Warhammer: I don’t want to be a can of worms! ! !

Chapter 491 49 Breaking Each Other’s Defenses

Chapter 491 4.9 Breaking Each Other’s Defenses

The candlelight suddenly went out, and strands of cold mist floated from the burnt black candle thread, slowly and slowly, rising into the darkness.

In the silent darkness, the Pale Lord's sighing voice sounded, and the sharp iron blade scratched the ground, making a discordant cry.

+What do you want to do, kill the [Decedent]? +

As if in a dark corner, the rustling whispers of crawling reptiles emerge from the hazy fog, and the cold and dead words seem to crawl up the listener's spine, causing goosebumps to rise suddenly.

Horus chuckled. He seemed to be annoyed and waved his sharp claws randomly. White mist floated feebly from the gaps in his claws.

[Do you only know this kind of deception? 】

Mortarion chuckled lowly,

+Nothing compared to you,+

He said, + At least I know where my power comes from - Horus, do you know whose gift you are accepting now? +

The Great Khan intervened in the conversation between them in time. The original body of White Scar, holding the White Tiger Scimitar, bowed cautiously in the fog. The rising white fog surrounded him, like the tall grass on Chogolis, serving him Provide cover.

[Horus, you are not what you once were,]

Khan said cautiously, [Surrender, you need to rest. 】

Khan watched, and he watched Horus's face twisting into an inhuman shape - the power of words was so powerful that it successfully angered Horus,


Horus gasped, his eyes burning with rage, [Do you still think I am wrong? 】

The Warmaster, the Warmaster of the First Empire opened his arms, he stared at the Khan,

[You are a traitor, Khan. You originally had your own place in the empire - are you really willing to abandon it and follow someone...]


Horus looked at the scythe in the fog. The Warmaster who had just been talking endlessly fell silent. His words stopped for a moment, as if he was looking for a suitable adjective.

His moment of silence angered Mortarion, or perhaps the Pale Lord had actually made up his mind at this moment, the sound of the scythe piercing the air was heard, and he headed straight for the head on Horus' neck!


There was a brief explosion and sparks, then a dazzling second blow! The third strike! A sudden shower of fishy wind came accompanied by the light of swords and shadows, and a dazzling flash of light lit up in the dim room!

There was another tooth-crushing sound of metal tearing. The giant scythe opened sideways, and the ashes on it were shaken open. The bright red blood splashed into the air from the silver-white metal like beads, and was swallowed up by the white mist silently. .

Horus grinned ferociously. He shook his hand that was numb from the shock, and scratched a slight scar on his face, but he was sure that he had succeeded. His giant claw successfully transmitted the blocked Touch.

Even though his blade did not tear off any blood, Horus was not discouraged - it was not like Mortarion was still dripping with blood.

He stared at the being in the mist. Horus was briefly stunned when he realized that he could not see Mortarion clearly, but then he realized that this was a symbol of Mortarion's deception.

He fears you and therefore is unwilling to fully emerge from his realm.

Yes, from beginning to end, Horus and Khan, whose torsos were still in the physical world, realized that the space they were now stepping on was not solid earth. At least, in a sense, half of their feet were stepping on the Pale Lord. In the realm - Storm Prophet also summoned him, just like summoning a demon,

It's like summoning a demon.

Horus couldn't help laughing when he thought of this. What shame do they have to accuse you? He still fought with his fleet, his sword, and his warriors, but what about Mortarion?

He sighed at Khan's unclear understanding of people. Jaghatai had the opportunity to become a powerful general under him. This primarch who had been marginalized by the empire had the opportunity to become a great man who restored the empire.

But after he witnessed Mortarion with his own eyes, he chose to turn to Mortarion without hesitation.

Horus was confused. Even the most insane creatures, as long as they still had some sense, shouldn't choose to trust Mortarion - is that acceptable to humans?

【Are you angry? 】

Horus asked jokingly,

[Look at you, Mortarion, I barely recognize you. 】

He responded with another sickle strike! Horus smiled and dodged, and the giant scythe passed by.

+I just want to survive...+

Mortarion panted. He seemed to be panting in pain all the time. As he breathed, the all-devouring white mist was expelled from his mouth and nose.

+You don’t know...+

+Alive - What is it like to live to carry out your own consciousness, Horus. +

Mortarion said, feeling the blood of Horus. The wings on his back were trembling slightly, and sparkling glitter fell from them. The substances extracted from the blood of Horus were slowly but surely play their role,

+I sympathize with you,+

Mortarion said, +Because I know what it feels like to be watched...but you...you had a chance to die, right? +

Horus coughed violently, and he angrily tried to continue the attack, but the Khan who had been dormant took action, like a tiger, the Khan's knife accurately and quickly pounced on Horus's throat, his trusted friend At this moment, I still hope to give him a decent departure.

At the same time, Mortarion's scythe was lowered again——

boom! ! !

The whole room suddenly shook violently, causing the Khan's sword to deflect slightly. Horus blocked the Khan and immediately faced Mortarion's sickle blade!

Blood spilled from the corner of Horus's mouth. He looked shaky, but he seemed to be getting bigger. The darkness that shrouded the house began to expand again. They had been watching the battle silently, but they were unwilling to take too many actions. ——

But they cannot lose Horus either.

The mist rolled, and Mortarion lowered his scythe in silence, his figure becoming unstable...

The Pale Lord's eyes were fixed on Horus, as if he was weighing something.

Horus struggled, coughing like he was about to die. He was muttering something in a low voice, either resisting or frantic words spewed out from his mouth.

Mortarion stared at Horus, for whom he had a vague respect—perhaps it was time for them both to put an end to this farce.

Originally, they all had a chance to end it.

As long as you say that word...

As long as you pronounce it...Pandora's box will be opened...

This familiar word has amazing magic power, and the losses it costs are simply out of proportion to the benefits it brings. All it takes is a call, and you only need to prepare a heart that will burn with all your heart——

His lips trembled,

Mortarion felt his heart pounding in his chest. Does he still have an organ like a heart?

But finally, he remembered the words of damn Malcador,

"You need to think about the galaxy, Mortarion."

His eyes under the hood were tired and serious, and he pressed his curved scepter against Mortarion's breastplate.

"You can no longer be willful - we have no ransom for your willfulness."

+...it's time to go. +

Mortarion's whisper floated softly into the Khan's ears—

+They reacted. +

No more! Sorry, my roommate also fell down today. I accompanied her to the hospital.

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