Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 454 234 The Old Man’s Bad Intentions

Chapter 454 2.34 The old man’s bad intentions

Where is this? What is he to do—and who is he?

This was the Endurance, it was time for him to come and see his brother, and it was... a Mortarion.

Correction, a Mortarion.

Guilliman subconsciously wanted to take a deep breath to calm his heart, which he thought would no longer be filled with joy and sorrow, but in fact, there was always ruthless work in the subspace to show the Lord of Macragge.

But he became aware of the white mist filling the room, so he politely and awkwardly stopped what he was doing.

Mortarion stood before them, and he was...wow...oh my god...the Emperor.

This is really hard to describe.

If Guilliman were to describe it, he would say, first of all, what stood before them was a human.

Guilliman was silent.

He decided to give up describing it all.

A similar scene reminded him of the first time he met Archangel Sanguinius.

Guilliman stood there and saw a god walking slowly towards him with a smile, each wing shining with the glimmer of broken stars.

Guilliman stood here and saw Mortarion rolling his eyes just now. Thank God, he still had normal eyes and not the compound eyes that matched his wings.

The huge, natural wings drooped, hanging down from the back of the skinny giant, dim and dull.

Since the two originals entered the room, all their eyes were attracted by the pair of giant wings folded.

The wings trembled.

Guilliman felt a thrill in his soul, his scalp was numb, and along with the movement of his wings, there was the voice of their old friend,

【Have you seen enough? 】

Angron looked away silently. It was difficult to do, but he was the Primarch, so he did it.

Except for the wings, at first glance, Mortarion is still the same Mortarion, only without armor and thinner. At the same time, part of his body looks like it is made of white mist, and the proportions of his body are also more slender. It looks like a scarecrow propped up by dead wood... or... some kind of insect.

Guilliman looked at Angron, who would be the savior of both of them. Guilliman was not familiar with psychic powers, so he made no sudden remarks to avoid misunderstanding.

Looking at Angron and Guilliman standing at the gate, one behind the other, staring at him warily, Mortarion looked expressionless as he raised his hand and motioned for the servitor to bring two chairs over.

The chair was brought over, and Angron and Guilliman walked to the chair slowly and hesitantly step by step and sat down.

By the way, Mortarion was also sitting, very upright, with a straight back, completely different from his usual domineering and rogue posture, which seemed to require the use of a sofa to support himself.

The back of the chair he was sitting on had been roughly cut off, along with part of the back part of the chair——

It can be seen that Mortarion's weak-looking wings make it difficult for him to sit down.

Guilliman subtly recalled that the Archangel had told him that he had no bed.

Yes, Sanguinius didn't have a bed, and there was no bed that could let him put down his big pair of wings, so the wise angel made himself a nest-like bed to make himself sleep comfortably.

So... Guilliman looked at Mortarion.

He shouldn't need to sleep, that's all.

While Guilliman was meditating, the fearless, wise, and mind-reading Lord of the Red Sands spoke cautiously,

[My brother, are you okay? 】

Mortarion took a deep breath. As he breathed, the white mist in the entire room seemed to rise and fall with him.

【……very bad. 】

The deep dark circles under Mortarion's eyes and his thinner face proved what he said.

Angron blinked and spread his hands,

[I can tell - you look like this, Guilliman and I are scared to death. Is there anything we can do to help you? 】

Mortarion laughed dryly,

[Your kindness is too pale, I don’t need this. 】

Mortarion said,

[I think you mean you want me to explain all this to you? 】

Angron straightened up and immediately changed his tone. He spoke seriously,


He said,

[But Mortarion, we do do it out of worry and good intentions - even if you and I sometimes know that there is nothing we can do, this is still our attempt to make you feel better. 】

Mortarion was silent. He looked a little troubled and uneasy. In the end, his tone softened maybe one in seven million.

[Then you should point this out directly next time. 】

Mortarion spoke, and he stood up heavily. As he stood up, the mist shook off his raised wings.

【That's it,】

He said,

【I have a pair of wings. 】

Mortarion's tone was quite nonchalant, but the other two people present knew that he was pretending.

[... You can... compare it to the pair of wings of the alien birdman... almost. 】

【Birdman? ! 】

Guilliman almost shouted,

[Sanguinius? ! 】

Mortarion frowned and looked at him, seemingly confused. Guilliman immediately changed his words smoothly,

[You reminded me that my brothers are indeed similar. 】

Guilliman and Angron looked at each other, seeing the encouragement in each other's eyes.

Hold it in.

Mortarion slowly averted his questioning gaze. He looked anxious, but if you could see anxiety in a big bug-like guy, then he was probably about to explode with anxiety.

Angron paused.

[So what you mean is that this is... we can all...]

He changed the word,

【Can fly? 】

Angron wondered whether Mortarion, like him, had gained his original abilities after a certain "restriction" was lifted.

Angron gradually regained his mind-reading ability after the Butcher's Nail stopped spinning. At the same time, the Lord of Red Sand vaguely felt that his ability might be more than that.

Among the eighteen primarchs, only Magnus is proficient in psychic powers, and the angel Sanguinius can also simply use psychic powers - then, is it possible that even among the remaining primarchs, there are also those who can simply use psychic powers? The existence of energy?

At least as of now, Angron has determined that his ability is a psychic technique.

As for Mortarion's situation... Angron mused, thinking he was close to finding the answer.

Mortarion's face looked even worse.

【Can fly? 】

Mortarion repeated,

[Want me to show it to you again? 】

The wings behind him suddenly spread out, and a strange light suddenly lit up. In the bright green color that was completely inconsistent with Mortarion's appearance, the flowing skull looked at them ferociously.

Angron stood up in an instant and slowly put down the battle ax in his hand.

He laughed,

[Of course you can, but then again, this is really exciting! 】

Angron stared at Mortarion's wings and marveled.

If just now Mortarion was like a ball of rotten rags, now Mortarion has become a ball of cool and shiny plus version of rotten rags.

Angron walked towards Mortarion, and after gaining Mortarion's tacit approval, the Lord of Red Sand walked around Mortarion.

He thought that Mortarion would end up like him, dim, inconspicuous, and tired... But after these wings spread out - this was the original!

Angron didn't object to having a pair of these guys, but it would be better if they were of other colors, and... Angron laughed in his heart, and he didn't want the style to be insect-like. If that didn't work, bird-like ones would be fine too. .


Angron walked around Mortarion and patted Mortarion hard on the shoulder.

【nice one! A perfect match for you! 】

Mortarion's mood improved slightly, and he smiled,

Angron thought he might be the first to praise Mortarion's appearance.

Guilliman, who had just stood up after Angron, also walked over cautiously.

【Very consistent. 】

Guilliman said,

[But for me, this is still unimaginable. 】

Guilliman laughed;

[It seems that I have to expand the limits of my imagination. What I can see is too little. I always have poor learning ability in this area. 】

Mortarion folded his wings. As if he was still not used to this big guy, he flapped his wings a few times before folding them.

[Sometimes...it's a good thing Guilliman, but in this case,]

Mortarion stared at Guilliman.

【I envy you. 】

Guilliman's blue eyes looked back at this new insect-like Mortarion. This was not something that Mortarion would say.

【I envy you even more,】

Guilliman spoke carefully and briefly, one hand holding the sword at his belt.

[In this matter, I apologize to you, Lord of Death Mortarion, because my own error in judgment has led to your enemy, and I am sorry for that. 】

[This is just a private reflection. If you think this is not enough - then we can have a more solemn ceremony. 】

Mortarion stared at Guilliman, as if examining something. Finally, Mortarion said slowly,

[No need, this is...]

He spoke with some pain,

【This is what I have to experience. 】

Guilliman was stunned. He expected Mortarion to at least give him a few sly words.

But Mortarion just remained silent, and then he suddenly spoke,

【That person is not dead. 】

Guilliman blinked in confusion.

【Which person? 】

[The one everyone knows. 】

Angron frowned and crossed his arms

[Why, can't you mention him? Ha-uh! 】

The rising white mist immediately covered his mouth and nose. The originally tasteless white mist instantly became pungent and unbearable.

【I will not say! I will not say! 】

The white fog dissipated.

Angron wiped his nose, the unforgettable smell,

[So what happened? 】

Mortarion was silent, looking even sadder.

In fact, this matter is easy to explain. Mortarion became the psyker he hated most - or some kind of subspace existence that far exceeded psykers, and in the process of his transformation towards this state...

In order to survive, Mortarion summoned Hades and used a part of himself as bait.

Mortarion's own destiny line was already very close to Hades, and he sacrificed a part of himself to Hades.

This resulted in his psychic energy being marked.

Hades might be able to recognize Mortarion and try to put the brakes on, but Hades might not.

He attacks warp creatures indiscriminately.

So who are the warp creatures now?

Who is it?

Malcador smiled quickly and passed away. After all, he was a psyker, not a [subspace creature].

It was a sad thing, but Malcador could only laugh.

Mortarion grimaced,

[...He will attack me. 】

he said, explaining to Angron Guilliman that it was Malcador who told him,

[Cannot be recalled, cannot be mentioned, cannot be spoken of. 】

Mortarion was silent for a long time,

[Unless I wish to destroy myself. 】

The even sadder news is that he may not be able to resist and now goes berserk unconsciously, drifting in the black realm of subspace.

To a certain extent, Mortarion should be grateful to the Four Gods. They are now doing their best to pin the Black Realm to Cadia, only letting it leak a little when it is summoned.

...He might as well bring about his own destruction.

Angron took a deep breath,

[This sounds sad. 】

[But at least we got good news, he's not dead, right? 】

Guilliman swallowed.

[This is good news, but I mean, his tombstone on the Endurance...that should be...]

He and Yudun also presented flowers, and now it felt as if they were offering sacrifices to a living person.

Mortarion sighed deeply,

【I have no idea,】

The Lord of Death spoke candidly for the first time. After experiencing all this, especially after Malcador's one-month memory recovery therapy, he seemed to have become more sincere,

[All I know is that we need to go to the battlefield—right there, where he fell. 】

【...As long as there is a chance...】

【Then what? 】

Angron looked at Mortarion intently,

[…Makado didn’t tell me the rest. 】

Mortarion said, stating simply,

[But I feel that other existences similar to us are there. 】

[They were there, giving him a glimmer of hope. 】

Mortarion's eyes were blankly cast into the distance,

[After this... I should thank them. 】

His eyes turned to Guilliman and Angron, dully,

【Same as you. 】

Angron paused;

[Brother, it was us who slowed you down. 】

Mortarion stared at him, and finally,

【you're right. 】

Mortarion spoke again, cleanly,

[You should know more about subspace. I think... Malcador will be happy to teach you this, just like he taught me. 】

Mortarion breathed a few more times, and after the seventh, he spoke, opened his hands,

[I'm trying to take back my form. When Malcador thinks I won't hurt mortals unintentionally, I will go out. 】

[You can also call me, the Pale Lord, and call me with seven deaths, and I can send down my power. 】

Motali paused.

[But I hope you call... the emperor, or that person, they are effective, far more... grand than we imagined. 】

Mortarion turned around and sat back down. He stared at the two visitors in the darkness and white mist.

[There is nothing else to do. I still exist and will continue to exist. Thank you for your visit. 】

Angron and Guilliman, who had received the hint to see off their guests, were unable to stay any longer. They looked at each other, left a few greetings and concerns, and then disappeared into the long corridor behind the door.

The black stone door slammed shut.

Mortarion sat there, as motionless as an insect perched on a branch.

For a long time, a rustling sound sounded in the mist,

The small Death Guards came out, and they spontaneously gathered around Mortarion, and some tried to pull up Mortarion's cloak.

Mortarion bent down and lowered his hands, letting the two small Death Guards stand up. He stared casually at the two small Death Guards in his hands who were tilting their heads and looking at him.

[…They didn’t see that I didn’t know them, right? 】

Mortarion was silent,

[Who is Sanguinius? 】

he said, whispering to himself,

[Makado...that damn...old man definitely didn't tell me everything. He deliberately told me to compare him to the alien species. 】

No more, great!

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