Chapter 459 2.39 Welcome to Barr


A corner of the former grand church was blown open. Sunlight shined through the broken ceiling and fell on the angel sculpture with a calm face. Cracks opened from the top.

The archangel fluttered his wings. He stood in the light, holding his sword on the ground with both hands, closing his eyes slightly and taking a nap.

His Holy Blood Guards stood beside him, their blood armor gleaming, ready.

There are still countless wars, large and small, breaking out on this planet, but they have been controlled by the Blood Angels in deserts that do not involve important areas.

And now... after eight weeks of bloody battle, the angel needed a little rest.

He just needs to sleep standing up for three minutes.

The wings of the archangel no longer have those thin golden and red chains for decoration, but are replaced by dried blood. Some feathers are knotted and twisted into a knot in the blood.

The archangel frowned slightly in his sleep, which made him even more calm.

At the first minute and eight seconds, hurried footsteps broke the silence in the church.

He is the commander of the Holy Blood Guard, Azkalon, a subordinate of Sanguinius, and the complete opposite of Amit the Flesh Tearer.

When Azkalon was about to arrive at the archangel's location, which was the first minute and thirteen seconds after the archangel fell asleep, the archangel opened his eyes tiredly.

【Tell me,】

Sanguinius said,

[I saw something in my dream - I think this is why you came. 】

In a strange dream, he foresaw the approach of his allies.

Please, Archangel pray deeply, deeply,

God-Emperor, this is Horus, the son of Horus, please.

If it is Horus, then they will light up the beacon of human civilization in Baal again.

Horus had command of all armies, command of billions of forge worlds, and, more importantly, was Sanguinius's best friend.

Sanguinius had sent signals for help to the Sons of Horus countless times, and he had also anticipated Horus' arrival countless times.

God Emperor... Sanguinius sighed inwardly, please must be Horus.

Even... Fulgrim can do it.

The archangel's blood-red eyes stared at Azkalon, waiting for his words.

Azkalon bowed briefly,

"In the name of the God Emperor, in the name of the Archangel, my father, according to the detection of the automatic scanning array, multiple fleets suddenly appeared at Mandeville Point."

The archangel stared at him gently,

[Which legion is it? 】

[My lord, it’s the First Legion and the Eighth Legion. 】

For a moment, Azkalon seemed to see the brokenness under the angel's smiling face, but this was just an illusion. The archangel still smiled gently at his descendant.

A feather fell from his calmly folded wings. Since the star torch was extinguished, the archangel moults more frequently.

Conrad Coates and Leon Jonson…

Sanguinius smiled and thought, just fire the macro cannon at them.

He would rather come than Mortarion.

After a brief breakdown, the Archangel set off, hoping least...maybe...he should have more faith in his brothers.

However, what he saw after that cruelly told him that this was a delusion.

The Archangel will deeply understand what "endless suffering" means.


【Rubbish! ! ! 】

【madman! ! ! ! 】

The lion roared angrily and kicked Curze away who was trying to grab him. He panted hard, and there wasn't much air left in the cabin.

Everything just seemed to happen in an instant, a huge explosion, and then the ship disintegrated. Coz had gone completely crazy! He fucking blew up a Queen of Glory!

Without Geller's position, the tide of warp beat them unbridled from the cracks in the cabin.

A big hole was blown at the exit of the corridor.

The gravity system was completely out of control. Along with the chaotic air pressure system, people floated up, were swept to pieces by the violent airflow, and were sucked away by the big hole.

The whole world stood up.

The lion clung tightly to a ventilation duct embedded in the wall, and his other hand held tightly to Konrad Kurtz - he must not let this damn traitor go again.

Konrad Curze was screaming like crazy, and his completely black pupils even started to turn white. Leon felt extremely lucky that Curze didn't wear armor, otherwise Curze, who was wearing power claws, would It will definitely scratch the lion's arm to pieces.

A low, earnest whisper echoed in his ears. For the lion, he had seen this before in the woods of Caliban.

He growled angrily, trying to calm the deranged Curze.

Curze's tears were dragged by the airflow and fell towards that direction. That was the place where Fulgrim last appeared. The Lord of the Night seemed to be desperately hoping to leave with Fulgrim.

The Phoenix will be fine, Leon thought, the Emperor's Children's ship is over there, and Fulgrim is the Primarch.

If the Primarch died so easily, he wouldn't be the Primarch.

Finally, after what seemed like a moment and what seemed like a long time, Warp spat them out in disgust.

On the fragments of the ship they were on, the gravity system suddenly started working again, and with a bang, the two original bodies hit the ground.

After this battle, Leon's armor was almost completely destroyed. Except for a sword in his hand, he was now reduced to the same level as Curze.

The lion screamed with rage. This scene had never occurred in his advance plan - this was supposed to be a gang-hopping battle that could be easily captured, rather than the prey blowing up first.

He even fell into a warp rift!

After Fulgrim disappeared, Curze went completely crazy. He gave up everything and tried to attack Leon regardless. The severed arm was already covered with frost.

The Lord of Caliban attacked, and they beat each other in the chaotic cabin. Leon was sure that two of his teeth had been knocked out by Curze.

To correct you, the gravity system is not working. In fact, the gravity system of the Night Veil is just like its owner. It is a madman. In the half-interrupted cabin, the gravity increases and decreases for a while.

This adds a lot of fun to the asymmetrical free fight between the two original bodies.

For a moment they were floating in the air, twisting and sliding, trying to deliver a punch, and since there was no support, the lion had to grab Curze with one hand and punch him in the face with the other.

They clung to the ground for a while, and gravity pressed them firmly to the ground. The overwhelmed ventilation pipes and light tubes were pulled down from their heads by gravity, and then their heads were smashed.

While they were fighting at the same time, the air circulation system and temperature control system of this cabin were completely broken. The air became thinner and the temperature continued to drop.

In the end, Leon, who was pressed against the ceiling by the reverse gravity, spat with his face turned sideways. The broken teeth and blood foam were smeared into a thin puddle on the ceiling by gravity.

The long and intense fighting, the difficult environment, the trip to the warp, and the injuries they sustained had brought both Primarchs to the edge of their limits.

Under the gravity that made the entire cabin creak, the lion struggled to stand up, and he climbed towards Curze - the Lord of the Night seemed to have fainted, but it is possible that he did not, and this was just his disguise. .

He climbed, leaving a trail of blood on the ceiling.

Curze cackled, almost there——

Leon heard something, like footsteps or the sound of something slapping.

He turned his head and saw a pair of golden boots standing on the edge of the big hole, like a bird with half of its feet in the void.

With a dark face, Sanguinius stepped into the cabin step by step. The huge gravity made his footsteps sound unusually heavy.

With every step he took, many feathers fell from his wings, like stones falling to the ground.

As if he couldn't stand it anymore, the angel turned his head, raised the spear in his hand, and stabbed towards a bulkhead in the cabin——


Along with the gravity that was completely destroyed by the Archangel, Leon and Coze suddenly rose up and rushed towards each other.

【Everyone stop it! ! ! ! 】

The Archangel shouted loudly, and his free, outstretched hand was slightly retracted, and a golden spear that was about to penetrate the bulkhead suddenly appeared between Leon and Curze, just passing by the two people who were about to fight.

The archangel took a deep breath. He saw Coze and Leon turning their heads towards him. After a brief glance, the two men rushed towards each other again.

They even seemed to hope to snatch the spear that the angel had just thrown.

The angel had a dark face, and his expressionless face looked like a real god of war. The wings behind him spread out, and the angel slowly drew out his sword.

A fight is needed now.

The archangel thought.


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