Chapter 464 2.44 Broken Prophecy

Curze let out a strange, deathly laugh.

He was laughing, he was crying, and he looked at the broken sculpture. At that moment, the Lord of the Night was sure that he saw something inside under the pure white appearance——

That is the truth about the thing called Sanguinius.

Archangel... Archangel...

Conrad struggled, why didn't you listen to my advice, why did you voluntarily walk into the abyss?

He chuckled, he deserved it, he deserved it.

Now...he looked at the broken god struggling in the phantom...this was the whisper that existed in Konrad Curze every minute and every second.

…Angel, be broken.

Conrad Curze shed bloody tears, and he whimpered again, as if singing an elegy for his brother.

… He was right, but Curze didn’t want to be right.


You feel suffocated.

Breathtaking, ridiculous, unbelievable.

You looked down the river, and the bright sun of Baal turned into the light on the Blade of Vengeance. You saw him, and he was there.

Horus Luperkar, your best friend.

You are recognized as the best friends among the Primarchs.

You don't know that if fate flows as it should, Mortarion, who admires Horus, will lament your relationship with Horus.

But in addition, he is the legion commander of the Sons of Horus, he is the eldest son that everyone is looking for, he is the warmaster, and he is [the person most trusted by the Emperor].

He is [the Emperor's most trusted Primarch], there is no one.

He is sitting there, sitting at the strategy table where you once had a long chat with him. He looks very tired, very tired - he has endured much more than you from the beginning.


You stare at his back,

he got hurt.

You knew he was injured, and you smelled blood, but you didn't see any obvious wounds on his back. The strong smell of blood touched you, with the coldness of winter, which made you feel even more uneasy.

You lifted your feet and tried to walk over cautiously.

【Horus? 】

You asked softly, but he didn't answer your call, so you raised your voice again and spoke carefully,

【Horus? 】


Horus spoke, his voice hoarse, as if he had lost his soul, like a lost dog.

You walked behind him and saw the Warmaster in light armor, playing with two rings in his hands.

You recognize them, a gift from the Emperor to Horus.

The clay ring had cracked, with unknown cracks climbing on it, and the gold ring was also dull.

You realize that the two rings must have protected Horus to some extent a few times, but now they can't hold it anymore.

You stare at Horus, and you feel that he is...infected? Or it could be some other existence. Horus didn't just have an aura about him.

But it could also be that you are being paranoid.

Horus caressed the two rings, and there was a certain emotion in his tone that made you subconsciously tremble.

You build the Empire, you overthrow the Imperial Truth, and you spread the faith of the God-Emperor.

You don't know which of them is acceptable to Horus.

[...Sanguinius. 】

Horus said in a low voice, his hoarse tone hiding things that you can't face - disappointment, sadness, despair, anger... you can't try to distinguish them.

Horus gently touched the cracks on the ring, as if recalling the thrilling scene.


The Shepherd God lamented and prayed,

[Is what I insist on really just a joke? 】

Horus spoke softly, breathing heavily. He put the two rings he was playing with back on and stood up resolutely.

You subconsciously took a step back in surprise.

You watch Horus walking towards you, but your wings are not reflected in his eyes. You are just an illusion in the prophecy. At this moment, Horus is real, and you, you are A vain passer-by.

No, you are the executioner who caused this scene.

Horus stood solemnly on the thick wool blanket in his study, the complicated ancient Terra patterns shining dimly under the light.

You look at all this in surprise, is he really Horus? Or is it just a demon imitating his appearance?

Horus stood still, and his tired and evasive eyes regained clarity and firmness in a moment. Horus turned his back to you again, as if he was facing some other existence that you could not see.


Horus spoke, and now you realized what Horus was doing.

[Are you really going to give me the title of Warmaster? I am not questioning your prowess and wisdom, I also know that I am the most outstanding one among my nineteen brothers,]

[But I still feel uneasy. The uneasiness has been shrouding me like a mist at night, like a mourning crow standing in front of my window, croaking. I feel a little uneasy about my own existence. I can be the most outstanding person among the nineteen warriors, but I am not sure that I will be a good general. 】

Horus shut up and remained silent. Of course you know what it was. The Emperor stood in front of the heir who loved him the most, comforting his child.

For a moment, you actually felt a little nauseous.

The Emperor - does the Emperor know this?

You think about it, it was a mistake for him to hand over an empire that was doomed to collapse to the child who most expected to satisfy his ambitions. The cornerstone of this empire was even a lie.

You don’t know how the emperor comforted Horus, but you can imagine those empty and frivolous words, and even more empty promises, using a few words of his own to cover up the heaviness of an empire.

You stared at Horus, who was still continuing the performance. Horus was the most innocent being in this game. You began to hate the Emperor a little.

He personally pushed a soul loyal to him to the gallows.

You don't know the Emperor's final order to Hades, you only know that he ordered Horus to stand on the edge of the cliff.

After a brief silence, Horus smiled happily. The smile on his lips was so sincere, and there was no trace of bitterness.

[I will, father, I will - I swear on the soul and life of Horus Luperkar, I will take up the name of Warmaster, I will lead the empire to a more glorious future, I will not Live up to your every expectation. 】

Horus smiled, and you could already imagine the words of the man opposite him, which were nothing more than more empty promises.

You look at Horus, look at him, your best friend, you look at him, rejoicing, standing before the eyes of the galaxy, crowned with laurels, joyfully receiving the Empire from his father's hands, he Gearing up, he hesitated in his ambitions. The Great Crusade was about to end, and a more glorious future was coming. God, why couldn't he not be happy?

He looked at the empire in his hands with joy, trying to manipulate it carefully like a child. He believed that he would be able to master it soon, because he knew that he was the most outstanding existence.



The masterpiece slipped from his hands and fell to the ground, shattered.

Horus collapsed.

Horus, who had just been reviewing the scene of repeating the communication with the Emperor, collapsed on the ground. He held his head in pain, struggled and sobbed, and the huge self-blame and guilt overwhelmed him.

He must have struggled, he must have tried, but this was not a situation that a Primarch could turn around.

Because he had struggled, because he had tried hard, his despair at this moment became more and more unforgettable.


Horus sobbed softly,

[ can' no ! Magnus - Russ! ! 】

Horus murmured intermittently, you heard the names of your brothers, you heard the names of those planets and worlds, you heard the names of some... demons, you heard the name of the Emperor.

The smell of blood on the tip of your nose becomes even stronger.

In a trance, the lights dimmed for a moment, and you saw blood——

Blood...blood seeped out from the feet of Horus. They crawled on the ground in dense numbers, and blasphemous characters centered on the Warmaster were written in blood.

That's a monster playing drama towards you.

You blinked, Horus was still there wailing, but the carpet was neat and clean.

You listened to his painful wails, and you couldn't help walking over. You squatted down and wrapped one wing around his back.


You said firmly,

【This is never your fault. 】

You know that you are just a phantom, you can't disturb him, you can only try in vain to comfort him - or comfort yourself.

But he raised his head,

Horus stares directly at you.

You felt goosebumps crawling up your spine,

[Then why did you betray me, Sanguinius? 】

Horus's eyes are unblinking. He stares at you, the whites of his eyes are bloodshot.

Your nose twitches again and you smell blood - is he really Horus? Would Horus say such things to you?

No...he will.

Sanguinius thought, indeed he would.

Horus's eyes were filled with resentment;

[Second Empire? just turned your back on us? Is your new kingdom built on the corpse of an empire? Do you think some existence has passed away? Do you think……】

Horus sighed deeply,

[...You think I failed, right? 】

Horus asked incredulously,

This is Horus, you feel like you are sure of this again, only Horus would ask this,

Your mouth felt dry and you swallowed, feeling grit streaking through your throat.


You retorted subconsciously, speaking as softly as possible,

[Horus... Horus... This is just a temporary organization. I... I can't contact you. We have been waiting for your return. 】

[Am-am I going to be the one who betrayed our father? 】

【No, that's not the case,】

You quickly added, [This is... this is just a helpless move. It's very hard for us to persevere. I have been waiting for news from the empire and you. 】

You watched Horus sigh again like a dying man, and you realized that your words were still increasing his pressure - your presence, your words, your words to shirk your responsibilities were also there. Add to his stress.

You, your empire, your [Knight Commander], your [Judge], remind Horus all the time of his dereliction of duty.

However, the truth is that the Warmaster did fail in his duty.

He failed to keep the empire - but was it really Horus's responsibility alone?

You paused and changed your voice to a slightly lighter tone.

[So what do you hope to do next, Horus? 】

Horus stared at you. He was trembling. There was hatred and incomprehension for you in his eyes. There was collapse and despair in his eyes. There was the dead silence after a near-death struggle. He stared at you closely and opened his mouth slightly.

Your reason tells you, Horus will say, and he will judge you.

He will at least give you some punishment for your behavior. The Horus you know is arrogant and you are close friends, so he will suffer even more because of this.

But Horus said, he said,

The Wolf Shepherd sighed tiredly,

【...I can't forgive you. 】

[…But I can’t even forgive myself. 】

Horus stared at you with his eyes shifted. After a brief moment of stubbornness and anger, only a long period of fatigue remained.

【I just want to……】

Horus sighed;

[...I just want to sleep for a while. 】

Then try to understand this crazy, broken world.

You feel something is wrong, and you start to get a little anxious. You know Horus's current situation. He can't sleep. He has to build a high wall in his mind to resist the whispers of the devil.

【You can't sleep. 】

You said firmly,

"You can't sleep through it, Luperkar, you have to let your consciousness occupy you all the time - you can't give up. 】

Horus looks at you, and you look at him, and you see his evasive and uneasy eyes. He is not aggressive. In this matter, Horus used his surrender-like attitude to stab the Holy Spirit in turn. Gilles.

At that moment you realized that the Horus in front of you couldn't hold on any longer.

His body was severely injured, and his soul found it difficult to accept the fact that he could no longer go on.

He just needed a short break - but the world wouldn't give him even a second.

He doesn't believe you. You don't know whether this is his nature or whether he saw certain existences in the subspace.

He tells you with his eyes that he is going to put his consciousness into coma.

Horus shook his head feebly,

[...I can't do it anymore, angel...I can't do it anymore. 】

Horus blinked slowly. He was sleepy. He was sleepy at an alarming speed. You felt that his body was about to collapse in your wings. You heard the rising whispers,

You want to persuade him, but you suddenly realize,

Is this really Horus?

Is it the Wolf Shepherd you know?

Did he give up so easily?

And after all you did, he still calls you "angel"?

You frowned, the smell of blood came back again,

You slowly put your hands on your waist, holding your sword,

[You are not Horus. 】

【who are you? 】

Before you finished speaking, the lights in the entire study suddenly went out. You saw a monster. Under his feet were blasphemous words written in blood. He held broken ashes in his hands. You stared at him, staring at him, trying to identify What.

You gasped sharply, the sword in your hand not trembling at all.

Now, you think, it doesn't matter whether he is Horus or not.

It doesn't matter which side is an illusion.

You shouted, while stabbing the monster with the sword in your hand, you just need to make sure to kill it,

Must, must, kill, die, it.

End, end, his pain.

【Oh God Emperor! Please give strength to your descendants! 】

The dazzling light flooded everything, and you knew you were about to wake up from your dream. At the last moment, you saw the dying monster, and you saw the dying Horus.

True and false, illusion and reality, you fall out of the dream.


Curze pounced forward,

【You hurt him! Why are you--】

Sanguinius slowly stood up, and the hand he placed in Curze's mouth cleanly pressed down Conrad's newly grown mandible again.

【This is just an illusion,】

Sanguinius said calmly, coming to his conclusion,

[I have made my decision, and now, Conrad, it is time for you to fulfill your promise. 】

Conrad whimpered and covered his mouth, tears streaming down his eyes. Perhaps he could not imagine that there was such a cruel person in the world.

The Lord of Night might think that's true.

It’s really gone this time. Don’t wait. It was updated three times yesterday.

No more, great!

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