Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 479 39 The Lord of Change! Give strength to your followers!

Chapter 479 3.9 The Lord of Change! Give strength to your followers!

The cold wind surrounded him.

One foot deep, one foot shallow, the snow piled up to the original body's knees was arched away, and Magnus trudged forward on the snowfield.

Winter has arrived.

Above the vast sky, the edge of the cold wolf moon slid across the cold light. He was watching him, and they were watching him.

He felt the surge of power, and Magnus could no longer tell whether this was Fenris's favor—or part of his deal with the Lord of Change.

But that's not important.

Magnus thought, he was praising the Lord of Change in his heart, he was reprimanding the cruelty of the false emperor, he was panicking about the coming of the [Jailer] - for this reason he was willing to make this deal.

Magnus felt the bright blue light begin to surge up from the corner of his soul.

His speed is just right.

Magnus thought that it was just enough to avoid being discovered by Fenris, and enough to ensure that Magnus would not go back on his word.

The debt collector has his own judgment. If he is willing to borrow Magnus's power, he has determined that he will have an income greater than the principal.

It was determined that Magnus would eventually join him.

He - Magnus will naturally not go back on his word!

He would fulfill his end of the bargain, and if he failed, Magnus would suffer the consequences of that failure.

The cold wind slapped his face, and Magnus gritted his teeth. Fenris was trying to block Leman Russ's storm, but it also blocked Magnus's way.

Ice and snow as big as pebbles swept over his naked skin. Fortunately, his skin was red, Magnus thought, otherwise his arms would have been scratched red by now.

In the vast white snow, he staggered, and a little scarlet moved slowly.

The old voice of ice and snow rang in his ears,

+The Scarlet King - He is coming soon, prepare your spells, there is still hope for us. +

Magnus gritted his teeth, and the solution given by the Fenris Soul was to use psychic power to ignite the way to [it], while protecting the network that existed in Fenris as much as possible.

Magnus chuckled.

Naive, he thought, absolutely naive... Anyone who has truly experienced and faced suffering will know at a glance that this will not work at all... just like... before...

He didn't want to think about it anymore.

Such an innocent being is destined to endure ill will.

Magnus gave a twisted smile.

Magnus thought, while echoing Fenris, he called the Lord of Changes in his heart. The Lord of Changes provided him with another set of spells, which was close to the Fenris spells. set - but the difference lies in the penultimate syllable. The changed syllable will allow Magnus to sacrifice Fenris smoothly and rob Fenris of its power.

Magnus laughed as if he was crying.

He hobbled barefoot and entered the scene he had seen when he made the prophecy.

The ragged red man stepped into the altar prepared for him by Fenris. Magnus was in a trance as the wind and snow beat at him, urging him, but Magnus was not in a hurry - because no matter when he started , Leman Russ will only arrive at that point.

Fenris was unaware of this, just as he was unaware that Magnus had already made other deals.


Magnus slowly raised his arms. He raised his head. The white cloth binding his blindness had long been removed. The cold and biting snow fell down and fell on his red and smooth face. It was melted by the body temperature and turned into crystal. Transparent water dripping down.

He felt the approaching darkness.

He is right! ! !

Magnus silently shouted that the prophecy was true - but no one believed him! ! !

In a daze, in the extreme cold, he seemed to have returned to that stage. Magnus blinked in fear, and he saw himself standing on the stage of Nicaea,

Magnus' vision seemed to have returned, and he took a step back in panic under the glare of everyone's eyes and spotlight.

God... How Magnus wished he could turn back time and go back to that time, even if this was his last fantasy,

He would not have messed up all that. He would have had the possibility to apologize in advance... Magnus comforted himself, but deep down in his heart, he already knew that the moment he made the transaction, his ending had already come to an end. .

Magnus opened his single eye that had not yet been dedicated to the false emperor, and tried hard to look against the light and find the Thousand Sons in the audience who were excitedly waiting for him to speak.

He feels sorry for them...

Magnus gave a smile that was uglier than crying.

On the stage in Nicaea, Magnus smiled gently, and he bowed to the audience gracefully and slightly tremblingly.

He spoke and stomped slowly on the stage,

[There are friendly existences in subspace,]

Magnus said, he swallowed nervously, he could do this right and not screw it up, give him another chance, he won't let them down, Magnus will prove he is right of,

[However, due to the small number of samples, I cannot show you the samples directly. 】

Magnus said, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Is that his sweat, or the snow water from Fenris?

A familiar sneer from Magnus sounded from the audience,

【absurd! 】

The Wolf King laughed and sneered. He patted his chair roughly. Magnus looked at him with a smile, but the Scarlet Sinner's eyes were full of anger.

He stared at Leman Russ—he hated him so much. Russ was born on Fenris, and he witnessed the whole process at the time—but because he did not stick to the truth because of his position,

The truth is that Fenris can testify for Magnus at that time and prove that what he said is right.

He is right.

Magnus gasped, bright blue filling his eyes, accompanied by overwhelming hatred and arrogance,

Countless pictures flashed in his eyes. In an instant, the Lord of Changes showed him countless better futures, countless happy endings that originally belonged to Magnus - but those have been ruthlessly taken away by those damned ones. Yes, the anti-psychic.

【Leman Russ,】

He said calmly,

[You have been a barbarian from the beginning to the end - a barbarian, a person who does not respect knowledge, a person who covers his eyes and does not want to see the truth. You destroyed me and allowed them to judge me - but you refused to defend me, obviously Your hometown, Fenris, is the strongest evidence to support me. 】

Magnus smiled. He knew that he had said it. His voice was carried away by the cold wind and reached the figure who was stumbling towards him.

【——M——G——NU——Si——! 】

The howl of the Wolf King carries far away on the wind,

【What are you going to do? ! Damn it, stop it! ! ! ! 】

Magnus smiled, and he suddenly raised his voice. The spell shredded the cold winter. He raised his arms high, and the wind and snow rolled around him as he chanted the spell.

Even now that Magnus thought about it, with the blue light glowing at the tips of his hair, Fenris still thought Magnus was friendly.

Magnus had been friendly.

Friendly Magnus is dead! ! !

Because this world is cruel enough! ! !

If you want to survive, to live - to live above the lives of most people - you need to be ruthless enough - trust no one, and don't think anyone will trust you.

Magnus thought that he only lived for himself now.

Above the red hair, the darkness of madness was staring at him.

In the vast ocean, a star lit up fiercely.

Magnus felt his soul burning. Fenris was loyally blocking Leman Russ for him—but he was already here!

Magnus laughed and was thrown to the snow by the Wolf King who rushed up. His blood spattered. Poor, ridiculous Fenris was still trying to help Magnus stop his eldest son.

What a pity, Magnus could already hear the Lord of Change applauding.

If He asked Magnus to predict this scene, then was He also so happy at the Nicaea meeting?

Magnus didn't know, and he didn't need to know.

The Scarlet Sinner laughed, and he allowed Leman Russ to grab his throat and try to stop his spell, but Magnus was filled with absolute hatred and absolute unwillingness, and the wizard's tongue would never Stop, and he will only curse more fiercely at the moment before death.

Magnus lay on his back on the snow. At that moment, he "saw" the approaching monster - this was the only fairness in the world!

He thought that Leman Russ was almost strangling him to death, and his voice finally stopped. The Scarlet Sinner felt that the darkness had begun to erode. Deep in the ground, the first tentacles penetrated the webway, and the cracks extended. , starting from the entrance, the tunnel peeled off piece by piece.

[It] hasn't even fully arrived yet.

Fenris's approach would fail from the start.

Magnus thought - because it was innocent enough, kind enough, and had not seen real, crude enough malice.

What was rushing toward them was the most terrifying existence in the galaxy.

The will of a planet alone is not enough to contend with it.

Time is running out.

Magnus, who was being strangled, hoarsely yelled out an inverted ninth note.

The next moment, a huge air wave burst out! Leman Russ was knocked away.

The Wolf King struggled to stand up from the snowdrift. He stared at Magnus in disbelief. Magnus was standing in front of him, a bright blue light enveloped him.

Leman Russ was convinced that now, Magnus, the bastard, could no longer be called his brother.

[Praise to the Lord of change,]

Magnus laughed and wiped a handful of his messy hair from his forehead. He raised his head proudly in the betrayed wind and snow,

He said casually, and dazzling psychic lightning shot up from his arms.

It was only at this moment that Tzeentch truly began to lower his power. The power of chaos was rapidly eroding Magnus's soul, and the Scarlet Sinner did not resist at all.

Magnus used his fingers to trace his smooth skin, which was originally where his eye sockets were.

[Damn Fenris barbarian,]

Magnus said,

[I will sacrifice you to my master in exchange for my true new life. 】

The last characters must be soaked in blood and sacrifice before they can be spit out.

No more, great!

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