Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 429 29 The winner is Guilliman

Chapter 429 2.9 The winner is Guilliman

There's always been a lot going on for Robert Guilliman, especially now.

Papers piled up in his office like an avalanche, and two panels of the command board were even broken. Information came to him like a tsunami, from the dispatch of the legion to the placement of the evacuation ships.

Because there were so many refugees, Guilliman had to urgently allocate four more space ports to accommodate refugees, and at the same time speed up the review and identity release of refugees.

If it were anyone else, even other Primarchs, they would be overwhelmed by these countless complicated and verbose documents.

But he is the Lord of Macragge, Robert Guilliman. You can question the working speed of anyone in this universe, but you cannot question Robert Guilliman's.

Guilliman put down his pen and finished the review.

He put down the pen with satisfaction, feeling the heavy joy after the work was completed. Guilliman picked up the tea and tasted it.

Now he has seventeen minutes and thirty-six seconds to rest. Next, the information from the eastern part of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar will arrive. In three minutes, Macragge's security data will also be updated, and then there will be the dispatch of the Legion. …

As Guilliman sipped his tea, he stared expressionlessly at the two Primarchs slumped on the sofa across from his desk.

Angron was sleeping with his head tilted back against the back of the sofa, his relaxed muscles rising and falling with his breathing.

Mortarion, on the other hand, bent over and carefully looked at the map of Ultramar placed on the short table, dotting it with a pen from time to time.

Seeing movement on Guilliman's side, Mortarion raised his eyes in the shadows.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, and Angron, who was sleeping soundly, snored just right at the right time.

Guilliman took a deep breath;

【Excuse me,】

Guilliman said politely,

[You two, you can go spend your time elsewhere. 】

He watched Mortarion raise an eyebrow slowly,

[Then it’s the Avenue of Triumph,] Mortarion pulled out Macragge’s map and clicked on it with his pen, [There’s an amusement park there. 】

Guilliman believed that the probability of smashing the cup on Mortarion's head now was by no means zero.

【...You want to go to the amusement park? 】

Guilliman raised his hand, preparing to ask the Ultramarines to take these two humanoid decorations out.


Mortarion said slowly,

[You should close it, and all other entertainment venues, you can leave part of the bar for emergency water supply, but the rest should be closed, the school should be fully closed, and then a curfew, and every day Restricted access and closure of blocks. 】

Guilliman was silent.

Ultimately, he chose to recalibrate his own image of Mortarion.

【now? 】

Guilliman asked, [Ultramar is not under attack now, but this will cause unnecessary chaos and make the people unstable. 】

Mortarion opened a hand,

[Public sentiment is unstable? 】

The Lord of Death sneered,

[They have sufficient food - grains, vegetables, meat, and even a variety of spices. The water is sufficient and clean, and the air is directly breathable. You said that in such an environment, Macragge will have public support. Unstable? 】

In the past Barbarus, this would have resulted in a huge boost in morale.

Guilliman was silent, and Mortarion stared at Guilliman as a matter of course.

Guilliman remembered his previous conversation with Yuden. Mortarion came from Barbarus, a world of death, and there was a natural gap between him and them. He could not understand Guilliman, just as Guilliman did not understand him. General.

Guilliman paused for a moment, trying to make his words tactful and reserved.

[Macragge is not a military world, and the people here have not been fully mobilized. 】

Mortarion got stuck for a moment,

[You don’t need military mobilization——]

Mortarion stopped, his eyes flashing with disbelief. He looked at Guilliman, as if he saw a fish growing two legs and running on the ground with its feet.

Mortarion chuckled.

[The people here are spoiled by you, Guilliman. 】

[This is the right they deserve,]

Guilliman replied calmly, "They deserve it." 】

Mortarion stared at Guilliman. For a moment, Guilliman saw Death holding the scythe in confusion, but Mortarion still lowered his head.

【All right,】

Mortarion said,

[I have warned you, Robert Guilliman, and if you want to believe me - then you should do this. 】

Guilliman put down the tea in his hand. He sat upright with his hands on the table, crossed.


Guilliman said seriously,

[I respect and want to believe you. You are the outstanding anti-psionic original among the three of us. In many matters, you can discover hidden dangers that we cannot see.]

[But Ultramar has its own laws of operation. I understand your good intentions. If the curfew and the measures you proposed are suddenly implemented now, Macragge will immediately fall into the chaos caused by this policy—— I don't want my people marching on Macragge for their right to roam the night freely. 】

【procession? 】

Mortarion spoke, as if he didn't believe it, and he repeated it again,

[Parade, at this time? 】

Guilliman was a little annoyed. He thought every word he used was clear enough.

[Yes, people will march when the policies are unreasonable and disturb the normal public sentiment, but under my management, Macragge has not had one for fifty-three years——]

[You should shoot them. 】

Mortarion said calmly that he had now glimpsed the false truth behind this paradise. The reason why this paradise was not that Guilliman himself was strong - but that it was lucky enough.

It has not yet experienced the pain of war.

Mortarion stood up and left the room. He had said all he needed to say. Next, let's see if this paradise can continue to be lucky.

Guilliman stood up. He seemed to be angry at Mortarion's last words. He supported his desk with both arms and shouted in the direction where Mortarion left,

[Ultramar has a complete defense system and sufficient security troops. There is no need for us to take action on people's livelihood——]

Guilliman shouted. He had deduced the defense countless times. The war would start from Mandeville Point first. The Ultramarines' reconnaissance array in the space station would be the first to discover the enemy. Then there would be a fleet battle. Missile silos will support them, and then they will jump into gang warfare, or lead the war to the ground...

Countless interlocking links constitute a war. In this war, the only opportunity for civilians to appear is to provide supplies and improve morale for his legion, and to replenish the auxiliary army in time.

Guilliman took a deep breath. He felt that Mortarion had been testing his patience.

[Mortarion, look at yourself, the reason why you asked the people of Macragge - ugh! 】

Angron suddenly covered Guilliman's mouth. Guilliman glanced to the side in horror and found that the Lord of the Red Sands, who had been sleeping just now, had arrived beside him at some unknown time.

Angron made a silent gesture. After receiving Guilliman's affirmative nod, Angron slowly lowered his hand.

[He is not in a good mood, we should be considerate of him, Guilliman. 】

Angron said softly,

[You can complain to Ms. Euton later, but Mortarion cannot do that. 】

[Of course he can’t go to Yodon! 】

Guilliman roared, and Angron smiled helplessly.

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No more today

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