prison, but the hand of the Forsaken seemed to have absolute power. His throat had shrunk to an incredible degree in his palm.

Flesh and blood squeezed out of his seven orifices together. Green lightning burst out from his body, burning and stinging his body. There was no joy at all. He heard the sound of wind in his buzzing ears - it was space distortion!

Xia Laxi screamed.

But his voice was drowned in the gurgling blood fountain.


A strange blue light flashed by, and the Forsaken turned his head. He put down his empty hand. The Keeper of Slaanesh collapsed to the ground, and his gasping body appeared behind him, accompanied by Carlos who had just finished chanting.

The Weaver of Fate looked very embarrassed. Only he knew how much effort he had made to fight against the black domain that suppressed the Forsaken of God.

The Forsaken of God turned his head again. On the other side of the battlefield, the blood demon, which was slowly expanding, spewed blood from its mouth. The scarlet blood light shone, and the mighty power expanded in its body. Skarbrand's body even became broken under the infusion of mighty power.

After confirming the strength of the Forsaken of God, the real god was gone.

Next, beams of the light of the Supreme Heaven lit up from the battlefield one after another.

Hades raised his sickle again.


Under the mask, the most commonly used word on Barbarus sounded.


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