Chapter 418 1.32 The last moment

This may be a dead end.

Now is the time when the bright stars fall.


The blazing fire exploded from the head of the big demon, and then, a series of bursting flames sounded one after another, and the strange mechanical beast sprinted across the wasteland, muttering intermittent sounds in its mouth.

Kirkland ran, all the sage's limbs unfolding,

The claw-like metal feet dug into the ground fiercely, and the blasphemous demon flesh under his feet was stepped into the ground by the sharp claws, but the steps of the great sage never slowed down in the slightest.

Angeltai galloped behind the great sage, hard scale-like flesh and blood tissue growing out of his armor, and the voice from the highest heaven sounded on him. He became more powerful and more terrifying.

A mechanical monster that crawls on the ground like an insect, a half-human, half-ghost space warrior.

At this moment, I don't know whether this combination is more weird, or the team of demons that are slowly moving forward is more weird.

They passed through a pile of buzzing flies. The bloated and oozing demon rushed towards them sitting on the flies, and the sword slashed at Kirkland——

The sage's ax in his hand suddenly lifted up, and the next moment, the sound of rotten fruit exploding sounded,

Kirkland roared angrily. The Great Sage's hand holding the Ax of Mekhan was strong and steady. He swung it towards the next target without hesitation.


Kirkland shouted, those abominable entities reflected in his scanning array, and the artillery system behind him screamed,

"I've seen—I've seen you!"

The bursting fire suddenly exploded, reflecting the great sage's cold metal body in red. In the smoke of flesh and fire, Kirkland seemed to be wearing a sage's robe dyed red with the most vivid pigment in the world.

On the Mecha-god's axe, the head of the Great Demon Nurgle slowly slid down,

"In the name of Hades! You can't scare me anymore!! I have already been taught all this!"

Kirkland roared. At this moment, the Great Sage seemed to realize that this would be his burial place, but what was burning in his engine and soul was not fear, but the indomitable madness.

Everything here is like the teachings of Pluto, and Kirkland has completely understood it all——

This is the world He sees, this is the world He has been facing.

At this moment, a picture of hell that far surpassed the scene back then was revealed in front of Kirkland. Demons that were completely inconsistent with the laws and logic moved forward, eroding the crumbling world above Cadia with every step.

He knew this all along, and what He had described to Kirkland was but a glimpse of the madness of hell.

Kirkland laughed. He was right. Anyone, anyone with any sense at all, would feel the tremor from the depths of their soul when they first saw this scene——

And it is only then that humans will truly realize what possibilities [Pluto] has brought to them! ! !

And because of this, He will die - He will die! ! !

For that blasphemous existence, [Pluto] itself is a sin!

Kirkland's thoughts were trembling. He desperately prayed to Hades in his heart and ran forward desperately.

Using the counter-psionic energy accumulated over countless years, he roughly used his body to tear a bloody path through the ranks of the demons.

Angeltai closely followed the sage who rushed into the ranks of the great demons like a mad bull. The fierce firepower and dim darkness around the great sage successfully suppressed the formation of the great demons in a short period of time.

The two ran, crossing the sea of ​​demons and heading towards the tallest spire that reached into the clouds. In the distance, the remains of the Titan loomed faintly in the gray sky.

Angeltai swallowed, and the scepter in his hand was guiding him. The Word Bearer realized that his destination might be different from Kirkland.


Little Herrera fought, bright blood splattered from her wounds, her armor screamed as it shattered, and sparkling light shone on her scales.

But she still fought. The empire shaped her into a war machine. The meaning of her existence was to fight for the empire's victory.

Even if she doesn't win, even if she dies in battle, every blast she fires at her enemy will add to the Empire's ultimate victory.

At that time, those who are still alive can go back to their own planet. They don't have to fight anymore. They can sit on the field ridge and look at the sky slowly.

Barbarus is a semi-agricultural planet. In the following years of little Herrera, she always believed that the life on Barbarus was the most comfortable life.

He was carefree, running in the fields with his brother Hader, and occasionally listening to his grandma telling stories about the Barbarus rebels in the past.

Then, they were taken away by Lord Hades, and her brother Hade became the mourner of the Death Guard, while she followed the black magic and entered Terra to study.

The training of Sister Silence was very difficult, and some people died there forever, but this was just training. In the years of fighting in the future, the people around her changed one batch after another.

Little Herrera has been insisting, and under the leadership of the Lord of Death and Hades, the Barbarus have their own persistence.

Later, under the orders of the imperial regent Malcador, little Herrera finally returned to Lord Hades, no longer as a child of Barbarus, but as a sharp blade, a sharp blade used by Hades.

And as a sharp edge - you need to have the awareness of a sharp edge!

Little Herrera swung her hand and struck hard, blood splattered beside the dagger, and then the bolter pressed against the chin of the purple demon exploded into blazing flames.

Immediately afterwards, the next big demon's long whip broke through the air and struck at her, but the next moment——

boom! ! !

Bright and blazing flames lit up from little Herrera's eyes, and in the exploding flame curtain, the figure of the great sage Kirkland holding the ax slowly appeared.

The flames streaked across the corners of little Herrera's mouth that was in disbelief but slightly raised——

Kirkland, the mechanical madman known to everyone in the Order of Silence.

"Let me enter the main tower!!"

The sound of the Great Sage's changing radio waves came, and Little Herrera quickly made a few gestures. The queue of soulless people split. Kirkland, who was fighting in the demon queue, successfully crossed the last line of soulless people. line of defense.

"He is not the enemy."

Kirkland's voice added immediately, and Angeltai, who was pointed at by the Soulless bolter, suddenly stopped.

But the muzzles of the Soulless Ones did not relax at all, and they still stared at the Word Bearer coldly - he looked as if he had been taken away by a demon.

Angeltai gritted his teeth and raised the scepter in his hand that was emitting golden light.

"In the name of the Emperor and Hades, I follow their guidance and I am here to help you!"

There was still an endless wave of demons behind Angeltai, and Angeltai had to turn around to defend. At the last moment when he turned his head, he saw the figure of the great sage Kirkland flashing into the black stone tower——


Angeltay shouted angrily,

The Great Sage hurried into the tower, his thought engines burning fiercely, and sent a distress signal to the ships of the Order of Silence for the last time.

Angertai's roar disappeared into the demon's roar. The great sage raised his hand, and the imperial guard Charon, who was leaning on the inner door of the black stone tower, raised his eyes.

"The Word Bearer,"

Kirkland said,

"He has the aura of the Emperor. He comes to you, not Hades."

Charon looked at Kirkland, and dried blood spattered on the abdominal armor of the Imperial Guard. His long-term cooperation in the Order of Peace had already made him familiar with Kirkland.

The Custodian took a deep breath and staggered slightly out of the tower. Kirkland saw a penetrating wound in the Custodian's abdomen.

Kirkland knew that they were leaving here. From the beginning to the end, the Great Sage knew that Angeltai was not the same destination as him.

The Great Sage passed by the Forbidden Army. Kirkland walked firmly towards the exposed circuit inside the Blackstone Tower. The entire Blackstone Tower was in a state of shutdown at the moment. He needed to——

He needed to get it going again.

Kirkland's thinking engine was creaking. He didn't even know if it was useful. On such an intense battlefield, could the opening of a black stone obelisk change anything?

But this is the only way the Great Sage can think of to help Pluto.

The Great Sage once witnessed the miracles on Barbarus, and the towering spiers gave Hades great power.

Facing the circuit, Kirkland stretched out his secondary limbs, and countless delicate tools emerged from them. He felt his hands shaking.

He recalled, recalling the scene that Pluto had demonstrated in front of him. In the center of the battlefield, Pluto had repaired a black stone tower, thus saving all their lives.

Now, it's up to Kirkland to recreate this miracle.

Kirkland trembled. On the battlefield, precision machinery maintenance is far more difficult than fighting.

He didn't know if it would be in vain, he didn't know if he could catch up, he even-

He didn't even know if he could pull it off!

Kirkland loudly called out the names of Pluto and Ohm Messiah in his soul, and the slight feeling of weakness responded to him, always reminding the great sage of Pluto's dying status.

Without the guidance of Pluto's radio waves, without the help of the green current, there is nothing here except the slow feeling of powerlessness.

He has sent down great power and generously helped every warrior of the empire.

But at this moment, His most devout followers cannot even gain the slightest hint of His enlightenment.

Kirkland, the most devout believer has received no help, no hint of the true master of these black stone towers, no enlightenment of the Ohm Messiah,

Nothing at all.

Now, it's a mortal moment.

Kirkland trembled, he began to restart the circuit, the thinking engine roared, he began to remember, he began to think, he began to calculate, he began to create.

And what these actions represent, the spare supreme authority of heaven, gives him true freedom and power.

This is the power given to them by Hades.

The sound of rustling cutting was heard, and at the same time, the exhausted voice of the imperial army sounded from the communication channel of the Great Sage,

"We will go to the main battlefield with Angertai."


The imperial guard stared at the scepter in Angeltai's hand that emitted a faint golden light. In a daze, he saw the majestic figure of the emperor. It was him. This was an order from him.

The Imperial Guard opened his mouth involuntarily,

"Repair the obelisk as soon as possible, you must catch up to the last moment."

"Directly overload the tower and weaken the subspace at that moment as much as possible. This is our last hope."


Luojia is crying.

Everything seemed to be too late. His steps were getting slower and heavier, but he still arrived here. Luojia looked at the abandoned god in front of them with a slight trembling.

He is just like Luojia imagined.

The dark armor was mottled with bright green light. He was breathing silently, and the sickle representing execution in his hand was bent.

But it is also teetering and wobbling.

Perturabo took the lead and charged forward with his weapon raised, without any plan or skill - they didn't need these anymore.

They have entered the final distance, have entered the final moment.

The light around the Forsaken God has been stripped away, and the sacrifices directed at the Forsaken God have regained its power.

As long as the Forsaken God kills one of them, the final curse will come.

And if the Forsaken God fails in the fight with them, Luojia and Perturabo will strike the final blow at each other at the moment before the Forsaken God's death.

This is a sacrifice, which represents [betrayal], [being dominated], and [being played with]. They are still aloof, watching the wonderful drama performed by the dolls.

This will re-energize them and represent their victory.

Unless... Luojia thinks of... unless... unless there is something that can interrupt or disrupt this process...

The subspace is surging, making the sound of waves.

He watched as the Forsaken God raised his scythe and faced Perturabo, who rushed forward first. Blood splashed out with sparks.

Hades vomited a mouthful of blood, his eyes burned with the last flame, and his scythe trembled under Perturabo's hammer, making a sharp metal friction sound.

Perturabo's body had already reached its limit, far less than his peak combat power. Luojia's eyes reflected the image of the Lord of Steel falling into a disadvantage.

In the supreme sky, a lewd laughter sounded, even if it was mixed with dissatisfaction.


No... Luojia thought like this as he felt the distant call, the call from his most loyal heir, Angeltai.

Angeltay hasn't arrived't...

Luojia shook his head slightly, but his body had already started to move. He raised the light of revelation and walked towards Hades.

no no……

Luojia watched the Lord of the Underworld staring at him. The dying trapped beast was already the last trace of the flames. His eyes were burning with anger - the one directed at the traitors in the subspace.

The sickle of Hades struck down from Luojia's side, and Perturabo's war hammer struck out from behind Lord Hades.


Luojia chanted softly in his mouth, and he heard their sneers. A graceful hand rested on the string and slowly stroked the bow string.


Luojia squeezed out a word from his mouth, Angeltai, Angeltai - God Emperor - save all this, save all this!

【……Do not kill me…】

Luojia resisted hard, and his movements became slower. The sickle slashed down violently, blood splashed out, and he fell backwards, but he was still far away from death.

He saw Hades swing the scythe at Perturabo.

The Four Gods did not choose him.

The delicate hand on the arrow began to relax,

At that moment, a lot happened,

In the distance, Angeltai, who was surrounded by many demons, saw that familiar color——

Charon behind him pushed the Word Bearers forward violently, and Angeltai was pushed out, while the Custodes Charon and Silent Sister Little Herrera behind him fell into the sea of ​​great demons.

"My father!!!"

The bright golden light and Angeltai's roar exploded at the same time. Angeltai rushed forward and without a trace of hesitation, he threw the dazzling scepter towards Luojia——


Inside the black stone obelisk, Kirkland trembled and stopped. The black stone circuit of this obelisk was burned out by the previous waves, unless - unless something could serve as a conductor to reconnect it.

It only takes a moment... Kirkland thought, it only takes a moment for him to adjust the black stone obelisk to the overload state.

But this moment is enough to destroy all the souls near the obelisk.

The Great Sage reached back and grasped the black stone spear, on which Pluto's black domain remained.

Kirkland groped inside the black stone obelisk. He walked to the place where the road was broken and imagined the teachings of Hades.

Then, he raised the black stone spear in his hand high and struck towards the broken road!

Blackstone Tower suddenly let out a scream!


Luojia held the scepter, and the tears on his face shimmered under the golden light.

At that moment, he saw his father.

The God-Emperor stood there, staring at him,

Without hesitation, Luojia shouted his last words,

[God Emperor, I will sacrifice my remaining pure soul to you in exchange for the survival of Hades! ! ! In exchange for the eternal survival of mankind! ! ! 】

He took the lead in performing sacrifices, sacrifices to the God-Emperor.

The next moment, the spinning head, golden light, and the darkness in the distance exploded at the same time.

Slaanesh loosened his grip and an angry voice came from His mouth.

I received an apology and the alliance was over.

I have a bit of a fever today.


Then there is book promotion

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