Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 475 35 subspace chess and card rooms

Chapter 475 3.5 subspace chess and card room

[Subspace chess and card room]

+It's just a game, but I think you'll like it. +

In the narrow bar, the man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks spoke. He and his opponent were sitting on a greasy small table. He wore a leather hat with a long blue bird feather decorating it.

The man spoke slowly and in an extremely smooth and ambiguous voice. He stared opposite him with a smile. Opposite him, the long-haired man in a linen shirt pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

On his head, a golden laurel wreath shone.

The bright light illuminated the small table, and the rest was darkness. In the darkness, an ominous barking sound sounded.

+My dear,+

The man in the blue feather hat laughed, he opened his hands and looked at Nios happily,

+How are you feeling now? ! +

The man jerked forward. He pressed down on the table and covered his weights with his hands. The blue and white chips piled up with a clatter.

+Being on the table requires awareness. +

The man said flatteringly, and he tried to stretch his hand towards the opposite weight. Nios remained motionless. The man suddenly retracted his hand, and the golden flames disappeared from his hand.

Neos turned his gaze away from the largest card.

In the middle of the table, a card has changed.

The originally dark and square card, the neatly inlaid silver and gold threads on it had all burst out, revealing cracks, and the darkness was surging, unconsciously extending probing tentacles to the surroundings.

This card is no longer the [Pluto]/[Lord of the Silent Order] in the Emperor's hand.

The words on it twisted as if alive, recombining into new characters——

【Destroy the Fool】

The man laughed shrilly, and as he laughed, the darkness around him began to tremble.

Neos glanced vaguely into the darkness, and now they were alone on the table - and they gave it a chance.

Neos stared at his opponent and said softly,

"Do you want us to die together?"

Of course, he can pour all the power of faith into the black realm when mankind has no hope, allowing it to complete its final upgrade - the underworld.

As long as Tzeentch dares to let the Black Realm swallow up all hope of mankind, Nyos will never hesitate for a millisecond to flip the table.

By then, the only winners in this world will be the Necron.

+ No - no no no, my friend! +

The man wiped the tears from his eyes as he laughed.

+This is no longer interesting! Look - I'm different from those guys, I never play games with a predetermined outcome! +

+I know——+

The man said ambiguously. He looked at Neos as if he was looking at his biggest pistachio.

+I know you are a gambler, crazy person. As long as I give you a little chance of winning, you will continue to play, right? +

+We indulged you too much before, Neos,+

The man said, he fell backwards, his hand went deep into the darkness, a threatening grunting sound came from the darkness, and something darker than the darkness was attracted,

+ Of course you need to take risks. When you choose to use it, you need to bear the awareness of being bitten by it. +

Nios remained calm. Something was staring at him in the darkness. It was completely different from his usual casual and brisk gaze. This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

+Look at you - and us, how well it's growing. +

Neos was silent. He was silent for a long time. Now, the [Star Torch] representing [Terra] has been extinguished, and the mist has enveloped Terra. His power also ensures that the four gods will not discover Terra soon. .

Nyos did not count Fenris.

Or maybe he believed in the Wolf King and Magnus, who was under the care of the Wolf King.

In the destiny that Neos saw - as a powerful psyker, the Scarlet Sinner's destiny is bound to Cadia, and he holds the key to reversing the odds of victory, even...even if his future destiny is uncertain There is a risk of being tinged with chaos.

A powerful psyker, there is a chance that Cadia will be dyed with a background of chaos.

In Neos' calculation, this position belongs to Magnus.

In the eyes of the Emperor, the Black Realm, led by Tzeentch, will seek trouble for the Legion - which requires the Primarchs to hold on.

As long as Malcador and his party find a way to reach Cadia and successfully awaken Pluto, the situation will become clear again.

Or... Neos pondered, the four gods collapsed internally, and the other three gods could not resist the pressure and sealed the Black Domain in Cardia.

"jump over."

Neos said, stay still and wait for the opponent to play his cards.

Opposite Neos, the man holding a card fan smiled and stared at the cards in his hand with cunning eyes.

[Fenris], [Eye of Magnus], [Wolf of Foolish Loyalty], [Brotherhood].

Before Prospero burned him, at the Council of Nicaea, he had already planned the surprise of this scene!

When Prospero was burned by the Emperor and the treaty he signed with Magnus was violently torn up, the [Prospero] in his hand automatically transformed into [Fenris].

This is their fate!

The man smiled. He also wanted big and grand strategies, as well as small and exquisite layouts - this is him!

He could not wait to see the look of shock and anger on the Emperor's face - perhaps tinged with some sadness.

Their variables are dead! Tzeentch screamed, relying only on themselves, the cards will only become more and more favorable to Tzeentch!

As for the ambiguity of prophecy brought about by the Black Realm, Tzeentch thought that he really loved it!

I really can't do it anymore... I'm going to write an interlude... I'm about to catch a cold... Ugh... I'm going to drown in my nose...

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