Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 482 Extra: Confessions of a Fool

[Would you like to listen to the story of a sinner? 】

The wind and snow were howling, and boundless darkness shrouded the surrounding areas. The only bonfire was crackling and waving, reflecting the calm face.

At the very edge of darkness, those brilliant blue lights floated like auroras.

Hades sat expressionlessly beside the campfire, where there was only light, leaning against a fallen giant tree that had groaned and fallen behind him.

He didn't care about the story of this giant tree, or the past of this giant tree. At this moment, hundreds of millions of beings older and more magnificent than this giant tree were falling - but Hades didn't care at all.

He waited by the campfire with an expressionless face, waiting, silent.

Until behind him, the squeaking of snow could be heard.

Hades ignored him, and a ragged red-haired man sat down opposite him, as if he had finally found a place to live. He breathed a long sigh of relief and took off the bloody bandage from his eyes. The dirty straps fell onto the snow.

Magnus blinked his one eye, and the bonfire lit up in his eyes, and the red phantom light covered his original eyes.

The two of them were speechless. Hades was like a towering ancient tree that really grew in the forest. He just stood there quietly, growing silently.

Magnus took a deep breath, with a wry smile on his lips. He scratched his messy hair and picked up the wine bottle that fell in the snow beside the campfire.

It was a flat wine bottle, just the right size for the original body to hold with one hand. Dirty oil stains were greasy on Magnus's hands. The Scarlet King raised the bottle curiously, and as expected, saw a line of baba at the bottom of the bottle. Ruth small print.

[I am indeed not the first. 】

The Red Man whispered to himself in a low voice. He uncorked the wine, and a foul pungent smell rushed straight to his door. Magnus coughed violently a few times and slapped his face in front of him [I would rather drink Lu Sri Lanka's mead. 】

As he said that, Magnus turned around and looked around the environment, as if he was looking for something, but it seemed that he didn't find what he was looking for.

【you can,】

Magnus comforted himself that at least there was something here, he just comforted himself, hesitantly raised the bottle and drank the garbage brewed by Mortarion,


Magnus regretted his behavior just now. His tongue touched the tentacles of at least three beetles. He cursed the damn Mortarion and capped the bottle decisively.

Even if he drinks diesel directly, it will not torture his tongue.

The damn liquid garbage was like a sticky fire, slowly dripping down his esophagus in a line. Magnus retched, almost wanting to spit out his stomach.

The toxin eroded the defense system of the original body, crawling onto his flesh and blood like insects. Magnus shuddered. The internal damage caused by the toxin gave the Crimson King a hazy brain and red skin. Performance.

Damn you Mortarion, Magnus cursed in his heart. Internal bleeding and corrosion of internal organs are also a kind of drunkenness, right?

But it has to be said that the wine brewed by the Pale Lord really put Magnus into a state "similar to drunkenness".

Magnus burped to expel the poisonous gas from his stomach. He paused and looked at it for a week with drunken eyes. The night was still dark.

【All right,】

Magnus said with self-deprecation,

【I do not regret. 】


He nervously held the wine bottle in his hand and subconsciously opened it.

Magnus stared silently across from him, like a meditator's Hades,

[He still got part of me, right? 】

Magnus took a deep breath. He felt a chill creeping up his spine. This thought made him feel like he was falling into an ice cave. Subconsciously, he took another sip of poisonous wine.

The Red One coughed violently and began to curse Mortarion loudly, commenting sharply on the stuff he brewed that tasted worse than shit.

[Is this what he uses to force criminals to confess? ! 】

Magnus shouted, "He didn't even have to make them drink it, he just had to uncork it and let them sniff it - by Prospero's name!" This thing will be ranked in the top three most disgusting existences in the galaxy! 】

Magnus cursed for a long time, but then he felt uncomfortable again, so he took a few more sips, and this time, he fell silent.

【All right,】

Magnus muttered, and he shook the bottle in his hand. The liquid in the small bottle sloshed in his hand.

Magnus carefully placed the bottle back by the campfire. He raised his hands and gestured innocently,

[Leave something for future generations - I think, maybe I am the last one, the most unlucky existence, right? 】

Hades naturally did not respond to him. Magnus knew that the "Hades" in front of him was just some boring, symbolic representation, and the real Hades was this endless darkness.

【I do not regret! 】

Magnus suddenly shouted again. After realizing that he was the only intelligent creature that existed here in a sense, Magnus felt pretty good.

【I do not regret--! 】

The Crimson King spoke loudly, his face was covered with sweat, and his red skin reflected the light of the fire.

【I just...I just...】

He scratched his tangled hair in vain, what should he say? He had nothing to say, and what could he do as Magnus stood there, before the great trees of Fenris?

He was just roughly pulled out once again, from the good fate he originally accepted, and suddenly thrown into the cruel reality.


Magnus thought that at least this time he was mentally prepared, and it would not be like the first time - he stared at Hades, raised his eyebrows, and crossed his arms, as if he remembered the original meeting of Nicaea. That scene.

Magnus sighed deeply.

Well, at least that kept him from doing something stupid again.

What can he do? Facing an innocent planet soul, a barbarian who pretends to be a barbarian until he really becomes a barbarian.

Magnus smashed his mouth and glanced at Mortarion's bottle without leaving any trace.

Maybe he should continue to wait for death in the wolf's prison. No one is looking forward to him, and everyone is trying to persuade him to stop taking action.

Even if he doesn't do anything, the outcome will be the same for Magnus,

He became Tzeentch's puppet and spent thousands of years in the scorn of everyone.

But, Magnus thought, he couldn't... really do nothing.

Having faced the Emperor's wisdom, he knew what all this meant.

The more I wake up, the more desperate I become,

【It's really difficult,】

Magnus sighed,

[You don’t know how I felt at that time - it’s indescribable. I seemed to have returned to the night when Tizka was destroyed. I stood in the chaotic night of Tizka, at the foot of the great library, staring at it tremblingly. of burning. 】

【but me……】

Magnus stared at his palms,

[Realizing that I can’t do much. 】

He turned his hand over, as if he had discovered a new hobby, and looked at himself with his restored eyesight,

Magnus swallowed hard.

[The future is determined, the past is determined, the prophecy I saw is true, I am still watched by it, all this is even what it allows me to see. 】

[It’s a really difficult time. 】

Magnus said, but then his voice rose easily,

[But you don’t know—I deceived everyone! All - including that being who claims to be wise! 】

He was complacent, opening his arms and flaunting his brilliance loudly, but not many beings in this galaxy would notice him.

[At that moment,] Magnus said, [I was ready. This was definitely not what I thought of at the time - I clearly saw the formation of its veins, in those dark days - - I analyze everything, I chew everything - you simply have no idea how difficult those days are! 】

He was trapped in prison, his legion was disbanded, and his descendants were imprisoned.

【Finally, I did it! 】

Magnus spoke loudly, his voice torn apart by the darkness and lost in all directions.

[I did it, I deceived God, at the expense of myself, with the last goodwill in the subspace, no one believed me - of course I knew, so I deceived them all! 】

said Magnus, and he laughed, laughed wildly,

[No one believes in me - not even the chaotic existence - this is the cornerstone of my success. 】

Magnus laughed loudly and wildly, arms spread wide, he laughed in the dark, but the last tone was a sob,

[I even sacrificed Fenris——]

Magnus said brokenly, [I finally became the one who crushed hope - it was the only one who believed in me - it was so like me before, I was just that... I was just that... 】

Magnus howled,

[I betrayed it so easily, without any hesitation - I didn't even hesitate at all on this issue! 】

He betrayed his previous self,

Magnus let out a broken scream,

[This is why there are no good intentions in subspace, I understand! I totally get it! I was wrong - you were right! I was wrong! 】

He looked at Hades provocatively, but the other person never answered, so the red king languished again.

【But what's the use...】

Magnus said softly,

[You never care about this, right? 】

【I have noticed it a long time ago,】

Magnus scolded loudly, [Damn pragmatist! 】

He lowered his head in boredom, feeling a little bored again. The Red Man saw the wine bottle, and Magnus picked it up without hesitation. He took a swig, and then threw the bottle away gracefully.

【belch! ] Magnus said, [Okay! I don't care anymore - my stars will forever be dusty and despised by millions, but I did it and proved my worth to you damn pragmatists. There is no room for noble people in this dirty land. No noble people. Having to live in a clown's mask - I've seen it all. 】

Magnus took a deep breath of his alcoholic breath;

[I have seen my fate. I, Magnus, the Scarlet Sinner, will always be the puppet of the gods and will never be able to escape. 】

He looked at Hades,

[If you are really Pluto - come and cut off my destiny! 】

When Magnus drank, his figure became erratic, like a beating flame, and he disappeared into the vast darkness, never to be seen again.

Darkness rustled.

The cold wind brought the last words,

【……Thanks. 】

So the fire continued to burn.

No more, great!

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