Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 431 211 invites the first victim

Chapter 431 2.11 invites the first victim

There are many ways to destroy a world, natural disasters, economic collapse, dynasty changes, wars, plagues -

Among them, there are always some disasters that start from a small individual.

for example……


It's an ordinary day.

Boris was walking on the patrol road as usual. He was a soldier of the 20th Chapter of the Ultramarines. He graduated from the Third Academy of the Ultramarines fifty-three years ago, ranked 34th, and successfully became a An extreme warrior.

Boris held the bolt gun in his hand and received instructions from his superiors. He and his battle brothers will be responsible for patrolling the area where the World Eaters Legion is stationed.

Boris welcomed the brothers in white helmets and blue armor to Macragge. He heard that the World Eaters were people who valued brotherhood and glory, and Boris appreciated these qualities.

Boris paced solemnly, his helmet boots clanking on the steel floor,

In the distance, some walking World Eaters stopped and saluted Boris, who returned the salute.

One hour, thirty-four minutes and six seconds later, Boris successfully completed a patrol. He walked back to the rest room, where he could rest for five minutes before patrolling the next area.

But when he walked into that room, Boris realized that something in his life had changed forever.

There were several chairs on display in the simple and clean room, and the U-flag and the double-headed eagle flag of the Ultramarines hung from the wall.

In the middle of the room, there was a trembling old man standing.

"Feel sorry,"

The old man stammered, "I wanted to visit my son, a porter, who lives nearby, but I got lost. Sir, could you please show me the way?"

This was supposed to be a very ordinary, temporary mission to help the citizens of Macragge.

But Boris looked at the old man, and he subconsciously took a deep breath. He recalled his true mission.

He was an alpha, and so was the old man.

And when he remembers who he is, that means he's going on a mission,

... Angron.

If they were to save Sanguinius, Angron was destined to be sacrificed.

This is fate, and the balance is always fair.

Boris thought, this is why he is standing here, why he is an Ultramarine.

"Okay, citizen, follow me this way."

Boris said, opening the door for the old man, and at the same time, the conscientious ultramarine informed his superiors of the news.

Boris knew that this move would send other signals,

And they've already started.



Casting master Pasteur silently opened the tightly guarded door, and the dim light turned on, shining on the fearless body.

Antai, the commander of the fifth company, cautiously walked out from behind Pasteur. Seeing Antai enter the room, Pasteur closed the door and immediately locked it.

"You have to think carefully,"

Pasteur said dullly,

"The Forgemaster has the right to conduct regular inspections of the Dreadnought, but it is against the regulations to bring in unrelated personnel."

An Tai swallowed and stared at the fearless machine, which was modified by the commander himself and shone with a cold light.

Antai spoke hoarsely, using Barbarian language,

"Pasteur, Io and Lena are dead."

"I know."

Pasteur replied calmly. He walked to the command podium next to the Dreadnought as usual and activated the recovery system.

An Tai smiled and said,

"It's hard to imagine that Lena, who passed the recruit assessment with us, was a traitor - the commander even praised a few of us,"

Pasteur raised his eyes from the operating table.

"I'm not interested in this, Antaeus."

"If you were really not interested, you wouldn't help me."

An Tai forced his eyes to move towards the fearless and dark eyepiece,

"After so many years, I became the captain of the fifth company, and you became the strongest forging master in the foundry department...Io was supposed to be the next chief pharmacist, and Lena-"

"He became a traitor."

Pasteur hummed, "There are still forty seconds."

The engine roared, the pressure-reducing sound of medicine injection sounded, and the Dreadnought began to tremble.

An Tai closed his eyes,

"Pasteur, you are lucky, you did not experience that... In those days, I stood there and watched the people I once knew were torn off their true colors and dripping with blood."

"If you are dissatisfied by this," Pasteur said, "I can always send you to those people you know well, Antaeus."

"No," Ante said, "I just want to know how it all happened, and I believe I can find the answer from here."

An Tai was silent for a moment,

"He is the first traitor in the paper records of the Death Guard."

"Karas Typhon."

Karas woke up with a sense of dryness on the verge of death. He opened his eyes dizzily.

He thought he would see a sad-looking Mortarion, or Hades finally ready to kill him.

None, he saw two little brats.

"What the fuck is going on-"

"Bang!!! Boom!!!!"

A dull and huge explosion suddenly came, and the bulkheads of the Earth-shattering Endurance trembled.

The warning red light turned on, and he saw the little boy turning his head and listening carefully to the alarm on the communication channel for a while——

Ante shouted out suddenly, and he signaled Pasteur to open the door quickly.

"A spaceport exploded!"

"One tile away from the Death Guard - that's where the World Eaters are!"

The foundry master opened the door, and Antaeus, who had been summoned urgently, immediately ran out, leaving Pasteur standing by the door.

Pasteur turned around slowly and stared at Callas Typhon, who was silent.

"I'm sorry, sir, it happened suddenly. Maybe I can let you sleep again."

Karas thought about it calmly, and among a bunch of bad things he might face, and the Mortarion he might face later, he chose to sleep again.


Pasteur stepped forward, preparing to close Dauntless again. Staring at Pasteur, Callas suddenly asked,

"Little boy, who are you?"

"Master Forge Pasteur, my lord,"

Pasteur replied honestly, and to prove that his skill in casting would definitely alleviate the pain of Dauntless, he added,

"Disciple of Commander Hades."

"What did you say?!"

Callas screamed,

"Someone else to shut down, anyone! Except you - and Hades!"


Mortarion walked sadly on the streets of Macragge. He would next return to the Death Guard fleet and find a way to get out of this damn place.

He would rather die on a cold battlefield than rot in the promised land.

But that was not what troubled Mortarion.

He silently calculated and planned. He stepped on the land of Macragge step by step and analyzed it mathematically.

Mortarion was always one step away from the outcome he calculated.

No matter how he calculates, deduce, and analyzes.

It's always one step away.

Mortarion frowned, wondering irritably, what had he overlooked?

A blessed land, a pampered people, the Death Guard, Macragge...

Mortarion raised his head subconsciously. Before his eyes were illuminated by the fireball bursting from the sky, he finally remembered what he had missed——

Angron? !

The Lord of Death turned around suddenly and ran towards the castle.

Behind him, brilliant fire broke out in the sky.

Ominous numbers are surrounding Angron's numerology.

Sorry... No more today... Half of the life on the side of the body has been consumed. I will update during the day tomorrow. Everyone goes to bed early... Vomiting souls...

To tell you a strange thing, my old little notebook is finally on the verge of being scrapped, and I almost failed to open Writer Assistant today...

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